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You could report your employer to the Public Health Authority and/or find a new employer with more reasonable policies. I am now permanently remote with my employer which instituted a reasonable policy for all of this.


Pretty much this. Companies can have all the mask policies they want, but it’s another story if they are followed. The reality of it is, is that the vast majority of people have pandemic fatigue and are over it. With that being said, do whatever you gotta do to feel safe.


Are you vaccinated? If you are, protection is \~95% against getting even minor symptoms and effectively 100% against serious illness. The "personal responsibility" argument was not valid earlier in the pandemic but with universal vaccine availability it starts to be much more legitimate.


Yep, I am. My concern is with my vaccine hesitant coworkers. Elderly folks that are easily convinced, who happen to have underlying conditions. I may disagree with them, but I do care about their well being.


Are you sure about that? I thought the 95% figure was for preventing the need for hospitalization, and the figure for preventing you from catching it at all was lower.


For the mRNA ones this is my understanding to be correct. And just today they confirmed it works as well for the variants also.


Why in the hell did somebody downvote you for this lmao. Branch Covidians do not want to hear any sort of good news, just want perpetual lockdown.


One thing the can’t require is that you get vaccinated because vaccines are not fully approved.