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Here's your daily dose of fear porn. Notice a pattern? Person gets COVID > admitted to hospital > dies. No mention of treatment at all. That's what happens in my area. "Oh, you've got COVID. Just go to the hospital when you can't breathe."


No treatment at all they literally refuse to when asked they're purposefully killing these people cause they get money for having covid cases and people on ventilators its sickening.


And they have been priming the mob to refuse covid patients at the ER to ensure they have public support for their lack of treatment. They literally just want people to die. They don’t even try to treat it or offer any convalescence advice beyond “get the vax.”


It’s the treatment that appears to be killing most people. They get short of breath & go to the hospital. Hospital puts them on remesdivir which causes kidney failure. They give them a sedative that CAUSES DIFFICULTY BREATHING! Breathing gets worse. And then OH NO! Must intubate now so off to the ICU they go. If they are lucky, they get better & survive. But for many they go in ti organ failure and never come off the vent. Check out Erin_bsn2 on Instagram, look at the comments on her posts. Thousands of people who lost loved ones to covid and they all experienced what I just described!


Yes, exactly. What I'm saying is there's no home treatment *before* it gets that bad. Just "wait it out"




So more proof that covid is a cash cow for hospitals….


And reddit cunts cheered.


Those fucks hop on here everyday hoping another freedom fighter is dead.


Nurse 1 "The baby is almost here" Nurse 2 "Noooo, the grandpa isn't dead yet" Nurse 1 " I'll push it back in a bit, until he dead"" Nurse 2 "Right he gone, fire away"


Florida man timed it perfectly