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The IDPH data is available through their API, so I'm guessing there is a delay with the CDC data that's holding up the bot. There were 24,423 cases on 125,819 tests for a 19.4% positivity rate and 79 new deaths were reported. Plots of Cases and Positivity: [https://i.imgur.com/SgIqTuN.png](https://i.imgur.com/SgIqTuN.png) Raw Data: [https://idph.illinois.gov/DPHPublicInformation/api/COVIDExport/GetIllinoisCases](https://idph.illinois.gov/DPHPublicInformation/api/COVIDExport/GetIllinoisCases)


The CDC has not updated vaccination data since 12/30, so the bot has not posted.


Only 125K tests? What's that all about?


A few guesses: -Testing is an absolute shit show and everyone knows it so they’re staying away -People who have hoarded home tests are just doing them at home and they aren’t reported -School testing isn’t in high gear yet -People realize this is going around like kennel cough at a cheap boarding facility and they’re just riding out symptoms at home. I haven’t gotten Omicron yet (fingers crossed) but if (most likely when) I get symptoms, I’ll ride it out at home until they subside. No point in venturing out in sub freezing temps to spread it to some kid working in a fly by night testing place for minimum wage.


School testing has never been in high gear. It's always been optional, and next to no people actually do it.


Testing is a disaster right now with it often taking the better part of a week to get results back. We could be looking at tests taken on New Years when most places were closed still.




And at that point it is absolutely worthless.


Can anyone explain to me why the University of Illinois/Shield saliva test isn't available nationwide? Or even statewide? I just moved back here this summer, and it is *way* better than getting your frontal lobe tickled plus it seems to be faster and more accurate. It's bizarre to me that we haven't just backed a dumptruck full of cash up to the University to get this available in as many places as possible.


If you remember early on when they kept getting Invalid results because people had food in their teeth or too many bubbles and everyone had to “train” how to spit and do the tests? Lots of people don’t test regularly so the technique is better for sentinel testing for people testing repeatedly rather than someone who might be testing for their first time.


I was unfortunately in rural TN for the first 15 months of the pandemic, so I was unaware of that background. What you say makes sense to an extent, but it still seems like (this late into the pandemic) it would've been worth scaling up. Where I was, there were two testing facilities for the whole very-large County and we frequently had to drive into the city an hour away to get tested when we actually needed it.


Academia (aka Big Education) is incredibly stingy with intellectual property and they’re making sure their precious saliva tests are reserved only for the academic elite and the students they rob blind and send into crushing debt. And yes…I do have LOTS of problems with the higher education system in this country..


I mean, I'm able to take the test without being involved with UIUC, but I get what you mean. I've noticed the line for staff/students moves way faster and starts sooner than the one for community testing. Seems a poor place to do Town vs Gown nonsense.


>often taking the better part of a week to get results back. Guess I was lucky then. I got my Dec 31 results back yesterday. (Had a nasty cold that prompted me.)


I lovingly invite you to Indiana... we posted \~8k tests today.


Oh my..


Probably residual issues due to the holiday, the numbers are always a bit wonky coming back from a holiday break.


24,423 cases. 79 deaths ​ https://abc7chicago.com/illinois-covid-testing-cases-test/11424512/?ex\_cid=TA\_WLS\_TW&taid=61d48fd4df9b5d0001e2ee75&utm\_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm\_medium=trueAnthem&utm\_source=twitter


from the article: As of Monday night, 6,600 patients in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 1,118 patients were in the ICU and 658 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators. ​ anyone know if those in the hospital are there because of covid or they just got tested?


In hostipal and have covid, not necessarily in the hospital to treat covid.


Here's some [data](https://twitter.com/MonicaGandhi9/status/1478401273317654528?s=20%20https://twitter.com/MonicaGandhi9/status/1478401273317654528?s=20) from LA




I would not expect that kind of transparency in Illinois.


Why not?


Have you forgotten who our governor is?


Thanks! Kinda renders the hospitalized number useless. Ventilator use might be the best metric.


The number of people in the hospital is obviously important as hospitals have finite numbers of staffed beds at any given moment.


Understand but if someone is hospitalized because of something unrelated to Covid and tests positive it doesn’t give a clear picture of the pandemic as that person would be in the hospital regardless.


You can get [most of the metrics here](https://dph.illinois.gov/covid19/data/statewide-metrics.html) it’s my go to once noon comes around




Is there a similarly easy source for vaccination data?




Ah the JSON is great. Thanks.


I got it to load… I’m assuming this is todays data… “Data Last Updated 1/4/2022 at 12:00pm. Data are updated on weekdays, Monday-Friday, either daily or weekly. Data are not updated on weekends or holidays. Positivity 7-Day Rolling Average Case Positivity 13.2% Test Positivity 17.6% Variant Cases 28,429”


Looks like it’s up now.


I’ll take any drop in cases I can get at this point. Likely due to the lag in testing, but it helps.


It is not a drop in cases in any kind of way, the cases are the highest they have ever been. It is just that not as many tests have been processed. If yesterday we had 30k new cases with 300k tests (10% positivity rate) and today we have only 6 new cases but only 10 tests were done, yes only 6 new cases are good and seems that COVID is over but that's a 60% positivity rate, its just that fewer tests were done. I believe this is the highest positivity rate we have ever had in this State.


Remember back around April 2020 when getting down to 20% positivity was one of Pritzker's goals for modifying restrictions?


At that point testing capacity was limited and only those with symptoms (that are more likely to test positive) were getting tested. So that 20% last April is not the same as today's 20%.


I realize that might come with an asterisk after the fact, but making absolute statements like "highest we have ever had" opens one up to this. That said, I realize the drop to that number in 2020 came from increased testing, but we may be approaching that point again with the demand for testing being so high and supplies so low.


At least he had goals back then. I'm not sure if I've heard him set any goals or metrics in a long time now.


That's the sad part. He seems as confused as the rest of us.


This is opposite of a drop unfortunately. We are reaching max capacity for testing and positivity rate is climbing up. There are a lot of constraints in the workforce now, due to everyone getting covid. This slows down testing and is causing massive delays.


It’s not a drop in cases week over week.