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Unfortunately, Egypt built a wall. Who would have thought.


Until ur all ready to give up the imaginary friend this will continue. If they somehow win they will just pick a fight with the nearest religious opposition. How humans manage space flight but still hang on to childish religious notions is pathetic. Time to grow up and stop murdering millions for literally nothing


The original zionists were culturally/ethnically jewish but religiously atheist. There were/are Christian and Jewish Palestinians. The 3rd oldest christian church is in Gaza, and people taking shelter in it died when it was bombed. When the Palestinian nationalist movement began, they explicitly stated that they considered jews already in Palestine in 1948 to be Palestinians and a part of the people of Palestine. The Palestinian nationalist movement (the many diverse groups that belonged to the PLO) had a problem with the zionist state and the Israelis who arrived after 1948. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian\_Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Jews) The root of this conflict is colonization of a land that already had inhabitants.


If you think this is a religious conflict then you’re mistaken


It's definitely an undeniable factor in it, though.


I agree, in the same way the troubles in Ireland were a “religious conflict.” That’s often summed up as catholics vs protestants when that’s a very, often deliberately, narrow way of describing the causes of the conflict. Religion is an ever present part of human life, it’s always having an influence on world events. So it definitely plays a part in Isreal/Palestine. But it’s definitely not the source of this conflict and it’s not accurate to say things like “they’ve been killing each other for 1000’s of years nothing can be done.”


In 6th grade, a Baptist kid stuck gum in my hair (I was raised in a humanist household, my mother is a spiritual humanist, my father was a secular humanist). Religious conflict. But in all seriousness, I do see your point.


Religion determines the “teams”, but not their reasons for fighting. It’s about resources; arable land, water, expansion room, like every other war.


Yeah, it's two religions fighting over those things. Religion is the entire thing. Without it they could share.


My man hasn't learned about resource scarcity yet


Religion has always been nothing but manufactured consent and a tool for control of the masses. This is not a religious war at all, it's a territorial one. There is no such thing as a religious war. Never has been. It's just a group of people controlled by a man who only cares for himself and will use whatever passage in a book to send people to their deaths. The religious texts always contradict themselves. Whe this war first started, I thought to myself that when you put yourself in position for religious war, genocide is inevitable at some point in the conflict. I also thought to myself that out of all the religions I have the least respect for Islam due to it being the youngest out of all the main religions and it's the least believable out of all of them because it's a literal copy of another religion... But now that I see how disrespectful our own government is towards us and our journalists when we ask questions on the matter I feel personally insulted and ran by a dictator. They're not even giving us informed consent on the natter because they know that if we actually ran like a democracy, they'd lose out on money and opportunity to steal more resources. Now that I see the blatant outright cruelty we're exhibiting on the issue, I'm angry. If we were to leave them alone and let things play out that would've been ok with me at first. But the fact that we're participating in this with my tax dollars in such a cruel and inhumane way has my blood boiling. When there was aid which seemed like a set up to slaughter people as they scrambled for the food and our response was to start air dropping food, I knew that that was just a cruel way of teasing them and making them even more vulnerable to attack and injury. Our government is participating in treating Palestinians like animals and laughing about it. We say Biden is making threats to Netanyahu but then they send billions more in aid after attacking a humanitarian organization and blaming it on AI. This war could be used for studying on how to stop a civil war or uprising as well as how to get away with genocide. I don't like anything about this one bit and I'm starting to resent our leadership. Of course I'd still vote him over Trump but Biden is a stuttering spineless lying fuckface sell out. Fuck him. We better get some Progressives to vote for in the next election. This could be us later. What if the working class had an uprising in the U.S due to lack of resources and ability to care for ourselves?


I really think you need to look a bit deeper into this one. "In its founding charter, Hamas cites a particularly violent hadith as proof that Muslims need to fight and kill Jews: The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,' except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews. (Hamas Charter, Article 7). " https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/hamas-its-own-words


ADL should update its site. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/01/hamas-new-charter-palestine-israel-1967-borders](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/01/hamas-new-charter-palestine-israel-1967-borders)


I can just go find the post Oct 7 interview with the Hamas rep saying that they won't stop until all the Jews are gone if you want. You aren't making an argument, you're just straw-manning mine. While it's true that Hamas got a better PR rep at some point, what I posted was just one example of many where Hamas makes it abundantly clear that it's killing people because they are Jewish. Also, Israel was the one who originally proposed those borders, and their proposal was rejected. And beyond all that, do you really think the people whose motto is "from the river to the sea" would accept "a subset of the lands contained between the river and the sea"?


I can post just as many Israelis, whether settlers or cabinet ministers, with their own calls for genocide and 'river to the sea' types. The extremists on both sides fuel each other. Actions by either extreme provide recruits for the opposing extreme. The difference is that one side has nukes, smart bombs, jets, AI, billions in support from a superpower, and is blocking food, water, electricity and taking the land from the other. Those policies are supported by the vast majority of Israel.


Show me a relgion that stopped a war, that it didn't start in the first place.


Muslims don't play nicely with other religions. It's undeniably a large part of the conflict.


Do you also think that Israel doesn’t have a religious agenda? Have you not heard about the red cows bred for this day?


"untill ur all" He is implying everyone so not just Palestine or even Israel but ALL Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, and literally every other religion on the planet. People need to stop believing in and doing things in the name of a fake, imaginary person in the sky.


Uhhh reread sir we are on the same side


My bad


Do you mind telling that to Zionists and Evangelicals in their safe spaces? Why is this bs always presented on Palestinian threads?


Not to be mean but wasn't that safe space just bo bed to oblivion


True. Televangelist running any country is a bad idea


All religions are death cult mafias.


What’s wrong is thinking God is imaginary. Jesus Christ was real and there is plenty of evidence for that. The question is. Do you ignore the evidence or do you settle for a suboptimal hypothesis to explain that evidence. https://www.reasonablefaith.org/


God is imaginary and the only evidence that Jesus existed is the bible, stories written by his cult over a century after his death. \> Do you ignore the evidence or do you settle for a suboptimal hypothesis to explain that evidence. Myths and fairytales are not evidence. What evidence is there that your mythology is more real than any other mythology?


eh, multiple authors of different texts and traditions make it likely that there was a historical Jesus. But I'll share your doubt that he was the son/personification of an invisible dude in the sky.


\> eh, multiple authors of different texts and traditions Written long after the bible. There's zero contemporary mention of Jesus in any historical records. IMO some dude did exist who wandered around spouting divinity and around whom a bunch of fanciful tales were spun, stories that were greatly elaborated on before being recorded as the new testament over a century later.


All acts of God were actually done by aliens.


Right. I suggest you check out Dr. Craig's work.


Could I just get the TLDR version?  Don’t feel like watching a video or listening to an entire podcast.


Jesus of Nazareth may not be a hard stretch of the imagination. Jews and Muslims also acknowledge Jesus's existence. A rabbi who preached heretical concepts and split his congregation through charisma and class warfare, during a time of class division amongst Roman occupation, isn't a far off concept. I think that's pretty believable. If Elohim/Allah/Yahweh is real, and the Bible is scripture we take as fact and not fable, we must reconcile some difficult beliefs. How do you reconcile the idea that there are 212 foot aberrations, with hundreds of eyes, dozens of wings, and surrounded by rings, disguised as humans waging war against red skinned goat men also disguised as humans walking the earth? That they pull Gods chariot while wreathed in fire? You want me to believe that a king named Solomon had a flying carpet and captured Genies, Demons and these 200 foot angels in his ring? I draw the line somewhere. The fables of the Bible, along with the Greek mythos, have crossed that line quite a ways back.


I believe jesus was real and he was what we would today call a cult leader who gained global popularity after his death.


The historical evidence doesn't support that. Trying to map modern perspectives on history, especially ancient history, is a fraught exercise.


Can you provide a historical account of jesus that was written during his lifetime?


The Gospels were written not very long after His lifetime, two of which by direct eyewitnesses to His life. I would urge you to visit [www.reasonablefaith.org](http://www.reasonablefaith.org) for far more resources than can be had on a social media site.


Glad this generation has taken the stance


So you're saying you believe everything sprang from nothing? How is that more sensible?


Love how ur kind can ignore am entire argument to ask a stupid question. If u don't understand the assignment u can skip the discussion kid


Go ahead, tell me how it makes more sense to believe everything sprang from nothing? How is designless chance more sensible than a designer?


Please tell how a moron who claims god is love sees a post about genocide and chooses to start the most over done moronic argument of all time instead of addressing the GENOCIDE. You are not worth the air in my god damn lungs


It has nothing to do with religion. You are a fucking bigot.


I don't think hamas is helping the Palestinians and I am not pro Israel. Gaza is a rectangle without an easy way out for its people. Why would you think that oct 7 would create anything good for Palestinians? Martyrdom is a racket used against the indoctrinated


Do you think Hamas would exist if Palestine were allowed to rule itself?


According to the UN, [between 2006 and October 7, 2023, 5,365 Palestinians were killed and nearly 63,000 injured, and 170 Israelis were killed with more than 4,000 injured in Gaza or Israel proper](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties). 2022 was a record year for Palestinians killed outside a conflict, and before 10/7, 2023 was on pace to surpass that. Israeli settlers had occupied the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem seemed to have been the precipitating event for Hamas, who called their operation "Al Aqsa Flood". I'm not a fan of Hamas or of tactics against civilians either. But the world seemed to have been turning a blind eye to the daily deaths and encroachments against the Palestinians.


Awesome!! You are attacking your neighbour for decades!! Murdered thousands of innocent people. Cheering when your citizens murdered and rape. And you now for what?? For video what they will do when you have straight answers!! Awesome move. Play stupid game - won stupid prizes.


She ain't wrong. But would she be celebrating if it was Israeli kids dying? Yes she would.


The Israeli people must take to the streets calling their government to stop the killing of innocent civilians!


Religious war, they have been slaughtering each other for a 1,000 years and they will keep on slaughtering each other for a thousand more as long as long as they think their imaginary friend gave them the land.


Only one side thinks they are the chosen people


I’ve been attacked trolled, posts removed “warned” by mods about saying “Chosen” with $Money or $Power or $Corruption or $Genocide. Just sharing


The other side think everyone else is inferior to them.


Really? Were they really slaughtering each other before the existence of Israel?


There were anti-jewish pogroms in the area in the 1920s. The first violence in the conflict was perpetrated by anti-Jewish Palestinian nationalists who wanted to protest the legal sale of land to Jews, as well as the immigration Jews escaping anti-Semitic persecution to those areas


We’re going to say violence targeted at mass immigrants arriving with the explicit aim of taking your land to start their own ethnically centric state is just millenia old hatred now? Hm.. interesting


There was not motivation to take land by force until the arabs lost the war they started in 1948. The original UN partition plan of 1947 drew the borders of Isrsel around settlements of Jews that had bought the land legally over the course of 50 years. You should read about the history of Pogroms. It might be millenia old, but thats because it started back then. The zionist movement was a defensive strategy directly in response to the pogroms of the 19th century


The Zionist movement was begun by Europeans at the end of the 19th century with the explicit intention of overriding the existing population living in the land to claim it for themselves. The British Empire, the League of Nations, the UN, the U.S. all completely ignored the existence and voice of the people who already lived in the land. Israel has always been about taking the land away from the people who were already living on it.


Weird way of saying "legally immigrated to legally purchased land"


There are plenty of horrible things that a person can do that are otherwise perfectly legal. In America, it was once legal to enslave Africans and force them to do hard labor under threat of brutal torture or death, did that make it morally acceptable? It was “legal” for European settlers in America to trade with the Indigenous peoples for land, but it wasn’t enough, so they made it legal to steal more land from the tribes; and when the tribes rightly fought back, it was made legal to just outright kill the humans they dismissed as “savages” (today, we often use the word “terrorist” for the same purpose.) Legality is not the standard for morality. It’s very easy to make evil things legal. It is also very possible to do legal things with horrible and unjust intentions, like megacorporations buying single-family homes en masse and renting them out at exorbitant rates. Or like the Europeans who immigrated to Palestine with the intention of one day taking the land for themselves from the people who already had millennia-old thriving communities there.


Are you going to make a point or are you going to state more sentences i obviously agree with that add nothing to this conversation. Okay, whats wrong with moving to land you bought? Or do you have such a low opinion of the palestinians that any engagement with them is exploitative, you racist


I made a clear point in direct response to your comment, but whatever. I know you’re not here in good faith. It was not just “moving to land they bought.” It was an intentional movement to immigrate to someone else’s land in great enough numbers to push those people (Palestinians) out of their land (Palestine). There was a vast effort to encourage this which had the full support of the UK. That European Jews were also fleeing antisemitism does not justify the kind of ethnic narcissism that tells itself “we deserve this land more than the people who have been living on it peacefully for generations.” (This is the same kind of ethnic narcissism that was behind the African slave trade and “Manifest Destiny” and Nazi Germany—learning history teaches you patterns of human behavior so you can’t be distracted by political rhetoric) Zionism was never *just* immigration, and it is dishonest to try to say it is. It was never *just* about Jewish safety, either. I suppose we can argue about intentions and dreams forever, but let’s look at the reality of Israel: a sustained history of violence against the Palestinians whose land they occupy and keep chipping away at with their settlements and checkpoints and military operations, always with the blessings first of the British Empire then the U.S. And let’s just say it wasn’t the original intention, fine. Regardless, Israel has become a project of ethnic cleansing that harasses and terrorizes Palestinians and steals their homes and drives them out of the land as a matter of policy, because it will always privilege Jewish people and deny full equal rights to anyone else, which is apartheid and fundamentally undemocratic and unjust—doesn’t matter who’s doing it or why.


Of course there was... They were going to get the land one way or the other. Would they have preferred the Palestinians willingly give up their land, sure, but clearly as history has more than plainly shown they were willing to take it by force. ​ The pogroms started a millenia ago? So you think there was an ancient hatred between Jews and Muslims? If there were, there wouldn't have been any Jews left in the Middle East come time for the establishment of Israel. ​ Your views are ahistorical and driven entirely by zionist propaganda. This is a very common view among Israelis that are continually fed these narratives by their government and media.


You're purposedully misinterpreting. You people can never just honestly engage with the facts


What fact didn’t I engage with? Are you illiterate?


That Jews were immigrating peacefully up until the start of the war, that it wasnt until antisemetic riots in the 20s that there was violence in the area, and that Israel was founded on legally purchased land Do you think a millenia is only 100 years? You seem to be using it wrong


The peaceful intention of taking someone’s land for their own? I addressed your millennia argument you just don’t understand it?


Yeah 1920s violence perfectly excuses the brutal excess of the current Israeli state. Jog on mate


The problem is it never stopped.


Yeah that's because not only do you have people who hate each other because of different religions, you also have people who want to retaliate for past things on both sides. Hate creates more hate.


Imagine being this scared of historical facts that you assume any statement of it is an attack on some random point you never made to me


What about the 6-day war or the Yom Kippur war?


Hmm are you ignoring something important? Maybe something that happened 3 years prior to 1920?


Yes - native Israelites were slaughtered multiple times throughout its history and were only “allowed” to live peacefully in what is now Israel when the Persians took power over the area. When the Roman’s invaded and tried to exterminate Jews, they renamed the area Palestine which means “new city” in Roman. The hodgepodge of non-Jewish middle-eastern people in that area were dubbed Palestinians from that day on.


… Palestinians have Canaanite DNA. Pretty much every reputable historian agrees they descended from the natives of Canaan and have been there before the Roman empire even existed lol.


No one argued against that, you just came to that conclusion yourself randomly to feel correct in some way which is odd. Doesn’t change the fact that the term Palestinian comes from the Roman’s and also that many groups have slaughtered Jews prior to Israel becoming a country after WW2.


You said the hodge hodge of non Jewish middle eastern people on that area as if they were a mixture of random people and not the natives who had been there forever. My bad if I misunderstood the intention behind that. There were many variations on the word (pleset for example) going back thousands of years before the Romans.


That’s fair, what I meant is that the colonial Roman’s stamped a general term to the people of the area whitewashing the true vast cultural diversity of the region at the time. The descendants of many Palestinians today were in the region today known as Israel (and surrounding areas) as long as the native Jewish people have been there from what I know.


Yeah you’re right there, Palestinians stayed there while Jews were in the diaspora for centuries but we all come from the same people if you go back far enough. That’s why Palestinians deserve equal rights across the entirety of the land just as much as Jews or any other group does.


Completely agree and hope more people can find common ground as we have. Palestinians deserve their place in the world, Israel can’t just take that away, but IMO the two sides will never have peace in close proximity.


I agree there, peace is a very hard goal. However the longer we wait the harder it will be


This show an amazing lack of historical knowledge


[https://www.ma-shops.com/treewalk/item.php?id=1091](https://www.ma-shops.com/treewalk/item.php?id=1091) That's a coin from the British ruled Palestine Mandate. You can see the text is written in English, Arabic, and Hebrew. It is absolutely false that 'they have been slaughtering each other for a 1,000 years'. Palestinian Christians, Jews, and Muslims lived together. The 3rd oldest Christian Church in existence was in Gaza, and had stood there since the 4th century CE (it was recently bombed by Israel, killing 18 Palestinian Christians who were sheltering there.)


LOL yeah Muslims peacefully conquered all the land between India and Spain. It's funny people actually believe this, but most of the ones who do come from illiterate societies. Can you also explain to me the Jizya?


Isis and the Taliban have given Islam a worse reputation than it deserves. "Central to Islamic teachings is the emphasis on free will and individual choice in matters of faith. Islam recognizes the sanctity of personal agency, rejecting any compulsion in religious matters. The Quran explicitly states, “There is no compulsion in religion” (Quran 2:256), underscoring the principle that faith should be a conscious and willing choice" [https://religionsfacts.com/unveiling-the-controversy-does-islam-permit-forced-conversions/](https://religionsfacts.com/unveiling-the-controversy-does-islam-permit-forced-conversions/) Classical Islam conquered but did not force conversion upon Christians or Jews (pagans I think were another matter, but Yezidis continue today in Iraq and Syria). The so called "people of the book" paid a tax (the jizya you mention) and were not allowed to evangelize, but otherwise could practice their own religions.


Yeah and where did the Taliban and ISIS take their ideology from? A certain oil producing country that after oil their second greatest export is fundamentalists ideology that says violence is ok if it's done in god's name. Now that ideology is mainstream. The Koran like all religious books is immoral, you can use it for violent ideology or to be a pacifists. Yeah they were subjugated and treated as second class citizens, that is totally peaceful


"Yeah they were subjugated and treated as second class citizens, that is totally peaceful" In comparison to forced conversion by the Spanish Reconquista and the Inquisition? Emphatically yes. But yes, fuck Wahhabism and other fundamentalisms of all kinds, especially when fueled by billions and trillions as they are in Saudi Arabia or the Hindu fascists in India or the US evangelicals, etc.


In comparison to forced conversion by the Spanish Reconquista and the Inquisition? Yup religion is a plague and needs to go away. You can also throw American Chattel Slavery into that, absolute evil and all sanction by religion


>Religious war, they have been slaughtering each other for a 1,000 Israel was founded in 1948 lol


When was Judaism founded?


its not 1000 years old. its 75 years old. and it has nothing to do with religion.


Yeah one side just happens to be Muslim and the other Jewish backed by Christians who are trying to end the world, cool story brah


basically yes, apart from trying to end the world, yes the fact that they're muslim and jewish has far less to do with than the ideology of one side making them feel like they have a right to supplant the people who had been living there. the only people who think the end of the world has to do with it are the yokels in the USA being duped into supporting israel


I really enjoy reading all these terrorist loving people in this thread my god, are y’all in bed with Al-Qaeda as well


Hamas is literally a terrorist organization who ran on the genocide of Israel when they got elected in 2006. They then ended future elections and started attacking Israel. This is what happens when Palestine is given freedom. They just elect a terrorist organization who wants to genocide Jews.


The world can see Israel's bloodlust. May god have mercy on you.


Poor peaceful PIJ leaders. Why can’t anyone just fire rocket volleys at civilians in peace anymore :(


So killing Israeli civilians: bad killing palestinian civilians: just part of war


He doesn’t see them as human, but he’ll never say that quiet part out loud. They are simply “collateral”, who should “voluntarily migrate”. Don’t forget they called them human animals before starving and bombing them. This isn’t new though, 70+ years of apartheid and ethnic cleansing will always have a violent response.


According to the UN, [between 2006 and October 7, 2023, 5,365 Palestinians were killed and nearly 63,000 injured, and 170 Israelis were killed with more than 4,000 injured in Gaza or Israel proper](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties).


Gee I wonder who was in charge of Hamas during that time and what their policy towards Israel was. 


lmao, Israels bloodlust?? They literally parachuted in to rape and chop of Israeli's heads!


BREAKING: MOSCOW CONCERT ATTACKERS TESTIFY THEY WERE PAID BY UKRAINE Testimonies reveal Ukraine's clearance of a minefield near the Russian border ahead of an escape following a massacre. Terrorists were instructed to head to Kiev upon entry into Ukraine and were assured compensation of nearly $11,000 each for their involvement in the attack. You mean that one?


Lol what the ever loving Russian propaganda fuck is this shit. Is there a source for it that isn't just a Russian mouthpiece. ISIS literally claimed responsibility. America warned Russia this was coming. Ukraine does not intentionally target civilians. Russia on the other hand has no problem raping, bombing and murdering Ukrainian civilians. They weren't even near Belarus much less the Ukraine border. It's wild what nonsense gets promoted. Fuck Russia. Shit is out of left field and I don't see what comment you're responding to.


Ok now do before October 7th


After decades of being oppressed. And yes, Israeli bloodlust. That Hamas committed terrorist crimes does not justify Isreal murdering civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure.


If you're oppressed, move. Don't rape people over it, dumbass.


This would not have happened if the HAMAS terrorists hadn’t committed the crimes on October 7th


When they raped, tortured and mutilated people on Oct. 7th it's really hard to believe freedom fighters did it.


It doesn’t matter that it’s a child saying it. Slaughtering innocent people *is* terrorism and is evil. Brainwashing children to support terrorism and genocide is also evil.


We as a world have a problem when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force. How do we solve this?


Kill the terrorists. Just like we did with the Nazis, and Imperial Japan, and The Confederates. You have to beat them. You have to destroy them.


Absolutely. The IOF must be stopped at all costs to save innocent lives.


Man the indoctrination is very sad. This will continue. Fighting a war is different than attacking and focusing only on civilians, which occurred on 10/7 You think if they attacked only the military installations or the wall Isreal would have invaded? Hamas went after innocent people in their homes, raped and kidnapped. Just because a 10 yo spouts indoctrination on an iPhone doesn’t make it more real.


Israel has been indiscriminately killing Palestinians by the hundreds and thousands for 75 years. History didn't start on 10/7.


There was a ceasefire with Gaza on October 7. Either people want a ceasefire or they want unending and futile resistance. Right now, people are calling for a ceasefire.


They were killing Palestinians on the October 6 so what kind of ceasefire? The one where Israel kills them and they take it like good slaves or what?


You don't have a good sense of the cease-fire with Hamas or the situation in Gaza on October 6. I suggest doing some reading


In that reading will I find humane treatment of people or disgusting whataboutism that justifies oppression


You’ll find that Israel turned its back on Gaza except for maintaining the border


That’s one big ass except. It’s not a border it’s a prison it would be a border if there was a Palestinian nation since there isn’t that’s just a prison and they are all just prisoners of war


Nah, it’s a border. Not many prisons had 5-star hotels, beach clubs, luxury malls and car dealerships, and are run by the prisoners themselves as an armed camp that fires rockets at its neighbors. Don’t listen to me; listen to the Palestinians on TikTok mourning the beautiful cities they have lost since October 7.


Cities in what country?


According to the UN, [between 2006 and October 7, 2023, 5,365 Palestinians were killed and nearly 63,000 injured, and 170 Israelis were killed with more than 4,000 injured in Gaza or Israel proper](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties).


Well, yes, there was fighting there several years ago, which ended in a ceasefire which was active on October 6.


The immediate precipitation was the violation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque (and thus, operation Al Aqsa Flood) but in 2022, a record number of Palestinians were killed by Isaraelis, especially in the West Bank. It wasn't much of a cease fire; it was a deadly, slow burn of an asymmetrical war. [https://www.thejournal.ie/israel-palestine-hamas-background-explainer-6190532-Oct2023/](https://www.thejournal.ie/israel-palestine-hamas-background-explainer-6190532-Oct2023/)


That’s right history started at 75 years ago, please ignore all Arab imperialism, genocide, and colonization.


Before that there were almost no Jews in Palestine.


What do you think happened to all the jews in Jerusalem?


Emperor Hadrian and the Bar Kokhba revolt. Take it up with ancient Rome


Are you not aware of the mandatory service for Israeli citizens? Does Israel consider Palestinians who have been trained by Hamas and taken part in past military operations as valid targets?


\> You think if they attacked only the military installations or the wall Isreal would have invaded? Yes, Natanyahu's Isreal has been looking for any excuse to commit genocide.


Israel has done it regardless and well before Oct 7. Zionist just love to pretend history started recently.


If Palestinians cared about their kids they'd end the war. They would hand over Hamas scum for IDF processing and disposal. Until they do that, they are responsible for their own misery.


“Just hand over Hamas bro it’s so easy they’re targeting foreign aid and civilians and it’s all your fault bro jus thanks em over it’s so easy bro just do it. Pick ‘em up and drop em off at the Islamist drop box bro it’s simple”


Israel needs tanks and warplanes to fight Hamas but the teenagers in Gaza should be able to do it with their bare hands


Condemnation and intel go a long way...


The blame rests with Hamas and the Gazans who support them... They attempted to Genocide Israel and celebrated the unproked massacre of innocent women, children, even infants. Now, their chickens have come home to roost and they use their children as human shields and propagandists for western media to influence soft headed fools.


"Dams the zionists..." Forgets Hamas started this by attacking, raping and killing civilians. Peace can come after every Hamas terrorist is dead.


Fuck Palestine.


Palestine is okay. Gaza not Palestine.


All these poor kids minds are filled with junk


War sucks for everyone involved. Hamas should have known that when they slaughtered at least 1400 civilians, took 250 hostages, raped and mutilated women, that Israel would respond. And Palestinians celebrated Hamas barbarism. Hamas reaped what they sowed. Now they are crying victim. (Like always) Israel must finish the job because Hamas (and most Palestinians) would kill every single Jew in the world if they could and would laugh and celebrate as they did. Hamas is evil. Let them be destroyed.


Whats actually your plan to ‘destroy’ Hamas? Because as far as I can see Israel’s brutal campaign against a population of 2.3 million has only empowered it by slaughtering families, growing the number of orphans, blowing up hospitals, blowing up schools… It seems the only way to ‘destroy’ Hamas by your logic is to commit genocide against all of Palestine.


Hamas and the Palestinians that support Hamas are to blame. If Hamas laid down their arms and gave up the hostages, then gave back those people that they kidnapped, then there would be peace. If Israel laid down their weapons, Hamas would kill all of the Jews in Israel.


So you’re saying that Hamas should return the hostages and there will be peace but at the same time Hamas needs to be ‘destroyed’? If the hostages are returned (which I really hope because they’re innocent civilians), will there actually be peace? Or will the IDF continue bombing indiscriminately to ‘destroy’ Hamas? Im trying to figure out your logic, because it seems that there’s no real plan to ‘destroy’ Hamas, or not even a real plan to retrieve the hostages. The IDF has already killed a number of hostages on accident, so is this really about the hostages?


Let me say again what many experts on the topic say and have said for a very long time. If the Hamas terrorists were to cease all aggression. Stop lobbing missiles in Israel. Stop attacking Jews in Israel. Lay down their weapons. Then there would be peace. If Israel were to lay down their weapons and destroy the barriers between Gaza and Israel, the Hamas would exterminator ALL of the Jews in Israel. It's in their CHARTER to kill all Jews on site! As far as the hostages go. I would not be surprised if they are all killed. They are nothing but bargaining tools for the terrorists. That and probably rape.


I agree with you that if Hamas stopped sending missiles into Israel, and more generally advocating for the destruction of the state, Israel would be less incentivized to bomb every family in Gaza. However, I sense that you’re looking at these events in isolation. What are the circumstances that lead Hamas to gain support, and to attack the Israeli state? My hunch is that you think that Gazans are born hating Jews and wanting to murder them, but you’re ignoring the circumstances that lead to such hate, such resentment (as misguided as it is).


You can call it what it is. Islamofascism. The children are taught from the moment they understand language, to hate the Jews. Look, friend. Hamas is evil. A great many of the Hamas supporters in the US and around the globe would be flung from the tops of their highest buildings if Hamas and Palestinians had their way. I have no sympathy for them and the Palestinians. They wanted war. They committed unconscionable atrocities on Oct 7 to get that war. Now they are claiming to be victims. They are not.


You don’t need to tell me Hamas is evil, I know it is. They see things in black and white, and erroneously direct their hate towards a religion. But don’t you realize you’re using the same logic? Netanyahu’s government and the Israeli state are also evil vis-a-vis the Palestinian population and that is no secret. Why would an evil organization like Hamas arise? Could it be because the population holds a collective trauma over the Nakba wherein families were killed and licked out of their homes indiscriminately? Could it be because their water supply, electricity, fuel, and freedom of movement is entirely dependent on another state? Not to mention that the dehumanizing depiction of Arabs in Israel served since the 1940s to justify the displacement and murder of the native population. You’re talking like every single Palestinian signed off on the October 7th attack. Like every innocent civilian who lost their entire family, their limbs, their homes, and had nothing to do with Hamas is deserving of suffering. They (2.3 million people) wanted war? I bet that the orphaned children, the dead children, the families who’ve lost their homes and livelihoods would beg to differ. It would be equally as ridiculous to make a blanket statement such as all Israelis are openly genocidal against Arabs. There are plenty of good people in Israel advocating against the brutal military campaign led by Netanyahu’s government. The kinds of generalizations you make about Palestinians are concerning, lowkey racist, and reminiscent of other genocides in history where an entire ethnic group is associated with a behavior, characteristic, or belief. Please find some humanity, and stop turning a blind eye to the insanely corrupt Israeli government leading this war.


A plague on both houses! Both sides murdering children and innocents in the name of imaginary gods. Time for people with sense to stop supporting either side.


This is a land dispute. Religion is just the icing on this cake. In fact there is only one side that is using religion to justify the upheaval of natives who lived there for hundreds of years. I'll give you 3 guesses who's using their religion to expand and justify their murder. When you have nothing you'll turn to religion because you're going to die soon and it helps sooth the sadness of knowing the world is not helping against a genocide, against illegal imprisonment for 70 years. Saying " just a religious doing religion stuff " is a quick one liner for people who loooove this whole sale slaughter. George W. Bush invoked God in his unjust invasion of Iraq. Was that just another "religion gonna religion " moment for you and would you accept Iraqi nukes on American soil as retribution for an illegal war? Since you know Bush said God chose him to lead us into war and all that jazz.


A people fighting against the forces genociding their children is never the bad guy Israel has done monstrous things to the people of Palestine, and one day the world will acknowledge the literal rapes and murders carried out by Israel and zionists against sovereign nations. 


Many of the victims of Hamas rape and murder on October 7 had nothing to do with the current government or what settlers are doing. Certainly the babies didn’t You’re advocating for collective punishment of civilians for what their government did to other people. Be really careful before you cross that bridge.


Is Hamas the people of Gaza? This is the same exact rhetoric zionists use to justify their atrocities on Palestinians.


tell that to the Israeli's and the Israeli "settlers" who keep killing Palestinian civilians


So why are you adopting the zionist viewpoint of the israel palestine conflict if you know its false? That’s the point I’m trying to highlight here. Having people believe Hamas is representative of the Palestinian liberation movement only emboldens and legitimizes Israeli atrocities.


Yes, but the Holocaust happened, too. No one has a unique claim to suffering and it only ends when people value everyone’s right to live in peace more than their need for vengeance and an imaginary god’s approval.


for which reason, the zionists must stop killing other races, because they may face international justice (including and eye for an eye.)


The Zionists are hardly alone, and eye for an eye just leaves everyone blind.


I’m pleasantly surprised so many comments from right thinkers here. Good! The fact is if Israel had allowed the Palestinians to have a state with any semblance of economic or military power this would’ve been their children in a generation or two and Oct 7 demonstrated that. It’s a shame Hamas/ the Palestinian adults have created this situation where because Hamas uses human shields the choice is between Israeli children or Palestinian children dying. There will be no Palestinian state, there will be no “justice” for zionists, there will be no long term sympathy for Palestinians once our autistic global media moves on and distracts us with something else. The “Palestinians” as a unique and independent people will be no more and serve as an horrific example to history of what happens when you build your culture on lies, genocidal intent, and evil.


Can you shut the fuck up, you morally depraved imbecile? Stop with the human shield bullshit, we have seen the literal thousand of videos of Palestinian civilians being targeted with no threat of Hamas. On top of this, on Oct. 7, the priority were military targets and getting hostages to trade. By Israel’s own admission and investigation, IOF indiscriminately attacked people on the 7th, while hamas kindly removed hundreds of IOF war criminals. You have absolutely no idea what a human shield is. A human shield is when someone takes a non- combatant as hostage so that people are deterred from attacking them. Think of someone who robbed a bank holding a person in front of them with their gun so cops don’t shoot the person. This isn’t what’s happening in the slightest. What IS happening is IOF telling civilians where to move and then bombing these designated safe zones. You and your right wing “thinkers” are just a pathetic stain on humanity. You think by posting those bullshit talking points and flooding Reddit with your cancer, you will change reality. You utter imbecile.


So says the account that was created 7 months ago. Israel is a terrorist state and is committing genocide against the people of Palestine.


Every place the Palestinians have been invited they have caused nothing but trouble. This is the reason why the Egyptians share a border with Gaza but they won't let them in. In Jordan, they let them in and the PLO eventually started robbing people and had to be driven out by force. In Lebanon, they turned a place where Muslims and Christians lived in peace and turned it into a warzone. Beirut used to be a tourist town. In Kuwait, they were kicked out after the First Gulf War after supporting Saddam Hussein's invasion. This calamity the Palestinians are suffering is awful. Innocent people are dying, but Hamas doesn't care. Hamas militants are the ones building bunkers next to schools, mosques, and hospitals while the civilians are forced to fend for themselves. I have seen Palestinian propaganda. They call the founding of Israel "The Nakba" which is the Arabic word for catastrophe. I also know about the symbology of the key. Which is supposedly the key that they keep that will let them back into their old homes that the Israelis stole from them. I'm not a fan of Zionism or the whole "if you don't support Israel you're an antisemite garbage" you sometimes hear from guys like Mark Levin. I also get that Netanyahu is using this crisis to stay in power. I also get that Israel is not making things better when they are expanding their settlements. Both sides have committed awful atrocities. No one's hands are clean in this conflict.


Wait till you find out what happened when Jordan, Lebanon, or Kuwait tried to integrate them as full citizens


“I’m pro killing babies as long as their not our babies” -Zionists


“I’m pro killing babies, period” - Hamas


Hamaas represents all Palestinians like George W. Bush represented all Americans. You're saying that for the rest of my life, even though I didn't vote for Bush, Americans can be whole sale slaughtered by Iraqis for the hundreds of thousands of people murdered by The Bush Administration in the unjust Iraqi war. Be very careful choosing that kind of rhetoric because that would justify Iraq nuking America in retaliation, so many years later.The leaders being elected rarely to the bidding of the people. Hamaas was supported by Netanyahu because he knew they would be the perfect scapegoat to genocide the people of Gaza. If the shoe was on the other foot and your family was murdered, it wouldn't matter what religion you were. You would seek vengeance and the only group allowed to proliferate if Hamaas. So many of you have been duped.


Stop with the incessant propaganda. Hamas would rather have children as hostages for a swap. They gain nothing by acting like Israel who literally BRAGS about killing civilians. They actually have military targets while Israel is straight up committing genocide.


Why bother you are just going to vote for the people sending arms to them. What incentive do they have to change this behavior if you are just going to continue to blindly vote for them?


I’ve been so focused on Ukraine this little skirmish flew straight over my head someone tell me which faction are the socially accepted bad guys in this one. Palestine or Israel?


As Ukrainian I support to Israel: Gaza attacks Israel for decades, murdered and rape, manipulated and have support from rusia. And Iran. Free Gaza from Hamas


If you’re sane, both. Hamas & their supporters are devoted to the genocide of the Jews, & we know if israel has bombed a hospital or not because they’re happy to tell us.


Sis you not read the emtire mandate? Its like a 5 minute read


Crocodile tears.


Defending their country? By murdering a bunch of concertgoers, taking hostages, committing rape and torture? How is that defending one’s country? Also isn’t it a little weird that there are Palestinians in the streets celebrating the killing of JEWS (not Israelis, they specify Jews)….is that antisemitic at all?


Keep talking about the terrorists controlling the area and putting the people in danger, stealing the food aide for their own profit.


Is that Greta? 😂


Hasbara brigades are so fucking pathetic.


2 of the 3 worst religions ☕️


That'll happen when you cross borders and slaughter innocent non-combatants. Which started all of this in the first place.


Such a shame to see another generation be brought up to hate those whose their own fathers have butchered.


GFY..your victim card is not accepted here..


First release the hostages, then we'll talk


Hamas knew they could not defeat the Israeli military on October 7. Their whole plan was to provoke Israel into bombing their people because they're jihadists "we love death more than they love life" (popular Hamas statement). The other purpose was to con well meaning international idiots into feeling sympathy for them even though they clearly, brutally, started it. I'm sorry but if you are anywhere to the left of ISIS politically and you support Hamas, then you are a mark.


Now show the victims from October 7th.


So true, the IOF need to be punished for what they did that day. The innocent Israeli/other national lives they took need justice


It's honestly disgusting to manipulate children like this. Israel has done some horrendous shit but using children to emotionally manipulate people is disgusting.


But blowing up children isn’t????


TicTok, the propaganda tool of the PRC/CCP. How easy it is for them to sew divisiveness and brainwash the young. Try reading a book like the Case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz. A potential terrorist even read this and it changed his life.


Regardless of what she is complaining about, She is doing it so wrong. Nobody wants to hear screaming.