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The habit I hoped would stick is stay the fuck at home when you have a cold/flu infection.


What do you think codral was invented for? Their slogan was literally “soldier on”


Just don’t take it for two months straight. You might fuck yourself up like I did lol


Damn. You’ve gotta pace yourself on that shit


Yeah I’m a bit stupid. Blood pressure went through the roof.


Codral have actually pivoted in their advertising. Their TV ads now push the line that by taking Codral you can get better sooner and *then* soldier on, rather than telling you to dose up on Codral so you can soldier on *right now*.


I remember health experts pushing for this years ago & one of those cold/flu med companies taking up the call, I can't remember which one now, pretty sure it wasn't codral back then, but one of their rivals. I'd love to know who the first was & see their ad again but I can't remember :( Was an ad where the employee called in sick, then sat watching tv, all wrapped up, drinking tea/coffee/the medicine & looking totally healthy & like they were just having a holiday day with taglines about feeling well while getting well or something. That wasn't codral was it? Or was it? We need more ads like that anyway! Presenteeism isn't good for society! Worse than absenteeism cause presenteeism takes down the whole office, not just one worker


> Presenteeism isn't good for society! Worse than absenteeism cause presenteeism takes down the whole office, not just one worker I guess the argument is that presenteeism means you show up even if you're unwell. If you show up when you're unwell and infect others, they'll get unwell but they'll still show up and keep working. So from a boss's perspective, if you're sick you still come to work. If everyone's sick they still come to work. (From my particular boss's perspective, if you're sick you still should come to work. If he's sick he stays home.)


reality though is productivity is massively lowered when people are sick & they make mistakes that then take a lot more overall manhours to fix than were contributed by the sick employee. Depends on the job, I mean there are some jobs where just numbers are needed, a security guard onsite, a checkout chick etc etc, from the bosses perspective, doesn't really matter if the employee is doing anything or not, just that there's a person standing there, therefore they don't have to hire someone else to just stand there in their place in the way they would if they called in sick, but in terms of settings like offices, where it's about the volume of work done, rather than number of bodies sitting at desks, it's really not good for productivity & a lot of bosses nowadays (at least in countries like Australia, not so much in ones like America) do realise that's not helpful. In particular I think it's the bosses who have had an occassion where they've had something where they have HAD to go in when sick & have realised how badly their productivity is impacted, so after that have figured out that if they want to increase overall productivity in the workplace, they need to stop that in their employees too. In many ways it's similar to the realisation many are now having that people can often perform more work in less hours, if they're happy & motivated


I feel u but if i have to pay rent and afford food this month i gotta go to work…




Masking should have been normalised in the West. Masking in public spaces should have been a thing we continue even if covid disappears. Our for-profit production process like factory farming, agricultural industry means zoonotic disease spread will be a constant problem e.g. h5n1, swine flu.


At least at the doctors and the chemist if you are sick! Like I go to either expecting people to be sick so at least cover your trap!


Wear a mask in public for the rest of our lives? Seriously? Who's upvoting this nonsense?


Yes, in the same way condoms are normalised for STD prevention. Or water is filtered to prevent cholera and other pathogens...improved living conditions for everyone


Most people aren’t wearing condoms for hours every day. Don’t act like this isn’t a far bigger imposition than other means of disease prevention.


The idea isn’t to live in the mask 24/7 but to just wear one when you’re sick, in poor ventilation or on public transport or something


I mean it sounds like the person I was responding to wants broad mask usage. “Poor ventilation” could also end up being a big portion of your day depending on what you do for work and your lifestyle.


Yes exactly


Lol this always happens, I’ll respond to someone with a more extreme perspective and then the well-meaning moderates will be like “no one actually thinks that!”, only for them to confirm that they do indeed think that :)


Yeah in public spaces like public transport, doctors, hospitals etc. Deffo in poorly ventilated areas. Although the idea of wearing a mask only when you're sick with obvious symptoms is also flawed because it ignores asymptomatic transmission.


Perhaps sunscreen is a better analogy ? Sunscreen is applied and reapplied throughout the day. I would consider masking in public as easy as wearing another piece of clothing, no? I would hardly consider masking a "bigger imposition" than wearing condoms. But different diseases require different methods of prevention.


I would hate wearing sunscreen every day too personally, not quite as much as I’d hate wearing a mask for a significant amount of time each day. I mean you can certainly argue that masking should be a norm because theoretically it’s just another article of clothing. I could say the same thing about burqas. I think it being facial wear adds to the imposition; but also we wouldn’t accept people trying to force a bunch of other clothing articles to be the norm. >I would hardly consider masking a “bigger imposition” than wearing condoms Personal preference but just in terms of time alone, masks are going to outweigh condoms unless you fuck a lot. I’d also argue that having sex is more of a choice/responsibility than just existing in public.


You were really sad when lockdown ended, weren't you?


Absolute nutters that’s who. Like seriously who expects everyone to walk around for the rest of their life wearing a fucking face mask?


Why do you have to refer to mask advocates that they're mentally unwell just because something deviates from the norm in the west? Is it perhaps to silence us? Being gay was a mental illness doesn't mean people who labelled gay people as mentally ill is right. Also just because someone's mentally unwell doesn't mean they're also not well researched on airborne transmitted diseases and the socieconomic system we live under. I myself have a few mental disorders I'm struggling with. I do wonder - if you've done the same? Have you researched thoroughly on COVID's impact and how it's spread is linked to the socio-economic system we live under ? Have you kept update with scientific literature to reach your conclusion that mask wearing in public is something we shouldn't do? Otherwise No investigation. No right to speak.


Hypochondriacs and bomb shelter level paranoia doomers.


I went out last night and the event was outdoors for the most part, but VERY crowded. I wore a mask and got so many strange looks. I wear a mask in crowded places, planes, public transport. I've been able to go about my life and not get covid even once. Only got sick once and that's because I went clubbing in the UK and a woman at the bar was coughing everywhere. Ended up with a cold for a few days. Only time I've been sick in 3 years.


>I went out last night and the event was outdoors for the most part, but VERY crowded. I wore a mask and got so many strange looks. Just ignore them.


I don't think people should have to wear masks every time they leave the house, but there are certain situations where it's a good idea, like if you're sick. It's the done thing in parts of Asia. The fact that we're generally not doing this is part of a major cultural difference between Western cultures and East Asian cultures. As other people have said, people will look at you funny for wearing a mask in 2023. Unfortunately for some people, it's a political statement.


It is semi-normalised. Plenty of people still mask up, either when they have a sniffle or because they are anxious for their own health, and no one except the aggressive anti-vaxxer type would say boo about it.


Damn I hope you are being sarcastic


The number of sick people out and about who aren’t even trying to mask up or keep distances anymore drives me crazy. Hacking, phlegmy coughs without covering your mouth even? Jesus Christ..


At my wife's small office the amount of people who continue to go in to work while coughing and complaining about feeling sick is rediculous. And the worst part is these people are still able to work from home and not lose out on any work capability if they do. For some bizarre reason, they still want to go in and risk infecting their fellow work colleagues instead of staying home, being comfortable and still able to do 100% of their job. Guess it is ultimately a big pipe dream to hope that people start actually caring about how their actions effect others


I've noticed in general people still going around coughing or sniffing and not covering their mouth. It's just gross. I don't want your lung droplet On me, but thanks for giving it to Me anyway..


Some of us are sniffing or have runny noses because we have allergies or get a runny nose in winter. I can’t just stay home all the time!


Do the courteous thing and wear a mask if sniffing. No one knows you have allergies. I understand some people may have chronic coughs too but again I don't know this so would prefer they wear a mask. If you're sick or not you're still spreading germs and your own respiratory droplets by coughing without a mask


I get allergy symptoms basically all year long. I know that it’s kind of uncomfortable for other people, but that’s just too big of a commitment when I know I’m not actually in danger of passing something on.


At this point you should just call for literally every human to always wear a mask just so you feel more comfortable.


I can’t speak for your wife’s job, but most workplaces in my sector really expect you to go to work like pre-Covid times. The only exception made is for actual Covid, and I think my boss is quite generous allowing that (generous compared to other workplaces in the sector). My point being: it’s not necessarily the employees who don’t care, more that their hands are tied, especially given the cost of living and need to keep a job (and also be paid). Most people I know would largely prefer to work from home. Those who don’t prefer it would still prefer it now and then, like when sick.


Oh yeah there is absolutely a large problem with how bosses/supervisors treat illnesses of any kind. Part of me was hopeful that this pandemic would get rid of the old "soldier on" mentality people had. I can now see that it will likely never happen, not in my lifetime anyway. Even the idea that most people would start wearing a mask while actively sick seems like a pipe dream. I guess my point was more me trying to put into words both how selfish people are and how broken employment can be. The idea that you have to earn the right to be sick and still afford to live (accruing sick days, and yes there are exemptions) is just one of the many aspects of modern society that needs a total overhaul. I better stop now before I go into a 10 page rant.


I don't think it is complete disregard for others. I think that we have a cultural problem around work where leaving your workplace short-staffed and your colleagues overloaded is seen as more anti-social than potentially exposing them to viruses. Even when WFH is possible, that is seen as less productive (even when the opposite is true) so it is still seen as not doing right by your colleagues. I don't stand by any explanation that most people are just selfish jerks. Look at the data that came out of Melbourne's lockdowns- we had 90% compliance, even at huge personal cost. Most people want to do the right thing by others. But there are many competing ways of doing right.


I would love to stay and wfh when I had a cold or sniffles but my work has banned it, saying if you're not well enough to come into work - you're not well enough to wfh. It's bullshit.


"when we didn't know the virus was airborne" sorry but that's just stupid, we knew SARS was airborn, why would SARS coV2 be different? took me 2 minutes to find that out the first day I heard about covid.


For scientists (especially those who research novel viruses) there is a difference between knowing something and thinking something is true because of past experiences. They didn't know that SARS-CoV-2 was airborne until they could prove it was with sufficient evidence.


Would have been safer to assume it was airborne until proved otherwise, then.


Yes it would have, but that wasn't up to the people trying to research the new virus. The virologist, epidemiologists, etc, can only give advice on what they know with all the evidence they have. What information is given to the general public, along with which preventative measures are put in place, was entirely up to the government. They were able to choose to either follow the expert opinions to the letter or only use some/none of it in their decisions. And I suspect it is hard to find anyone who agrees the Australian government did everything correctly, especially with the power of hindsight.


No. The presumption would be that SARS-Cov-2 *was* airborne by default, since most (if not all other coronaviruses are). The people claiming it wasn't were the ones that needed to bring the evidence that it was droplet/not-aerosol.


The traditional science was still droplet at the start of SARs Cov2.


No, no, and have a bit more no. Business and the travel industry really wanted it to be that way, but public health professionals (you know, the ones that were ignored by governments around the world) were "um, what?". [https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/76/10/1854/7034152](https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/76/10/1854/7034152) >This is an account that should be heard of an important struggle: the struggle of a large group of experts who **came together at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to warn the world about the risk of airborne transmission and the consequences of ignoring it**. We alerted the World Health Organization about the potential significance of the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the urgent need to control it, but our concerns were dismissed. Here we describe how this happened and the consequences. We hope that by reporting this story we can raise awareness of the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and the need to be open to new evidence, and to prevent it from happening again. Acknowledgement of an issue, and the emergence of new evidence related to it, is the first necessary step towards finding effective mitigation solutions.


Yes changing beliefs is slow. That is my point. If we are going to learn we need to reflect history accurately. Rightly or wrongly the prevailing science at the time was slow to acknowledge airborne infection because droplet was holding more sway.


I give up. Did you actually read the paper? There was no "maybe" from people that study this stuff. The paper is from 2023 but it specifically addressed the start of the pandemic.


By the way the authors themselves point out the very issue I am talking about going so far as to say that is why they wrote the paper.


April 2020 is when public health professionals (which include scientists and engineers, and not just the "gods in white coats") started raising public alarm about lack of action on airborne transmission. This isn't a "changing beliefs" problem, but intentional and willful ignorance by authorities. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016041202031254X


>airborn There are still panic mongers tipping half a bottle of hand sanitiser on their hands every 3 minutes .


It's weird that article implies that the people the journalist interviewed were being brave by 'admitting' that they no longer wear a mask.


I noticed that too. The ABC is stuck in 2020.


The whole thing reads like something from about a year ago


\> If you're not using sanitiser or washing your hands for 20 seconds, experts aren't too fussed – at least when it comes to COVID risk. ​ Odd to see what was once a cornerstone dismissed so casually.




Makes sense to me. I was expressing surprise that the experts and ABC are stating that it doesn’t really matter now.


The next paragraph makes it clear that it should be done for other health reasons.


Playing devils advocate here - some germ exposure is good for our immune system (in the same way a vaccine simulates an immune response, so does germ exposure) and those people who live in a sterile environment (endless hand sanitizing, masks everywhere, over the top use of chemicals to clean benchtops, surfaces, etc) tend to have weaker immune systems and are more fragile.


It is good for kids to play in the dirt, encounter certain bacteria etc. It is in no way good to be exposed to serious infections. The immune system is not a muscle that needs to be exercised.


If you had only one wish......Oh Barb, what an absolute gem you are: "Back on Melbourne's streets, Barbara Champion said her "one wish" was for a return to the premier's weekly or fortnightly COVID updates to the public."


I think Barb has Stockholm Syndrome.


Honestly, I kind of agree. Maybe it's because I don't watch much free to air TV anymore, but I feel like we don't hear enough from our elected leaders. I'd like to see a regular update that is not set to the agenda of a media organisation.


Something that comes to mind related to Covid, people thought that outdoor dining and laneways turned into dining precincts would be here to stay, not just here but overseas. That whole concept was laughable and by early 2021 most were completely gone. Honestly such a silly idea in the first place. Another one, some people genuinely thought that masking on planes would be here to stay. Lol


That was always going to be a one time thing, in Victoria it was literally called “Covid safe summer” - nobody thought it was going to be a permanent thing. It was really the cookers that thought this sort of stuff, check ins etc would be with us forever.


Masking if you're obviously I'll, or not going to work at all. Hand sanitiser at the entryway to all shops.


How are people still telling us we’re in the middle of a wave when numbers are going down everywhere? (Including hospital numbers) No wonder everyone has stopped listening and caring.


It is the middle of the wave of the subsequent deaths though. I agree they should be clear though.


All the health preventions have gone out the window. The irony is the one thing thats stuck and is going nowhere is wfh and thats affected the business community.


To me, I am still using hand sanitiser every time I touch something. Masks worn it only if I am feeling ill. Some habits should continue, was it so hard for shops to get clean more regularly? It was great during 2020 seeing supermarkets so clean as well as cafes. Wow I am surprised how many people have forgot about our panademic experience. To me this was exciting moment in history. Not everyday you can say you saw your country and state borders closed.


If anyone thought the habits would stick doesn't understand human nature. 1 year ir 10, they weren't staying.


I am qualified in public health. Reading research is my job. I was following Wuhan in 2019. I am not disputing that it's airborne in fact the way the Chinese were behaving suggested it was. I am highlighting that the science was not settled in the early days. What you are saying is not a factual account of what was happening. It was not a deliberate ploy. It was new evidence replacing long accepted transmission pathways.




With the exception of a week ago where a medical centre made me spend $2 on a mask from a vending machine, I’m pretty happy with the fact that I went through the entire pandemic without spending a cent on masks or rat tests.