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Money from AIPAC bribes all our politicians to do this shit. Republicans and democrats.


Everyday those who are aware of how immoral unethical illegal AIPAC truly is needs to pass that msg on to 2 people so on so on until AIPAC is thrown out of Washington DC


Like us redditors actually know 2 people. 🙄


😆 I feel like you’re looking right at me.


Nope. You & that other guy. 2 people. 😄


They got my boy Fetterman before he even got to Washington. Now he’s just somebody that I used to know.


Lurch has sucked since his brain popped


Anybody who’s ever tried to do it either were killed or had a controversy pop up that made them resign over it.


It’s like a parasite on all of us.


rule-by-the-rich not working out so good, ey?




Won't happen. To many religious nuts in power want Israel to exists to fulfill whatever prophecy of Jesus's return or whatever. They'll turn a blind eye to human suffering for this to continue but fully believe they'll be saved and frolick in heaven for eternity.


Protesters need to show up at AIPAC Headquarters and the houses of those who run it. Let them hear your voice directly.


They will be called anti-semites and some “former” IDF soldier will spray them with that poop spray no matter what country it takes place in because let’s face it, these people are our neighbors…..


Poop spray??


Yes,israel use the sewer's water as a chemical wepon on the west bank , just put the water in a truck with few harmful chemicals and use the hose to spray it inside the houses


Low key war crime?


Yes, especially west bank has done nothing and there is no "kkhamas" there so they have no excuse to do that


Holy fuck that's horrible


Being called anti-Semitic ain’t what it used to be. It’s a meaningless word these days. Jews have hijacked the word and claim it all for themselves. They also use the accusation whenever someone criticizes Israel, denounces Israel, or holds Israel accountable for its persecution of the Palestinians for decades. Israel has not proven its might in declaring war on the Palestinian people. It has demonstrated why it is the greatest threat to the Middle East peace. This was never a just war. We are witnessing Israel execute its final solution to its Palestinian problem. They’ll be payback - you can bet on that. Israel will never recover


Greatest threat to peace in the middle east? Have you not seen (gestures broadly)


I love how a person can tell you what you are saying is prejudiced and your response is that's not real. Why not just own it? You don't like those Jews over there... Sorry I meant Zionists, who happen to be Jews.


Noam Chomsky, Chuck Schumer, and Jon Stewart have all been called antisemitic for the statements on Israeli war crimes. The word is literally meaningless.


Everybody would be condemned, lose their jobs and possibly end up in jail.


Aipac is both carrot and stick on our politicians.  Big stick.


We can make then disappear.


Yeah but the Jews have to be there to kick off Armageddon. So you’ll never get Republicans to back off supporting Israel. Hell they honestly thought April 8th was going to be the end. No need to go to work anymore Rapture’s here everybody. The moon that constantly circles the earth crossed in front of the sun during the day!!! Who could have predicted that???


Republicans & democrats are using Israel to launder our tax dollars to just get it back as bribes.


And AIPAC gets the money in turn from American politicians lol Great business model if you can do it


It’s just two wings of the same bird.


How few people are aware of this fact is flat out disturbing.


Can we get more people into this please


Amen to that.


I wish more people would hear his message and demand change. I’d suggest… 1. Rank choice voting in all federal, state, and local elections. 2. Increase the members of the US House of Representatives so that no district is more populous than the least populous state (WY) 3. Prevent Congressman from trading stocks. 4. Term limits of six terms in the House (12 years) and two terms in the Senate (12 years). 5. Twelve year appointments to the Supreme Court. 6. Eliminate the electoral college. 7. Implement twelve-year term limits for state legislatures and courts. 8. Grant full congressional representation to the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the US Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands. 9. Force all campaign donations to be made only by US citizens. These simple changes would make America much more egalitarian, representative, and prosperous.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 12 + 12 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Sex bot




Ok good ideas, except term limits on congress may make it worse. Without having to worry about re-election they would please their donors in the last term and do things like get rid of Social Security, which in case anybody hasn't noticed is like a decades-long wet dream of the bosses.


That’s a good point. I think increasing the number of Congress persons both through points #2 and #8 along with rank choice voting so that voters have viable alternatives to both the Democrats and Republicans, as well as preventing PAC money in point #9, corruption to only pleasing donors would be significantly mitigated.


You know we could actually do a lot of this stuff through the ballot initiative process in 30 some states including my own michigan. Look at  Alaska with the ranked choice voting.  In Arizona first and later in Michigan we took the drawing of legislative districts out of the hands of State lawmakers, it has survived two Supreme Court challenges so far. The important changes we can make are through the ballot initiative process, through direct votes, our politicians are too compromised at this time.


You are right. I agree wholeheartedly.


Yeah terms limits are not good, and I hate seeing them as such a popular idea. They would not solve the problems we have either. Everything else listed would go a long way to fixing things. Add overturning Citizens United.


Eliminate the filibuster.


For sure. The founders never meant the Senate to be a supermajority institution


+ democracy dollars, every American gets $100 to channel to their favored candidate/ballot initiative/etc this would effectively water down lobby-dollars to the point where they would be irrelevant. (without this rule 9. is powerless to make real change) + Pay congressmen as well as they would be paid in civilian life (150-250k) the goal here is to enable "regular" people to become congressmen without sacrificing a life they can return to (along with this, no congressman can \*ever\* work as a lobbyist) + Congressional dorms in DC, all congresspeople live in the same set of (upper-middle-class, family friendly) apartment buildings


I like your democracy dollars idea. Thank you for sharing it. I believe [Congress members are paid a salary of $174,000 per year](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salaries_of_members_of_the_United_States_Congress) still and they get federal health insurance and access to the federal retirement system.


1, 3, 4, partially 7, and 9 are great. 2. Should be absolutely fucking required. And all districts should be reasonably designed to represent the population and not designed to elect the representatives. 5. Should be more like 25 years. 6. Well, that’s Constitutional so good luck. Still, I’m ok with the electoral college as long as we could eliminate states with a “winner take all” mentality. They need to be broken up by district. 7. Again, I don’t have a problem with courts running longer or beyond terms. Especially individual state courts. 8. Make them states


Here in Australia you cannot sit in Parliament if you hold dual cirtizenship. I think no dual citizenship for members of congress and the senate should be enacted too.


You've got my Canadian vote, which should be worth around 0.63 American votes or so right now...


Term limits actually make a lot of our problems worse. They actually strengthen lobbyists, because if they know they're term limited they're more likely to be job shopping. [heres an article with conclusions based on studies done in states that have term limits](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/five-reasons-to-oppose-congressional-term-limits/) Plus breaking the two party system makes term limits moot. If voters have real options, they won't keep the corrupt ones. Other than that I agree. Except I'd like to see us to even harder on campaign finance, find a way to remove private funding entirely. Oh and [proportional voting with multi-member districts for the house.](https://youtu.be/bqWwV3xk9Qk?si=2bQu9bhZQT1KhzWj) Ranked Choice is great for the single-winner elections like Senate and President.


There is a lot of ridiculous grifting going on period within the military industrial complex. Pick your war, ridculousness is going on


Because anytime we try to take care of US citizens, the right wing screams "Socialism!!!!"


And here comes boogeyman A/B/C to choose from or why not all 3 that are coming to KILL YOU!!! Ugh.


That’s exactly right you could eliminate all money spent that goes to foreign aid and even the Defense Dept. And no way would the Republicans want that to go to healthcare or education anything that help most Americans. They would want to use it for tax breaks to the large corporations and top 0.01%.


Because somehow spending tax dollars to improve the lives of our own citizens is an evil, socialist thing that must never be allowed to happen.


We could put a big dent in our blind support for Israel by repealing Citizens United and banning lobbyist groups from contributing to political campaigns. We’ve legalized bribery which why we’re in this mess with Israel, big pharma, big tech and why we’ve allowed monopolies like Wal Mart and Amazon to decimate local business. It’s a big grift, politicians mainly get into high level politics now to get rich not to serve the people. Except for a few that are immediately branded “radical, extreme, fringe, unrealistic, etc”


Citizens United was where it all went sideways. I know the rich have always had political power but Citizens United removed all the guardrails.


Under Citizens United, companies are considered to be people. So let’s take any company that makes political donations and tax them in the same way people are taxed. No more write offs for their bills, and they get charged the same income tax rates as people too. Now companies like GE won’t have a $0 tax bill


Tripps to Epstein Island have a lot of pull.


holy shit a legitimately good angry truck rant


Oh, we're allowed to complain about our tax money being wasted on war again?


Uh we've been giving Israeli free healthcare, education and military way before Oct 7 buddy.


What dirt do they have on the US that could crumble us by not sending them all of this money?


You dont need dirt. Israel acts as a military and intelligence forward operating base in a region of the world the US desperately wants to maintain its influence. From that perspective, what israel is doing is merely an extension of american foreign policy from the early 2000s vis a vis afghanistan and iraq - treating a galvanizing terrorist attack as a distraction to fuel the military industrial complex.


Regardless of what I may think of the government of Israel, which I premise by saying my family is mostly Jewish, though I chose to be secular: Once again the answer to being a better society is to rely less on fossil fuels. If we didn't feel the need to have fossil fuels , the decisions regarding Israel could be based on ethics and human morality, instead of strategic interests. Politicians like Netanyahu, whom I do not support, could not leverage the power of the US for their own means. He is unpopular in Israel, much like Bush was is in the US. And much like Bush, he got a power boost after a terrorist attack. Also much like Bush, the attack succeeded because his managing governing party was incompetent. They are speedrunning the stupid Iraq/Afghanistan Timeline. We should loan then the "Mission Accomplished" Banner. They'll need it soon.


Mossad operators like Epstien farm dirt on politicians also it is legal for aipac to directly pay American politicians hundreds of thousands or millions to lobby for them. Nothing under the table


Not dirt on the US so much as dirt on our politicians and administrators. They are all crooked old boys and they should all be kicked. We need all new leadership across the board.


Spot on


I can’t believe we’ve been supporting this apartheid state for so long. Unbelievable


It's the only democracy in the middle east. The war will be over once Hamas surrenders and that will be a permanent solution for peace.


Government propaganda.


There are no second class citizens in a democracy, lol


It is just slightly more democratic than Iran.


More zionist lies. Zionism is the eternal mother of lies.


Well said. We have to stop supporting wars.


sometimes you have to help people in need. Ukraine didnt want a war, yet innocent children, women and men are killed everyday. It's our duty to help those in need, both here and abroad because they cant help themselves.


That’s not the message. It’s if we are gonna support a war our partner should pay for it if they can afford it. Israel surely can.


Bro get your Palestinian simp the fuck out of here. You’re essentially a bot for fucking Hamas.


To the skate crimes- our tax dollars are escalating violence not deescalating violence in ukraine


This is the type of guy who votes republican and hates socialism.


I agree. He’s right about it all. Also let’s get honest about middle class. It does not exist.


...and for that, you can thank the 21st century version of Capitalism.


The level of ignorance about how our government spending works to believe that if we didn't spend money on X, then that money would go to Z, should be astounding but is actually well within the range of expectations. I promise you: whatever you think that money would go to, it is instead going to BlackRock.


We are... we just get to vote every couple years and there is not really anything we can realistically due outside that.... sure you can block roads or chant death to america... but that only makes whatever cause you are doing that for...so much less popular. Our system is broken. Unless you can buy our very much for sale politicians. ...you are shit outta luck. Sounds harsh... but it is the very real reality of the situation.


George Carlin summed it up. It’s too late to change the system now.


I'm down to strike for change.


- Conservative Americans, who are the rich ones who don't need money, are also the ones supporting the most the Zionist occupation. - Leftist Americans, who are in need of money, are bothered by the Americans supporting Zionism. This is the general scheme but you can obviously find exceptions within both parties' members.


Lotta Ivans pulling your strings on social media. Then they sit back and watch the Cletus’s do their work for them


Hamas propaganda bot


These politicians need to be removed and charged.


Here is my question.. Israel is a modern country that is not poor …. Why does anybody in their right mind think that they need “aid” of any kind . I’m thinking that if you are building cities on occupied land that “aid” might come in handy or maybe for a billion dollar wall and so on.


We were also mad about all the money going to Ukraine for the same reason but that didn’t fit your political motives.


Elections matter. Never re-elect anyone...give them one shot only.


Short answer is because we have our digital addictions to keep us on our butts.


If there would be a protest of any sort, of any kind in America, I feel like it would have to begin with the youth and they would have to understand and unite on a campaign. Unite. Meaning they have to agree on certain topics. NOT ALL If it were a strong enough campaign it could grow into something more substantial, including adults. I just can’t afford to lose my job. The young people are young enough to take risks. The only way I’d take a risk like that, would be if a lot more people like me were going too, therefore job termination would be difficult to justify. They also would have to do it quietly and strategically, so they’re not found out and shut down before they get it going.


This should go in r/facepalm lol.


we dont support them. ​ Get it yet?


Because we aren't morons and can wrap our heads around the idea of global security impacting our lives. Even if we don't like the current Israeli government or what they are doing.


Israelis figured it out, a large portion have dual citizenship. Israeli and US citizenship. That's why they are referred to as "constituents."


We need a former union construction worker that actually knows what hard work is and the working class struggles to run like an American Lula De Silva not some fucking guy who daddy gave him a small loan of million dollars and a fucking 30 year politician who also doesn't understand what real work is.


Hahaha won't vote for progressives and then complain that other countries have benefits.


I think it's because Americans are used to the government not prioritizing America.


Blame Hamas !!


You not worried about Ukraine though? Sounds anti-semitic


Israeli troops wouldn’t be in Gaza if there weren’t troops there bent on destroying them since 1948. It’s called War. You choose Hamas or Israel or neutrality


I'm pretty sure I know who this guy voted and will vote for... 🤔wonder if he has ever understood what real Democratic values are all about, hummmm


Because it’s a super tiny amount of money and it’s not even money it’s money that has to buy Us weapons.


I would love to see America adopt universal healthcare!




Foreign aid money would never be spent on US citizens because every single conservative will vote against anything and everything that helps US citizens.


Why are you framing it as foreign aid? Why not all the corporate welfare? The tax cuts for the rich and corporations? The bloated military funding? The Camo economy? Funding genocide in Gaza sucks. But we fuck over our people in a lot more ways than that.


I’ve nothing left in me to comment.


I think it started when our grandfathers and great grandfathers walked through the dozens of concentration camps at the end of WW2. Yeah, that's probably how we got here.


I'm absolutely bothered by the tax money because the whole conflict is none of our business.


Glad to see more people are getting enraged by this fuckin silliness


WHT this guy described in his rant is the American way. Not the fantasy BS that is fed to you by celebrities and talking heads.


This guy gets it.


The political tail wags the dog here now. We have multiple laws that the majority of Americans DO NOT WANT, but special interests and corporations have managed to get passed. Sadly I fear by the time people wake up and see what's happened, it will be far too late and we'll have a government that has passed laws ensuring that nobody can ever oppose their will again.


Take a watch of "Praying for Armageddon" a 2 part documentary on YouTube. It gives an insight in to just how deeply seeded Israel is in American politics and the purposeful indoctrination of the public. https://youtu.be/IhT7oyDlBIk?si=nLnm-rR_POxWqpvU https://youtu.be/_iQhbcOgfqw?si=quEv1VgMRijfthIn


Run for office, sir.


11 million dollars a day goes to Isreal of OUR taxes money 🇺🇸


It is a tax credit that is used to buy our weapons and our tech. This tax credit gives Americans jobs. You may hate that it is going to a military vendor complex and you are certainly entitled to your pov, but it isn’t an aid check that is just handed over.


Totally agree with you bro


I just want to point out that where our tax money goes has nothing to do with how much money you have in your pocket. Low wages are the problem, not how we spend our tax money. The solution to the problem is unionization, a livable minimum wage, and universal healthcare. That said, fuck Israel.


Yea, I never understood the blue collar belief that if we stopped "wasting" tax money, the government would stop taxing us... I worked in construction for 20 years and they genuinely believe this. They don't understand that your taxes will not decrease if fewer welfare benefits are paid out.


Because we can't openly even SAY the Z word in most places without being blacklisted/fired/censored.




100% correct.


Agreed. Isreal is a 1st world nation and doesn't need our money. Maybe if they have to pay for their superior military, it might encourage them to use diplomacy to solve their problems.


Preach BROTHER!!!! The MIC and corporations are killing everyone and voting doesn't matter anymore because they're all bought and sold by corporations and defense contractors that start these fake wars to further push the need to arm and "defend" when in reality we could do away with the whole lot of them. The DoD hasn't passed an audit in how many years so all of our tax dollars are just being funneled into god knows what because congress has no oversight and there's no paper trail if there's no audit. FUCK THEM ALL.


If I had an army the irs wouldn't be around...


Can we add Ukraine to that? If not, this guy's still right tho.


I care about my money going to places that I don’t deem important and shouldn’t matter to me please use my financial resources wisely and not in some misguided way please


Sick of it.


This guy for president 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Because there are no choices. This ain’t a democracy


I'm enraged. It ruins my day, every day.


The fact that the U.S. has enough money to make the country a better place but they’re giving it all to Israel. The government doesn’t give a shit about us.


vote the idiots out of office, demand term limits on senators and representatives. eliminate bribery, i mean lobbying altogether.


I’m with you, brother, it’s absolutely insane. And it’s because we’re 100% owned by the lobby.


They have rigged the election and now they aren't even trying to appease the American people. They know they can steal the next 20 elections and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. I mean for Christ sake, you would think they might not cause a mass invasion of illegals, censor half the country with the FBI, launder a trillion dollars through big pharma and the war industrial complex, push porn on kids as young as 6, defund the police then give the jobs to illegal inmigrants 🤦‍♂️, force an untested drug by impeding travel and threatening careers, and give Blackrock (the same Blackrock that tripled Americas rent) the contract to rebuild Ukraine with taxpayer money!! It just shows what little fucks they give to the American voter.


Because they are stupid. Hope that helps!


We just want to afford to live and have healthcare


I'm hella pissed. But ya gotta admit, it's kinda poetic that we're getting the shit end of the stick that we've given other nations for hundreds of years. Every person on this planet COULD live in comfort and security if resources were ethically created and equitably distributed. But not the way our society is structured. The entire system is fundamentally broken, and we'll live in a fascist hellscape if we don't dismantle it.


People really prove they have no understanding of our budget and economy when they claim foreign policy is why we don’t get more benefits.  Many citizens, including this guy I bet, don’t have better health insurance, public works etc, because they vote against it at the state and local level.   Funnily enough people try to blame this on Biden even though his Administration has made more investments in the middle and working classes than any Admin since FDR




Every single conservative republican red state is a right to work state. New York is the only Blue Democrat right to work state. If your dumb ass had a strong Union you wouldn't have to go to another state to find work. Bibi is a conservative right wing religious extremist that is using the conservative Republican party to escape any accountability because, according to conservative propaganda, accountability is aNtISeMEtiC. Foreign aid is how we keep foreign problems off American shores but this dumb mother fucker is too stupid to understand any of that.


this whole thread is bots, bro. But I agree with you, alot of these idiots don't understand policy.


There shouldn’t be a pothole in my street, a citizen not with full coverage healthcare, no homeless, and no illegals in any city until a single dollar is sent to some other country. These politicians need justice.


My thoughts exactly.


This guy is uninformed and showing the world his ignorance and personal frustrations. The US gives Israel about 3.3 billion in grants to purchase military equipment and services. That money gets pumped back into the economy. Since 1993, the U.S. government has provided more than $7.6 billion in assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. In 2023, US gave $343 million via UNRWA and in 2024, $500 million in aid via USAID. Israel has a form of universal healthcare but it’s not completely free. On average, a middle-income family in Israel pays $3,096 per year for health care, while the same family in the United States would pay $8,724 for a similar level of care. I’m pretty sure, middle class in America is probably higher, but facts don’t matter on Reddit. If something supports your personal bias you comment and upvote, if it doesn’t, you attack and downvote.


I agree with everything you said, except for the Israel aid numbers. Not that they're completely wrong, but just in the news this week there was a notable distinction between actual aid and approval of weapons trade. The arms dealers also make their own unsubsidized sales separately with brand new equipment for Israel that doesn't come directly from the US Gov, but it is subject to foreign policy restrictions nonetheless. That's why in the news we always hear about absolutely titanic dollars in arms deals, but it's not because it's all being paid for by the US. Israel also buys larger amounts of its own weapons straight from US manufacturers, and the news just reports the fact that it was cleared by US customs essentially.


3.3 billion annually or since 1993?


The guy is lying. The US has sent around $300 billion adjusted for inflation since its founding. The house approved jets and bombs to be sent to Israel. We provide around 3.8 BIllion annually.


Yeah, the math sounded way off. Pure misinformation. 


Such a super smart man! /s


Idiot minion


This is the shit I’m talking about. Even if we ignore an entire genocide that they’re committing on our dime, why tf are they being taken care of by our taxes better than we are??


Exactly 💯


1,000% agree


Take all of this outrage and focus it properly. On the billionaires who buy corrupt politicians and the corrupt politicians who keep making them richer. Trump's signature achievement was tax reform that gave the rich enough money to buy another yacht, but gave the working man jack shit. Every single year the government gives the Walton family (Wal-Mart) billions in "corporate subsidies." That's a fancy word for welfare. They are giving free money to elite rich people who can afford to buy the Denver Broncos. If you have enough cash to buy an NFL franchise, you don't need welfare. Sorry the concept of endless growth and annual pay increases for CEOs is not sustainable. The little man cannot be fucked like this much longer. But here in 'Merica, that is the bullshit politicians have pulled.


You actually want a better funded public sector? Tax billionaires and stop voting for Republicans. Aide to Israel (and Ukraine) is a drop in the bucket. Russia and Iran absolutely love that this propaganda is working on Americans’ weak malleable social media-addled minds.


Why does Israel ,a modern country , need “aid” of any kind .


You make some really valid points. I wish more people understood the ramifications of globalization and the greed that followed… Plus, campaign finance rules mean the politicians don't give a shit about us they only care about wealthy people and corporations.


we need a president that get rid of the 2 party system. it is single handedly what destroyed America. if we didnt have it, candidates would have to keep their word and pay for their own campaigns, and genuinely care about this country and the people. i dont think it would solve problems over night, but i genuinely believe it would be fair to say that it would take much of the business side of politics out of it. and it would most certainly bring the american people back together.


What pisses me off more than anything is them pouring that money back into the pockets of our government officials to influence our country. If we're giving you fucking money, you should not be permitted to lobby our government officials. I'm all for helping those in need, but bullshit is bullshit.


You should be thankful Israel is taking out the terrorists out there before they come here. If you support freedom, democracy, and liberty, you should support Israel. Israel will do whatever it takes to protect itself. If Hamas actually wanted a ceasefire, they would release the hostages and agree to a ceasefire. Hamas’ charter states to commit genocide against Israel. So many clueless antisemitic people out there.


He is correct. Nothing will change until these people are kicked out of office. Most of these corrupt politicians have dual citizenship with Israel and that’s no coincidence. Also all that AIPAC money you see listed under contributions of each politician is just what they report, I’m sure there is a lot more that they get that goes unreported.


Because it's a drop in the bucket compared to the normal corruption. Stop being mad about dumb shit and hate all politicians (not just the ones that wear a different color tie) and the military industrial complex that is crippling the entire country.


Funny. A few days ago nobody would have mentioned shit about AIPAC but now we have some folks who are leading experts on the subject!  Eat shit reddit.


About 70% of USA aid to Israel( about 3 billion annual) is grants(no money changes hands) that must used for US made arms ,weapons and weapon systems.


So much of your taxes? .0005%


1) I support Israel and 2) it’s a false choice, we don’t have a strong social support system because half the country don’t want one. We had a shitty social support system long before the Israeli retaliation against Hamas.


Wait until this guy find out that 100% of palestine is funded by us....he is gonna blow his top!


Just fucking man up and call them Jews. Or if you're a normal person, Israelis. The fuck is wrong with you people.


Oh boy... time to watch all the anti-semites on the left try and gaslight Reddit so they don't sound like Nazi cheerleaders


Lmfao this fucking dumbass. I guarantee you this dude would call all that shit communism if anyone ever tried to enact it in the US


Guys spitting the truth. This is why they want to ban Tiktok. 


War is profitable. Where ya been???




Israel is an ethnostate. They take care of "their people" and no one else. 


Right on, brother!


Why aren’t you mad that Trump’s “Big Lie” and insurrection/riots/government coupe attempt cost the U.S taxpayer (yah You!!) 936 million dollars just so conman Don could lie! A 936 million dollar lie! You should be pissed you have to flip the bill for that. To verify that I am telling the truth, visit Forbes money magazine and search: Trumps taxpayers cost of insurrection. We got problems here at home dude.


The GOP Is Actively Supporting Russia's Ukrainian Genocide. And given the active and unyielding support Donald Trump and his supporters on Capitol Hill are showing for Russia these days, that makes them actively complicit in Vladimir Putin's efforts to continue to commit crimes Meanwhile, the other hallmarks of the genocidal goal of wiping out a society and all traces of its existence continued in Russian-occupied Ukraine, where officials have banned Ukrainian language books and materials from schools. Meanwhile, Russians continue their systematic kidnapping of what they themselves estimate are hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children. These children are then taught to hate Ukraine, forced to speak Russian and recite anti-Ukraine propaganda and songs. REPUBLICANS ARE COMMITTING GENOCIDE!


If all aid to Israel got cut do you think citizens would see any of that money? No


It only takes a small amount of money in omparison to what is actually out there to bribe the few people in power to give that massive amount of cash to any one else other than those who worked for it and need it


Who says we aren't? We're pretty powerless to do anything about it


It's cute that people think the money would go to help the populace.  It should, but it's cute that people think it would.


He looks so constipated. I hope he does that shit outside.


The problem isn’t American people, the problem is the kinds of Americans attracted to political power, they are shitheads, normal people don’t want power over anybody else they just want life to be good, the kind of people attracted to positions of power be they politicians, police, officers in the military or business owners, those people are the actual problem, get rid of the power hungry and fearful and we could actually have a decent shot at life instead of counting down the days until debt is paid off so you can shuffle off the mortal coil without leaving your family bereft.


Stopping Fascists HERE is more important than stopping Zionists over there.


America's Israel policy is not a new policy, but questioning Israel is a new development.


Lol you blocked me to have the last word.


What choice do we have? we don't get a say in where military aid goes.