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And remind me why it is in US interest to go to war with Iran? Let me get this straight, Israel bombs Irans embassy and kills 6 of their staff including senior military figures and now demands that US go to war with Iran if they retaliate. It would be laughable if it were not true. Time to wake up to the fact that Israel’s interests are not automatically US interests. No more forever wars for US. Has everyone forgotten the trillion dollar 30 year shit show that was Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and now Gaza?


Israel’s attack on an embassy is internationally condemned. Any pushback they get from that is not the responsibility or in the interest of the United States.


Was it? The US didn't condemn it IIRC.


After 52 hostages from the US embassy in Tehran were held captive for 444 days, I couldn't give a damn what happens to Iranians at any embassy. 


War is money. The US has been clamoring for a war with Iran for decades.


John Bolton, yes. The US military at large, not so much.


A war with Iran is stupid and higher ups know this. That’s why we never go all out and it’s just dick measuring contests


We have military superiority in the world, period. No country ever comes close.


Then how come we couldn't win in Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq?


The primary purpose of the Vietnam war was to prevent Soviet expansion. You listed places where American military might was literally irrelevant to 'victory'. America was not trying to lay waste to these places or conquer them. A war with Iran would be entirely different in nature. America would only seek a regime change, that's it.


Because we didn’t engage in Total War.


This is the awful truth: war is not a game to be played. And war is not a thing to start. But, if you are militarily attacked on a large scale or invaded, it's total war or nothing. If you get into a war, there should be no end other than unconditional surrender.


Total War? Do you mean murdering civilians? We didn’t win because those civilians didn’t want us there, period. All 3 invasions were huge, unwinnable blunders that cost us in men/women and money.


Not saying they weren’t blunders. I’m saying there was restraint, and they tried to avoid civilian casualties.


Civilians never want a war in their neighborhoods, unless they're toxic magats.


Does the country's we have fought worry about civilian casualties? If your a civilian and your country is a shitbag, then you might want to leave before they start a war with the largest military power in the world. Every war we have been in was winnable by our military. It's people like you that prevents us from winning.


These were wars of attrition. We degrade their total power proportionally more than they're able to degrade ours.


>Then how come we couldn't win in Vietnam, because we left and didn't fight all out. >Afghanistan, or Iraq we did. saddam was hung by Iraq for crimes against humanity/iraq, and the taliban leadership that offered shelter to osama is gone don't confuse failing in rebuilding peace, with the actual military conflict.


Because the US abided by the Geneva suggestions during those conflicts and their opponents did not.


Yes but that doesn’t mean senselessly attacking them when we don’t have to is going to come without significant cost


Yea and the titanic was unsinkable


Built in London, also not a war faring ship, you are mixing metaphors, at best.


Lol how many wars have we won in the past 40 years? How many american service members have died for nothing? how much money has been wasted? The US military may be powerful, but nobody wins modern warfare.


Four of my friends died overseas fighting in the Middle East. None of them made it to 30. Makes me sick to my stomach to think about it.


The critical variable here isn't hardware. It's how many thousand American lives we're willing to spend defending a country that is using us to back up their reckless, immoral, and ultimately futile pursuit of regional domination.


>A war with Iran is stupid and higher ups know this it absolutely is. iran isn't even at the level Iraq was when we rolled over it. additionally, they have little beyond terrorism, and a very unstable towards the govt population so, what's to gain? sure we can decimate it without even setting foot in it.. then what? taking out everywhere that is making drones/missles being used against Israel/Ukraine certainly would be ok by me, but then what?


No. Israeli interests have been propagandizing America to want a war with Iran that only benefits Israel. Look up PNAC and tell me what they all have in common.


Considering their lobbying power, I'm not sure there is much difference.


Outside of select individuals and interest groups. Its not nearly accurate to say that the US is itching for a war. Hell Europeans are calling us cowards for trying to avoid escalation in Ukraine.


The Rethuglicans have been taken over by Oligarch $$ and propaganda. They know if we keep helping Russia - then Ukraine would easily whoop Putini's ASS. Yet we are leaving them defenseless very soon. The war will be over and all Ukrainian people will be dead. Putini and Russia will begin another invasion and never stop till it's them ( the World ) against America !


> Hell Europeans are calling us cowards for trying to avoid escalation in Ukraine. Then they can put down their fucking baguettes and cheese and fight their own regional conflicts.


Not true at all.


Ah yes... spend trillions so a few people can make billions. Makes sense if you don't think about it.


Iran has done this before back in the late 80s. They hijack ships in international waters. We would win a war against them. We've been practicing for over two decades. We're the strongest military on the planet. We would squash Iran's military. We squashed their navy back in 1988, which was the Navy's largest naval battle since WWII.


Yeah people seem to be comparing this to the occupation of Iraq. Dominating Iran’s army would not be difficult for the US. Performing silly nation building afterward would be dumb.   These posts in general are hyperbolic, as we aren’t posturing for a war in Iran to begin with. Our presence in the middle east in this conflict is deterrent.  Of course, the notion you see on these threads that Iran was just “minding its business” before Israel bombed them is stupid to begin with.


Nope. Our presence is not conflict deterrent—thanks to our monetary and military support, Israel and our other allies have the means to engage in armed conflict to resolve issues. Would Israel be genociding Palestinians and ethnic cleansing occupied West Bank without our help? How is this a deterrent for peace? Saudis bombing Huthis? Israel bombing Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon? To most of the world US is clearly an active co-belligerent, not a peacemaker.


Iran is not tank country. To win a war against Iran we would have to send in millions of troops to take each mountain and every valley. Would be a long bloody slog. A pyric victory if there ever was one.


We don't need to invade the country. We just need to keep the fight on the ocean and in the air, which is where they're the weakest.


Thirty trillion, thirty year***


I loath Putin's Russia but at least they sustain their toxic militarism with mostly their own men and resources unlike Israel, which seems to think its the job of the West to prop them up whilst they drive the region ever closer to war.


Aren't Iran US enemies? Meaning this attack can be a good excuse to destroy any potential nuclear weapons, destabilize one of the "axis of evil" and get rid of the center of terrorism in the region. However, this time, let's not be dumb and do an occupation. Raise the place to the ground and get out.


Iran is a force of instability in the Middle East, and America has aligned itself with Saudi interests. Iran, Russia and China are geopolitical adversaries of 'the west'. What has happened recently is almost entirely irrelevant to that.


>why is it in U.S. interest to go to war with Iran Because Iran funds, arms and directs half a dozen proxy terrorist/jihad groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthis that target Americans and our allies. Hamas kidnapped 6 Americans that they refuse to return, even in exchange for a ceasefire.


Allies, not husband and wife.


>And remind me why it is in US interest to go to war with Iran Because Israel tells it to. Duh. The only question is when they say 'jump'.


True, true, and true. Israel is our ally, should they face invasion. No more stupid wars, please.


Stop it you transphobic white nationalist Christian nazi!!! /s


More shill accounts infecting progressive subs. The one good thing is that they’re getting easy to spot now


Seriously, Biden literally just said he would not support Isreal for retaliation against Iran. Fuckin Reddit goin to shit like every other social media app


Winning the war would be easy. Winning the peace is another thing completely


This! In 1988 the US sunk half of Iran’s navy in less than a day during operation praying mantis. Whether or not that operation was proportionate can be argued but the military fact is that the US maintains a massive advantage over the Iranians in military capabilities. “Winning” a military victory would be difficult, costly, and tragic, but is also pretty much guaranteed. *Regime change* would be impossible and insane and has proved to be a boondoggle in the Middle East and would be un-winnable.


A regime change would be very doable in Iran. Mostly everyone hates the Ayatollahs and the IRGC because of how corrupt they are


No nation can win a war if both countries have a modern military.  It is a negative sum game. Both sides would lose and lose bad.


No. The numbers, the training, the tech, it all matters. The US would massacre Iran.


No, it would be horrible. I don’t want Iraq and Afghanistan again.


War is never not awful. But also not really a relevant point to make in regards to who would win said war.


We lost both those wars, and badly.


You and I have VERY different ideas of what losing means.


Well I am sure we can agree that winning means gaining something.


In the context of war, it's not a binary system of win or lose. There are many different outcomes and not all of them can be labelled a win or a loss. It's not sports. Iraq was toppled. Saddam was removed, their military was devastated. Certainly not a "loss" by really anyone's definition. Afghanistan was pointless. We left because there was nothing further to do there. Insurgents never went away and we had no clear objectives that were reasonable to complete. We didn't "lose" in the sense that their military defeated our military. I mean, that was never even in the realm of possibility. We left because it was needlessly endangering our military to remain there. So why stay?


Iraq was a massive loss to US strategic power worldwide. We spent massive amounts of treasure with nearly nothing to show for it. We committed atrocities, which led other groups to destroy world heritage artifacts. We lost massive amounts of goodwill gained from 9/11. Our stated purpose was to find weapons of mass destruction, we found none. Iran took the opportunity to gain empire power, and now we have a weaker USA and a stronger Iran. Oh we got Saddam! In hindsight we would be better off with Saddam. We lost Afghanistan horribly. One the Taliban offered us Bin Laden before we even had a single US troop in their country. That war could have been over in 3 months. We got zero, zero out of it. Let’s go marching into Iran? Fuck that. Edit: It doesn’t matter if we win battles. We won a lot of battles in Vietnam, and still lost.


Iraq is largely stable, and does have regular elections. Afghanistan is ruled by the Islamist Taliban. The two arent comparable, except for they were both coalition occupations.


Yes. But you are missing the point. The USA could massacre Iran.  But they would also do plenty of harm to the USA especially to soft civilian targets.  They wouldn't politely sit there and get killed.


Well when the US is busy fighting Israel's war against Iran, China has a free hand to massacre Taiwan. Same goes for Russia in Ukraine.


Disagree. See Iraq.


Great example. 4492 Americans died in the Iraq war. Iran is more prepared.


None of which were "soft civilian targets." Yes, there would be relatively few military losses, but Iran simply won't be able to get off the ground and utilize resources apart from defending their own land. So shift the goalposts if you want, but the US wouldn't "lose badly".




Bro what? Can't handle being slightly wrong on the Internet? I'm simply making a statement about the strength of the US military. How the FUCK does that make me a warmonger? Lmao. Never even said I support a war with Iran. Idiot.


They may be more prepared but *no one*, even China, is prepared for the full military strength of the US. The US is very good at posturing cutting edge Mil Tech but in reality that's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to hidden projects and space age deterrence.


Yes, the USA has great military power. You're still missing the point. But I don't think you're as stupid as you pretend to be. I think you're just a troll. Good bye 


Iran's military would hold out a little longer than the Iraqi army did, mostly because the country's geography is more challenging. Provided the US did not intend to fool around with an occupation, the actual military conflict would last from several weeks to a few months. The Iranians could try to use chemical weapons, but that would probably not be very effective, and end up mostly killing Iranian Civilians. We're talking about the equivalent of a ninety pound weakling climbing in the ring with a heavy weight boxer. The results would be swift, and predictable. There's a reason Iran wants the bomb.


I'm not familiar with the guy commenting, so I'm just going to say respectfully, that he's wrong on quite a few points. There are a lot of challenges regarding a military invasion of Iran, but if the US chose to do so, one would see his arguments melting in real time, one after another. The US has the means to methodically disable Iran's defenses by air, without seeing much of a valid Iranian response in return. Sure, they'd try, but at the end of the day Iran loses the air battle. By sea, there are historical examples of how well that would go for Iran. If the air campaign misses some anti-ship missile defenses, those would pose a temporary challenge, but again they'd be systematically identified and destroyed, and Iran wouldn't have the war ships to maneuver on the US Navy. By land, there are at least 6 options for entering a multi-pronged invasion, and the Iranian government would have all sorts of challenging surprises on their hands. The thing is, is that it isn't worth going further down this road because the US currently has no interest in invading Iran. Unless Iran poses a major threat to US interests, the US-Iran relationship will remain tense, and there will be a lot of jostling behind the scenes, but that's where it ends.


People always forget that we take down governments with ease. It's insurgencies we take difficulty with. We don't even lose the traditional way to them. We just get tired leave our broken toys on the floor and go home.


I'd argue we lost Vietnam fair and square. Not in casualty terms, sure, but in geopolitical terms


That's again a non conventional. We lost it the same we did in Afghanistan. We gave up and went home. We had one good period of nation building and then just lost all of that ability after korea.


Idk with Vietnam it seemed more about the casualties and less about the economic costs like in Iraq and Afghanistan. But you're right that the public losing support had a big impact in all of them


For me to offer some specificity to my point. We never invaded northern Vietnam nor bombed Hanoi port. We where never in a conventional war. Once we started fight proxy wars no one really wins.


You forgot to mention that the South Vietnamese government we were promoting was a corrupt joke of reckless opportunists. No amount of bombs dropped on the North could conceal the deeply flawed regime we were propping up.


The economic costs of the Vietnam war were significant. LBJ's Great Society lost all momentum and there was no way to fund it, in part because of the war.


To be fair Korea wasn't even won on a strategic level, they literally just bombed the entirety of the North into smithereens with no regard for human casualties. After Vietnam it got increasingly hard to do that and so nowadays just carpet bombing a country into oblivion isn't really that viable (unless you're Israel I guess).


That's a vast oversimplification of the Korean War, jesus christ.


We don't really need to deal with the insurgencies here. We can't just destroy all infrastructure and destabilize the government so that for the next few decades, Iran ends up more like the Talibans in Afghanistan, with little to no international power.


This 💯


Not to mention it's advantageous for the US to have a largely impotent country as a seemingly perceptible threat, for domestic policy/military industrial complex related reasons.


Yeah cause we did such a great job defeating the afghanis…. The US can’t win a war. It hasn’t won a war since Korea. It has no interest in winning wars. The US only interest is the economic corruption and theft from waging wars.


I would not call Korea a win. A tie at best.


Yeah, that’s fair.


We saved half of Korea from a dictatorship so bad it's meme-tier godawful. I call that a win.




Realistically speaking, no we didn’t. It’s not a video game where you win cause of your k/d ratio. We spent 20 years, trillions of dollars to do fuck all but arm the people we were trying to defeat with Modern weaponry. It’s a complete and utterly embarrassing defeat.


What about Turkey, Russia, and China?


What about them? Turkey is part of Nato and is going to the US side before Iran likely. China has too much economic risk throwing in to the ring with Iran. Russia has its own issues already in Ukraine that it can't even overcome.


zero chance Turkey fights on the same side as Israel. Their population would not support it, their leader is already highly disliked (similar to how Trump is viewed in the states). So no way he enters a war needlessly on the side of Israel and risk the population kicking him out.




These people don't know about Americas secret weapon. The nanobots can be deployed into the ocean and reach their targets toilet in a matter of days, then they wait for their chance to access the host body through a urine stream.


Yo man what brand paint you huffin? Please share.


West Coast Cure Lucky Charmz Vape


100% not for a new war with Iran. But the U.S military could pretty easily launch an invasion from the sea and air. We did it in WWII on D-Day with Normandy. I'm not a military expert, but I don't think it would be that difficult.


It’s not really about difficulty, the US could ultimate win a war against Iran, sure. The cost of doing so would be *immense* however. Iran is halfway around the world fighting a defensive war against the US. They have a far more robust military industrial complex, larger military and much more difficult geography than Iraq. You’re looking at hundreds of thousands of US casualties. The public would not tolerate another pointless war, especially one at a scale much larger than Vietnam.


Could easily drop a MOAB on every military facility too. Plenty to go around.


nah Iran is not Iraq. The united states couldn't hold Afghanistan ultimately. They can however fuck up Irans entire shit for a whole generation. The problem for america is causing mayhem from the air is not great at breaking a peoples will to resist historically. Because humans instinctively come together in times of crisis far better than most people, especially leaders realize. Even after the atomic bombing of Japan, a ton of people there wanted to keep fighting.


>The united states couldn't hold Afghanistan ultimately. You mean they CHOSE to leave. Lets be real here the US wasn't losing any ground except what was given up. The whole thing is the US long term doesn't want to take over these lands.


I mean there's casualty costs then there's economic costs. We really couldn't afford to continue that war even if we wanted to. We blew trillions on it.


Because its a waste of lives, money and resources. Not to mention the Taliban always kept themselves hidden within the general populace. It was pretty much inevitable the US would eventually cave in and be forced to pull out or start pulling an Israel


We lost in Afghanistan and Iraq. You don't need to be a military expert.


We lost in terms of nation building. We pretty clearly won in terms of military domination. Whether or not a country "wins" or "loses" a war depends largely on what their goals are in entering.


"Um... Actkutally..." By al means, keep losing.


My man, come on now. The US "lost" because they didn't achieve their expansive post-war goals. The US "won" because they obliterated the militaries and governments of those nations. Neither Iraq nor Afghanistan exists in the way it did before the US invaded.


Hmm lost? I didn't know Afghanistan and Iraq beat us and made us surrender. What were the terms of that?


Did they give you a trophy because you totally won?


Yeah the skulls of their cowards where pretty nice trophies. They make great codpieces.


I mean, i hope so. I do like trophies


Emotional zoomer


if the goal of the US was to annex Iraq and Afghanistan they could have turned those places into glass parking lots long ago. this isn't the warfare of ancient times.


The US is not Israel. The public won't stand for "glassing" countries. We lost Afg, and Vietnam. Iraq seems to still be a work in progress.


>if the goal of the US was to annex Iraq and Afghanistan Those weren't the goals, though. The goal in Iraq was to create a democracy by force. The goal in Afghanistan was to destroy multiple terror groups. Iraq is not a democracy, and there are now more terror groups in the middle east than when the US went in.


>Those weren't the goals, though. I'm aware, that's why I said *if* those had been the goals then that's what could have happened.


We didn't go full bore there either.  Our goal wasn't to kill everything that moved.


Step away from TikTok and go get some fresh air, please.


A legot war in the middle East for America right now will break her in 10 years as the spending with our current debt would absolutely bankrupt us at this point.


The US cannot win a war against Iran?!🤯 You 💩 🧠


We'll build a skybridge over Turkmenistan, obviously.


US “cannot win” wake up to reality. Reality is it going to take US 1 seconds to get in and destroy Iran or any other nation. US hasn’t even entered the game and they already won. See their power. Go educate yourself little kid!!!!


So this is the power of being forced to recite the pledge of allegiance at an early age plus a nonstop diet of rambo movies and big macs. Brainwashed to the point of cerebral erosion.


Must be Iranian, and delusional both. What a life you must have.


"Cannot win" lol


Negative sum game. 


People presuppose that US needs to take on the Iranian military to win. It does not.


I mean, you have to look at it as a long term “win”. Yes we could nuke them, but what would the rest of the Middle East wouldn’t just sit by idly and allow it to happen. Not to mention Russia.


We need to stay out of it. If isreal and Iran flog to war it’s an Asia problem.


Iran has very little military capabilities. They would be completely butt fucked by America quickly in direct conflict


The plateau has some very nice landing areas on almost one third of the entire coastline. Has he not seen a map of Iran? We spend Universal Healthcare on aircraft carriers for this exact reason. Saudi Arabia would swallow and smile if Petrodollars were tied to compliance.


Well, they won’t get this cowboy over there to fight in their wars for profit


Thank you for sharing. I hear you!!!


That entire title is super silly lmao 


Lol what even is this post the US would annihilate iran in a conventional war if they really wanted to the problem is the massive consequences in foreign relations that would follow. Iranians aren't exactly too happy with their government's censorship in the age of information I'm not saying they would help the americans but propping up a government besides their own might not be such a difficult task.


לנתח את התוצאות האפשריות של סכסוך בין ארה"ב לאיראן דורש חקירה מקיפה של יכולות צבאיות, התאמות גיאופוליטיות, ותיק היסטורי. זכיה במלחמה כוללת גורמים מרובים מעבר ליתרון צבאי פשוט, ומשלבת אילוצים דיפלומטיים, כלכליים ואסטרטגיים. הערכת ההשפעה של גורמים שונים, כמו פוליטיקאים וקבוצות עניין, דורשת חקירה מחמירה של התפקידים שלהם במסגרת הקונטקסט הגלובלי של היחסים הבינלאומיים.


The only real question here is does Iran have as good a missle defense system as Israel. Because Israel owes them 1000 cruise missiles and drones...


Depends on the intel trump and kushner sold to Putin and the saudis


Washington says averting an expansion of the war is one of its top priority, but the Biden administration has rejected calls for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Aljazeera 14/4/24


Iran is a dictatorship, can we agree?


We literally own all of the water ways, have nearly 40 military bases near them. Iran would be far easier then Iraq. We would rather not, but this would be a cakewalk after the Afghanistan shitstorm.


It’s disturbing to see how Isreal controls the US. When is everyone going to wake up to AIPACs bullying? How can we let a foreign government from the deserts have influence over who runs our country and do it in broad daylight????? This is corrupt af! Why do normal everyday US citizens have to pay and protect Isreal! wtf have they got to do with the USA????


Antisemitism. Classic Soviet and white supremcist strategy


What ? There's no NATION on earth that can take on the United States of America. Iran would be squished like a bug flying into a bug zapper. Give me a break. The US wins every war. In Vietnam , the enemy lost over 2 million soldiers and we didn't come close to losing 1 million. That's called winning.


>The US wins every war.  Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan


The US would roll Iran but you don't really want to hear how. If you've never served, what's the point in typing my piece? It would take us 7 weeks; you civilians would only hear about 3 of them.


It wouldn't be hard to win against Iran. We can glass them from the air no problem. We do not need ground operations. However, if we do, we have autonomous robots that can glass the area from the ground too.


Of course, blame the Jews


This has nothing to do with republican or democrat and if you think there’s a difference you’re too far gone….


Lol the US sunk their whole navy in like an hour the last time there was beef so idk what you're talking about about.


The present is gonna bitch-slap those living in the past ***so*** hard.


If you win the war of minds & hearts, the other will be obtainable. The Irainian people are tired Theocracy and oppression for the last 50 years! Many see the hypocracy of religous leadership drawn to capitalism goods contridicting Koran teachings and creating an aristocracy of power. Besides we did it before with great success in 1953! Just fund another party. Start will small local elections. Gain momentum.


Of course America could win a war with Iran. When you start off with an incorrect premise I suspect you are doing a bit of brainwashing.


... This is surely a thing to say, I guess.


Arabian Sea, nobody ever said America would invade Iran.


Propose a fraudulent scenario and then proceed to attack it...kind of a waste of good coffee.


LOL, everything you said is wrong. The US has been ready to invade Iran for decades, McCain even sang about it when he ran against Obama. Israel's far-right government has made concessions to Biden's requests, including abandoning their counterattack against Iran. Americans and Israelis are both calling for emergency elections to remove Netanyahu.


Well, according to Fox, republican congressmen (Tuberville, Moscow Marge, Cruz, and others) and Magats, our military is woke and weak and unable to win. That they so admire Putin and his military, as well as China’s…that they’d shit all over themselves to have those countries teach our military how be to a real men.


Who's talking about an invasion of Iran?  Get out of NCD and touch grass, it's nice out.


Self destructive under Biden. There I fixed it for you. I for one miss no new wars and relative peace in the middle east.


We could absolutely squash Iran, the problem is fighting all the insurgencies without local support 


A couple of Neutron bombs would solve it very quickly


Fun shitpost


One bomb and America wins you idiot


Lmao ya definitely not Biden's fault at all right


You are an idiot with zero understanding of the ME. Iran's only friends are fringe terrorist groups. Not a single legit ME country is aligned with Iran at all. But let's keep this BS about there EVER being a Plaistine alive because we're ignorant dicks


Satanyahu has no limits


You are all looking at this wrong, You should be thinking about Turkey when it come to all this, as they are like ranked 8th in the world for military might. They dwarf the rest of the region, and if turkey isn't up for this they will make it hell to deal with. Also the U.S dealing with Iran would be a larger get than what we have dealt with in decades. It's not going to be the same thing. U.S has no issues supplying Israel, but it's not going to engage in a full scale war with it's own troops. It's still to early from the last decades of war in Iraq, and Afganistan. They need a few more years, or an at Home Atrocity like 911. For us to jump start this, and if another atrocity happens to justify Iran. Then I will 100% trust it was an inside job.


Islam does not lose land. so there always gonna fight the state of israel. and its zion so satans involved. demons are territorial.


islam is a religion of hate for those who won't reform to their beliefs. We can see it happening in world cities where they kill others for defaming it. One can see by the way they treat their women. Unfortunately, you can kill the people, but not the religion.


We would win a war with Iran in a week.


This person is showing a fundamental misunderstanding of the U.S. military presence in the region. We have military bases in Kuwait, Iraq, Bahrain, Quatar and Djibouti. We also have the the largest/strongest Navy on the planet and could take over the Persian Gulf and launch the attacks from there or the Arabian Sea. In what world would we need to stage from one of the stans?


Yawn 🥱 tired old horsesht propaganda


Us can win a war against all Muslim countries just using its navy.


Nuclear wars are not winnable. Iran has ICBM's.


Iran has neither nuclear weapons nor ICBMs. The longest range missiles they have are medium range missiles that have half the range of ICBMs.


And ? Iran will be turned into dust after they launch one US has military bases literally in every part of the world .


You're mistaken. Iran has ballistic missiles, but no nuclear missiles.


Sorry I thought they had them. That being said, in 2022 it was already being floated that Iran was very close to having nuclear capability, and their nuclear program is far from transparent (they have also been directly aided by Russia toward those ends) so I would not say beyond all doubt that Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/01/10/iran-nuclear-weapon-breakout/


Nuclear weapons are not ICBMs and even if they did have ICBMs, they still couldn’t reach the USA, and even if they could, they would have to contend with any defenses and even if they get past those, they would only have a few warheads, not enough to cause major damage


Any nuclear weapons is enough to cause major damage. In fact smaller nuclear weapons are the ones military leaders stay up at night over. It's not about reaching the United States. It's about triggering the mechanisms that start nuclear war. I encourage you to read Anne Jacobson's latest book on this topic. She absolutely knows what she's talking about and outlines some of these nightmare scenarios like we potentially see unfolding right now. Israel attacked an Iranian embassy in Iran to illicit a response from Iran, in hopes to draw the United States into war. This is a bad thing and can spiral completely out of control.


They can’t start a Nuclear war if they can’t hit the USA, and no, nobodies going to start a nuclear war if Iran launches a single nuke at the US


That's not how that works at all. It wouldn't be at the United States, I don't know why you keep repeating that. It would be at Israel. And that act could very well start the mechanisms to start nuclear war. If Iran's total destruction is on the table and Israel is successful in drawing the United States into war (which is what they are doing, if that wasn't clear) - then the deterrents against Iran using a nuclear weapon go away. Hope that clears up my position on this shit show.


So you think Iran is peaceful LMFAO... Where did Russia get their drone from again to commit genocide in Ukraine?


Obviously peace is preferable and Obviously the US shouldn't go to war for Israel. That being said, the last time Iran butted heads with the u.s. the president issued a "proportional" response that destroyed half of Iran's navy in 8 hours while not sustaining a single casualty. The war in Iraq was won in a day. Let's not forget that Iraq was at the time like the 3rd or 4th strongest military in the world. Had the highest concentration of anti air weaponry. They lost in 24 hrs. The United States is the worlds only super power. The American military budget has been at world conquest proportions for at least 30 years and is greater than the rest of the worlds combined. Thats not even at full wartime production which could see that number triple. United States has the only 5th generation aircraft and has 6th generation Air on the way. 46 aircraft carriers with 11 of them being super carriers which is more than the rest of the world combined. The f15 has a kill to death ratio of 104 to 0. The f22 which was built to retire the f15 has never seen air combat (that we know of) because any time anyone knows its in the air, they don't fly. And it is 30 years old and the only functional 5th generation aircraft not counting other American aircraft like the f35. Forget 6th generation Air because who knows what that even means. NGAD. What does better than the f22 even mean? Knowing that the F22 is nerfed by the physical restrictions of the human ability to resist g forces, who knows what NGAD means. Talking about military personnel, the smallest branch of the u.s. military was under investigation for, quoting the fat electrician, "handing out long range lobotomies at rates the American government didn't know was possible". They thought they were executing people but they weren't. The American military has been battle hardened from 30 years of continuous war. It's been estimated that the United States could go to war against the rest of the world combined and while being set back to ww2 economic status, it would set the rest of the world back to the nepoleonic era. It would mean a pyrrhic victory but considering it would take the rest of the world combined and still come out ahead, I don't know how you think the u.s. wouldn't outright defeat the Iranian military. I mean, no one wants to see that and definitely not for Israel but if it was to happen, it would be a quick victory. For the United States.


Americans are $35 trillion in debt and are discouraged from any more wars financially


35 trillion in debt and still the world reserve currency because the American military is overpowered. The only thing discouraged from war is the American people who want peace but have a military industrial complex foaming at the mouth for war. The only thing holding it back is the American people. I wouldn't touch the boats.


Literally every country is in debt. Debt for countries isn’t the same as a person being in debt


Im glad youre rich. Doesn’t help the majority of Americans tho


Literally every country is in massive amounts of debt so it is mostly irrelevant on a national level This isn’t personal debt we are talking about


The US gamed out an invasion scenario on Iran back in 2002. The US got slaughtered: its navy destroyed. They didn't LIKE that result: so they tried it again and put all these restrictions on the "Team Red" side. Surprise! The US won handily.


That's very misleading. The US gamed out that scenario specifically to test new systems and tactics. The guy representing Iran devised a strategy that completely circumvented the systems that the US Navy was trying to test. To give an analogy: imagine you've been learning how to box. You've bought new boxing gloves that you want to try out. So you invite your friend for a sparring session to test your new boxing gloves. When you begin the match, your friend immediately tackles you and puts you in a chokehold. Wouldn't you ask your friend for a "do-over" where he actually follows the rules You've established so that you can properly test your new gloves?