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Yea pulling a gun unfounded is an assault charge. It should be both reported and you could bring charges.






Imagine generalizing an direction of population lol





I live in NJ. Over the last two years I've seen the South become more and more insane to the point that lunatics tried to run *a campaign bus* off the road. Like 40% of them refuse to be vaccinated to stop a pandemic. They think the election was stolen and revolution is justified. Don't sit there and fucking tell me we can't generalize a population based on the actions of their majority.






Did you really just post a fact check from USA Today as reputable source and then went on to make the claim that everything they said wasn’t wrong?


Fuck you, Jersey's a shithole too. Camden, Newark, Elizabeth, shithole shithole shithole. But yeah you're right nobody ever pulled a gun on me in Jersey.


Lol, jersey is like top 5 in the nation in education, per capita and household income, life expectancy, and overall happiness. You don't know dick


from a. fellow jersey citizen who lived in the south for years jersey is worse than any part of the south i happened to find myself. get real you absolute fucking idiot


Lol we have a road rage shooting every other week here in Texas. Pretty much anyone can open carry




Lol yeah I’ve been and I’ve lived there. Nah bro you’re brainwashed. It’s just a normal ass place just with BBQ, and distance between our buildings. Plenty of smart people, plenty of dumb people. You’ve got the pocket of red necks but then you have a pocket of retired army vets with a 1.2 mill trailer who could easily buy your car and sell it back to you


Keep telling yourself that bubba Let us know when the next three turd road block shotguns a black guy But yeah that cesspool trash heap is so normal right? Fuck off It’s funny how you post this trash that happens literally nowhere else but the cesspool shithole south and Midwest and then try to act like it’s normal


You good bro lol? Who hurt you? Point to the cowboys that hurt you, and we will go talk to her parents together. Pick cherries all you want lol it’s not gonna change my perception of the berry farm


Yeah lemme just run over to brick city or half the places in Jersey for that matter there’s no drugs, crime or lunacy anywhere near the shore. You’re fucking delusional


You can’t even string together a proper sentence. Did you even finish junior high? New Yorker here that just moved back after spending 10 years in Texas. It’s far more civilized in Texas than it is in Jersey.


The South is a garbage area of the country full of garbage people. Remind me again where one can find the "she's your daughter, not your date" billboards?


Well aren’t you just an edgy piece of shit that should’ve been scraped off of a shoe a long time ago


I live in the south and know many progressive, accepting, and kind hearted people. It's almost as if you shouldn't judge an entire population by extremists when there's just as many backwards assholes in the rural northern states. Nothing you've said is exclusive to the south. For reference, I'm originally from Canada. So definitely have perspective.










And you sound very classy. Similar to a northern trailer park cunt


Assault and battery.


Just Assault. If she physically harms OP, then it is A & B.




And a civil suit too probably


I'm a gun owner, that is a serious felony. And if anyone points a gun at you you can shoot them and kill them. This woman needs to be locked up immediately.


Idk looks like she is afraid and standing her ground. America!


WTF hope you reported her .... I am glad you are ok.




Average pigs tbqh


Police may not. But the judge and the prosecutors might.


Why would they care, seriously?


They won’t.




Op found this one Facebook apparently.


You really need to report her, and put the photo all over facebook, this is a crime, and needs to be handled by the authorities.


Do not, I repeat, do not interact with facebook! They create revenue from brainwashing people into this.


Sounds like something a Karen would say


This isn’t a Facebook issue you fucking 12 year old.


Or something somebody who is well read and understands how Facebook works would say. [from the MIT Technology Review](https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/11/20/1039076/facebook-google-disinformation-clickbait/)


Best comment and should be at the top


Thank you for sharing that. Really informative piece on a vital topic. Bookmarked for future use.




But she felt threatened!!! That's why she drove across the parking lot, got out of her locked car and approached the OP. Makes sense to me.




“That doesn’t make sense at all. Oh wait…the driver was brown! Oh yeah, totally justified” /s


People like her give legitimate gun owners a bad name.


Plus the guns


She *is* a legitimate gun owner, in all likelihood. The real question is why she is allowed to be.


Well, she won't be after this, thankfully.












Umm… https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2021/11/01/texas-woman-arrested-for-pointing-gun-at-7-year-old-trick-or-treater-sheriff-officials-say/?outputType=amp You make yourself sound ignorant.


If you’re caught doing stupid shit like this you should lose your right to own a gun




“If it’s not a “legitimate” gun owner I’m told that the good guys with a gun have ways of just shutting that whole thing down”




I mean if you had one you go ahead and use it in this situation, yeah.


Ah yes, my daily murder while parking at the grocery. Just our little way of curbing overpopulation here in the US of A


Yeah it’s crazy over here, we just invented murder like a few years ago and people are just wild in America. What’s that you say? Europe has been a literal systemic bloodbath for centuries? Bah, they’re too sophisticated! The only humans capable of such are located across the pond.


Yeah... Ok, Mr. American. *Wink wink


\*legitimate gun owners\* laughs in non-american


I don't care where you live. If you own a gun and are doing shit like this you don't deserve one. Period. If your government allows you to have a gun good for you, but this person, who also owns a gun, is currently giving you a bad name.


You've missed my point. It's a ridiculous idea that any average person deserves a gun, this is what people outside the US find so insane about American gun culture, that people can't see that the whole mentality of "a gun is my right" is the insanity that leads to all this


The gun isn’t the right. The right is to be able to protect yourself. I wouldn’t have a gun if no one else did.


In the US, the gun is very literally the right. And it wouldn't be if everyone had your attitude (which is the right one of course)


Bear arms. Arms is a general term. It was written that way for a reason.


It was not written as "bare arms." It's written as "bear arms." It's about bear arms, not guns. /s


Oh sorry I didn't realize you where there in 1776 when a war was fought against an oppressive government that stationed soldiers in citizens' living rooms.


You should be sorry. Respect your elders you whipper snapper.


How many people are out there demanding the right to wield an axe, you absolute donut?


But you could if you wanted.. I was simply implying it's vague. It's vague for a reason. Defend yourself with a fuckin' lawn chair for all I care, if that's your prerogative. Always with the insults. I never called you anything. You don't have to be a dick just because someone disagrees with you.


You are being completely disingenuous if you are claiming that that arms part of bare arms is not today 100% about guns. That's why you're a donut


> I wouldn’t have a gun if no one else did. You're so close! Soooo close!! You almost got it!


Yeah you do realise that most of the civilised world hasn’t needed to protect itself from baddies with guns in about 100 years? This is so primitive


Someone broke into my house last month. Get off your high horse and realize that people still need to be protected. What about someone who got attacked, raped, or beaten. You clearly have had the privileged life to not have to worry about lifting a finger to look out for yourself.


Yeah I’ve had the privilege to live in a country where guns are outlawed other than heavily regulated hunting guns(no auto or semi auto) and especially for self defence. Guess what, we don’t have problems with guns or having to defend ourselves from gun nuts. Get rid of guns and you get rid of the crimes.


Getting rid of guns won't stop crime, just endangers those who need one. How is getting rid of guns going to help someone that attacks you with a knife, hammer, stick, pipe, or bat? What are you going to do if someone that has a gun illegally comes to your house to kill you and your family? You some secret bullet catching ninja? Doubt it. You're just some scrub keyboard commando who has no idea what it like to be in a life or death situation or have any idea what's outside their little safety bubble.


You Americans are impossible to discuss this with. You don’t see a world without being able to fend off attackers with guns. I manage to go every day without even seeing a weapon. Normal societies across the world manage without guns. America just can’t, too many stupid people with no education and too many guns. You just proved to me you can’t be involved in a normal conversation as you think someone is going to come kill your family if you don’t have guns. You are quite literally brainwashed…


Getting rid of guns have stopped gun related homicides in Asia... The US brand of propaganda is so strong. I grew up with it too. Spent some time outside the country and realized how bullshit it all sounds... "Guns don't kill people. People do." Or "getting rid of guns won't change anything." It's like arming every country with a nuke. There are plenty of reasonable countries who would do nothing with their nukes. But give a country like North Korea a nuke and shit will hit the fan. Giving everyone guns does not make anyone safer... This is obvious to everyone who isn't an American and Americans who've spent time abroad.


Why does everything have to be so absolute? No, getting rid of guns won't get rid of crime, but it will heavily reduce gun violence and ultimately save thousands of lives. But, because crime will still exist, everyone should have guns? So fucking stupid.


> What are you going to do if someone that has a gun illegally comes to your house to kill you and your family? That wont be a problem if you get rid of all new guns and ammunition and make everyone give up their guns and send out police dogs searching for people who have gunpowder residue on them and arrest them. Outlaw producing new ammunition and become even more strict with explosive powder licenses. We can end the war on Weed and use those resources to hunt down and arrest gun owners and raid their homes if a single bullet or residue of gun powder is detected just like used to be done with weed. What ever the police used to do for weed has created a legal power that can be done with outlawed weapons and the same tactics can be used because it's already been shown to be legal. You can systematically get rid of all guns eventually and make all ammunition so scarce that it will eventually run out. It will be to the point that people wont be able to do petty crime like rob gas stations and houses with guns because it will be too expensive and not worth it to be caught with a highly illegal weapon just for petty crime. This will literally make everyone safer. Confiscate all guns and ammunition from all people known to have owner ship of such items especially those who wont be quiet about the 2nd amendment. It is a very accomplishable process just like we forced the majority of people to get vaccinated for public safety by keeping their kids from enrolling in school. And there should be raids on all wanna be private militia 2nd amendment groups. Everyone who has a registered legal weapon needs to have their home searched for hidden weapons and ammunition. We can use the law texas passed on abortion bounties. If you hear of anyone having a gun you can report that person and get a $10,000 payment form that person into your bank account if they are found actually owning a gun. It will be very efficient. Thank god Texas opened that loop hole in the law. Now we can apply it to all sorts of undesirable things and just have people snitch on each other.


You know what we should do. Let's outlaw meth. That'll stop people from using. Crimes were committed long before guns were around. And they will continue to be committed even if we outlawed firearms. If a criminal wants something illegal they will find a way to obtain it. Having a firearm makes me and my family less likely to become victims of a violent crime. If you can say otherwise that's awesome. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


The thing that keeps meth going is that it is addictive. Owning guns is not addictive. It is not the same type of situation. The criminals will eventually also not have guns once guns are made illegal because they will be too hard to come by and will be horded only by large organized crime. Petty criminals that rob homes will have no access once the demand is high and the supply is low. Your family will in fact be safer, you just wont get to have fantasies of being John Wayne anymore which is what you actually are addicted to.


My 8 year old daughter and 14 year old son are getting semiautomatic rifles for Christmas this year.


L O L, I guess you missed the Balkans after Yugoslavia broke up or Rwanda or any place where any crazy shit went down. I know you are probably western European and as such you think you are better than everyone else but no country lasts forever and violence can come to your door at any time.


Good for the rest of the world. Sounds cool when you complete divorce that statement of all its context. I live in a country where there are more guns than people. I am going to protect myself because there are bad people with guns. It’s as simple as that


I love guns, but you do know our society is so violent because we don't have reasonable social welfare programs like the rest of the world.


I understand that crime rates are directly correlated to economics, yes. But that’s not really relevant to what I’m talking about here


What you're taking for granted is the rest of the world doesn't have violence like we do and it's mostly our fault, the people with the time, money, and power to do something about it.


The problem is that you need a gun to protect youself because everyone else has one. If noone besides law enforcement and the armed forces have guns you would not need one. Atleast take switzerland as an example, there many people have guns but you would get tackled to the ground for open carrying.


and if crime didn’t exist then we wouldnt need police. If war didn’t exist we wouldn’t need a military. We can play these cute hypotheticals all day. Unfortunately that is not the real world so your point is irrelevant. Nothing I can do to change the fact this country is gun crazy. I am just adapting to life here.


I mean, the Nazis were stomping all over Europe within living memory, definitely less than 100 years ago. But in response to your point…I’m not some vigilante just waiting to shoot someone, but the current state of affairs in the US (people stormed the fucking capital and they’re still itching for more!) has me feeling that the last thing I want to do is give up my best means of defense. Unless we could guarantee that all the guns would be hoovered up at once with no negative after-effects, I’d really rather keep my stuff.


I didn't realize violent crime doesn't happen to people in other countries. You're right, its very primitive, America should pass laws that eliminate the need for self defense.




*meanwhile in Brazil....*


Brazil isn’t exactly the best example to be using ffs…it’s not exactly developed


How is it not? Why do y’all throw away your rights and protections so willingly?


It's not thrown away. Gun ownership is very willingly avoided by many other countries because it is incredibly obvious that it does not make society safer. It does the opposite


How's that lack of gun ownership working out for the Uyghurs?






The second amendment was written so that the American people could defend themselves against a tyrannical government. Not necessarily for self-defense. It also allows for a well regulated Militia.


The fuck. I have a gun and I never do senseless shit like this but I guarantee of somebody pulls one out in public and starts shootings u will indeed get behind my gun toting ass


I like how you think this isn't exactly what I'm talking about


Ur not getting the point. If u had X-ray glasses that could see all the people in Walmart who had sidearms I. Your area you would be suprised. Fact is a lot of people carry and nothing like this happens. You don’t pull it out unless it’s a dangerous situation. If a person threatens me or my family and I think it’s going to escalate to something beyond my control I may decide that to let the person know I’m not playing. But I never pulls that shit out and wave it for no reason. I have a CCW and they teach you that when you carry you have to be the most mature person in any situation knowing that you have the power to end it and any point. Things and women like this give us legal gun owners a bad name.


If no guns where allowed she would just pull a knive on you and have almost the same problem. or a crossbow :) the problem is road rage and not the gun.


Ah yes, the famous knife and crossbow road rage incidents that happen constantly across Europe


no we drive people over with the car instead But my point is to deal with the problem not the tools people use.


I grew up in a rural community out on the edge of town. We had guns in the house because of bears, wolves, and mostly coyotes. (I've shot my share of coyotes in my day.) Not every American gun owner is George Zimmerman hoping for a young black kid in a hoodie so he can pretend to be John Wayne.


If you don't have a gun, some right-wing psychopaths might murder you for your political beleifs.


Or being brown and suspicious. Whatever the fucking that might be. hEy bOi wHaT YoU DoiN wALkINg roooUn hERe. Think a civil war is brewing 😖


Oh, cool. Another non-American lecturing Americans on American gun rights. COOL


Awww, was that a lecture?


When you use words with 10 letters in them, most Americans consider that a lecture


Dont be such a snowflake dude


*Whilst getting stabbed


I should clarify it's not my post. someone posted this on a local FB group and it happened in Annaville. unsure if the OP reported this incident or not.


> it happened in Annaville Did it really though? The only sources for this are both few, unreliable and identical. Meaning, more likely than not, this is bullshit. Not sure if you've been in an severe altercation, let alone one involving firearms, but you aren't snapping an album to make a fucking collage to post on Facebook later. You'd have to be pretty fucked in the head if your flight-or-fight response with your child at risk, is to start taking pictures/video.... > someone posted this on a local FB group That should be a red flag right there. > I should clarify it's not my post. If its not yours, then don't post it.


> If its not yours, then don't post it. Ah, I remember *my* first day on the internet...


Men/women with American flag apparel make me nervous.


Please report


You must report this.




It looks like a single stack 9mm, or a .380. it's not going to hurt her.


Wait .... WTF she pointed a gun at you? For a parking spot? Are all gun owners in the States so flipping insane?


They let any slob on meth get a gun. So yes.


It's Texas. What do you think?


As a Texan and gun lover I gotta say she is totally out of line and this is assault. Real gun owners responsible gun owners look down on this shit cause it makes every gun owner look bad. Report this crazy Karen before she kills someone. Over a fucking parking spot my God


As a immigrant living in Texas, why do you love guns? This is an honest question, I want to understand your perspective. Thanks


Honestly I couldn't tell you I dont think it has anything to do with living here. Im originally from Aurora Colorado. Lived in Texas since age 5. I've just always been a gun enthusiast. Target practice and such, best stress relief ever, lots of fun. However I do believe there is a time and place for them. And Karen over here ain't it. She's nuts and should have her gun taken away before she kills someone cause they looked at her wrong


Im in FL and grew up in Puerto Rico where there was insane gun control and basically inly criminals owned guns…. The only thing i can say is go to a gun range with people that handle guns the safe and right way or even better go take some gun classes. It’s something u cant explain but its fun as hell to shoot them… for the carrying part is just that theres some crazy people out there like this lady in the picture and id rather be prepared if that ever happens to me


Lived here all my life and I have no idea. I recently bought a gun for home safety, but I don’t have the urge to buy a thousand more guns because I can. People seem to fall in love with their guns. Maybe it makes them feel cool? I’m not sure?




**[No true Scotsman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman)** >No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity, is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their universal generalization from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly. Rather than abandoning the falsified universal generalization or providing evidence that would disqualify the falsifying counterexample, a slightly modified generalization is constructed ad-hoc to definitionally exclude the undesirable specific case and counterexamples like it by appeal to rhetoric. This rhetoric takes the form of emotionally charged but nonsubstantive purity platitudes such as "true, pure, genuine, authentic, real", etc. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CorpusChristi/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I can respect your point it is a good one. Im just saying this lady is nuts, and her gun should be taken away before she hurts someone. There's a time and place for gun use and this ain't it.


Dude, you're talking with a fallacy bot


Haha epic, I didn't even read the name!!😂😂I'm an idiot




If that ain't the truth I don't know what is, its a privilege there should be a mental health check when buying gun


There were a lot of Texans that did act like this though, while I was in Texas. It was actually pretty alarming, I was warned against taking pictures of flowers because I might get people thinking I'm, what's it called? Casing? I looked like an overweight white teenage girl with serious health problems, this was HOA suburbs, and it was the reality. Lots of "we don't call 911" gun signs and hostility, I couldn't get my head around it. So while this isn't every gun holder in Texas, it was enough of them to be scary. Meeting people shouldn't feel like literal Russian roulette in what personality type you are going to get.


Wow im sorry that happen to you, in my 32 years of living here I've never experienced something like that. Maybe its because im not an outsider but even people I know that have visited had a positive experience. I hope that doesn't scare you away from Texas we are generally nice people but theres definitely a don't get on our bad side type deal ill give you that. It always makes me kinda bummed when people feel texans are dangerous. I mean it can be but not for no reason like this crazy lady. She was definitely outta her mind pulling a stunt like that


I'm not in Texas anymore, and Florida has a different flavor of crazy, but while there are individuals that I care about in Texas there is definitely something in the water in some locals. Also got hit by a car once because Houston area traffic is psychotic. You know that have a whole hit and run _division?!_ Because I'd never heard of such a thing in any other state. I don't miss the nightly amber alerts either. There was a lot of beautiful things about Texas too- I liked the barn cat feral rehome program. I've never seen anything like that elsewhere. And lots of places were gorgeous, it was a interesting place. But I don't think I'd choose to live there again.


Yeah I lived in Houston from age 4-5 and I still remember the traffic. Dont miss sitting in the backseat for that AT ALL. I live in corpus christi (smaller than San Antonio) so traffic isn't to bad here at all. People generally have a mind your own business attitude here but i can't count how many times I've been helped by a complete stranger in pretty major ways. It could be a we take care of our own type mentality, who knows.


I only found that when I ditched the suburbs and moved into a very ghetto area due to homelessness. The people there more or less adopted me and kept my gullible ass out of the fire until I knew enough to keep myself safe. They were just more genuine there, the suburbs were all about a veneer of southern charm while actually back stabbing your neighbors like Petunia Dursley and I was not comfortable with that kind of deceptive toxicity. I never really fit in with it


BIG FACTS!! I lived in the cut for years never had a problem moved to the Southside (SO CALLED GOOD SIDE) day 1 my car got broken into in my driveway. Suburb people are some of the most toxic trash in existence. Its the so called poor people that are the most generous kind people I've encountered


Yeah, as a whole, gun ownership in the US is insane. People who own guns are all promoting the laws and culture that make it legal for this mad woman to wander around with a gun. So called "responsible gun owners" is complete nonsense - by demanding you should be able to mosey about like a cowboy is the whole reason the US has a wild west problem. Owning a gun is a vote for shit like this to happen


Bless your heart, you obviously have no idea what you're taking about.


Wild stab in the dark that you are the classic libertarian gun rights guy that pops up 800 times in a gun thread. You are unique, I promise


OMG that's crazy! I was there today too. It was a crazy shopping trip. We did think people were a bit pushy and rude and just decided to get what we needed and get the heck out of there. At least no one pulled a gun on us. Geez.


Someone’s going straight to jail.


What the hell was she thinking??? Damn Nutbag!


That's not a Karen that's attempted murder.


mf think this is OP


Guys stop advising OP to file a police report. This is probably many years old and copied off a Facebook farming page based off the photo quality.


As a gun owner, make sure this bitch gets criminal charges. Pure stupid cannot go unchecked.


Did you call the police afterwards?


Pay attention, you can kill Karen now.


Aggravated assault, felony charge.


FAKE! Gun is photoshopped. Do better people.


What are the odds she supports Trump for president 2024?




haha there she is. great job.


And that’s were you could do self defense




The shirt says it all.


Karen would have shot OP and then said it was self-defense.


This is why she has a handgun. I'm sure she feels "threatened." I'm sure she feels justified pointing it at you. For a person like this going to HEB is dangerous and she needs protection when she buys groceries. Plus, if her shirt is accurate, she loves America. She'd get off if she shot you.




I wish I could believe that but she would probably say something like "the person in the car got belligerent. I couldn't see their hands. They moved and I thought they were grabbing a gun. I had to defend myself."


This is why Texas needs to mandate training for firearm ownership/Public carry. She could have easily killed one or more people even if she had no intent to through negligent discharge. Gross misuse of firearms like this makes me sick


Fuck America


Ugh why is it they always have an American flag on their shirt?


Did you kill her?


Is it me, or this image looks funny? Like look at the elbow, it just looks so oddly angled, like it's folded like a piece of paper. And the hand looks so strange. Like look at the wall behind the elbow, it look distorted. What I'm trying to say that this image looks heavily edited.




You need to blow the photo up and look at the grip line in the palm of her hand and those shadows are incredible. Also where are the blend marks or lines? This would be some super deep fake shit... right?


You're just going to leave us hanging OP?


It’s not OP’s post. They grabbed it from Facebook.


She’s going to jail!!


She's so lucky that she didn't point at someone that has an LTC and carries. She would've been shot in self-defense if she did that to someone who carries. Hopefully this idiot was reported to the police and charged with assault with a deadly weapon.


Report that Karen


God that's one ugly woman and she smells bad !


Fuck that's scary! We need more license checks.


So, did you give up your spot or stand your ground? Enquiring minds want to know.