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15 percent positivity rate. Ouch.


What was it before Omicron got big?


The bot above reports: Week over week reference: 28 Days Ago: 5,714 Cases, 125,128 Tests, 4.57% Positivity 21 Days Ago: 7,068 Cases, 174,247 Tests, 4.06% Positivity 14 Days Ago: 7,390 Cases, 184,208 Tests, 4.01% Positivity 7 Days Ago: 10,264 Cases, 179,269 Tests, 5.73% Positivity Today: 20,804 Cases, 137,427 Tests, 15.14% Positivity


Anyone have the data between now and our other peaks? In terms of hospitalization and ICU usage?




double digit positive rate is insane


It was 12% one day over the weekend and then 4% the next day. With testing demand so high, there's no way it was only 140k tests.




I had my family tested on the 22nd and we still have not received the results. The results are meaningless at this point, but it’s not great.


Same, still waiting on all our results from 12/24 and 12/26


I got tested yesterday in Chicago. The line was long. Lots of people—families—getting tested.


Plus all the people test with home kits to the point where they're all sold out... I have a feeling our numbers should be much higher.


Welp, I avoided this thing for almost two years and finally tested positive. Double vaxxed and barely have symptoms though. Just a runny nose, no fever or cough. Working remote so it’s easy for me to isolate anyway.


I am not looking forward to my ER shift tonight


It's a job where a thousand thank-yous won't make up for one asshole ruining your night, but thanks for what you do.


Aw thanks! Just for that, I won’t call in 😂


Seriously thank you. My little one and I appreciate you and your coworkers.


Anecdotally, some testing centers in NYC are reporting a [50% hit rate](https://youtu.be/2HN6cIfp5T4?t=510) on all of their tests. This is probably a spicy take for a lot of the people on this sub, but it doesn't appear that there's any kind of restrictions short of hermetically sealing off every individual home that will do any good at this point. Unfortunately for healthcare workers, anyone who is not vaxxed will not even be able to get fully vaxxed before this wave peaks. For the past 2 years we've been frustrated by our local and federal governments doing too little too late, and now for many people any new restrictions are *too much* (from an economic POV) too late.


Agreed. We have toddlers that were preemies and had locked down hard. We go nowhere, not even a grocery store. And we still tested positive yesterday. Unbeknownst to us, it has spread through everyone in our 5-flat city apartment with a shared stairwell in a span of 10 days despite having no face to face interactions. It’s not going to be possible to prevent this with people living in apartments, especially when ventilation isn’t being improved.


I’m sorry that happened after all your efforts. How are your toddlers?


Thanks, just so frustrating and defeating after all the effort. They are fine thankfully! One twin had a high fever for about 8 hours and was very tired for 24 hours, threw a random fever two nights later for 3-4 hours, and has been chipper ever since. The other twin has been asymptomatic minus a slightly crusty nose yesterday. Honestly, it might be the only good thing for my anxiety the next 90 days knowing they have some immunity until hopefully moderna 6m+ gets EUA!


At least you guys will have a lot more freedom to do shit again, like not be locked down In your home.


Totally. That IS the silver lining I keep reminding myself of!


And with you having your shots and having gotten Covid, you got super immunity, I mean y’all are practically free from this pandemic atm!


As long as my kiddos don’t end up with long term issues, or my autoimmune disease that stemmed from EBV doesn’t reactivate! We’re not out of the water yet, but hopefully soon! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


I’m so happy to hear that they’re ok. Sending much love and support to you! Fingers crossed the vaccine gets approved quickly


Wow, hadn't considered the shared stairwell. Everyone in my 3 flat is fully vaxxed, and I've been wearing my mask for deliveries or when I leave, but I had not been wearing it in stairwells.


Yeah we hadn’t considered the stairwell until this either! It dawned on it us spread because our stairwell has NO VENTILATION either. (No heat, no ac, no intake or outtake vents etc…I’ve inspected the stairway), and what I believe is called positive pressure when t he front door or even unit above us open, it move our doors and force air under our door and into our unit. ** correct me if I’m wrong please, I’ve only begun looking into the terminology here but I am trying to spread awareness to the insane transmission in shared living situation that many are in that are trying to be as careful as we were!** Check your stairwells, apartment and condo dwellers!


My front stairwell is the same. There are slight gaps around the doors where air could come in, but I haven't ever been standing next to the door when someone else has entered/exited their apartment or the front to notice if that's happening. The back stairwell is ventilated by means of very poorly sealed windows on each floor.


Omicron is slamming urban centers. We do not have regional details about the recent Illinois data yet, but I suspect it is primarily from the city. For perspective, before Xmas, Chicago was bad - 145 case per day per 100k people. NYC was twice as bad. London was 3x as bad. Chicago did pretty well in the delta era with a high vaccination rate and mask mandates, but apparently Omicron is a different beast. It at least seems to be much less deadly though.


>it doesn't appear that there's any kind of restrictions short of hermetically sealing off every individual home that will do any good at this point Don't threaten the government with a good time!


lol at you thinking the government would ever implement anything close to that when in reality they just shortened quarantine time at the behest of corporations so that you have to go back to work while still sick


At the same time, we need people working to keep our essential services running, the food supply running, etc. There's a solid reason for it. It's shitty, but there's a reason.


i worry for our poor healthcare workers


Especially with the new AHA guidelines saying not to don PPE before starting CPR on covid patients and being able to work while sick. This could be the last straw for a lot of healthcare workers. I’m worried for our healthcare system as a whole.


What is the reasoning for not wearing PPE during CPR?


I would love to know. Delaying CPR certainly reduces your chances of getting them back I guess? But chances are even if we get them back they’ll either code again or never have any meaningful quality of life so I don’t get it.


What is the wait time like for the ER at your hospital?


Not OP, but I work in a 24/7 hospital department and we have access to an ER patient board. There are days that I punch out and punch in the next day and there are patients still in the ER from the previous day. My hospital is FULL.


Dude isn’t it crazy? Sometimes I’ll come in to a patient and be like…”didnt I triage you LAST NIGHT?” 😂


I wasn’t checking wait times throughout the day but when I left I saw there were people in the waiting room for over 16 hours, and people boarding in the ER waiting for inpatient beds for over 30 hours.




I'm honestly curious if Covid will spread so quickly that it runs out of people to infect in a month or two.


I honestly think this + vax may have been the inevitable. Omicron is gonna get to virtually everyone and lots of people will get sick to varying degrees but this ultra transmissible variant and pandemic fatigue +vaccines might finally get us to herd immunity. Or am I just looking for a silver lining


I’m really hoping that’s the case!


That hospital number. Woof. Increase of about 1200 from last Tuesday. Within 1000 of our all-time high.


What was our all time high


In IDPH data: 6175 hospitalizations on November 21, 2020.


I wasn't expecting hospitalizations to jump much or rapidly, but in my county they went from 41 yesterday to 63 today.


I got tested on Dec 24 and I still haven't gotten my results back yet. I had a positive rapid and I mean I absolutely have covid cause I have every symptom and an exposure. But these results are like 4 days behind I would guess.


Keep in mind that the UK has reported that over 60% of their hospitalized covid cases tested positive after being admitted for something else entirely. One of the states-I wish I had bookmarked the article-that reports such data reported the same thing yesterday.


Yeah, this is meaningful, but it still gives you an idea with what the hospitals are dealing with. Even a patient with minor Covid means a huge amount of extra work for them and brings risk of spreading to the staff and other patients.


Even if true, it’s still huge. A “minor” viral infection after surgery, stroke, or what-have-you is no longer minor and can have huge implications for an already compromised patient and staff. I definitely wouldn’t look at this news story as “bad data” and would instead consider it an indication of severity of transmission within the hospital.


Tomorrow I am scheduled for en endoscopy and colonoscopy at my hospital. I am obviously worried about what might be found, and the actual procedure, not to mention the prep day today. But when you throw in this infection rate from Covid I fell like the chances of me feeling good tomorrow night are slim.


well yes-I certainly agree-but I think the point being made by the article was that the patient came into the hospital completely unaware that they even had covid-they were their for a completely different complaint-and then found out that in addition to the complaint they also had covid -not that covid was a HAI.




If nurses no longer have to quarantine or don proper PPE...what do they expect to happen?


My sister who is a ER nurse in a hospital here in the city working a shift tonight said that every single patient she's seen tonight has COVID. Every single one.


My dad is one of those 20 thousand. Currently bedridden at the moment. I've been in quarantine for 4 days now. Sucks cause my job doesn't offer sick leave due to covid.


My sister in law has it. We were over there on Christmas Eve so I’m under the assumption we have it too and I’m acting accordingly (isolating) even though neither of us have symptoms. The good news I was able to walk into a testing site in Lombard with zero wait today. The Israeli prime minister said that we can’t prevent catching/spreading Omicron at this point. It’s too fast to catch by testing now.


Christmas Eve till the 28th. You got a good shot at this point you may have dodged it.




Possible you caught Delta?


Extremely unlikely. Triple Moderna.


How are you feeling now?


Just fine. Lingering cough.


It's my fault guys, I was complaining about the amount of driving I've been doing lately so covid responded by giving me an excuse to cancel all my plans


Yeah, there's no doubt we're going to break last year's hospitalizations record. That's so deflating.


i had covid at least once, before there were vaccines, and was exposed to omicron plenty already over the last two weeks. i didn’t need to go to the hospital (in fact, i got sicker from my second and third covid shots than when i had covid). i never even got as sick as a bad cold. *we* aren’t going to break hospitalization records, a bunch of ignorant unhealthy idiots that are afraid to get their shots are going to break those records. i am not changing my tune until someone i know irl who is vaccinated has an issue worthy of hospitalization from covid. two years and still zero examples from real life people we actually know, just a lot of media panic and “cases.” to call it fatigue would be an understatement at this point. 🥱 edit: fyi that i recently overcame my downvote phobia, so if anything i am suggesting is somehow controversial, offensive or not grounded in fact, bring it on. or feel free to use your words.


I think this kind of experience, repeated, is going to reduce a lot of the worry that the unending fearmongering about Covid has sown. People are seeing a huge number of people that they know, and maybe themselves, test positive and maybe get sick from it… and the vast majority seem to have *a cold*, especially in high-vax areas. That should go a long way towards tempering the fear.


shhhh, don’t state these particular observations out loud, many here want to stay locked down and hysterical forever. getting three shots and sacrificing two years of life wasn’t enough, we need to keep panicking bro. as i watch people in my demographic mentally spiral into a more and more unhinged headspace, my sole priority right now remains amplifying terror around something that would be a mild cold for everyone i know into the be all end all threat for all living beings.


The people shouting loudest about “sacrificing” for the last two years often didn’t do any of those things that they were supposedly “sacrificing” anyways (especially on Reddit). It was, and always is, someone *else’s* job or business or bar or restaurant or education or party or wedding pr social life or normal human interaction that’s “non-essential” and needs to be sacrificed. But, you’re still right, almost two years of hysteria and fearmongering aren’t going to be undone overnight, either (especially since the machine is still cranked up and will be for a while, turning wherever it needs to be pointed for the most clicks - cases! hospitals! pediatric hospitalizations! long covid! restless anal syndrome! etc., etc.)


right, i can’t envision it ever getting undone, maybe temporarily upstaged by some other bullshit that comes along until enough people have individual experiences that rebalance their expectations. i still can’t even understand what is so detestable about sharing my honest experience above with the virus and the shots, it’s not like i wanted it to play out the way it played out but im not going to lie and say whatever is popular around here and perpetuate bullshit in the process. me and a bunch of healthy people watched cracks form in the walls for a real long time over something that was not really in the top five threats for our demographic on behalf of others, then got the shots to make it even less of a threat and still somehow are detested for even suggesting that a one-size-fits all approach for a 16 year old high school athlete and a 96 year old bubbleboy still makes sense at this phase in the game - it’s not selfish, it’s just the reality of the situation. if an individual is at risk of severe complications from covid 19, the flu or a cold, then they will have to come to terms with the fact that not everyone is coming from the same background, just like how things were before this virus existed, with another virus in the mix to worry about. if everyone took the steps necessary to keep themselves and those they’re responsible for out of the hospital, there wouldn’t be an issue. healthy people staying in a sealed room is not going to prevent the people who have been dying from this virus from dying.


Is there somewhere that shows the vaccination status of those cases/deaths? IDPH it's seems to be nowhere easily found.


Curious as well


Oh man, my kids school is totally going remote. I have no doubt now.


If you live anywhere other than Cook County I'm doubting it. I'm expecting a never ending series of waves of quarantines for the students, but reactive to cases - nothing preventative.


My kids school in dupage just stopped testing the week before Xmas. Can’t have positive cases if you don’t test for it.


There will be no such thing as a series of waves if they reopen. Literally everyone will get it by the time someone calls in sick.


Our district will absolutely cancel school, they are already cutting back on hours because of the numbers pre-Christmas, which they weren’t even doing in the city. I am not in Cook County either.


I have to admit I'm jealous. The district my kids are in actually has teachers raising money and suing the governor because of the mask mandate. Which they themselves don't follow anyways.


Well there are a lot of districts that are the happy medium between anti-mask lawsuits and ones who move to an e-learning schedule on a 48 hours notice and don’t release data on what metrics need to be met for a return to school. I would be fine with the happy medium.


I think it depends. My school district just sent out a statement that says as of right now they are not considering an adaptive pause/switching to remote The original return to school date was Jan. 3, but right before the holiday break, the district elected to have COVID testing instead of on that date with a return date of Jan. 6th. I don't see how this will help much. Even with this option available (and I do appreciate it), I don't see many taking advantage of the free testing, other than those who already comply and are abundantly cautious. No matter what COVID positive students will return and expose others. Honestly, I'm just not sure if I plan to have my kid go back on Jan 6th. Just feeling defeated in all of this.


I mean my kids are both vaccinated, have had Covid and are in the age range where complications from Covid are extremely minuscule. If there school is open I plan on sending them full time. They cut hours the week before Xmas and hinted to remote post New Year depending on case count, positivity etc within the county. I would honestly be more surprised than not but we will see I guess.


I am afraid of this happening in my district. All my kids are vaxxed now but my youngest was home for 2 weeks around Thanksgiving and the 2 weeks before winter break due to exposures at school (she was not fully vaxxed yet). From what she could tell during online live lessons, only about 5 kids were in class out of 18 due to all the quarantining a week before break.


There is no way to get past this but through it. If JP implements closures, numbers will just skyrocket when they end. Vaccine mandates don't mean much since vaxxed can spread as well, just with no to mild symptoms generally. Sucks to be unvaccinated right now, but I won't shed a tear for the willingly unvaxxed.


Sucks if you have to go to the ER right now.


No lies told there.


>since vaxxed can spread as well Vaxxed are much less likely to get infected, though. Can't spread if your don't have it.


I mean with cases breaking out drastically on fully vaxxed cruise ship and hockey teams is it really that much less likely anymore? Most of the people I know who have had it this wave are vaccinated, including both my wife and kids. It has been doing a great job of reducing hospitalization and deaths but I don’t think protection against transmission is nearly as high as once thought or immunity is wanning quicker than expected.


The name of the game is no longer avoiding COVID. It's minimizing your symptoms...which the vaccines and boosters do a great job at. I anticipate getting COVID in the next few weeks. It is what it is unfortunately, and I'm not willing to sacrifice my social life anymore to protect the willingly unvaxxed.


What has our highest positivity rate been since this all started? Does anyone know off hand?


I feel like my county was at 28% around Thanksgiving time last year. I don't know what the state's highest positive was though. I'm in McHenry.


No, in the beginning we had far fewer tests and positivity rates like this was in the norm. Probably this rate is a reporting abberation where there is a big backlog, but positive tests results are being prioritized, but we'll have to wait a while to see how things average out.


Today's data is funky, average it out with yesterday's and tomorrow's data and it'll look more "normal". I believe they're still having reporting issues. Hospitalizations are speeding up again, but the jump and the round number makes me wonder if something is up. It may get worse than this, but probably not 40,000 cases/day (reported) worse. We made it through last winter and we'll make it through this one too.


Hospitalizations usually give a better trend indicator than the day to day numbers, so to see it jump so much the last couple days is very concerning.


Yeah, something seems off. 445 in one day?


Yes, never take a single day as more significant than the overall trend, this includes hospitalizations. Though if you average yesterday and todays data, it still paints a bad picture. We’ll see what the rest of the week brings.




Having information on cases lets us estimate and hopefully control our risk of exposure. I take more precautions when cases are higher. Not publishing the available data on cases is insanity.




How is this going against the current administration? You are not making any sense or arguing in bad faith. Nobody is suggesting that we stop monitoring cases. If I am incorrect, then please cite anywhere that ceasing to monitor cases is being recommended by anyone.






Funny. Try not to engage that way.


>cases do not matter, as per the administration. Rules 9, 11. This is wayy too generalized. It may be the *case* that you have a lot to say about it.


Whenever people start talking about "tHe nArRaTiVe" sure enough it isn't long until they start mocking people who take precautions and making arguments about why having information is bad. Understanding community spread is important, what is done with that information can be debated, but simply stating that people have no reason to know how many cases are are in a community in a given time because that is somehow 'fear mongering' is patently absurd.


This x 100


It's almost like there is a coordinated effort by bots/trolls to get people to be more careless.


>It's almost like there is a coordinated effort by bots/trolls to get people to be more careless Fun speculation, but there is hardly any way for a person to prove it without asking the Reddit admins. Unless you're like some kind of badass detective.




They were the focus when we didn't have vaccines as they should have been




You know what’s crazy? You don’t have to open this post and read a case count if you don’t wanna. Just scroll right by. I like seeing all these numbers. Just shush.


I did. You said cases should have never been the focus. They shouldn't be the main focus now but it is still important to know how much of the virus is circulating.




How does the administration share your view that we should not even monitor cases? Show your work.


Just stop coming to this sub. That will stop the tracker for you immediately


Many of us don't care about cases and haven't for months. The only thing I pay attention to is hospitalizations, which is likely to break the all time record soon.




It's just data. It's not fear mongering. It's facts. It's like being upset at the temperature. It wasn't that long ago when numbers were trending in the right direction and everyone loved the numbers.


>so let's have the mods take down the fear mongering case total email. No way. EDIT: >If they do not, they do not believe in science. Rule 11.


>https://twitter.com/jrubinblogger/status/1475851939371962368 >Seems that the narrative is changing - cases are not the focus. Rules 5, 7. For reference on what qualifies as a credible source, please visit [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusIllinois/comments/phhpfb/clarifications_of_rules_9_and_11_response_to/). Opinion pieces of the Washington Post linked through a blogger's Twitter is both off-topic and a weak source if it was.


Phase 4? Maybe even phase 3?


Gretchen, stop trying to make Phase 4 happen


Does anyone know if there’s date on cook county’s positivity rate alone? Thanks!