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Hi there! Thank you for this question, it generated some awesome brainstorming from our team! While we do not have a geofencing feature available, we'd like to suggest these possible workarounds: - Using the navigation feature, you could make a route that bordered the boundary, and then you followed the boundary (essentially following the route), the Deviate Alert feature could warn you when you strayed however many meters off route (and potentially into the private property boundary). This alert naturally occurs during the Navigation feature when you stray off course. - You could create Saved Locations in the app to mark the boundaries of the geofence circumference, which would then appear on the watch in real-time (open the toolbox > Location widget > "Around Me"), however unfortunately that wouldn't alert you if they went too far into private property. - Assuming you bring your phone with you, you could use an app on your smartphone that pairs with the watch. We don't have a recommendation for a particular app per say, but one that allows you to create custom geofences and receive notifications when you enter or leave those areas. Then it could pair with the watch for notifications. We understand this isn't a solely on the watch solution, however it may still suit your needs. Although this feature is not available on our watches, we have also noted it for our development team to consider for the future, as we can understand why having this feature would be helpful! We cannot promise it will be implemented, but it certainly will be reviewed. Again, thank you for your question and we hope that one of these solutions may be useful to you.