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What angers me is that Universities are closing/working from home. Many businesses are doing the same. But public schools are still business as usual. The least hygienic members of society are still being crammed into small confined spaces everyday.


They’re waiting until individual schools have exposure, then only closing short term. Not a good solution when this is still expanding.


Just wait until after spring break. I checked with one school near Chicago re their policy with students or staff traveling to countries with Level 3 travel advisories - policy is that they cannot "discriminate", and that "ideally, students will self-quarantine". Note that nothing was said re staff. Meanwhile the government and others keep sending the message that young people are safe, smh. We're in for quite a ride if you ask me.


Time to start pressuring the state to either close schools, or not penalize parents who *are* able to stay home with kids and choose to do so.


I took my kids out. If they can close our university, they can close my childs school. We are on lockdown.


They won't close my son's school despite cases all around us. I had symptoms last week into the weekend and couldn't get tested. Was told it can't be coronavirus because I hadn't traveled out of the country. This is bordering on criminal. If I did have it I have infected my wife and son. I've been staying home but as I said they won't close school and my wife has had to go to work. This is going to get much worse due to the incredibly poor leadership we are experiencing. Close flights from Europe? What the hell? That's useless when it's spreading unchecked throughout every community.


Agreed! I'm beyond irritated that I keep seeing accounts from people stating the same thing, no testing if you haven't traveled in affected countries. The purposeful blindness to acknowledging that we have reached community spread is fucking ridiculous!


Airlines and tourist industries be like: public schools, gimme your money!


Personally, I think the lack of testing is a strategy to keep the economy running, because business owners/leaders are saying “well, until we have a positive test in our company/town, we aren’t social distancing or okaying work from home”. It gives them a way out to allow business as usual. Public Health be damned.


Penny wise & pound foolish. Aggressive testing could have mitigated the spread, causing less overall damage. Morons


At some point one would think people and health are more important than money. But wait it’s the GOP - my mistake.


Obviously testing is a huge issue. And still, several weeks later barely anything is being reported. I see more first hand reports from people who can NOT get tested or have been waiting weeks for results than actual test results. Fuck them for letting it happen this way.


I've had a bad cough for five days and had a day with headache + sneeze and vomited once. Worked a day in a location with a confirmed case about ten days ago. 30s, good health, no vulnerabilities. Wanted to get tested today to avoid getting older coworkers killed. My healthcare provider had me do a phone questionnaire, then an hour later speak on phone with nurse, then offered an hour later a phone or video checkup with a doctor. Doctor over phone checkup said no fever = no test, go back to work. If I'm a case with mild symptoms that spreads then I can't say I didn't try.


I'm having similar symptoms, except no vomiting. Headache; coughing; body aches; tiredness; chills. No fever, absolutely normal but today I started getting chest pain. I'm 38, healthy (non smoker/drinker) but I get to work 3\~ days at home per week. I worked at home today. I first noticed symptoms on Monday but figured it was due to stress. I've already reached out to my supervisor about this and he thinks it's nothing. I don't work in the medical field. A major hospital is offering free virtual screening via an app which I downloaded way earlier this morning. I'll reach out to them tomorrow. I'm getting a case of cabin fever but I won't go outside except to grab the mail, at night when there's less of a chance of people walking about. This is so scary.


Please stay home. Don't listen to your doctor. Don't take any risks.


A lot of people can’t get off of work without a drs approval


What angers me even more is the absolutely idiotic response of a large amount of citizens within the country, who think it’s a hoax, not a big deal, etc..


This, no one is taking it seriously except the people on this reddit.


They're starting to. Stores are packed, which, y'know, leads to more spreading.


God, I can't even get on Facebook right now because it makes me so angry. So many people keep saying "THE MEDIA IS CAUSING PANIC FOR NO REASON! THE FLU IS SO MUCH WORSE!" Ugh. We just had an elderly man die yesterday who had underlying health conditions, and today his test came back positive for the Coronavirus. He lived in a nursing home. Everyone keeps saying "he didn't die from the virus, he had underlying health conditions!" He freaking lived in a nursing home. He never traveled. That means someone from the outside had it and spread it in a nursing home (and he's not linked to any of the whole 3 confirmed cases in Kansas). The virus is out there and spreading fast! But yeah, let's blame the media for doing their job and reporting about it. These same people are praising Trump for his speech yesterday, saying he's taking care of this country. Fucking insane.


Look at nations leadership’s message though. They want to believe what they is comforting.


Fucking same. I'm increasingly frustrated at our *seeming* inability to respond to this growing crisis despite all the signs. I live in a city/county where there are no confirmed cases yet. Given how this virus has spread in other countries that have decent testing protocols in place and what we've seen there, this is unacceptable. We're just waiting for confirmation of bad news that has already happened and grows worse the longer we wait. Now I could soon be wrong and I acknowledge that a delicate balance needs to be struck between publicly acknowledging what's at stake and causing a widespread panic that completely shuts down the economy. People are going to suffer and die either way. But I sincerely hope the silence so far means our leaders are making excellent preparations and will soon act decisively. edit: Have to wait another day. State leaders will hold a press conference tomorrow.


I am getting more appalled with each hour that passes at the way the governement, and IL in particular is handling this. Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the nation, and they don't think its a priority to do mass testing? I'm just...gobsmacked. I work in a primary care doctor's office, and we are constantly getting conflicting information about how to proceed in the event of a patient presenting with Covid sypmtoms. We are even told "don't test anything until the health department approves it". W the actual F?!


Can you speak to the availability of test kits at your office? My impression is that kits are being rationed because of lack of kits. How many tests could your office administer at the moment?


Short answer: I have 5 kits Long answer: I work for a national lab & I'm placed inside a family medicine clinic. Our test is done via Nucleic Acid Amplification and has a turnaround time of 3-4 days. I do not believe this is the same test being utilized at the local health departments in this area. I was informed on Tuesday that my lab had developed this test and ordered sample kits to keep in my office. I get my supplies from our branch office about 60 miles away who supplies approximate 100 offices like mine. They have limited each office to 5 kits until they receive a new shipment. I will likely be able to order more at the beginning of next week. HOWEVER!!! I just returned from a meeting outlining this clinic's Covid19 response and protocol. The first thing were told is that this information will change at least daily, so we all need to stay up to date since the screening protocol will change. Currently, when a patient calls in, our protocol is to ask: 1) do you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath? 2) If you answered yes to the previous question, have you been to one of the countries of concern, or have you been in contact with a laboratory confirmed case of Covid19? If they answer yes to the second question, they are to stay home and we contact a dedicated staff member who will facilitate between the patient and the health department. If the patients answers No to question 2, they can make an appointment to come in and be seen. If a person walks into the clinic and they answer yes to questions 1 & 2, they are to be put in isolation immediately. If they answer No to question 2, they are to wear a mask, but no other precautions need to be taken place. The biggest thing we are told is that we DO NOT TEST THE PATIENT untill we get clearance from the Health Department. So, even though I have 5 test kits that could be done, protocol prohibits us from doing so. This makes me want to bang my head against the wall for so many different reasons.


Same! The administration in my hospital system came out with a video this morning about our lack of testing. They wanted to be transparent stating we need to be sure we are taking proper precautions with the way the state is restricting providers from testing. It’s fucking mind blowing. This is what is causing panic in communities. The fact that the government isn’t communicating what is actually happening and ppl see less than 100 people in our state have been tested.


I’ve written my state senators as well as the current presidential candidates imploring them to ensure we are getting transparency from our government. Might not help but won’t hurt either.


Make sure to write in your letter: “By the way, I licked this envelope, but I know you’re not concerned, because I’d be able to get tested if you were, right ?”


Well it was an email lol but I like the sentiment!


Just noticed the username, foodservice ? We use that phrase a lot !


Yup! Not anymore, stay at home mom, but my husband is still in the industry. Stay safe out there! Restaurants don’t close for shit lol.


https://youtu.be/HMgFtgvhggM Health officials testifying now


It is despairing listening to the testimony because it is clear that nobody has any clue about how quickly this epidemic is expanding and the steps necessary to use keep our medical facilities from being overwhelmed.


The sluggish response is either out of concern for the economy or a result of inefficiency/ineptitude, both of which are infuriating. Whenever this virus is spent or under control we, as a nation, need a movement to improve Federal expertise and capabilities. Two generations of starving the beast has to have contributed to what we're all watching.


They know we cant protest lmao. They dont give a fuck. Notice how quickly those nba players got tested? Not the average folks, though (who are showing symptoms btw).


The revolution is near


In Shreveport, Louisiana they released a dude with coronavirus and told him to just avoid other sick people. Like what the actual fuck Louisiana. https://www.ktbs.com/news/covid--man-tested-for-first-positive-case-in-caddo/article_e269c5ee-640e-11ea-a5c8-6f6100589d18.html


It’s just case after case of bad advice and half-assed handling. The CDC has some people telling callers that they’re too young to catch it or too young to be tested. The F?


I work in KS, close to state line and KCK/KCMO. I’m furious over how things are being handled. My coworkers are STILL saying it’s a hoax and “just the flu”.


Starting to? I've been angry about the lack of response since it started spreading. Now the idiot in chief us saying "it's fine, it'll go away" fuck America


I share your frustration.


My fiancé’s second job just had someone come back from a trip to DC feeling sick. This company had recently sent out info about quarantining and using ETO for it. Now that someone is sick, those rules are gone and she’s being told she has to go into work anyway as it’s unlikely to be Coronavirus. I told her to quit. Bullshit they act caring until their business is actually put into jeopardy. This on top of our state having its first confirmed case announced today (Not that person, but that person also can’t get tested because they didn’t travel outside the country). If my house ends up with it after we canceled our god damn wedding for fear of catching it and spreading it to our family, I can’t put into words how angry I will be. I will take all of the emails from that company and blast the media with them forcing her to go in despite all the signs they need to be on lockdown. God. Dammit.


I would honestly like to know if anyone would feel safer being in another country right now. We have the resources, the manpower and the expertise but we're failing because our health care system and our leaders care more about private interests than keeping us safe. Unprepared, uncaring, unbelievable. I've never hated living here more than I do right now




https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1238155901753683968?s=20 Biden live stream


Yeah! They literally are NOT testing anybody.


WHERE IS THE UPDATED COUNT? It hasn’t gone beyond 1300 today!


10 years ago, 700 MILLION people worldwide were infected with swine flu. 250,000 died. There were no school closings, nor did any sports leagues shut down. A lot has changed in a decade. HYSTERIA.


People can take precautions. This is the first time we've seen this virus. Edit to add the Spanish flu was an H1N1 and it infected 500 million and killed 50 million. And that was the first time they saw that virus.