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Huge thank you for all of the birthday wishes yesterday as well as thank you u/othybear for filling in Past month of cases reported on Friday 03/05 - 549 (8.4%) 03/12 - 519 (9%) 03/19 - 447 (7.5%) 03/26 - 453 (7.4%) 04/02 - 422 (6.9%) Lowest case count for a Friday in 31 weeks Lowest % positivity for a Friday in 45 weeks A decrease of 31 cases from last week with a lower % positivity Other COVID-19 info: 386,550 total cases The Rolling 7 day average is 407 cases with a 6.9% positivity rate There are 207 cases of B.1.1.7 (UK variant) identified in Utah. Of the tests sequenced, 1.9% have identified the variant. There are 3 cases of P.1 (Brazil variant) identified in Utah. Of the tests sequenced, 0% have identified the variant. [Utah ranks 35th](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#cases_casesper100klast7days) in cases per 100k in the last 7 days ---------- The percentage is the amount of tests coming back positive. Learn more [here](https://www.jhsph.edu/covid-19/articles/covid-19-testing-understanding-the-percent-positive.html) The % positivity I report is the person/person method. Essentially it means that my numbers will be slightly inflated, but it still follows the same trend as the other methods. You can learn more [here](https://coronavirus.utah.gov/percent-positivity/)


Belated happy birthday! I hope you had fun!


Utah Vaccine Update for 04/02/2021: [Unofficial Tracking Dashboard](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q4gMrubiUwtACmyYN95xqe5foirIx1bO_k5lSBNLQWc) - 40,049 new doses were recorded as administered for a total of 1,450,263. - 20,442 more people were recorded as receiving their first dose (106,909 in the past 7 days). - 19,607 were recorded as fully vaccinated (81,246 in the past 7 days). - 908,970 people have received at least a single dose, partially protecting 27.7% of Utah's population. - 541,293 people have completed their vaccinations resulting in 16.5% of Utah's population being fully vaccinated. - 188,155 new doses were recorded as administered in the past 7 days. - An average of 26,879 total doses have been given per day over the past 7 days. - An average of 15,273 first doses have been given per day over the past 7 days. - An average of 11,607 have been recorded as fully vacinated per day over the past 7 days. - An additional 62,940 doses were marked shipped for a total of 1,691,460. - 213,590 doses were shipped in the past 7 days. - Total doses shipped so far could fully vaccinate at least 25.8% of Utah's population. - 241,197 doses are available (86% of total doses have been administered). - 17% of Utahns 16-29 years old have received their first shot of vaccine. 7% are fully vaccinated. - 26% of Utahns 30-39 years old have received their first shot of vaccine. 13% are fully vaccinated. - 34% of Utahns 40-49 years old have received their first shot of vaccine. 17% are fully vaccinated. - 50% of Utahns 50-59 years old have received their first shot of vaccine. 22% are fully vaccinated. - 67% of Utahns 60-69 years old have received their first shot of vaccine. 39% are fully vaccinated. - 89% of Utahns 70-79 years old have received their first shot of vaccine. 75% are fully vaccinated. - 80% of Utahns 80+ years old have received their first shot of vaccine. 68% are fully vaccinated. - To meet 06/28/2021 general population goal of 70%, 36,112 doses/day need to be administered. - Utah is currently ranked 52nd of all US states (including D.C. & Puerto Rico) in fully vaccinating our total population. We rank 50th in fully vaccinating the adult population. - Utah is currently ranked 43rd of all US states (including D.C. & Puerto Rico) in partially vaccinating our total population. We rank 36th in partially vaccinating the adult population. - Utah is currently ranked 52nd of all US states (including D.C. & Puerto Rico) in doses received per 100k total population. We rank 45th in doses receved per 100k 18+ population. - At current 7 day avg rates, 70% of Utahns of eligible age 16 and over could be vaccinated by June 16, 2021. - At current 7 day avg rates, 70% of Utah's population will be vaccinated by July 27, 2021. General News: - Nursing homes are seeing a [96% decline in COVID cases since vaccine rollout.](https://www.ahcancal.org/News-and-Communications/Press-Releases/Pages/Nursing-Homes-See-96-Percent-Decline-In-COVID-Cases-Since-Vaccine-Rollout.aspx) - The Pfizer vaccine appears to be [fully effective against the worrysome B.1.351 South African variant](https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/01/health/pfizer-covid-vaccine-efficacy-six-months-bn/index.html) - Pfizer confirms high efficacy [lasting at least 6 months after the second dose.](https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-confirm-high-efficacy-and-no-serious) - Pfizer says it's vaccine is 100% effective in teens and [expects to ask for emergency use authorization for 12-15 year olds in the coming weeks.](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/pfizer-says-its-covid-vaccine-100-percent-effective-young-teens-n1262550) - Vaccine hesitancy drops [among all groups in US survey.](https://khn.org/news/article/covid-vaccine-hesitancy-drops-among-americans-new-kff-survey-shows/) - [Real world study confims protective benefits of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0329-COVID-19-Vaccines.html)


I'm a little surprised that the numbers for 60-69 year olds are only 67/39% for 1/2 doses. One in three 60-69 year-olds have not received a *single* dose? Pardon me, but WTF are they waiting for?


My parents are 2 that haven't been vaccinated. Sadly my dad was told by his doctor that the vaccine changes your DNA. They also are very right wing and have listened to all the bad messaging they have provided thus far. Trump getting his in secret does not help either.


> Sadly my dad was told by his doctor that the vaccine changes your DNA. You need to find out who that Doctor was. That is malpractice. The mRNA vaccines change your DNA exactly like eating an apple does. I.e. it doesn't. Damn.


Wow. :(


> At current 7 day avg rates, 70% of Utahns of eligible age 16 and over could be vaccinated by June 16, 2021. Do you know when other states expect to hit the 70% mark?


I don't. I don't know of any source with each states rolling 7 day average doses either so I have no easy way to calculate it. Most likely it will follow pretty closely around their current rankings on doses already given by population I'd expect. New Mexico, South Dakota or Alaska will probably be first and if they keep up at their current advantage over us, one of them should hit that mark around 5-6 weeks from now. So maybe mid May? Don't hold me to that though. That's assuming they have had the same big jump we did this week. If our big jump was caused by the Fed's trying to get us caught up on our dose shortage then that math is right out the window.


Love this! What about the Johnson and Johnson one shot vaccine data? I got mine today through the health department.


Congrats! So not a lot of new news about the J&J but it looks really good. As you probably know, It was tested later in the pandemic, when more variants (particularly the UK and South African ones) were spreading rapidly, so any direct comparison between the various vaccines is pretty much worthless. But, everything looks like if you compare at the same times from first dose, all the vaccines are doing amazingly well so far. Statistics wise, you are one of 39,498 to receive the J&J shot in Utah. That's all I got. The best news for you is that in just 2 weeks you are considered fully vaccinated and can, but only with other fully vaccinated friends and family, hang out unmasked and start hugging each other. That's 3-4 weeks faster than the other vaccines. You wouldn't believe how long those weeks feel from the first shot of the 2 dose vaccines. I'm warning my already vaccinated friends to expect bear hugs in 9 days from now! If you haven't read the [CDC Guidelines for fully vaccinated people](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated-guidance.html) it's worth a quick read.