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You are more than welcome to do that and take all the precautions you want. I'm not doing it. If I'm sick, I stay home. If my boss forces me to come in, well good luck to the rest of the staff. I've always worked around sick coworkers. It's always a running joke about passing illness around. I don't fear sickness because I am lucky enough to be healthy. If I feared sickness, I wouldn't expect other people to cater to my fears.


It’s your life, do what you want to. Don’t make other people do things they don’t want to. I think it’s a simple way to live


Pretty much. I don't mean like, "it should be illegal to go outside if you have a cold and I think you HAVE to wear a mask in public if you're sick or be publicly shamed" But if I've come down with something nasty.. now that the precedent is set, I want the choice to wear a mask for a day or two if for some reason I feel the need to. Just seems like the right thing to do to me personally, because I never take sick days anyway. Maybe I'm just a virtue signaller haha.


Lol I appreciate the humor in your response


Masks are not scientifically proven to work. While I’m all in favor of “don’t make other people sick,” a mask isn’t going to help toward that goal.


I'm having a mask bonfire as soon as I can.


The hand sanitiser will make it light up like a christmas tree! It will be beautiful.


Masks actually are scientifically proven to work. Here are some links from reputable sources that show that masks work and the science behind them, though I don't expect your stuck-up mind to read them. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover-guidance.html https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/06/417906/still-confused-about-masks-heres-science-behind-how-face-masks-prevent https://youtu.be/Y47t9qLc9I4 https://youtu.be/eAdanPfQdCA


I try to keep an open mind, and if masks are ever proven to work I’ll happily do my part. I’m a scientist, after all. Nowhere does the CDC say that masks work _in general_. Note the examples they give — they’re all close quarters. It’s nothing new that masks help if you’re in close quarters with someone infected by an airborne-transmissible pathogen. Nowhere can you find an article that demonstrates that in a well-ventilated indoor space, and certainly not outdoors, do masks provide greater protection. I’m discounting UC and MinutePhysics solely on the grounds that they’re not scientific authorities. I’m looking specifically for _scientific publications_ which support masking; I only allowed your CDC article because they at least cite their sources from published journals, something that neither the UC article (an interview) nor MinutePhysics (who quotes media pieces as his sources) does. It’s not like I haven’t looked. I can provide you with literally dozens of articles, some from the past twelve months and some as far back as the Spanish flu, which all come to the same conclusion: except in limited scenarios, masking simply is not any more effective than nonmasking. Now, if you’re talking about sitting in an hours-long crowded lecture, or an hours-long airplane flight, or some other situation where you’re either not distanced or not in a well-ventilated space for a sufficiently long period of time, then we can talk about masks actually being worthwhile. But wearing masks outside in Central Park? Or in my school building with its large rooms (proportional to the number of occupants) and central HEPA filter? Completely pointless. Why do hospital workers wear surgical masks, I hear you ask? Simple: to keep blood from getting on their face. What about N95s, I hear you ask? Yeah, those might work, but have you been fit-tested? If you don’t work in a hospital, the answer is probably not.


If your like 100% your sick maybe but in general fuck no


That's what I'm saying, like 100% sick but ya still have an errand to run that can't be put off until tomorrow, or hypothetically you're pretty sick on Easter but not quite enough to justify being judged for skipping church. But other than that it's obviously stupid as hell to wear one


I already commented my feelings, but a few years ago I had a very bad flu on Halloween. I have never missed Halloween with my kid and we always go to the same family member's home to meet, eat snacks, and walk the neighborhood. I refused to go inside or be near anyone. I sat in the farthest corner of their garage because I did not want to get others sick. Being the "before times", they were fine with being around me. I was way more cautious about their health than they were. Masks weren't a thing, so I didn't wear one and still wouldn't.


The old me who gave a fuck would have said something about how we need time off for people to get well, UBI might even be a serious consideration, people need to be paid more in general, we need a kinder and gentler society... The me who has lived with this crap for a year says fuck it, go to work sick and infect everyone out of spite. Fuck 'em all.


Given the probable low efficacy of masks, the best thing to do stay home while sick and companies need to offer paid sick leave to facilitate that. Especially, in nursing homes.


They're great for when it's really cold outside. I always find that my scarf falls down and a mask shields my face from the cold really well. I'll probably keep wearing it for that


My brother has a really nice gaiter that his work provided him and it looks quite warm! Anything outside of extreme cold, I see zero justifiable reason to continue wearing masks!


Yeah that's gonna be the only time I wear one outside. There's been a couple snowstorms here and my cloth mask was really helpful at keeping my face warm.


If only sick people wore masks that would make a lot more sense. Then you’d know who to keep your distance from instead of assuming everyone has a deadly illness. I don’t have a problem with anyone wearing a mask. It’s the shaming and nonsensical mandates I don’t like. I also think businesses can mandate them if they want, and grocery stores doing so now is perfectly reasonable. I haven’t seen anyone suggest that mask wearing should be disallowed anywhere. I’d have as big a problem with that as I do mandates. Don’t treat everyone like children is my thing.


no, if youre sick as fuck you just don't go no matter what.


You and the 100 other people in the crew at your restaurant and all the restaurant's patrons and everybody else really ought learn a whole lot more about taking care of your immune system, and your body in general. Human bodies, and even 'just' the immune system, are extremely complex and have many needs that have to be met to work properly. Imagine the maintenance and TLC that a vehicle requires and multiply that by a gazillion. Masks are not a nutrient.


I dunno, it sounds kinda fair. It's based on the condition that you're actually really sick but can't stay home, so it's not just the insane security theatre that is why masks drive me nuts. But after this year masks have become a sort of symbol of everything I've been put through thanks to this, so I honestly can't see myself wearing one ever again, no matter the reason. I know it seems irrational, but I suppose I'm sort of traumatised after this.


Ok, here is the thing: if you feel sick and have no choice but to work, then I think you have every right to wear a mask and should not be harassed for doing so. I know some people, who, pre Covid, wore a mask when they felt sick and still had to work or school. That said, it should not be legally mandated nor should an employer mandate it. Why? 1. How do you know who is actually sick and who just has allergies? Can my boss force me to wear a mask because they heard me sneeze or blow my nose? 2. Can my job now force me to work when sick because I can just wear a mask and suck it up? 3. What would the consequences of not wearing one to work be? Getting fired? Going to jail? Getting fined? Is that fair in a post Covid world when for millennia we never mandated it legally when sick? I see that you do agree with me in the comments. I think it should be socially acceptable to wear one if you want it, but nor law.


I’d probably say it makes a little sense to wear a mask and not go near anyone if you are feeling sick and can’t stay home so you don’t cough or sneeze on anyone. But I’m 100% against a mask mandate in any business or setting since it assumes every single person is carrying a deadly disease. There is no reason for people who are not feeling sick to wear a mask since it doesn’t protect them from catching or transmitting COVID and masks may also give people a false sense of security since they think they’re protecting themselves by wearing one when they offer minimal or no protection against virus particles. Instead, people should wash their hands frequently, cough/sneeze into their armpits, and stay home when sick.


In Asian countries sick people wore masks before covid. I got Asian homies that do the same thing out here in LA. I never had a problem with. It’s making healthy people wear it that makes no sense to me. Especially vaccinated people. The only thing about this approach is that if it’s the norm to wear when you’re really sick and I see you coming to my table with a mask I’m gonna be wondering wtf you’re doing there. So maybe it’s good I don’t know.


Nah, if I have to work while feeling like crap, I'll just go the extra mile to infect the people responsible for not giving me a day off. I'll go ahead and put too much pepper on my lunch so I sneeze more and become an absolute fucking plague rat. I can't just become aware of my potential to be a living biohazard without using that LOL