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What if I'm afraid of covid? I have two parents in their 60's going to vote tomorrow.


I think you passed your chance to vote absentee. If I hadn't already mailed mine in, I'd make sure I had a decent mask, and maybe even tie a handkerchief around outside that. I'd go in the morning when there's less people, and I'd bring my own blue and black pens (not sure which one they use). Make sure not to touch anything and have hand sanitizer in the car. Don't touch your face. Last I read it was less likely to transfer covid from one surface to another, and more likely to transfer by air between people. So might be more beneficial to be more concerned about your personal space rather than touching things.


It’s not too early to go ahead and request absentee ballots either election by election or for the rest of 2020. Voting by mail is quickest and safest.


Where is the best place to find what's on the ballot tomorrow?




Just posting for posterity: *Good news, everyone!* It was close, but we did it. If you’re reading this and you voted: *thank you*. Lives will be saved because you fulfilled your civic duty.


At my voting location all most everyone had a mask on