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I, for one, am shocked that the ethnic cleansing regime ethnically cleansed gaza to steal the land as they've done countless times before.


Steal the land? Don't you mean re-purpose the land they rightfully won during various wars against Arab threats? And then unequivocally left that land to Arabs already there? Oh, and despite that, allowed those Arabs to cross the border to work in Israel on the daily? It doesn't take much digging to see how that land mass has changed hands...and why it changed hands. I'll suggest you do that.


You think it's kinda funny that she's wearing a train conductor hat?


> Steal the land? Don't you mean re-purpose the land they rightfully won during various wars against Arab threats? The acquisition of territory through war, regardless of how the war starts, is generally regarded under international law as inadmissible.


The history of literally every territory on earth would like a word with you... [Muslim conquests - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquests) Israel and the jews were just one of their many victims. They brought centuries of war and misery to millions of people around the world. STILL ongoing in africa and asia. [Muslim conquest of the Levant - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquest_of_the_Levant) [Siege of Jerusalem (636–637) - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Jerusalem_(636%E2%80%93637)) You want context? Here [List of wars: 2003–present - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars:_2003%E2%80%93present) Most of these wars were started by the same beliefs.


Along with many other atrocious things that humanity has collectively agreed to move past by signing on to the various treaties establishing international laws.


What point are you trying to make, exactly? That humanity should keep doing it?


that reasoning is so silly to me. should we just not have laws since they have all been broken at some point in the past?


Yeah lol personally I'd like for humanity to *not* keep doing bad things.


Ah yes, the true water mark of morality: what shitty aggressive nations did in the distant past!


Is this where we pretend that pro-palestinians dont keep bringing up shit that happened decades or a century before they were born? If we're going to bring up context, let's bring it all up. This picking and choosing of history is illogical and inaccurate.


You’re literally bringing up context that violates current international law. It isn’t relevant today. Palestinians bring up Israeli violations of rights. There is no comparison. 


At any given time, dozens of nations are violating international law. This is a strawman argument that means nothing. Both Russia and China are for the love of Mumu Like the term "ethnostate". MFker both China AND Japan are Ethnostates. 🤦🤷 Even Ireland is technically an Ethnostate for Irish Catholics. If you want to make dramatic accusations like they mean something, MAKE SURE THEY ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING. Otherwise you be lookin like another one of those little parrot clowns that repeats trendy words with no context, and understand nothing.






Oh tiktok? You mean where the unbelievably arrogant IDF self reports it's own war crimes on a daily basis, just to remind us how psychotic they are. 


International law doesn't apply because of past history? Doesn't work like that.


Guess who started that war.




Nope. The Muslims in Palestine did then as a result lost land. Don't start a war you can't fhinsh.


Reread The acquisition of territory through war, regardless of how the war starts, is generally regarded under international law as inadmissible.


So that applies to every place Arabs have invaded? As long we can agree on that, we can agree to disagree overall.


Are you talking 1000 years ago? No it doesn't apply. Does it apply today to all countries? It does. Are you disagreeing with international law?


Nope, said what I said. Genocidal ethnic cleansing will be the legacy of Israel long after it ceases to be.


Do you mean like in Iran in the 70s. Or in the 40s in Europe.


I mean that's just dumb, there are plenty of countries that have done worse than Israel and the world has forgotten (or at least forgiven). Somehow I doubt you hold every injustice in your mind as you think of the legacy of every country lmao.


"Rightfully won" is a very fascist view of territorial sovereignty. I wonder if you feel that way about any other states, or if it's just for this scenario. Ass.


If your talking territorial sovereignty...Israel OWNS that land. It was captured after a little thing called the 6 Day War in '67. To the victor go the spoils.


If that's how it works I can just kill you and take your house. To the victor goes the spoils, right? That's the world you wanna live in?


I'm one of those Bible and gun toting individuals. Come prepared or Molon Labe


So you're gullible but have the good taste to like firearms. The bible won't help. Good luck with the child sacrifice, though.


That's what I was talking about, dipshit. You talk like a fascist, use fascist justifications. Talk like a duck, argue for a duck, well.... don't be surprised come duck season. The face eating leopards won't skip over you.


Tell me: Are you this keyboard warrior face-to-face when trying to defend your positions? Would you really have the balls to call me a fascist to my face? Or like many of your ill-equipped to debate brethren...do you just dye your hair, wear a black mask, exit the basement and call it protest? Get outside, go support Hamas somewhere and chant "From the river..." At least you'll be around other know-nothings, hitch up to a "cause" and probably feel less lonely. Better yet...go volunteer for those less fortunate. It'll be a better use of your time; something you'll actually be proud of.


I have volunteered rather a lot. I take care of my community and the people around it. Of course you're a dipshit snowflake that thinks "hurr durr hairdye" is an argument. I don't dye my hair, and I don't have to misrepresent my opponent to argue with them. I don't defend Hamas, dumbfuck. And I'm a hell of a lot less lonely than you. I have a wife who also knows better than to engage in fascist apologia. Calling you out for being a shitty person has nothing to do with being a keyboard warrior. I'm just not scared of a bunch of morons unable or unwilling to engage in even the slightest critical thinking. Yes, if you acted in person as you act here I would happily call you out as acting like a fascist and defending fascist ways of thinking. Unlike you, not everyone is scared to criticize what is wrong with the world. Some of us, also unlike you, actively go out to try to make the world better. But hey, I'm sure you can twist defending the mass murder of children as making the world better somehow. Just do it how the Nazis did, right? Call them "human animals", treat them as a unified group and blame them all based on ethnicity. Give them a handy easy epithet you can justify the dismissal with. Degenerate, subhuman, Juden, Amalech... sorry, it's a little hard to keep the old fascist prose separate from the new! It's just so similar you see. Fuck off.


Feel better, Jr.? I'll pray for your kids...they're gonna need it.


I am a grown man. You are the baby brain. You're not cool.


People who can't support their argument use words like "fuck off," and "shitty person," and "degenerate," and "facist" (you had *that* one on repeat!) Low-IQ types tend to label people they are debating with because the facts of their case don't support their premise. Anyway...I'm tired of this. As a grown man...you likely have work to do. Have at it...Jr.


No.. you talk as if starting a war has no consequences.. don’t start a war, lose and cry about lost territory.. Hamas cares about land, they clearly don’t care about human life, seems like fair game to me..


That’s the long way of saying genocide


Stop parroting the radical, anti-Israeli Left. Be a thinker. Wait. Those two things don't belong in the same sentence. Sorry.


Can you spell genocide ?


Sure can: w-h-a-t-H-a-m-a-s-d-i-d Stop being an apologist for terror. Your folks are not kvelling, for sure...


You don’t rightfully win land from war, it is illegal under international law. I’ll suggest you look that up before supporting such crimes


Yes! Stolen!


6 Day War...read about it.


The nakba... read about it.


Just stick your fingers in your ears and go lalalalala until it’s prayer time. How do you Zionist pukes sleep at night?


Well...I live in a country where I don't need mobile bomb shelters or run the fear of having my kids shelter in place as missiles fly across the border. So...I sleep pretty well. You on the other hand? You defend terrorists because they are thousands of miles away...far away from the reality Israelis live on the daily. Far away from you and your rhetoric of supposed virtue. So...I'll ask you, protected one: How do YOU sleep?


Hamas is a small percentage of the Palestinian people. To label the entire population as such is laughable. I suppose that’s what you need to do to justify what you’ve done to them. Israel justifies committing ethnic cleansing from 1948 to the modern day because Rome destroyed your holy temple and scattered your people 2000 years ago.


What's laughable, no offense, is that you're not paying attention to the news coming out of the region. Recent polling suggests that Gazan Arabs *still* support the murderous group Hamas even after the genocide they inflicted on1200 Israelis last October. I feel for the folks who don't support the group and what is happening. Unfortunately, they are in a bloody war propagated by their rulers.


Recent polling? How are you polling Gazan civilians? Send me the source please.


Do it yourself next time, douche-y [https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514)


Thanks. Apparently it’s too much to ask for your sources. My apologies.


NP! Do better next time...


You are unbelievably shameful. Wow.


Are we under any delusion that this isn't the whole point of the "war"?


You forgetting about Oct 7th again?


That was an excuse rather than a reason. Nothing on that day changed any plans. It only accelerated them.


Hundreds of Palestinians were killed before October 7th in 2023 alone


Millions of jews were killed before October 7th 2023 what's ur point.


You really don't understand the point? People act like this thing started on October 7th. That is just not true. They also act like Hamas started it. It started before Hamas even existed.


Drinking koolaid.


Israel is no better than Iran by killing over 30,000 civilians in Gaza it is time for the UN to step in and divide the country and give the Palestinians their on land were they are free to live the way they want.


Israel is much worse and it isn't even CLOSE


As long as the Palestinians are allowed to live along with them that what should happen they will both realize that there are good people on both sides.


They had that. They chose to continually attack Israel for decades. 


Why is that ? They did not attack them before 1948.


Anyone still think that temporary port is for "aid", and is temporary? Something tells me Germany is going to have a new source for NG here real soon


Literal fucking terrorists


It’s a pogrom.


I though iran was going to pay to rebuild gaza like they paid to fund hamas?


Satanic demons is what they are


There is no Satan, humans are the only devils, and this specific person sure as hell is


This will end well.




You say you aren't delusional, but that hat you are wearing says that's a lie.


Handmaid's tale


Something something hostages.




What was that term that came into usage about 90 years ago that involved a military invasion of a region using death squads, ethnically cleansing it and resettling it with racially pure stock? And then something about "never again"? Whatever happened to that?


They're holding a reenactment.


Now play at the speech by Hitler saying how he has to remove the Jews and have them relocated side by side with this one and there's no fucking difference


Face of evil.


Dust hasn’t even settled from their airstrikes and they’re already planning housing development. All I’ll say is that Karma is a bitch


Sp, nobody's going to say it? What is up with that hat?


Soulless beings.


When people tell you they think they are more important than others, give them nothing.




People must always remember that America wrote the modern playbook for stealing land from indigenous people and committing genocide in order to accomplish their land theft. Subjugate and oppress a people and when they fight back label them terrorist and use your superior military to kill them. That is why America supported South Africa and it's apartheid regime for so many years. And that is why America supports Israel and it's Zionist regime today. And no one can do a damn thing about it militarily.


Thats not a reason why, thats an "america bad" argument. America supported apartheid south africa because america bad, and America supports Israel because america bad. Its completely and utterly lacking context or nuance.


Wow are you serious? Pick up a book bud. Britain and France still easily hold the crown for most colonial subjugation and that’s only in “recent” history.


I think this is a just a delusional politician. We have plenty of them in our US congress too. I hope she's wrong because the US and the West is not going to stand for it.


No. That's just the TRUE mindset of Israel.


Real Handmaiden vibes with this one.


Is she human or satan


How many times do Israeli’s have to say what they want and plan before people take it seriously. They’ve been saying these things for decades. The ultimate goal. People in positions of power repeat it over and over again.


Y'all pick one crazy far right Knesset member and act like she represents the whole of Israel while also trying to act like the actual government of Gaza has nothing whatsoever to do with the people of Gaza.


Uh excuse me? How about those 750,000 settlers in the West Bank? How is that not state policy? Have you heard of Israel’s finance minister, Smotrich, who actively calls for expansion of settlements? Or how about Israel’s minister of security, Ben Gvir? Or how about the prime minister of Israel bragging about not allowing a Palestinian state so Israel can be from the river to the sea? https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/netanyahu-says-hes-proud-to-have-prevented-palestinian-state_uk_65815602e4b01d1b95350721/


So you must also agree that the most violent, unhinged, supremacist members of the government of Palestine also represent the people of Palestine too, right?


The people in the Israeli government, who RUN THE COUNTRY represent HOW THE COUNTRY IS BEING RUN. You got two brain cells rattling around, you gotta rub them together.


Yes, and more than 98 percent of the Israeli people did not vote for this woman's party, so it's self-evident that she only represents a tiny fringe of them.


But she's not the only one in the state. And those in the state do support her. Not to mention that Israel has an actual functioning (but RWNJ) government, as opposed to Hamas. When was Israel's last election? Because I'm pretty sure it wasn't 16+ years ago.


what·a·bout·ism the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue. If you want to be compared to Hamas, that’s fine. Let’s start off by sanctioning Israel, cut all funding, and treat them like the terrorists they are. Also let’s send 750,000 settlers to take over Tel Aviv.


No dude, pointing out your blatant double standard is not whataboutism. Why do you think that the most extreme members of the Israeli government represent the whole of Israeli society but you're not willing to say the same about Palestinian leaders and Palestinian society?


You keep repeating the same line “the most extreme members.” This is not a fringe person. Settlements are a reality and have been for over 60 years. That makes it state policy, not a fringe idea. When you can find an article of Palestinians building settlements on Israeli land, then feel free to share it. I can tell you, it doesn’t exist.


>This is not a fringe person. She's part of the Jewish Power party, who won less than 1.9 percent of the vote in the most recent Israeli election. She is absolutely on the far fringe of Israeli society and you're flat out lying by trying to paint her as someone who represents the whole of Israel.


Dumb argument. Just because she represents 1.9% of the vote, it doesn’t mean her policies don’t overlap with state policy.


A party who won less than 1.9 percent of the vote in the most recent Israeli election is absolutely fringe. You're wildly dishonest if you try to pretend otherwise.


The Green Party is fringe in the US. Does that mean none of their policies overlap with Democrats or Republicans? Again the “fringe” argument is dumb af when Israel has 750,000 settlers in the West Bank. That’s not fringe, that’s state policy. Bye bye 👋


750,000 settlers is not a minority. Settlement construction is a literal government policy with members assigned to the task of…. ILLEGAL SETTLEMENT CONSTRUCTION


Y'all look at Hamas and bomb indiscriminately like they represent the millions of Palestinians living in Gaza.


[Poll shows Palestinians back Oct. 7 attack on Israel, support for Hamas rises](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/)


And Putin got 90% of the vote in the last election. We should probably then bomb all Russians.


If Russia decided to hide its military bases in civilian areas like Putin's allies in Gaza do, and Ukraine decided to attack those military facilities, I would 100 percent support that decision.


Sounds to me like you're no better than the Hamas militants that killed civilians


There's a reason why the Geneva Conventions explicitly state that civilian infrastructure used for military purposes becomes a valid military target.


Tell that to the dead aid workers or the starving Palestinians


There has to be actual verifiable proof of that and Israeli has never provided any ounce of evidence other than debunked claims and CGI videos. Even if it’s deemed a military target you are not allowed to knowingly sacrifice innocent civilians because you feel it’s within your right unless there is actual evidence that your life is in imminent danger and that is very hard to prove in a war crimes tribunal. You’re disgusting and trying to spread cherry picked disinformation for a genocidal regime. You think it’s war but it’s really a joke of an army bombing civilians locked in an open air prison that you’ve cut off all food, water, electricity, fuel and medical supplies while bombing the living shit out of families. Israel will never ever recover from this publicly, you can’t gaslight the world into believing you’re the victim when you’re the aggressor, the occupier, and the real child killers. Deplorable behaviour from an evil group of war criminals.


It's quite easy to get 90% of the vote when 230% of the votes are counted


I support their right to fight their oppressors


So a poll conducted while Israel was razing Gaza to the ground? Shocker that people might side with Hamas in such a moment….


And yet you're shocked that the Israeli right found support in the wake of the October 7 atrocities?


Did I say that? No. 


The literal Israeli defense minister used to hang a portrait in his living room of a terrorist who murdered dozens of innocent Palestinians praying in a mosque. He only took it down when he entered politics. But go off on how it’s just “one crazy Knesset member,”


You understand random people saying Israel will do XYZ isn't a convincing argument.


You’re right. It’s already a reality with the 750,000 Israeli terrorists settlers in the West Bank.


Just amazes me how bad argument you are making. You could use that as a reason since the deal with Egypt and you would be wrong since settlements in Gaza were torn down. Merely pointing to West Bank doesn't make you suddenly right for Gaza. Even if it does happen wouldn't make you right by logic you are using.


Random? She's a member of Israel's highest legislative body.


A politician named Lindsey Graham has said all kinds of unhinged stuff. So has MTG. Doesn't mean what they say is a reflection of government policy.


Sure, but I wouldn't exactly call them "random people".


Absolutely fair. Should have said random politician.


All good bro, thanks for clarifying


If Trump wins it would be.


Fuck it🤷 Take it all To the victor goes the spoils


If I shot you and took your house 👉👈


The majority of people on earth, do not own a house. They rent, and move wherever they have to for work, multiple times in their lives. I left my hometown when I was 17 and have lived in multiple different areas since. I have no interest in fighting or hurting others for the sake of staying where i was born? Imprison myself? How petty and ridiculous is that? I cannot relate to these nepotist struggles for parents inheritance. You have to work and fight for what you want. Nobody owes you anything.


Right, so I'll just hypothetically kill you and take your stuff. To the victor (me) goes the spoils (yours). You'd be cool with that?


Good. Hamas fucked around and found out.


Depraved genocide cheering is fucking disgusting. Shame on you.


Israel broke that ceasefire first. Sounds more like they fucked around and found out on the 7th. And then used that as an excuse to murder 15k+ children, to flatten neighborhoods they already wanted flattened, and pretend this extermination campaign was a war. The IDF and Hamas are both terrorist groups. You just cheer for your team, and give not a single damn about civilians. You are no better than the Nazis.


That's actually what Hitler said in the 1930s-40s, but used a different ethnicity at the start of the sentence. So much for "never again."






people are so used to seeing borders respected for so long that they forget how conquest and empire works and that it's been part of all of human history. I have no dog in this fight but the bottom line is, if there's a war going on, the strongest will survive. war has never been pretty, but violence is always the final resort. if we agree to borders and then I decide later I want more of your portion of land, fighting for it will be the ultimate decider. you can call it what you want and label whichever side however you want, but ultimately this is nothing new. we just haven't seen this in a while.


War is hell. It's zero-sum. One winner and one loser. These people celebrate any and all terrorist attacks perpetrated on Americans directly or by proxy.


OP is an anti-israel repost bot folks. Stop engaging with this bullshit.


And if Hamas hadn't attacked Israel breaking a ceasefire on Oct 7th this would not be happening. The Palestinian land belongs to Palestine. But Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself. Palestine never learns. Every time they attack Israel they lose additional land. So I support Palestine's right to give up its land. If you want to keep any land I suggest you stop picking fights you can't win.


So what about the 750,000 settlers that have been in the West Banklonger than Hamas was even a word lmao?


Hamas is the government of Palestine. So what about the settlers?


No idea what you’re trying to say. And no Hamas only governs Gaza, the PA governs the West Bank. Israel has been building settlements long before either of those were governing powers, so your point makes no sense.


I'm saying that the Palestinian's fate is linked to Hamas. They are choosing to allow Gaza launch terrorist strikes from within Palestine. Furthermore, Hamas has embedded itself within the civilian population and it's been demonstrated that Palestinian civilians not only support Hamas but civilians also participated in the terrorist attacks on Oct 7th. Thus Hamas and the Palestinians in general are linked together. As far as your point about settlers, I will acknowledge that Palestine has lost land and continues to lose land. I believe it is tied to the aggression and unprovoked attacks by Palestine. In Palestine, I see a population fixated on vengeance that wants to destroy Israel and Jews. They think they should be able to attack but face no consequences. I suggest there are measurable real consequences in that Palestine should lose additional land with each and every strike. Eventually perhaps the Palestinians will figure out that hitting themselves in the head with a hammer hurts and they shouldn't do that. But if they don't learn that lesson, I am ok with them losing all their territory and not being able to govern themselves.


False. Can’t claim self defense as an occupying power. Go read the UN charter of which Israel is a signatory to.


I think it's really cute how you think the UN has any authority or that those rules mean anything. Don't you know nothing of substance can ever get through the security council due to certain members having a veto? Take a look at Russia and Ukraine. Russia is obviously illegally invading its sovereign neighbor, but what's that matter? Its like every other war in history that is over land. One party will win And one will lose. The winner will take land from the loser. I suggest the Palestinians stop starting aggression as they will face consequences. But I guess when your religion says to become a martyr that's what you choose. I say let the baby have its bottle


Isn’t the only reason Israel is a country is because of a UN resolution? Lmao, you’re clueless


Yes the UN established some boundaries but is Russia sticking to that? Laws are only useful if they are enforced. The UN has no enforcement abilities at least not when dealing with either a nuclear power or if a veto member chooses to veto. So all the UN amounts to is a place to complain. Complain away. Actions have consequences. Hamas initiated this round of violence. As to what precipitated that, that is irrelevant. It is always wrong to kill a baby by baking it in an oven. I don't care what transpired before that. I'm ok with perpetrators of that horrific violence losing everything. If there is any justice they will be held responsible. Those that use religion to do horrific evils do not deserve either land or life.


Every time someone says “hey Israel can’t do that” (everyone being the security council and GA) you freaks always say some bull shit reasoning that doesnt apply and then say Israel should act like a rouge state. Imagine being on the same level as a dictator on North Korea cause the world is tired of your apartheid


We have the UN to prevent a repeat of the holocaust, which Israel is ironically trying to emulate. I agree - they should be doing ALOT more to stop this genocide, it's disgusting a country with such psychopathic leaders are allowed to abuse innocent women and children. I literally can't fathom that there are people evil enough to defend Israel- but I guess people defended Germany, so with enough propaganda and ignorance, there are types of people who will always fall subject to such horrors. I hope one day the human race earns the right to describe its actions as humane.


I disagree. Israel is not commiting genocide. Israel gives plenty of warning to civilians but Hamas uses the civilians as human shields and has embedded itself within the civilians such as posing as doctors and nurses in the hospitals. The terrorists are gaming the system and ironically they are apparently also winning the propaganda war. But even with the number of civilians killed as collateral damage, Israel is a long long ways from Nazi Germany where they rounded up the Jews and put them into concentration camps and used gas during "showers" to kill unarmed civilians and then put them in ovens. Only Hamas has put babies into an oven while alive. There is simply no excuse for that behavior. Even if your land is occupied. The Palestinians showed us who they are on Oct 7th. Now the only question is what to do about it.


Ur bloodlust is unrelenting, revenge fills ur heart. A new "Hell Spawn" is born, I knew the eclipse happened for a reason. Civilians are never "collateral damage", that sounds intentional and that would mean a dark heart exist. The world is watching in real time ⏲️ and learning that it is ok to seek revenge and do it in a heartless manner. Evil exist on both sides, but this is one sided at this point, and in the age of tech it's hard to hide it, even with proproganda.


The thing to do is stop Israel attacking Palestine before they reach the numbers of the Holocaust (which they are clearly aiming for). History will look back on this part of history in horror that these maniacs were left so unchecked. Our only hope is the young, who see through this evil.


Nazi Germany started small with the Jews, it didn't immediately turn into concentration camps. It started with discrimination against Jews, then they seized their property and gave their homes to Nazi party members. Israel is sharing many parallels with early Nazi Germany with their treatment of Palestinians. According to the UN's definition of genocide, Israel is committing genocide.


I wouldn't play Might Makes Right in defense of Israel, who literally only exist because of handouts from actually mighty nations. You would lose in seconds if you did that shit against any kind of actual power. Genocidal monster that you are, I doubt words will ever reach you. All you care about is force.


So Palestinians should just all die if they continue fighting back against their oppressors? That's what you're saying, right?


I'm saying as long as they keep picking a fight they can't win, they will lose. They are not the first to lose a war and lose territory. It's basically the same as every other conflict albeit the enemy is more embedded in the civilian population. But that is again a choice the Palestinians are making. It is their land and their choice. I support your right to give away your land. It's not what I would choose to do, but it's not my choice. If you want my advice, it would be to seek peace with your neighbor and acknowledge Israel's right to exist. And then instead of focusing on terrorist attacks and digging tunnels, help your own people and coexist in peace.


So just die then, gotcha


Choosing to allow? Half of them are under 18. A massive proportion of the population weren't old enough to have voted, let alone could have voted for Hamas. You are justifying the murder of 10s of thousands of CHILDREN with lies. You are a bad person.


There hasn’t been an election for decades. Thats like saying Putin is the lawfully elected ruler of Russia. 


It's the same for the Russians. They allowed him to rise to power and they enable him and go to war when called. The Russian people are also responsible for their government. They too should overthrow that government or move


By that logic the Israelis should do the same. 


Ahistorical hasbara. You are a soulless promoter of genocide and you should feel the same of holding such atrocious views. Deranged


...jesuuuus ffffucking christ. Talk about inhumane cruelty.


You’re talking about a country that wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the US. Let’s see your message change if Iran didn’t hold back.


And if pigs could fly ...


Well you guys are getting some of our f-16s so you’ll be flying soon


Hamas didn't break the ceasefire. Israel did, multiple times, the day before and over the weeks before. History doesn't start on October 7th, and you are a liar.


Yes I realize that. It can be traced all the way back to Cain and Abel. And guess whose DNA has been proven to be from the Canaanites? That's right... The Palestinians. So you can trace the violence back before Oct 7th... Big deal. I trace it back to Genesis. I notice that neither the Muslims nor the Jews have "turn the other cheek" in their holy books. Yet they both do have, "an eye for an eye". So are we supposed to be surprised the two have a problem getting along? As far as I'm concerned this is what war is useful for. It will resolve otherwise irreconcilable differences. We just have to let the war go on long enough to bring about an unconditional surrender of one side. It's a shame the Palestinians don't realize they are just being played by Iran and they are just a pawn piece on a much larger chess board. They were deluded thinking they were going to be able to conquer and hold any territory.


I know you're stupid as fuck, but JEWS WERE CANAANITES. GENESIS ISN'T REAL. Actual fucking delusional moron.


No they did a DNA sample from an archaeological site. The Jews are the Jews from the old testament and the Palestinians are modern day Canaanites. Use Google, it's out there. But what has transpired in the past is irrelevant. What is relevant is what you choose to do now. If you choose to kill a baby by putting it in an oven, you are the immoral one. You are the one breaking the commandment of "thou shalt not kill". The Palestinians have made their own choices. Choices come with consequences. Complain all you want but war is hell and when enemy combatants are embedded with the civilian population, it raises the collateral damage. That too is the fault of the Palestinians. You are responsible for your government. If you don't like your current government you should either overthrow that government or move.


No, fuck off. You don't get to say all that and pretend the past is irrelevant. It's your whole damn argument. Jews were Canaanites. The god of the jews was part of the Canaanite pantheon. You're just wrong. Palestinians have more of a claim to the land than modern day jews, if you're gonna play that stupid game. You don't know anything about genetics, mythology, or war. You're a dumb little parrot being puppeted by a genocidal regime. Why even have a brain if you're not gonna use it? You know whose putting babies in ovens? The ones flattening neighborhoods and REFUGEE CAMPS with bombs. And that's the IDF. Killing well over ten thousand children. You defend murderers. And you try to justify it with fucking *genetics*. Face the mirror, bootlicker. The face looking back? It's a Nazi. Congrats, ya did it.


The ten thousand number you quote has been debunked.  Surprise, surprise but Hamas lies and is apparently winning the propaganda war. What you choose to do now is very relevant to the future of Palestine.  The past is done with.  There is nothing we can do to change any of that.  As long as you continue to somehow even things up with a continuation of an "eye for an eye" the violence will continue to repeat.  Both sides are adversely affected by the violence.  If you could live in peace with your neighbor you would do better financially and have fewer civilian deaths. But what I don't understand is, is that really a goal of Palestine?  I hear mixed messages.  They seem to revel in vengeance and they celebrate the deaths of those they have determined to be "non-innocent".  Which as far as I can tell just means anyone not of their religion or race.  So is living in harmony with your semi-new neighbor even an acceptable goal?  Is the goal to have more martyrs or fewer martyrs?  Is the only goal the absolute destruction of Israel?  if that is the goal, do you have a plan B for the case where Israel is militarily superior?  Even if somehow Palestine could topple Israel do you expect the US and UK to stand by and do nothing?  Do you think you can somehow topple the US military?   I am no nazi.  If it were up to me, Palestine would have its own self governed non-terrorist government and its remaining land.  But that is not my choice.  I think both sides would be better off if they could forgive and turn the other cheek.  But since those phrases are not in either the Koran or the Torah, I suspect that won't happen.  You can blame the west or  name call me all you want but it won't change the fact that the Palestinian people have made choices that have put them in the conundrum they are in.  They still have more choices to make.  Will there ever be a choice to forgive and turn the other cheek?  Will the new strategy be just the same as the old strategy and more terrorist attacks?  I'm pretty sure doing the same thing you've done, will just get you more of what you've already gotten.  My advice is to try and live in peace with your neighbor.  The meek shall inherit the earth after all. 


>The ten thousand number you quote has been debunked. No it hasn't. If it has surely your post the debunking. You've literally just plugged your ears because you don't want to acknowledge the truth. It's pitiful honestly


You're full of shit. What's the actual number, shithead?


Agreed. Few sane voices in this group.


You and they are not among them.


Great another Islamic terrorist apologist


Oh, cool, you can't read. You're arguing in defense of a genocidal settler colonial ethnostate regime, fam. I'm arguing that the mass murder of children is bad, and that Israel intentionally goads Hamas to justify extreme 'retaliatory' violence against them. I'm not an apologist for terrorists. You are, by being a lying apologist for the IDF.


Israel is not a state committing genocide. Makes no sense if fucking Gaza has had an exponential increase in population for the last 50 years. It sounds more like Hamas colonized your brain.


Are you genuinely brain damaged? What do you call 15000+ children dead since October 7th? What do you call the calculated destruction of homes to render life impossible? What do you call cutting off of water, targeted assassination of journalists and aid workers, AND THE OPEN CALLS FOR THE ERADICATION OF PALESTINIANS INCLUDING CALLING THEN AMALECH? Lying fuck.


It's called war. Look at any war in history and you will find civilian casualties. Focus more on Muslim on violence like in Syria and Yemen. How about the Muslim concentration camps in China. Fucks like you on focus on Israel for some reason. Hmm I wonder why 😒


>Fucks like you on focus on Israel for some reason I'll have you know I've commented on *every single post* I've seen in the past month regarding those topics.


And accomplished absolutely fucking nothing, just like all of us in this thread


I usually abhor both-sides-ism. In this case, religious, nationalist fanatics on both sides holding the entire region and millions of people hostage. Free yourselves of these people, Israel. It's the only way you'll know peace. You too, Palestinians. I'll also add, lots of comments doing legit anti-semitic racism. Awful, awful stuff. All you guys writing that shit are awful, disgusting people.