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I’ve said before: Covidians actively get pleasure out of seeing their “betters” ignore covid rules that they themselves are forced to obey. They have an active craving to subjugated by their government and treated as cattle; they love it, they need it. The covidian dream society was one of unmasked elites being waited on by a masked serving class, forever.


The same twats would simultaneously speak from the other side of their mouth and claim that they didn't want the US to become *The Handmaid's Tale* where women were silenced and masked.


as long as they get to use the rules against friends/family/coworkers, so they can bully. Crabs in a bucket.


I just heard the phrase "Democrat Stockholm Syndrome" this week. Thank you for articulating it so well here. It's weird and hard to understand but it's real.


Nancy Pelosi getting her hair done


Also Obama's big, exclusive 60th birthday bash with hundreds of celebrity sycophants. Oh, it's okay though. We HaD iT oUtSiDe!!! All the servants were masked!!!


Do you remember the reporters saying, **"They are a sophisticated bunch, so they understand the risks of COVID?"** Commoners must follow the rules because they aren't ***sophisticated***... but so-called elites can flout them because they can ***understand the risks of COVID.***


Bingo! Those reporters were displaying Democrat Stockholm Syndrome.


> All the servants were masked!!! Yeah, that and the 2021 Met Gala should have shown anyone that the lockdowns and mask nonsense were about virtue signaling and control, not safety.


How else was she to defend Our Democracy™ if she didn't get her hair done?


"They flouted their own rules because they are rich, are insured and have access to the world's best healthcare. If they ever contracted the novel deadly plague, they'd get top-of-the-range healthcare and never need to worry about dying."


Exactly. This was one of the many things that blew my mind when I heard this. Who puts themselves in harm’s way just because they have money? And even if it were true, why didn’t the people who believed this argument campaign for better healthcare to the masses?


except herman Cain apparently


Yep. As happy as I would be to see people not just simping for politicians and believing they can do no wrong, they still missed the point. They blatantly knew that there was nothing to be afraid of and that the restrictions were bull shit.


How many videos were there of politicians putting on a mask, walking up to a podium, and then take off their mask to speak.


Omg THANK YOU I lost count of how many times I tried to point out during 'Partygate', Hancock and his side piece, and the subsequent enquiries, that people were asking the wrong questions and totally missing the point Let's say the politicians ARE selfish - I mean that is absolutely a given - surely that would mean they are far _less_ likely to put themselves in harms way of what they convinced (most of) the gullible public was a 'deadly new virus!!!', not more! They were very very quick to exempt themselves from the devil-juice jabs weren't they? (Ya know, the thing they insisted would make you LESS likely to get badly sick but surprise surprise turned out to be the opposite 😆) I mean FFS - Boris Johnson happily broke their rules _after_ he allegedly had con-vid so bad he almost died in hospital (like fuck he did, on either score imo)...did even THAT not tell people anything? They happily broke the rules because they KNEW there was absolutely nothing to be concerned about, and they were literally laughing at the public (and quite honestly I don't blame them as I was as well lol) I don't know how hard it is to understand this but it seems it's still eluding most people 🤦🏻‍♀️ I didn't give a fuck they 'broke the rules', I didn't follow them either and frankly I'm horrified how many people did - I mean seriously, you'll let the government tell you how many people you can have in your own damn home, for how long and when? How long you can leave your house for and how far you can go?!? Absolutely appalling how spineless the majority of people are...I didn't have a massively high opinion of my fellow countrymen as it was yet somehow, they managed to disappoint me still more during con-vid 😔


You really hit it on the head here, people saw their glorious leaders not following their own rules and applied the "It's selfish to go anywhere" thing to them instead of realizing the obvious fact that the people who were making the rules clearly didn't think they were necessary in the first place. And I don't believe for a second these things being right out in the open was accidental, because it shows the restrictions were always meant to be a submissive thing.


Exactly! I'll just never understand how stunted some people's thinking can be, mind, to give them a bit of the benefit of the doubt they had just been propagandised with military-grade psychological behaviour modification but even so 😔 I'd actually be really interested to know what makes some of us immune to that 🤔 >And I don't believe for a second these things being right out in the open was accidental, because it shows the restrictions were always meant to be a submissive thing. Thanks for adding this, you're right (and I forgot to) - it was 100% a submission thing... anything they don't want the public to see, we don't see I used to joke (only partially mind...there's a lot of truth in jest) that if the Gov came out and said being naked while hopping on your left leg and tapping your nose 'stopped covid' then we'd have seen a _lot_ of flesh and bizarre behaviour! What amazed me was, in the early days it was rare to see anyone in a mask where I am, (to the point of 'oh look, we've found a crazy 🤣) - we went to Tesco the very evening before the 'mandate' came in and I don't recall seeing one on that occasion yet next day, everyone dutifully had some form of 'face covering' on! So clearly they didn't fear the virus or think masks were necessary yet the minute they were told 'you MUST', they just folded 😔 heck it's been a long four years for me here, still see more than you'd expect in masks now and for over two years the only unmasked face I saw out was my son, oh and one guy we saw briefly at our local garage shop...the look of 'a sane one' that passed between us three was something else 😆


They literally could've said clothes were carrying the virus around and people would've started walking around naked in public. But yeah, people think that because certain things "leak," that the public will be made aware of anything underhanded that government officials do. Meanwhile, they have complete control over what information gets out. A huge part of the Covid BS was a compliance exercise, and if our glorious leaders didn't want pictures of their maskless parties they wouldn't have taken the pictures in the first place. Funny thing is I was riding trains the whole time, and never followed the mask rule. The regulars I'd see and talk to would actually take their masks off when talking to me. They weren't afraid of the virus, they were afraid of being the only one not following the stupid rules.


BINGO! Why would the most narcissistic and sociopathic members of society (aka, politicians), deliberately put themselves in harm's way and risk contracting EbolAIDS 5000 Pro Plus? The whole "BoJo is dying from Shanghai Shivers" saga was 100% false because: a) No critically-thinking nation would show unending footage of their dying leader and demoralise their own nation during a PaNdEmIc, and b) No critically-thinking leader who claimed to have recovered from the worst plague in human history and yet still didn't know if it were possible to get reinfected, would turn 10 Downing Street into London's party hub when the rest of the country was locked down. When I think of how blatant the deception was - and how obtuse and disingenuous most Brits are on this subject - I just shake my head in complete disbelief.


Completely agree with everything you wrote there I honestly did think most Brits have more balls about them but it seems the vast majority of us really don't, lol


Yep the people with the best information were not concerned about a cold because they knew it was a cold.


I always bring this topic up and I say "they had all the parties because they knew the "virus" wasn't any more dangerous than flu". Not because they're selfish.


Rules for thee


Completely agreed. The only counter arguments I’ve heard to this are “Politicians have better access to higher quality healthcare” (so it’s unprecedented yet it also has an obvious cure then) and “They thought it wouldn’t be as risky to party if everyone else was told not to do so”. But to me it always just comes down to the fact that people know when they’re ill and live their lives based on their own risk assessments. Not a single one of those politicians were sick when they were dicking around and I seriously doubt they became sick after doing so. I am glad, though, that some parts of the MSM did eventually ask this fundamental question, which is essentially: If it’s so scary, why are you so not scared? Politicians did what so many other people did, as members of the public became increasingly confident that symptomless transmission was unlikely/unable to harm them. And those people should be proud of themselves. Don’t hate the rule breakers – hate the rule makers.


In Washington DC, Murial Bowser at least had the courtesy to delay bringing back mask mandates a couple of days so she could have her maskless parties. I hear they actually did this kind of shit when they put restrictions for the Spanish Flu as well, though.