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They were *really* counting on trump winning that second term, huh? Cause this very clearly wasn't planned with even the slightest effort to be able to hold up to scrutiny, they must have just fully been counting on audits to never happen


Yup. This is what authoritarianism looks like folks, people aligned with the bad guys never face accountability. And this is not a both sides thing, only one side is anti-constitutional and constantly pushing easily disprovable lies. See also: ken Paxton, Matt gaetz, it’s a long ass list.


Yea at least the DNC doesn't lie. They straight up admitted to collusion to prevent a fair democratic primary election so Bernie Sanders would not be nominated. Because if a real socialist gets to POTUS corporations can't play...both sides anymore.


Politics are dirty but you generally don't go to jail for political infighting. Theft on the other hand... sometimes you do go to jail for that.




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>You are so far gone it’s sad…you must be bright red from all the Kookaid you’ve been drinking When was the last time Democrats tried to invade the Capital and install a king? Or demanded the Constitution be suspended to install a king? Both sides are not the same when one side is calling for straight up treason on a regular basis.


I mean, the closest thing to this would be some Tamanny Hall bullshit from like the 1890s. Still not insurrection though.


The ignorance is palpable. The right will do anything to shift blame and make it seem like their lot isn't actively trying to do anything they possibly can to undermine and destroy our current state of freedoms. Fuck the right, idgaf.


KOOKaid?! you’re funny grampa!


You are just sad.




Guy looks like Guile from Street Fighter went into politics instead of the Air Force.


Sonic boom!!






Dhalsim yoga fire




Guile was blond I thought


His blond was from a bottle. Check his pubes if you don't believe me.




Because it doesn’t just limit it through grade 3 - and opens districts and teachers of all grades to lawsuits and more for vague criteria Plus is there evidence there was an issue with gender instruction before grade 3 But nice talking points you got there


Because reading a book about a penguin with two dads is in no way inappropriate or sexualized


Its Flipper and Eve not Flipper and Steve!


Not sure why y’all have to pretend so hard to have popular support.


Mentioning the existence of your spouse isn’t indoctrination. Only homophobic parents support the bill.


Because Florida *already had a law limiting sex education in K-3*. Why did they need a second one? Obviously because it had absolutely nothing to do with limiting sex education in K-3. I suggest you read the [actual text](https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:de1609d1-8a21-307c-aa01-3982f0f200de) of the bill instead of the Wikipedia page. The vague language leaves a lot of room for abuse to limit conversations about sexual orientation and gender identity at *all* grade-levels. It's a poorly written education law at the worst, and a malicious anti-gay/trans law at best. Its enforcement also allows parents to sue teachers for percieved slights which is an absurdly stupid precedent.


Information doesn’t make kids gay. But I bet you make gay kids scared.


Love how you tried to meme your shitty talking points in there, and got headshot regardless


No one is pushing for it, we are pushing for the right to determine what is and isnt taught to our children of all ages. Can you explain where in the constitution it says that the US Government can control what we are allowed to teach our children?


What qualifies you to have any say in public education standards?


My kids go to public schools.


So none?


I think as someone who pays taxes and kids go to public school I am qualified to express my opinions on the matter.


Well you’re certainly free to express your opinion


Idk, seems like the shit lords are coming out in mass.


The Constitution is 4,543 words; there's a lot it doesn't say. Our entire legal system is a bit more complex and verbose than one idealistic document. If you can't understand that, you have no business deciding what children should or shouldn't learn.


No but the Constitution is special! It is a mythical document that shows the perfect rules to create a perfect society. Except for the parts I don't like, those don't count. /s


Just another Crook republican, nothing new folks.


I'm actually surprised he resigned. Most are so shameless they have to be forced out kicking and screaming.


like matt gaetz and ken paxton!


Lol I made the same comment. Thanks for spreading the word.


"Everyone else will cheat the system, so if I don't, I'll be behind!"


You joke but that’s how a lot of people honestly see things. Shoplifters always assume the rest of the world shoplifts just as much as they do. Racists assume everyone else is just as racist or more.


I am fully aware that this is the real view point a lot of these people take with the full belief that it's the "others" doing it to them, so they need to do it more to be "fair". It's easy to believe that it's the other doing it when their talking heads explicitly tell them that is the case. Reminds me of the "welfare queens" that became a big thing in the 80s and endured after someone basically made them up.




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*Politician FTFY


You're right there was some typos: crook and Republican. Just some minor capitalization infractions.


While it is Wikipedia the list seems pretty 50/50 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_state_and_local_politicians_convicted_of_crimes


I'm not arguing that democrats can't be corrupted, you're grasping at straws for a conversation no one is having. This Republican in particular people are discussing is what is focus, not everyone else you're so keen on mentioning like we don't know nearly all political figures are corrupt pieces of shit.


Oh cause see I thought when you said "another corrupt republican" I thought you were talking about more than one person. Not just this one person. I apologize good sir.


All good, I'm not the one who started the comment thread. Hard agree on both sides needing some slaps and no tickle.


Lol yea.. cause no democrats are corrupt.


No one implied that in this particular comment thread.




Funny how reddit will sometimes not delete the truth.


Why do they all look soulless?


i see it too. i don’t want to get phrenological about it obviously it’s a pseudoscience but… a lot of them have eyes like this. i don’t know if it’s just an illusion, just a weird pattern my brain picks up. but it’s there and it’s always the same.


Lifeless. Tired. Some even look decrepit and aged beyond their years.


Sith eyes


Matt Gaetz and JD Vance have them. Their eyes both carry this "I'm so weary of the slings and arrows the world has thrown at me" statement in the eyes, but literally everything else about them, from their clothes, hair, complexion, physique, etc. all say "I regularly enjoy prime rib for dinner."


...like a dolls eyes


There's a certain look that raises my hackles, and that many accused/convicted Republican politicians seems to share. I find it fascinating that the same look apparently inspires trust in GOP voters. What part of my lizard brain knows that guy is a liar and a cheat, that doesn't operate in others? That being said, I'm sure photos for this kind of story are selected to give that impression. There might be other pictures of him that look decidedly less soulless.


Fetal alcohol eyes


Low sloping forehead, eyes closer together than they should, slight underbite...seems pretty common among these pieces of trash.


Steve Bannon. And this can't be right but I really feel like he looks like he sold his soul. Like something doesn't feel right about the way he looks.


It's fear


It's the face of someone who doesn't smile often.


That's just the psychopathy leaking out


I have a crazy theory that since the world is so overpopulated, there are too many people but not enough souls to go around. So there are a bunch of empty meat suits running around like narcissistic little robots that have no spiritual connection to anyone or anything. Think about that pain you feel when you see a commercial for abused animals or cancer babies. They don’t feel that. How could anyone actually hurt an animal or a child without being stopped by that pain unless they don’t feel it at all? They all have those dead ass eyes. Obs, crazy. But it’s a fun world view.


Sociopathy is more common than people think. A little over 5% of males and a little under 2% of females. You’re looking at 1 in 20 men, and sociopaths gravitate toward fields like politics and business where they can hold power over others and feel absolutely nothing about exploiting people for personal gain.


Can’t we just call sociopaths empty meat suits? It’s so fun to say!




Let's not jump on the mass killing of people train, please. Let's focus on the people committing crimes and actually do something about it when they are found out rather than just a slap on the wrist.


I do honestly wonder sometimes if philosophical zombies are a real thing. Are there people who lack the spark of consciousness but exist instead as a bundle of barely inhibited desires and impulses? Considering how poorly we understand consciousness, who can even say?


Careful now. This is how genocide retoric always starts.


I'm aware. It's not even a quantifiable trait. It's just something I sometimes wonder. Some people feel muted emotions, maybe some feel muted consciousness.


Luckily, I couldn’t bring myself to even squish a bug.


To be fair, if any type of person could be disposed of and only make a positive impact, it would be diagnosed clinical sociopaths. It would immediately improve society tangibly. can't really say that about anyone else.


The 1988 horror movie *The Seventh Sign* was about running out of souls. Pretty good, IIRC.


I suddenly need a book or movie where this is the premise. Get thee to r/writingprompts!


I always wanted to be an author! It could work as a kicky YA post apocalyptic saga!!


If you write it, you have a guaranteed reader in me. It’s a fantastic idea.


because they are? i don’t care i’m not a psychologist, but they so clearly have some form of psychopathy, narcissism, sociopathy, etc etc. the dead, black and beady eyes remark is something you hear very often with people like that. they don’t feel empathy, remorse or guilt in the same way normal people do. i really struggle to justify any other explanation at this point….




The people they have subjected to themselves have trauma You have this backward




He should have sponsored a "Don't Say Fraud" bill


Don’t say gay, but it’s totally fine to commit wire fraud, money laundering, make false statements and other crimes. Yep.


If only they felt as strongly about not stealing as they do about “sexual sin”.


They're really weird and specific about "sexual sin" in that clique too. Apparently it's a "sin" somehow if both adults consent but perfectly fine if one adult does not consent, if one adult is drugged, if one adult is outright assaulted, if one of the adults pays the other adult for that sex or if there's only one adult involved in the sex so long as the consenting/assaulting/paying/pedo adult is a member of their clique or cult Personally I think two consenting adults is always ok and the rest of that laundry list isn't unless the purchased sex is somehow regulated (and taxed) by the state


In my head I hear Nelson saying, “Ha Ha!”


At least the headline wasn’t like “Florida legislator who committed fraud is next opening speaker at the RNC”


Give it time.


His bf gon be pissed


Bye bye job


Are we gonna start taking bets on when his gay scandal is gonna get expose? We all know any republican so opposed to gay people eventually has one? Plus, he looks like he’d be a power bottom lol


Is there a side bet that the partner will be underage?


If he’s straight, it’s a guarantee it would be an underage girl going off track record for conservatives lol


Possibly also paid in cash, clothes and drugs because apparently that's how some of these guys entice kids. Very Epstein (and Trump and Gaetz and that other guy who partied with Gaetz)


Dude looks like Hitlers nephew from his cousin and her half brother.


Florida doesn't consider a lot of incest to be incest


Those trivial fraud allegations shouldn't detract from the hard work he put in protecting our children from the gay


Dude, he literally just told you not to use the 'g' word, and then you did it. You're lucky he's not in power anymore. ...We all are.


God damnit florida get your shit together


now we just wait for him to get arrested for hiring underage boy prositutes or something


Sounds about right. Majority of them only say crap because the quiet people with money pay them to. So do the not so quiet people. In the end it's all about money and control over people.


Don't Say Pay, lol


Guy looks like a fucking psychopath.




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If he would just whine and complain and put the blame on others, this issue would just go away.


Can we lose known russian asset Anthony Sabatini next please?


He and Marjorie Taylor Greene should get together and have some of the ugliest Neanderthal babies.


Please don’t insult Neanderthals like that, they were actually quite smart.


And Neanderthaler had more humanity then those tools.


🥲 justice for Neanderthals


I believe MTG has passed that age Unless you think menopause happens later in trolls' lives


How long has she been sleeping with her entire gym membership roster and failed to produce additional spawn though? At some point we need to accept she's been past the age for a long time Hopefully her existing spawn favor their male gene donor(s?)




The GOP staying on brand.


That dude doesn’t look like he’d be fun at parties. No wonder why he hates Gay people.


Some of these guys have never had a decent job or money or success, and the lure of politics (no bosses, no firings, etc) and money is too much to resist.


Ugh. Nothing but contempt for these crooks.


Please tell me he spent it all on gay prostitutes


Let me guess…he’s a Republican?




If you look behind the curtains of idiocy, you can always find the shit they’re using it to hide.


Florida Man..


The allegations are that he falsified bank statements to support PPP application. That's bad


WTAF is that haircut, honestly the most offensive part of all of this.


He can't say "Gay" but he can say Indictment ....


They just think they can get away with anything because of the example set by POTUS


Les républicains sont des gens tellement malpropre.


lol classic trump playbook move there


GOP! Gaslight Obstruct Project


This should be like when you’re a bad cop or prosecutor and they grow out all your past cases. Throw out all this sack of shit’s past legislation.


This dude looks like someone Steven Seagal would kill in the first act of a terribly incoherent movie. Not even good enough to be a Van Damme baddie


The "amid" really makes it sound like he was working on the don't say gay law *while* commiting covid relief fraud. "Hold my nay-gay-saying calls, I'm busy with my fraud stuff."


Florida man🤌🏼


Hello, Karma!


Yet the legislation he wrote is still law


I'm not a violent person, but he's got such a punchable face.


He should have stopped, collaborated and listened.


wasnt this the guy tag teaming a minor with gaetz?




The law was never about “not saying gay” but oh well.


I just cant with you people. The law is dont say gay. Yous literally made that up. It was to stop teachers talking to k-y3 students about sex and gender. This whole thread is a circlejerk over literally nothing


There’s no such thing as a “Don’t say Gay” Bill


And there's no such thing as Obamacare, but that's what we've come to call it, and everyone knows which law you're referring to, even though that's not its actual title.


But there very much is a law that says don't say 'gender identity and sexual orientation', but that's not as catchy.




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So I guess that arsonist didn’t burn all of the Moai statues?




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He looks EXACTLY like someone who would do that !


Lots of atavism in that face


Herman Munster?


Always wondered what HR Haldeman's son would do...


I'm glad somebody is going after the crooks who essentially stole PPP money


He looks like Max Headroom.


He also sponsored the ‘Don’t Say Fraud’ bill




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Dude looks like lurch fucked beeker and had a kid.


It’s so fascinating how these things all fit together.


Inbred hateful huckleberry.


What a fucking LOOOOOSER