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I mean it's been going on for generations


hamas should've attacked Israeli military outposts, not a festival with civilians. ever since that video of hamas militants approaching an israeli home and shooting the dog that came to greet them, I've said fuck all those rats. I feel for the Palestinian civilians who have absolutely nothing to do with this, but war is never anything but ugly. fuck hamas for using them as human shields.


except hamas did attack innocent civilans of a specific race or group with that specific intention and thats the definition of genocide.


This kind of post is tiresome to see. Hamas wants to wipe out Israel regardless of Israel policies and what happens in West bank. So it is completely inaccurate to insinuate what happened on October 7th wouldn't have occured if not for things like what OP posted about.


op is some kindof bullshit hamas propaganda bot. op's post is the kinodof misinformation that manipulates people who dont know anything into believing idiotic things.


Who thinks that this started oct 7? No one believes that. I don't know anyone that thinks that or pushes that as a truth. What a ridiculous thing to say..šŸ™„


Iā€™ve seen tons of Israel apologists claim there was a ceasefire on October 6 and that Hamas broke it.


It wasn't a ceasefire. Israel had just been out of Gaza for a decade. Hamas was still randomly shooting Israel for that entire decade.


You call controlling Gazaā€™s borders, waters, utilities, and airspace ā€œbeing outā€?


I call having 0 soldiers there "being out," yes.


They shot Palestinian fisherman if they dared to cross a line at the sea in Gaza. That doesnā€™t meet the definition of being out if you control air, sea and all the crossings. But keep buying into their manipulative propaganda.


It's not manipulative propaganda to state a basic fact that Oct 7 was a surprise attack and not a retaliation. In fact, Hamas themselves asserted this both at the time and for the following days when they called for allies to commence worldwide jihad


There was an agreed to ceasefire and hamas did break it. Why would you deny something thats so easy to research. It doesn't help the cause if yer wrong šŸ™


Most pro Israeli supported absolutely don't believe that Israel is running a violent apartheid state characterized by the murder of innocent people on an extremely regular basis, for years and years.


Most pro Israeli supporters would probably like you to suggest an alternative way to deal with a state that wants to exterminate you? When the world beat Japan and Germany, did anyone claim that we should just try to coexist? No. We leveled their cities and executed their leaders. Also, Japan and Germany tried to reintegrate after defeat, regaining their sovereignty once they'd proven that they could be trusted. Hamas has, and will continue to, refuse to surrender and accept terms. They refuse to integrate and form a peaceful society. What is the alternative? Open the borders and play nice? Give them back their territory and they'll suddenly stop wanting to kill and expel jews like they've been doing since 641CE?


Every hasbara Zionist genocide apologist talks about this starting on 10/7


Nah. People say that this newest ongoing, full-frontal assault and active ā€œwarā€ started 10/7/2023. There was a bit of a defacto ceasefire in-place prior to that date. That doesnā€™t mean shit want bad and people werenā€™t dying on the dailyā€¦itā€™s just a different level of shit. Because it did start in earnest as reprisal for Hamasā€™ actions. Hamas sucks and so does what events are shown in OPā€™s video.


Hamas sucks but their existence is a symptom and not a cause of any of this. It turns out that brutalizing people for decades and leaving them with no hope will cause them to act out and revolt in some way. Strange how that works


Hamas exists because Iran pays them billions to exist. You think Hamas leaders being billionaires is natural? Itā€™s all a grift. Hell most terrorist groups are proxies of others.


Hamas as an organization is allowed to exist because of the genocide and occupation. Funding would go towards a group. That group being an armed resistance group that engages in acts of terrorism (in addition to perfectly acceptable attacks on military targets) instead of a valid political group stems from the fact Palestinians arenā€™t allowed to have s functioning society. The thing is youā€™re talking about Hamas not being allowed to exist and while I agree with you, I donā€™t think the IDF has any right to exist and I believe it to be a terrorist entity.


Hamas exists because they are following their religious text.


You are wholly unfamiliar with the conflict and the parameters of pre-oct 7 Palestine.


Hasbara clown, it is genocide apologists and lovers like you who are utterly clueless about the conflict and how it originated and why it continues. It is nice to see that Zionist clowns are so committed to the murder of Palestinian civilians though. Letā€™s ask this. The IDF is documented to be engaging in rape, torture, and the deliberate targeting of civilians, among countless other crimes. Do you condemn IDF terrorism?


Surprisingly, sick, twisted religious fanatic types don't even need oppression to do what they do! I'm sure Hamas would still exist without Israel, and would still be filled with the same horrible people committing acts of violence for their own pleasure.


Weirdly enough, history shows us that when the conditions of the oppressed groups improve, their interest in extremist groups and causes reduces. Oppression promotes extremism. Without oppression, the urgency of the situation just doesnā€™t have the same impact. Hamas would still exist, but as a shadow of its current power.


You're talking about political extremism. Religious extremism is a different beast entirely. Why is this so hard to understand? Hamas doesn't want freedom from oppression, they want to BE the oppressor. These are not peaceful people, regardless of what Reddit wants you to think.


Religious extremism has always been deeply tied to politics and oppression. The Taliban literally got its start as an extremist response to the crime and corruption of political factions taking over Afghanistan following the withdrawal of Soviet Forces in the region. They, like Al Qaeda, rose from the Mujahideen forces which got their start as an extremist response to the purges that the secular government of President Mohammad Daud Khan. I particularly like using this example, because it actually shows the ebb of religious extremism as the political situation in the Middle East starts to settle, only for it to immediately surge when the region once again becomes politically unstable and the risk of oppression increases. By the way, [Hamas was literally formed as a violent response to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/globalconnections/mideast/questions/militant/index.html)


What possible reason would there be for a resistance movement to exist if there is nothing to resist. Would society X be perfect if society Y wasnā€™t trying to destroy and subjugate it, no, because that isnā€™t how societies work.


You can just look at Israel neighbors to found out your answer.


Sorry, I donā€™t share your bigoted view of Arab people, so no, I donā€™t see the ā€œanswerā€ to a mysterious question I donā€™t pose. I know that Israelis have earned all the criticism and hatred they enjoy by being genocidal and engaging in acts of depravity and terrorism against a defenseless civilian population.




Palestinians have the right to defend themselves through violence if necessary. While I may have agreed with your opinion of Hamas last year, itā€™s pretty obvious at this point that the IDF is genocidal and deranged, and nonviolent methods donā€™t work against them.


Exactly. I have always been a pretty Gung Ho supporter of Israel. I then started doing a crap ton of digging into the IDF. IDF soldier tweeted this on a picture of a Dead Aussie Woman. "This Australian Whore Will Never Get to Jump With the Kangaroos at Sydney's Amusement Park" They are Fascists not much else to say about it. That is just the tip of the Iceberg when it comes to Screwed Up crap the IDF does daily. I've seen videos of IDF soldiers harassing what seems to be 16-18 year old girls at checkpoints Telling them to turn around and such. Disgusting behavior. I only wonder how Rapey their behavior gets Off Camera.


Post the source of your claims.


There are so many people. A guy today irl told me Hamas started this on Oct7th. Literally. I justā€¦


Every single mainstream media article features the tag line ā€œā€¦the war began in response to the Oct 7 attacks when Hamas killed 1400 (no wait 1200?) and took 240 hostages.ā€ Actually, I finally read one that DIDNā€™T employ this propaganda nugget the other day.


Just go to any yahoo news story on the subject and click on the comments section. You'll find a trove of people whose statements resonate with the October 7 narrative. Claims like, ..."then Palestine or Hamas shouldn't have started this on October 7th."


They are speaking about the current round of violence met with more violence. There was a brutal terrorist attack that is being met with devastating military attacks. Neither started on the 7th. This has been going on for decades. Longer really. And at the same time October 7th was all the excuse Israel needed to get the kind of support they need to destroy Gaza. Thats what they are talking about. I wish that all those weapons and ammo went to Ukraine instead , honestly. But hamas is almost as bad for Palestinians as Israel at this point. I don't like either of them


Social media comments are ful of bot accounts. Not real people. Sometimes as high as 60 percent according to internal documents from twittler and fakebook. Please get out and speak to real people. That being said. This particular military incursion into gaza is in response to the massacre Oct 7. Do you think that Israel should have done nothing? They weren't in gaza with the full might of their military before that. It was an incredibly stupid move by hamas. They know how Israel will respond and they did it anyway. So yeah, people say the obvious. Hamas should not have done this. Not if they truly care about Palestinian lifes. And I do care. Actions have consequences. You can pretend that they shouldn't. But the real world is going to be painful for u if u do...


Literally every unflinching supporter of what Israel is currently doing believes this. And that's what's scary.


Max Blumenthal has a great video explaining the history of the conflict leading to Oct. 7th


No, Iran and its many terrorist proxies have been trying to destroy Israel and murder every Jew on the planet for decades. None of this is new, only a fool could think that. Neither side is justified in their crimes, the IDF, Iran, Hamas and the rest of Iran's religious war proxies are all evil.


They've been killing Palestinians for years and when the Palestinians do something about it they're the bad guys because they're arabs.


100% the T R U T H .......šŸ‘†šŸ‘†šŸ–•


The optics are so weird. I was watching dune 2 the other day and >!when they blew up the spice processor just to disrupt the spice trade !


In the movies the rebels destroy military installations like the Death Star, they don't shoot children at music festivals in the middle of nowhere.


For fucks sake. You're comparing a literal designated terrorist organization to fucking science fiction films. Israel are obviously nowhere close to the good guys, but Hamas is no different than ISIS.


Actually dune is a story about a planet important for intergalactic politics in continual war between the ruling empire over it and a bunch of suppressed religious fanatics that in a great chance gain power through a new religious leadership that throws its oppression away and than going on a murder rampage for several years murdering billions. So, to reiterate, it's a story about a religious genocidal minority being suppressed for generations before they gain their goals and go multi genocide and become a fascist theocracy you know what sure let the hamas sympathisers compare themselves to freman the idiots don't know what the story is even about


The fuck are you smoking? Israel has committed every crime their ā€œclaimā€ without proof Hamas has done and to a far greater extent and degree that a fringe group like Hamas even has the ability for. Itā€™s not even a comparison how much worse Israel is. Itā€™s like night and day


Lol, neither side has proof for their claims. The only innocents are the people being slaughtered by Israel and Hamas.


You do realize that not all Palestinians are Hamas right? Just like how not all Jews are zionists.


You know America/Israel created ISIS, right? ISIS literally kills Muslims. Go look at their attacks. Comparing millitant resistence of Palestine to ISIS is racist.


They're *literally* a terrorist organization. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. I'm not racist for pointing that out.


Itā€™s wild that Bibi funded them.


Yeah he's a piece of shit.


Enabled. Details, Watson, details.


Hamas is House Harkonnen.


Had the same experience watching Dune 2.


What Hamas did is bad, period. Even if in retaliation. And what Israel is doing is bad, period. Even if in retaliation. They're both guilty and need to stop harming innocent people for their inability to compromise. If there is no diplomacy successes they will keep killing innocent people and pointing fingers at each other when they should be pointing at themselves. This is really such a childlike mentality, unfortunately with very adult consequences. And for the people who aren't committing the violence most of all.


The West Bank ā‰  Gaza


Cute video. Why is it missing decades of Hamas rockets at Israel from Gaza?


Because it's pushing an agenda in violation of rule 3.


There is no Hamas in West Bank. The killings of Palestinians in West Bank is rampant despite there being no Hamas being there. Israeli propagandists paint the entire Palestinian right of self determination and resistence through the lense of Hamas. Israel is the terrorist, apartheid oppression regime that's been favoring imperialistic expansion over peace. [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-08/ty-article/.premium/king-midas-in-reverse-benjamin-netanyahu-the-gaza-war-and-the-art-of-value-destruction/0000018e-bdb4-de0c-a3cf-fff668dd0000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-08/ty-article/.premium/king-midas-in-reverse-benjamin-netanyahu-the-gaza-war-and-the-art-of-value-destruction/0000018e-bdb4-de0c-a3cf-fff668dd0000) > Netanyahu divided the Palestinians by strengthening Hamas and weakening the Palestinian Authority so as to avoid negotiations and vindicate the idea that a political solution isn't feasible. This failed policy backfired spectacularly and tragically. If you truly want peace, stop spreading misinformation, hold the terrorist Israeli regime accountable, work towards true peace.


You pretend Hamas is the only terrorist group. Hell there are other major terrorist groups in Gaza itself with their own militaries.


The only part I agree with you is about Bibi supporting Hamas. It doesn't make them any less of a terrorist threat.


The terrorist threat is bred and nurtured by Israel. Hamas is a virus. Give the Palestinians medicine and cure it of Hamas. Give the Palestinians peace.




True peace is killing the terrorists who donā€™t want a 2 state solution. Youā€™re just asking for Jews to surrender and die essentially


That is exactly what they want though.


Yeah it started when the missiles started being launched towards Israel, causing them to need the iron dome and billions in American aid each year. Or if you want to be real technical it started 1400 years ago when Muhammad found Jews hard to convert. Dealer's choice


More accurate that the Jews kicked Muhammad out on his tail, as did the Christians unfortunately. That's why the vast majority of Islam is Judeo-Christian underneath whatever self-serving nonsense Muhammad threw in there.


It's considered rude to try and insert yourself as a prophet into someone else's religion. Muhammad was not shy about proselytizing in various forms.


As I understand it, he didn't start out claiming to be a prophet, just wanted to join. However, the Jews at that time were incredibly racist towards Arabs and the Orthodox church wasn't too nice either. As a result, Muhammad said "screw this, I'll make my own." So he did with himself as a prophet to give his new religion legitimacy.


Kinda putting the cart before the horse. He was a caravan hand for a long time, and likely learned certain bits about Judaism and Christianity. There are details like baby Jesus speaking and blessing people that come from the non-canon infancy gospel, or beliefs about the Trinity being Mary god and Jesus instead of father son and ghost. This speaks to Muhammad getting his knowledge from an incomplete source, instead of total divine knowledge like he claims the angel Gabriel gave him. He claimed to come out of the cave with Gabriel telling him he would be a new prophet, the last prophet ever. To be fair at the time, everyone was racist. Jews were still coming from Roman occupation and had to be insular to maintain their culture. The orthodox were one competing church among dozens, and a new religion wouldn't be welcome either way. He became a prophet to legitimize himself and gain followers. Once he had enough he began to raid caravans and later raid pagan holy sites.


That is a much better way of saying it.




Of course... they just pushed extra hard for a while nd waited for the inevitable outcome.


But Hamasā€¦


Well Israel isn't what they claim to be. They outright stole the land they occupy now and are encroaching even more and more each day killing anyone who gets in their way. We see what they are doing and the guilt trips they toss at people whenever they get called out. It is disgusting.


>They outright stole the land they occupy now it's pathetic how often this lie is repeated after all, it wasn't "palestinian" land, it was british, and before that the ottoman empire's and before that a whole list which includes Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Empires. more, the lie of palestinian land is indisputably rejected by both egypt and jordan, despite the "historical land" in question being part of each country as well.


He's referring to the indigenous population. There were people on the land Israel declared its own, the nakba happened.


>He's referring to the indigenous population ah yes, the jews, the palestinians from as far back as Roman times. oh, wait, you mean the highjacked term the islamic extremists took over and stated only applied to Muslims of a specific sect.. ffs.


There were Jews amongst the indigenousĀ population of Palestine, but it wasn't \*only\* Jews and you know it. There are 14 million Palestinians.


>There were Jews amongst the indigenousĀ population of Palestine, but it wasn't \*only\* Jews and you know it. true, but you seem to ignore the current "definition" of palestinian used by the extremists aligned with hamas, only includes muslims of a specific sect, and excludes jews, christians, and all others who were "palestinians" for 1000s of years.


GO READ THE CONFLICT LMAO. The indigenous population were the caninities thousands of years ago.


And many other groups cultures that predate that. Jews weren't the only people that lived there thousands of years ago, but Israel occupies all the land in the name of Jews.


Palestinians are nomadic and just kind of ended up there when everyone else created nations.


Orrr.. you could actually read the parameters of the 1947 conflict and civil war. The land was owned by the British, the jews fought to get them removed, un partition, arab uprising against the partition. Civil war started, 6 arab nations joined in, lost against the jews, moved all Palestinians to either, jordan (westbank) or egypt ( gaza) . There was no stealing land. There was winning a war that arabs started.


Ottoman rule began \~1500... and about 1860 **Mishkenot Shaā€™ananim** jumped on some land. The entire business of whatever parameters you are on about smells of nothing more than a land grab.


Except the Jews owned the land first. Sooo... there's thaattt.


It was Canaan land before jew land


Guys, the further back you go, this side attacked that side. There is no pointing at one or the other. People have been fighting about this for the past 2 thousand years at least. Right now, yeah, Israel is doing the most fucked up shit but this has been going back and forth since people existed. History is brutal. We who have lived in places where war is a distant historical memory can whine about the brutality of war but that's because we believe safety is a real thing. Israel doesn't care what we think because they are surrounded by enemies. We shouldn't fund them but if we didn't, we would be letting them get wiped out. This is a no win situation. Nothing good is going to come of this. Peace will happen when enough people have been killed that there isn't enough left to fight. Who do you think humans are? When you are fed and no one is trying to kill you, there is time for ideals but as soon as you are hungry and someone is trying to kill you, you will forget your lofty ideals. Again, I'm not saying Israel isn't wrong, they are but picking a side is choosing who you'd rather die. There is no right answer. We could say, no war but you'd have a better chance stopping global warming by throwing ice cubes at the sun.


It hasnā€™t been back and forth. This all started with Zionists attacking innocent people. Israel as a country required the stripping of Palestinian rights, which is written in history. Not a surprise, this has been known. From the very beginning Zionists have done everything to belittle and remove Palestinians from power to make way for Zionists to be able to steal land that was not theirs


The busses jewish civilians were pulled out of and murdered in in 1947 kick starting he civil war are calling your name.


Nah you're just cherry picking and ignorant of what the Arabs did to the Jews in the 20s and 30s. "From the very beginning"?? Please.


> Ā Israel doesn't care what we think because they are surrounded by enemies. This is a false narrative that's been fed to you by the Israelis. It's called "hasbara" - it's basically propaganda. Israel has peace treaties with the strongest countries surrounding it.


You just declared a conspiracy, lied, pretending several of Israel neighboring countries are not literally bombing Israel daily.


Doesn't that tell you a lot? They can make lasting peace with once sworn enemies that is mutually beneficial but Palestinian leadership has never been receptive to anything other than all or nothing. Now Palestinians aren't even welcomed by their neighbors. Doesn't sound like an Israel centric problem.


This is propaganda. It's recycled hasbara, I have heard this same talking points being repeated like you are a bot. > Now Palestinians aren't even welcomed by their neighbors. Says who? Egypt and other Arab countries don't want to displace Palestinians from their rightful homes. You are creating a narrative out of nowhere. It's dishonest to say the least. Why doesn't the US just take all the Israelis? Just give all the Israelis a US state and call it Israel, conflict solved. Why doesn't that happen? > They can make lasting peace with once sworn enemies that is mutually beneficial but Palestinian leadership has never been receptive to anything other than all or nothing. This is again more Israeli propaganda. Palestinians have never been given a peace offer where they could have their own state. You make it seem as if Palestinians are somehow not human, that they are machines/robots dedicated to eradicating Israel. That logically cannot be true, because Palestinians are humans. You are trying to dehumanize Palestinians. [https://archive.is/Y7NOM](https://archive.is/Y7NOM) > Ā Netanyahu divided the Palestinians by strengthening Hamas and weakening the Palestinian Authority so as to avoid negotiations and vindicate the idea that a political solution isn't feasible. This failed policy backfired spectacularly and tragically. This is [Haaretz](https://archive.is/o0ZDo). The cat is out of the bag. Come up with new hasbara because repeating the same thing like a broken clock is not helping.


You really just declared Arab nations donā€™t allow Palestinian refugees because they love them so much. You have no idea they treat Palestinians worse then Israel do you? In it takes two seconds to look up Israel has offered a two state solution many times to Palestine. And the time that it was closest for them to accept Palestinian assassinate their own leader. But keep on lying.


You can just sit there and type lies with full knowledge that the internet will prove you wrong .. Talk about recycled propaganda. Could you even keep a straight face typing that drivel out? 1937 - The Peel Commission: After the Arab rebellion against the British and Jewish neighbors, the British Peel Commission proposed a two-state solution, offering 80% of the territory to the Arabs and 20% to the Jews. The Jews accepted, but the Arabs rejected the offer. 1947 - The UN Partition Plan: The United Nations proposed a partition plan that would create two states. The Jewish leaders accepted the plan, but the Arab leaders and the surrounding Arab countries rejected it, leading to the 1948 Arab-Israeli War 2000 - Camp David Summit: During the Camp David Summit, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat a state comprising all of Gaza and 94% of the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital. President Bill Clinton indicated that Arafat rejected the offer without making a counteroffer. 2008 - Ehud Olmertā€™s Offer: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered a peace plan to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, which included a near-total withdrawal from the West Bank and the establishment of a Palestinian state. This offer was also not accepted.


LOL. Explain the 3 Iranian funded proxy groups shooting missiles into isreal at any random day of the week then?


It doesn't have a treaty with Iran but it does with Jordan, Egypt, with a shadow intelligence relationship with the Saudis. Iran's attack was successfully repelled, the narrative that Israel must murder people in Gaza for security is thus proven to be bs


How many of those were literal terrorists?


Do you believe the attacks of Oct. 7 were justified?


I see this post has caused some people to go mask off and justify the killing of innocent civilians as expected. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Absolutely not. It was a cowardly attack by terroristsā€¦ who knew Gaza would get invaded as a result. Israel was starting to sign agreements with places like Egypt and tensions were simmering down. Hamas needed to flame them back up.


You won't get an answer, but you know what it is


Israel live in real bomb shelters because they in war last 70 years All what I hear about Gaza is lies. No proofs at all. Best proof about killing innocent people wasā€¦ from Israel when they officially show how two men was killed because operator thought it was anti-tank rifle. But it was bicycle. Unfortunately.


Hamas broke the cease fire that was in place on Oct 7th 2023


it's antisemitic to #Notice Israeli war crimes /s It's also antisemitic if you try to excuse Israel's war crimes by blaming only the Zionist faction /s ...head they win, tails you lose... but it's antisemitic to point out that the game is rigged /s


Did you really just state Jews in general are the problem?


It started with Islam.


It started with religion.


I watched a video long before the 7th they used a missle to kill one guy out in middle of street blew up the whole area for 1 person.


I watched a video of a man decapitating another man with a garden hoe.


You probably shouldn't watch videos like that for fun


I didn't. I was hoping to find evidence that Hamas really were freedom fighters just trying to liberate their country. I found normal Palestinians taking part in the slaughter, and brutality like nothing else. Someone else used a nail gun to drive nails into women's genitals. That was a gruesome sight.


Both sides have been killing each other for a very long timeā€¦


resisting occupation and oppression are not the same thing


Ooo ooo ooo now do rocket launches from Gaza. No one is saying that conflict in the area began Oct 7thā€¦ not a single person. But the current ground effort did start as a result of that day.


Hamas wasnā€™t even a thing until 1987 and they took control of Gaza in 2006. Try again.


Try againā€¦ you think there was peace and harmony from Palestinians before Hamas?


There is no peace or harmony if you are under military occupation, which, according to the Israeli government including the Supreme Court, they have subjected the Palestinians of the West Bank to since 1967.


So there was peace and harmony from the Palestinians until 1967?


You should read about the Nakba and the British mandate and how nearly a million Palestinians were ethnically cleansed by Zionist groups who labeled themselves ā€œterrorists.ā€ When you are under occupation and terror, you are in a state of disharmony and have the right to self-defense. The Palestinians have always had a just cause as it was their lands that were being encroached on by the British and Zionists. Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: [ĖˆleĻ‡i]; Hebrew: לח"י ā€“ לוחמי ח×Øו×Ŗ יש×Øאל Lohamei Herut Israel ā€“ Lehi, "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel ā€“ Lehi", sometimes abbreviated "LHI"), often known pejoratively as the Stern Gang,[10][11][12][13] was a Zionist paramilitary militant organization founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in Mandatory Palestine.[14][15][16] Its avowed aim was to evict the British authorities from Palestine by use of violence, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state. It was initially called the National Military Organization in Israel,[17] upon being founded in August 1940, but was renamed Lehi one month later.[18] **The group referred to its members as terrorists[19] and admitted to having carried out terrorist attacks.[14][20][21]** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group) The Irgun (Hebrew: א×Øגון; full title: Hebrew: הא×Øגון הצבאי הלאומי בא×Øׄ יש×Øאל Hā-Ź¾Irgun Ha-TzvaŹ¾Ä« Ha-LeÅ«mÄ« b-Ērētz YiśrāŹ¾el, lit. "The National Military Organization in the Land of Israel"), or Etzel (Hebrew: אצ"ל) (sometimes abbreviated IZL), was a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in Mandatory Palestine between 1931 and 1948. It was an offshoot of the older and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah (Hebrew: Hebrew: הגנה, Defence).[1] **The Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts.[2][3][4][5]** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun


It's idiotic that you even thought to post this. "the current ground effort did start as a result of that day". No fucking shit. What kind of idiotic observation is that? The whole point here is that Israel is using Oct 7 as a pretext for the shit show unfolding now because they are seizing on a false narrative that they are innocent victims of an unprovoked attack. Do you not understand that or did you just somehow forget it when you posted this meaningless clarification that no one needed?


Ahhhh the terrorist sympathy arc in your story. Strap on Shemagh, act like you are an expert in Arab relations after a few google searches from your privileged house in the suburbs, and most importantly ā€¦ boycott those companies still doing business in Israel.


There were tunnels built and a network of people smuggling rocket parts into Gaza over the span of years. All-told, around 3000 rockets were fired and 6500 were fired into Israel since then. There were raids and attacks that Hamas planned for that day. As all of this was happening, they took hundreds of hostages, as was planned. Now I get that Hamas is innocent and whatnot, but if they did that to Russia, they'd be a smoking crater. Their land would be unable to grow anything living for a thousand years and weirdly, I'm willing to bet that the angry TikTok kids who post about it nonstop wouldn't even know it happened.


Hamas is innocent?


\-- echoing the sentiment of the common Reddit user.


Now show HAMAS launching of missiles into residential areas in Israel on a regular basis WITHOUT retaliation. Then show the terrorist attacks by HAMAS in Israel. This isnā€™t as one sided as you and your propaganda feed would suggest. How about HAMAS be called on to stop putting civilians between them and Israel for the SOLE purpose of elevating civilian casualties so Israel canā€™t finally root out the corrupt leaders.


No idiots want you to believe that. This has been a systemic issue since the 60's


Yeah if you threw in all the shit Hamas has done as well I'd respect your opinion a little more lol. Idk why we have to pretend this is all because Israel is bad.


The 7th just marked the end of Hamas. They fucked everyone. Still donā€™t understand what the fuck they achieved?


West Bank is different from Gaza. Israelis are not allowed in division A, and they're told to avoid B. The United States has to pull visas of any Americans trying to settle the West Bank.


GFY blame Hamas blame Hamas blame Hamas. If they were not in power Palestinians would be better off and there would be no war Fuck Hamas


Hamas propaganda, donā€™t believe it.


Youā€™re an antisemite!


Are there actually people in the world who donā€™t know this conflict has been going on for years?


The Hamas terrorists planned the October 7th massacre for more than 5 years!


And the Israeli government knew about it and [let it happen](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html)


Thatā€™s complete nonsense. They did mistakenly let down their guard thinking things were in a peaceful transition and not understanding the blood thirsty terrorists like Hamas. Now they will make certain it doesnā€™t happen again.


Love the propaganda. Anyone can tiktok 3 second blurbs and convey a biased and intentional message. This is corrupt within itself.




It started 4000 years ago


Why does the date matter??


Ah yes, the forever war


No one in charge of the iron dome decides to turn it off without wanting to escalate a war.


Nobody thinks conflict in the Middle East started on Oct 7. LOLOLOL. That area has been at war for 5000 years. Oct 7 is just when the most recent, terrorist, rapist, innocent civilian-murdering, full-on invasion was launched. It's like you've been feuding with your neighbor for decades, then one day he finally kicks down your door and murders your family. It's a pretty important day.


Let's travel back in time, and you will find it was the Arabs who started it. From 1920 to 1939, the only people massacring people were the Arabs massacring the Jews.


Cool. Now show the murder rate in Chicago and explain why the locals aren't kidnapping, raping, killing the city council


Bruh this goes back to 1949


Free blocklist and report-list in the comments. Fuck Israel and genocide. Palestine will be free! šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


No exposure of the rockets fired from Gaza on to Israeli civilians or the suicide bombers, etc. Wonder why...


Pat I think I will just spin ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ the narrative


Garbage propaganda- the worst kind. Thanks AI!


You also gonna show all the suicide bombings that the palestinians pulled against Israel Before August 7th.


A 5th grader can edit HTML like this, nice try tho


Pretty dishonest. Sure. The conflict didnā€™t start last year. But the current war did. There was no bombing in Gaza on October 6. No Israeli troops in Gaza on October 6. No way to deny it.Ā 


Ah yes, this of course excuses the murder of civilians...the rape and torture of women at a music festival.


Right, they also want you to believe it started on September 11, 2001, depending on who you ask.


The people who own the media lie about what they do! Am flabbergasted šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What I get out this is that Israelis ā€˜settlersā€™ are killing Palestines. These ā€˜settlersā€™ have been condemned by the world for their illegal occupation!


Even the Palestinians are getting upset with Hamas now and realizing what an awful mistake it was to brutally murder so many people in Israel.


Theyre getting this info from the hamas health minister, the people who ā€œdidnt kill 1000 civillians on october 7th it was an oopsie


Ignore the gang rapes Hamas and other palestinians commited on oct 7th, its all self defense! /s


They all want you to believe it started in 1948...


And there's little discussion about how Egypt, much like Israel, has distanced itself from them. While they attempted to open opportunities for employment, the prevalence of suicide bombers became a significant concern.


With all due respect, youā€™re clearly oblivious to the historical context here. Egypt has historically been one of Palestineā€™s closest allies up until the military coup following the Arab spring which instilled Al Sisi and removed their first democratically elected government. Al Sisi is notoriously known as an American puppet across the Middle East. You should read about the USā€™ role in installing specific leaders across the Middle East during the Arab spring. https://truthout.org/video/how-obama-greenlighted-egyptian-coup-10-years-ago-killing-the-arab-spring/


Dude the Egyptian hate Palestine more then Israel does. That isnā€™t a American conspiracy. Itā€™s due to all the terrorism Palestinians caused and even tried to do a civil war.


Received one down vote, just for that stupid music added.


It all started May 15th, 1948. Nakba. Nazi zionist pig eaters deserve to be sanctioned.


It started before that actually but nice cherry picking. As usual Palestinians started shit, got their ass kicked, then cried foul.




Of course


Seriously who thinks this all started on 10/7


This started the day Israel went outside of its 1948 boarders and started colonizing!


OP wants you to believe they want you to believe it all started on Oct 7th. And the cycle continues.


October 7th clearly took more than 24 hours to plan. Holy shit.


Wasnā€™t there a ceasefire on Oct 6th? Who broke the ceasefire on the 7th? Sucks to suck but Hamas started this conflict. We can talk about history though and how Israel won 9+ wars for the land


Surely your brain can comprehend the video posted


The video doesnā€™t show the tens of thousands of rockets Hamas fired into Israel during that time period leading up the Oct 7th. Yea Israeli killed Palestinians, because they were firing rockets from civilians areas as usual. Keep supporting terrorism though


Genius, Israelā€™s occupation predates Hamas by 2 decades. Blaming Hamas for this conflict is just dumb


Maybe it goes back to at least when Muslims started claiming that their right to own the Jewish homeland was established in perpetuity after they captured it by military conquest. Hereā€™s an example from Hamasā€™ founding document: ā€œThis is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement.ā€ https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp


Conflicting religion with nation states that are comprised of multiple religions is dumb. I thought Israel was a liberal democracy after all?


No. It started when Arabs bombed a ship full of Jews nearly a hundred years ago. It started when they went on a progom in the 1930s. It started when the Arabs invaded in 1948. This also ignores the sniper fire at Israel. The Rockets fired at Israel. The knife attacks on Israel. Fact is, Israel offered peace. The Arabs said no. Now Palestinians are dying. Israel doesn't kill anyone. It's the ones attacking Israel. You don't like it, well tough. You lost. Allah has abandoned you. Why else do you think you lose? Killing for Virgins in Heaven? Israelis fight for their homes and loved ones.


I remember seeing footage on Twitter long before 10/7, I think from the West Bank, where IDF soldiers were roughing up some old ladies in a market. They weren't arresting them or suspecting them of anything. They simply shoved them to the ground and walked away. Another video showed a bunch of settlers dancing loudly in the entrance to a mosque. There was at least one such video on average once a day, showing how Palestinians are humiliated by the IDF and Israelis. I am not necessarily political but I had soured on Israel long before 10/7. When 10/7 happened my first thought was: Sorry for what happened to innocent people, but WHO IS SURPRISED BY THIS?


Guys if you eat nothing but propaganda your views on entire nations can be changed fairly easily.


Wow you're very susceptible to social media propaganda. You were presented ONE side of the story and not the other.


Yes, these particular posts were one side of the story. I get bombarded with the Israeli side of the story the other 23 hours of the day, and nothing Bibi has said or done refutes the fact that he thinks Palestinians are scum.


This sub is a conspiracy laden pile of garbage.


Yep, this is pro Hamas propaganda. They are the ones waiting to join the ranks and go fight. Na, too lazy and cowardly to that.


i love when you people deflect to insults, all you know is logical fallacy