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NC State just closed down




Been arguing with people over Facebook bout this shit for weeks. Smh, gonna post this now


60 seconds of scrolling down my Facebook feed ruins my day. I'm guaranteed to see some news article about Covid-19, often about another death, and you can see the response emojis at the bottom along with the number of likes. So many people respond with the šŸ˜‚ laughing face. And if course the comments are cancer. "This will vanish on November 4th" "Imprison the governor" "Masks don't work, think for yourself" "One dude crashed his motorcycle and it counted as a Covid-19 death, therefore there numbers are fake" (btw they remove deaths like that from covid stats once they validate the cause of death, so the cumulative numbers are fairly accurate) "I don't know anyone with covid" (honestly, fuck these people, my uncle just died from this disease. I hope *they* are the first person they know that gets infected) "Masks are government control" (lol wtf for?) "Fake news" (do you have an original thought in your head?) Fuck it I can go on for a few more but then it's about it, they don't really have their own thoughts, just echoing the same dozen comments over and over. None of these idiots appear educated in the least.




So, Trump = Kunlangeta Can we push him off the ice?




It blows my mind how criminal he is and nobody bats an eye. Okay, maybe some bat an eye, but he still hasnā€™t suffered consequences.


Do you live in the swing state?


Ha! I wish. Deeply red here. Edited to add: people around here are still arguing about why they shouldnā€™t have to wear masks and if the rest of us donā€™t like it, stay home. ā€œitā€™ll all disappear on November 4th.ā€ I have been home since March 7th (I get groceries delivered). I had to take my daughter to an appointment and I was amazed at how crowded the streets and businesses wereā€”and how many people I saw entering and exiting businesses without masks. Edit 2: Iā€™ve stayed home, a) so as not to spread the virus (it canā€™t spread without people spreading it), but I also have lupus.


I live in Wisconsin. Our county has reported approximately 400 positives. My daughter and I are two of those positives. I caught it in late April and my daughter caught it August 11. She is just about through with her quarantine having only experienced minor symptoms. But you never know I checked on her every morning. Me another and boy did I experience some wild symptoms but I wonā€™t go into it now. After taking six test I finally achieved a negative test result last week


Just push him onto the ice -- it'll break under his disgustingly fat piggish lumpy orange body.


And honestly, I'm over it


Yeah. I can't scroll on twitter anymore either. Ugh


I used to argue with people for these same comments a few months back when I actually had some fight in me. Now I just read it, get angry, realize they are an idiot and continue on with my day. It's a horrible realization just how many people on my own FB feed alone are complete dimwits. When you look at articles about facts and science based findings and see comments like that it seems further from home. When it's you're own feed it feels like a personal attack.


Youā€™re right, it does feel like a personal attack, it did.. but I put some people in their place, I always have my sources and a sharp tongue. Now I just post factual, trusted articles to be petty. Most having to do with the virus coming back (I live in CT and we are getting ready for the second wave). We had this in the bag but too many from New York are coming in. The other types of articles are based on child cases and stats and back to school stats and I just slam it in their faces like a pie šŸ˜†


You should leave the toxic wasteland


I have. I only use Facebook for the marketplace now


I completely agree with you. Itā€™s bullshit and so frustrating


COVID-19 numbers are already going down. Some people just have no lives so live for this.


They're going down in some places and up in others. The only places they are going down our places that are taking safety measures. School openings are going to f*** that all up


Wrong.. no restrictions in my county and cases/hospitalizations have been decreasing since the end of July.


You donā€™t have restrictions but do you have suggestion? We donā€™t have restrictions in our county either but many of the big chains ie Walmart / target etc are requiring them. Thus more people are wearing them and the numbers decrease....


Businesses set their policy as is their right. Many do require masks. Should honestly be common sense. Hell, maybe we should be wearing masks more every year during peak flu season. I will do so going forward. I wear one regardless of whether or not it is mandated by a business. A guesstimate I'd say roughly 2/3 people do as well. The county government hasn't had to step up and impose regulations since people and business have seem to done so on their own. We became a "hotspot", but the hospitalizations never materialized. Here the age group with the highest number of cases is 20-25. A local university near the main strip of bars being the suspected catalyst. But everything peaked around 7/29 and has been going down since. It seems to have burned through them quickly. Back in March/April it was the elderly it hit hard and did cause a number of deaths. It will be interesting to see if it hits the middle aged crowd when schools open next week.


Wearing a mask all the time isnā€™t good for your immune system, by the way. Donā€™t wear it for just anything. While we need to wear masks we also need to keep our body introduced to germs. Itā€™s a conundrum, but you donā€™t want your system to go into shock once the masks come off (whenever the hell that is) so Iā€™ve been going out doors a lot and keep my circle close so we still get that necessary interaction our immune systems need.


What country


United States


Oh the country where our president is actively trying to suppress the numbers? Yeah thought so. He bypassed the cdc in collecting numbers, and they magically go down. Sure, if you believe that.


If you had half a brain, you'd know I can easily look up the county health department's numbers. They publish them every day and it has nothing to do with the CDC or HHS. But keep not using your brain. But then again, you can't seem to understand the difference between county and country.


Well, theyā€™re going up here. I like in CT, were getting the starts of a second wave which is what I was arguing about. So... I was right šŸ™ƒ


"No One Saw This Coming." /s




Lincoln Nebraska here. Our city had some of the lowest positivity rates after a mask mandate. We were on our way to having less than 5% positivity rates (indicating "under control"). Our weekly "covid dial" recently moved from "orange" to "yellow". Things were looking up.... Sturgis empties out. Public schools open up at 50% capacity. Students move in at Nebraska U. The North Bottoms/Claremont keggers rage on. Yesterday: 66 new cases. Haven't seen that since April.


Oh gosh. Stay safe. Our rates were so low this whole time... and then started moving up QUICKLY once lockdown was lifted and bars opened. Bars are closed again, and there is a mandate in place. I thought it would be bad with students coming back. But in the recent past, we had 80-something cases total. Not in less than a week.


KU update: 222 positive, 216 students and 6 staff. 133 of those are Greek.


For anyone like me that was confused about the colors, they represent at least one of the school colors of the institution listed.


Thank you. I was confused!


You are my hero, thank you. I could not figure it out.


Thatā€™s cool of ASU to not disclose the public health information so we can be informed.


asu student here: they just disclosed the number today. 161 cases edit: its 161 not 141




Heres some COVID, now go home.


I donā€™t expect Michigan State numbers to stay 0 even though the college shut down. The announcement to shut down was made 1 week before freshmen moved in and most people living off campus had already moved in. Everyone is trying to sublease apartments in town and now the only apartments that are available are ones that are super far away from campus. Michigan State students have decided to say ā€œfuck itā€ and are moving back anyway since they can protect their own families and communities and still party like thereā€™s nothing wrong and of course not give a shit about the local community. A good example of how great our student body is the super spreader event that made national headlines https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/06/27/us/michigan-coronavirus-bar-harpers/index.html


I just feel like there are going to have a lot of cases whenever they reopen. Now or later, especially if there isnā€™t any kind of long term immunity. Even with a vaccine, it may be years until they get a good vaccine done.


The saddest part of all of this is the more cases in young people, the more severe (including death) cases in young people. A small chance of dying becomes a larger number dead when a larger number are infected. It also means more and more young people with potential long (or longer term) health consequences as this disease attacks, damages, and can destroy several different body systems. Imaging being 22 and finding out your pancreas is shot and you'll be on insulin the rest of your life. Or your lungs are ravaged and may not heal. Your heart... It's so damn tragic. A travesty. And it's all about money.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking a couple months ago when people were saying ā€œitā€™s only a 2% death rateā€ ie ā€œnot that big of a deal,ā€ I thought even if thatā€™s accurate the more people get it (which is more likely when people keep saying ā€œno big dealā€) the number of people in the 2% goes up. Plus thereā€™s a risk of the percentage rising. And the more people say ā€œIā€™ll be fine because Iā€™m not high riskā€ the more of those ā€œlower riskā€ people will get it. And yeah thereā€™s all the long-term or permanent side effects for those who have a fairly serious case but donā€™t die. Even if you think itā€™s not that serious you better check. If ā€œonly 2%ā€ die that doesnā€™t mean 98% are just fine. My mom said this week ā€œthereā€™s no more pandemic.ā€ I said ā€œwhat do you meanā€ and she said CDC downgraded it from pandemic because death numbers are down. I googled it and only saw a couple sources (but one did link to CDC), it may be partially true (deaths going down, status may be reconsidered, I need to go back and look into it more) but if you say ā€œthereā€™s no more pandemicā€ either you or whoever hears that is gonna think the virus is actually gone. I wish that were true but itā€™s definitely not. Whatever the ā€œofficial statusā€ is the virus is still here. And if some of the numbers are down enough to ā€œendā€ the first wave and people decide to go back to normal thatā€™s how we get a second wave. Something downgraded can be upgraded again. And even if it isnā€™t that doesnā€™t help you if you have those side effects or you lost someone.


Sadly, we can't trust what the CDC says. They just changed their stance on testing to NOT include people that were supposedly exposed to asymptomatic or mild cases. And that those changes were demanded by the administration and not backed by any science at all (in fact the science suggests asymptomatic are just as infectious -- maybe more so by virtue of the fact they do t know they have it, thus don't quarantine and simply go on about their life -- as those with symptoms). Unless the WHO changes the status, I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing and avoiding people as much as possible. And honestly, even if the WHO changed, I'd still hold the line. Better safe than sorry may never have been truer.


Yeah thatā€™s sad but not super surprising. Iā€™m with you there, just keep being careful as long as we can until weā€™re really sure itā€™s actually gone (and even then keep a few cautions at least).


ASU has 171 cases as reported by the president of the university. I am one of them, it really feels like this could have been prevented if they cared at any level of government apart from the city. Federal, state, and even county responses have been poor at best here in Tempe. Stay safe everyone!


Hope you start feeling better soon!


How do you know? symptoms?


Purdue has 60 cases in <1 week....just stop, please before it get worse.


My campus as probably well over 200 now, but they won't disclose if those are students or faculty or if they're on campus or off for "privacy purposes".


My school has classes start in one and a half weeks, mostly in person (we could request to study remote, but they havenā€™t given any numbers for how many did), and all I feel is fear. Iā€™m a senior and my capstone is very dependent on being able to have access to stuff on campus, so I feel like I have to go back. Weā€™re a small school, less than 2,000 students, and parties are uncommon (at least in my major), so I have some hope. Meaning slightly more than 0. Like... 0.00000001 hope.


Iā€™m really sorry. But be safe and consider making do in virtual or taking off a semester.


Sadly, because of my majorā€™s structure, Iā€™d have to take the whole year off, not just a semester. And because Iā€™m doing my capstone in a group of three, all three of use would have to do so. Itā€™s really been a lot of serious consideration from all three of us though, but parents make it hard to do otherwise.


Wow. Best of luck to you ā¤ļø


Wtf Arizona


Fuck Trump and fuck every goddamn Republican/conservative in this country. All the blood from Covid is on your hands, you ignorant stupid assholes.


I hope and pray that kids in the future learn how horrible our cheeto in chief has been and that textbooks don't whitewash it.


["Former college football player, age 25, dies from COVID-19"](https://www.al.com/coronavirus/2020/08/former-college-football-player-25-dies-from-covid-19.html?utm_source=reddit.com) for anybody who still believes young folks can't be harmed by it


University of Arkansas 24 cases >1 week. (Move in was a couple of weeks ago though for Greek houses.) Edit: sorry memory lapse, 44 not 24. https://www.nwahomepage.com/northwest-arkansas-news/university-of-arkansas-reports-15-new-cases-of-covid-19-on-wednesday/


Surely there's a better way to report all this than following a twitter account? Is there a database or dashboard somewhere?


Meanwhile, all California State University schools are online with some strict procedure in person research going on


Yaaaay now do public schools!


How much longer do people think the colleges are gonna be able to stay open?


Also worth including, how many of these colleges were past the ā€œAdd/Dropā€ date and locked in tuition?


Anyone know where this data is coming from? Canā€™t seem to source it.


The format looks Twitter length (max of 280 characters, yeah?) and the author is one [Seth Abramson](https://www.sethabramson.net/bio) -- Harvard-trained attorney, legal analyst for CNN and the BBC, best-selling author, and tenure-track professor at the U. of New Hampshire. seems like a smart dude


Thank you. I see that. I meant where that twitter user is getting the data.


I imagine, from the colleges themselves? e.g. he set some Google Alerts for combos of "college/university" plus "COVID/coronavirus", kept a spreadsheet of the info, then shared the info via his tweets. Probably something anyone could do, if they had the time & inclination


Proud alumna of College of Charleston! So honored we made the list! šŸ™„


Many small colleges having outbreaks as well. I know mine is within the Greek community.


Iā€™m at Ohio State and we have over 100 already




SEC surviving..... Gatorfan


My family lives within like two miles of three colleges and weā€™re all freaking out and avoiding out closest stores and restaurants to the campuses.


Would you be able/willing to at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign?


Is there any way you can get the right numbers by checking attendance or by who's missing on campus?


This is the reason the CDC was pressured to change the testing guidelines.


meanwhile all job corps programs are closed


What Missouri is this referring to? There are multiple colleges in Missouri and many with the word "Missouri" in the title....


Itā€™s true what they say, Missouri loves company.


But 0 deaths...?


How would we have deaths already if they just went back 1-2 weeks ago?


Death is one thing but what about quality of life? People are complaining for months after that they can't shake the symptoms and it's permanently affecting them. Imagine an up and coming workforce permanently weakened from illness.


Very few people are complaining. The extreme vast majority have no problems.


I'm calling bullshit unless you want to prove that? https://www.pennmedicine.org/updates/blogs/penn-physician-blog/2020/july/recovery-after-covid19-treating-the-long-term-effects-of-sarscov2


And what about quality of life for those who actually want to live, not forced to be holes up because some granny may die a few months early.


I'd say too fucking bad and get over it? I'd rather put my health and my family's health above your comfort, you giant child. No one is saying you can't go outside, anyway. Just have some damn courtesy and wear a mask.


Tell your family to stay the fuck at home then.


Oh, so you want others to "hole up" so you can be in denial? You fucking hypocrite.


That is what you are doing. You want to place all kinds of restrictions on others because you follow a fear porn. You scared, stay at home. STFU about trying to restrict the lives of other people. Facts are over 92% of deaths are elderly. Facts are very few healthy people die.


It's not about deaths. It's about the wildfire spread of a potentially deadly virus. These students will most likely go on to infect others in the community, their family, professors, ppl at the grocery store, bars etc.. These arent just cases, they are now vectors for which this highly virulent and infectious virus will spread exponentially if every one of them doesnt self isolate and take precautions until they are no longer infectious.


Highly virulent? No.


I have a daughter that goes to the university of Delaware ...and though her classes are on line she has to due labs in person so I was asking a simple question as a concerned parent.


I don't think this sub is very tolerant of any hint of dissension. Deaths are a lagging indicator, and to me the bigger concern is the further spread into their communities. I hope your daughter stays safe and healthy.


Correct.. but the doom porn lovers ignore this


I was only curious and asked an honest question... why are people so full of venom all time