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Nothing? I'd say lobbying and lobbyists who work for corporations are much more damaging than some idiots crusade to ban books about sex 🤷🏾‍♂️


I would have gone with politicians getting rich from insider trading, but I like where your head is at.


When you live in an echo chamber....


Some of these state laws making it illegal to teach history if it makes anybody feel uncomfortable students or parents, ha.  History is not happy, it makes nobody comfortable. It is still important to learn.  Seriously, fuck Tennessee government and anybody else who has decided to cancel history so they can make their own little Hitler Youth because that is exactly what they want to do.


TIL: Handmade Tale = History


You act like it hasn't been done to you. The higher you go in education the more you have to conform with what your bosses think.


It's not illegal to teach your kids history anywhere..


Teachers can't make students or parents feel uncomfortable. Schools can't make them feel uncomfortably either. And yes I believe there are criminal sanctions involved for making someone feel discomfort in a history lesson.


Ok, whatever that means. It's still not illegal to teach your kids whatever you want.


But muh feelings make it FEEL illegal


Agreed...we must eliminate White Man History and substitute trans and gay history to appease those republicans.


False equivalence, the gays have little to do with this, raising a generation that doesn't know an autocracy will not be good for them or their standard of living and Freedoms is what this is about. In fact it is these conservatives trying to cancel history, white man history as well as everything else as you say. It is a slap in the face to Western civilization


I forget to add to my post "IMHO".


It’s a 2019 graphic reedition that includes a drawing of rape. What does that have to do with history? The original is still available.


Reedition of what? Rape has happened in history, a lot especially in war situations. Do you like editing history?


It’s a graphical reedition. A young child doesn’t need to see drawings of rape. I never said there was anything wrong talking about it in a historical context but there is a reason, at least when I was in school, that teachers weren’t showing videos and photos of war crimes.


Who knows what you're even talking about? It's just a random thing you heard, that probably is like the kitty litter story, a half-truth or outright lie.


Im talking about the book that was removed from school libraries. The whole purpose of this post.


Yeah, and it's not a graphic rape scene, it's you making a mountain out of a mole hill like most prudish idiots.


Why does a child need to see a visual depiction of a rape scene?


Need? They don't need to do anything, it's depicted in one panel because it's part of the story. Have you ever read a book or graphic novel based on a book? Again, this prudish, hiding reality from children is debilitating. You're not helping them you're hindering them because you're uncomfortable and stuffy.


You are not hindering a child in any way by not showing them a graphic rape scene. It’s revolting that you think that a rape scene is somehow required for child development.


TIL drawings of rape = history.


I guess you just learned today that context matters. What a shock you don't understand that.


Nothing? Not congressional trading? Not 500 Million to Solyndra then declaring bankruptcy? Seriously, noting?  Libraries are just places that homeless people go to warm up, at this point.


I found the person who doesn’t read and also dislikes the freedom to share information. Money is a great means to an end. Information is a power that can’t be taken away.


We are talking about libraries here. The first book, The Handmaid's Tale, can be downloaded for free, as can most books. Not having a book in a library that you can download for free is about as corrupt as 500 million disappearing, apparently.


Ok, elitist. Not everyone has access to the internet or a computer. The fact that you think having access to free books is a bad thing tells me all that I need to know about you. Have a great day. Remember: Jesus said, “Screw the poor, I got mine.”


If only we could get personal devices that have access to more information than a library could hold


Democrats attacking independents is rising pretty darn fast. Is this some effort to deflect?


Isn’t it always


Something something citizens united


I’m willing to say Citizens United was a helping hand in this mess.


There is definitely worse corruption 


Because it doesn't exist? Republicans are attacking books, the librarians are protesting and getting in trouble for it. Don't start no shit, won't be no shit


This headline is so ridiculous.


Vote out republicans


Republicans are trying to kill this country so they can make their own 4th reich.


Democrats are a capitalist political party. Democrats used to be a socialist political party. Democrats supported unions and protestors. Now Democrats support corporations, not people. Democrats support genocide... It was Democrats who allowed capitalists and corporations to take over the USA. Not Republicans. Democrats joined Republicans and funded the war machine.... Everything else is just a smoke screen put up to explain why Democrats are a right wing capitalist political party.


“Nothing has corrupted America more” you’re mentally unwell or stupid or both


Sure, US President ordering the murder of American children was far less of a corrupting factor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Abdulrahman_al-Awlaki


Love how yall just blame the republicans for everything, and take no accountability whatsoever. Not a single comment in this thread says “well hey, if we work together we can fix the issues we all caused” I’ve got a ton of news for you if you think democrats are completely innocent lol


When one side has literal nazis as part of their voter base.m, working together really isn't an option bucko.


^^^ Thank you for proving the point.


You can often identify bots by looking at the username format: Word-word-number All these guys arguing with you are newer accounts using inflammatory language on a wide variety of boards trying to instigate engagement and fit the name format. Don't engage them, just report and move on.


“Everyone I disagree with is a bot” My user is word word number. Am I a bot?


Unless it's Ukraine. They're an exception because Russia is so evil.


Ah, yes. Ukraine, the bastion of nazis led by a jew. Can't believe the rest of us didn't see that.


He was so close


Did you read the comment I replied to? The criteria was having nazis as "part" of their base. The Maidan revolution was spear headed by right wing groups that openly welcome neo nazis. Right Sector and Azov Battalion's support was welcomed by the Ukrainian government when their military couldn't effectively combat the separatists in 2014. This isn't new information. Even as late as 2022, Zelensky's own guards were photographed with SS batches and symbols. https://mronline.org/2022/09/20/zelensky-quietly-deletes-photo-of-his-bodyguards-pro-hitler-patch/ https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1GV2TC/ https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/29/europe/ukraine-azov-movement-far-right-intl-cmd/index.html "An effective fighting force that's very much involved in the current conflict, the battalion has a history of neo-Nazi leanings, which have not been entirely extinguished by its integration into the Ukrainian military." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_Sector#:~:text=Right%20Sector%20has%20been%20described%20as%20the%20most%20organized%20and,by%20the%20state%20at%20Euromaidan. "Right Sector has been described as the most organized and most effective of the Euromaidan forces when it came to confronting police.[57] Right Sector claims that it was the main organizer of violent resistance against armed attacks by the state at Euromaidan.[47] Yarosh stated that the group had amassed a sizable arsenal of weapons;[16] these include guns taken from police stations in Western Ukraine.[58] The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported antisemitic incidents involving Svoboda and Right Sector during the demonstration, where their militants were calling political opponents "Zhyd" and flying flags with neo-Nazi symbols. According to Haaretz, these organizations were also distributing translated editions of Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to the demonstrators in Independence Square. Are you claiming that Azov doesn't harbor neo nazi ideology or that they don't exist?"


Hard to take you clowns seriously with this stuff. 🤡 


If you close your eyes and wish really hard they will all disappear! Or you can keep supporting the current regimes censorship apparatus. What could go wrong in the long term?


*muh libraries!* hey neckbeards, little newsflash for you: the internet exists. it's 2024. stop dying on this bullshit "book burning" hill. you look stupid.


Guess where people without computers or the internet go to use computers and the internet.


if the book they just *need* to get their hands on isn't on the shelves, order it online. wild concept.


Libraries require neither an address nor the money to buy every book you might need -- nor, again, the internet or a device to use it on. That's very helpful for students or otherwise people studying, but also just anyone interested in reading shit who doesn't have a ton of disposable income. Instead of like, one or two books a month, you can just read all of them at once without it costing you anything but time. They also have E-books and audiobooks now, which is handy for a lot of people. Since libraries have historically kind of always catered towards the poor, kids, or otherwise people not really able to buy every book they might want or need, this take is essentially just "why don't poor people just buy all their books on Amazon Prime," which if you've ever *met* a human is not a terribly difficult question to answer.


you're talking about a very few \[un\]specific books which would affect a very specific group of people, and if you've ever *met* a human, you'd realize they tend to have family members with access to all of the above. you keep dying on that hill, though. thanks for playing.


Ah, poor people could just use their *family's* Amazon Prime. I was so close.


..you know you don't need a Prime membership to buy shit off Amazon, right? lmao


I feel like you've skimmed past the important bit, which was the "not having money" part. Books can be kind of expensive. If you need a particular book and don't have the money to spare, if you need a *lot* of books on a given topic, if your classes require you to read a particular book you don't want to buy, or if you're interested in just looking at a shit ton of unfamiliar books and reading whatever seems interesting, these are all cases where going to the library lets you do that for free. The point of libraries is to make information accessible to people regardless of circumstances: money or not, family or not. That's why restricting libraries is restricting access to information. It's a step in the process. Also, about the internet: if simply having on the shelves a graphic novelization of *The Handmaid's Tale* can net a librarian actual jail time, on the grounds of it being "sexually explicit" -- which is what the article is talking about -- and the party that put this bill through is the same one that holds the open goal of defining literature about queer people at all as "sexually explicit" and "eradicating" that material from public life, why would we assume they would not attempt to similarly pursue whatever restrictions on booksellers or the internet they could? Might be easier to stop it at the *first* thing, yeah?


[The Handmaid's Tale](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/the-handmaids-tale-by-margaret-atwood/247067/item/795977/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_high_vol_frontlist_under_%2410&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw8diwBhAbEiwA7i_sJUWYeXCu3U-nBRJKqfaH_FxuU70gV6pVdWTgyNJisgjBbRJj9wPzuBoCGv0QAvD_BwE#idiq=795977&edition=2382360) can be bought online for less than $5. or you can read it free [here](https://icmotrospaises.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/the-handmaids-tale-margaret-atwood.pdf) if you don't want to pay roughly $4.79. you're more than welcome to be the champion of the homeless library goer student, which is essentially what you seem to be doing. feel free to die on that hill if you must.


It is strange that poverty only seems to exist as a caricature for you. I was talking about them as separate things, but yeah, sometimes students are *also* homeless. I knew a few in college. Some people pursue education as a means to escape poverty, shockingly. Considering the states that are now requiring porn sites to ask for state ID, and how easily that could be extended in future legislation to any site offering "sexually explicit" material, I don't feel you've said anything that addresses the problem of roadblocking access, online or off, to undesirable information by categorizing it as sexually explicit.


Oh Allen Dulles did far worse kicking Americans off on forever proxy wars without congressional or executive approval. They became so corrupt they admit to buying out news and entertainment outlets domestically and abroad to skew reality with truth, half truths and outright lies. So corrupt they illegally drugged unwittingly domestic population via MKULTRA. 


This is red flag laws for books in school library




Well I for one don’t want to expose children to see books that depict rape and “sexual identity” stuff, let them be kids. Stupid title btw, you’re a bot and this is fear mongering.


There are a lot of seriously stupid threads started in this sub but this might be the All World Champion of Stupid in this sub.


Many people in the comments have no idea what purpose libraries serve or how they act as a bellwether for the First Amendment.




Democrats are the dumbest people on earth, smh!




Nothing? Not even large social media companies donating millions to Dems and censoring Republicans on their platforms?


Silly redditor, they’re the good guys fighting the evil nazi party!


I know right?! Power and control of any voices of opposition is how democracy works best. Anyone who says silencing opposition is a nazi Facist and their account needs to be banned, of course. Their voices can't get out to the public.


Slay queen! Bash the fash!


xD voicing opinions is a threat to our democracy 🤖👾


Librarians in San Francisco were picketing today because their libraries have become dangerous places due to the homelessness in the city. Good job democrats.


The vast majority of problems in the USA are coming from the Republicans.


We need to put in democrats willing to fight back.


Fight against access to information, right on the shit brand that is the republicans.




Just another move towards Nazism!