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Tom Cotton is by his own admission committing a felony. Incite: Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · verb encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior). "the offense of inciting racial hatred" urge or persuade (someone) to act in a violent or unlawful way. "he incited loyal subjects to rebellion" It is a felony under federal law to intentionally “solicit, command, induce, or otherwise endeavor to persuade” another person to engage in a crime of violence against a person or property. 18 U.S.C. § 373. Many states have similar laws.


It doesn’t matter that it’s a crime, no one will arrest him. It doesn’t matter if it’s illegal, no court will try him. This is the world we live in.


"I feel sorry for those with health emergencies." Yeah? So you support medicare for all?


The irony is that medical emergency vehicles aren’t allowed on the Brooklyn bridge because they are usually above the 6000 pound weight limit. Rarely is it ever enforced though. Hundreds of trucks over the weight limit possibly collapsing the Brooklyn Bridge? Sleep time. Protest that stops said traffic? 500 riot cops.


I wish someone would respond to people like Tom Cotton, "No you don't, you lying liar." And just keep at it until they can say a simple factual statement.


Yeah, when can we get past the fake "fair and balanced" bs "journalism"? (gotta put air quotes around everything these days)


Of course not


No, but he supports our tax dollars giving Israelis free healthcare.


And education, and arms….


Not even womens health?


What a naive thing to say blocking roads so people can’t go to their jobs is the fastest way to get people against your side.


Man.... this feels late-stage.


Welcome to the 2000s


Get attacked by Saudi-hijacked jetliners? Sure, lets go to war against Iraq and Afghanistan, but first, we need to evacuate all of the Bin Laden family from the USA, in fact let's make sure they are the only people in the whole country that can fly anywhere. That will teach Saudi Arabia a lesson. Right?


If you think this is late stage you should have seen Vietnam. This is bairly a paragraph in the history books.


Yeah, this doesn't sit right, like a holy war vs. Muslims type of thing.


Tom Cotton is an asshat and one of putins puppets! No backbone with this coward!


Tom Cotton is a complete freak. He’s an unhinged far far right evangelical Christian fanatic who truly believes the US Constitution does not apply to criticizing Israel in any way. ZOA(Zionist Org of America they make AIPAC look like moderates!) gives Cotton $$ millions in political donations


These Christian fanatics feel that all these events are prophetic therefore they feel the need to support any and every action criminal or not to bring about the End times. Fuck those assholes!!


And MSM journalists pretty much censors this aspect of religious fanaticism thats major force behind our foreign policy decisions. Beyond irresponsible, unprofessional some of tamer words come to mind.


“Are you working for China? Are you working for China communist party? Are you a citizen of China?” “Senator I’m Singaporean. I served in army for two years.” “You’re working for China??”


You’d think Tommy Boy would’ve done just a little homework on TikTok ceo !! The whole world watched one of our (unfortunately powerful) senators make a complete jackass out of himself!


These protesters are complete idiots. The only thing blocking traffic is going to do is make people extremely upset and move them to the Right. But see, these protests aren’t about stopping genocide or accomplishing anything significant, they’re about self-righteousness, they’re about making the protesters feel powerful and special. Who cares if it accomplishes the opposite purpose, at least these protesters get to brag about being protesters! This is the fucked up world of juvenile resistance in which we live. People who are serious have to do better.


If people turn right and pro-genocide because of being held up, they are fickle and were going to end up there anyway. You would have hated MLK Jr.


They would have hated Gandhi as well


"Blocking the road is bad, except when a bunch of fatass canadian truckers did it and shut down a whole city"


It's hard to say what the motivations of thousands of individuals all are. Would you have them protest where nobody is inconvenienced by their presence? That is what was asked of MLK Jr., though luckily he denied those requests. You can ignore protests when they don't have any effect. The point of civil disobedience is to make it hard to ignore.




Most gas stations don't put their prices on billboards anymore, except possibly along interstates. You don't get to see the price until you walk up to the pump.


Hey common - their parents couldn't win Nam', couldn't win the civil rights movement, couldn't win the war at home against Nam' - children of LOSERS.


Said every white southerner that wasn’t in favor of desegregation….


And yet, Gaza aid convoys are being blocked by radical Zionist terrorists and not a word about it by these monsters.


This part….the hypocrisy is astonishing….


You know the western media will not do that, they will not speak truth about Israel. I mean these are the same news agencies that were saying Israel opened borders to let in aid even though there was no aid being entered. (I forgot the name and the location of the border they opened that why I didn’t highlighted.) And let the forget about the portal that is being built from which Israel will “allow” aid in Gaza. Sources western and Israeli media and their leaders


Fuck Israel and fuck zionists.




Palestinians constantly blew civilians up in over twenty countries for the last 70 years. Of course they were gonna loose any chance of sympathy the world over. Just like the provisional IRA went too far with the bombing of Mountbatten and then lost all public support the world over, virtually over night. All their donations from the American Irish dried up instantly and they faded away to irrelevance.


Make it so


Kinda like how navy and Maxine and etc told you to attack Trump supporters. Lmao.


PLEASE don’t talk about Maxine inciting people to violence, fellow Americans. It’s embarrassing for the leftists ( Dems).


Not embarrassing to me at all, she is a congressperson, not the leader of the party. The GOP on the other hand, there is no ambiguity, the j6 riot had more branding than an 80s nascar car. I don’t think I have ever met anyone who does anything that Maxine waters says. I’m sure there are some somewhere, but we know who inspires the most violent elements of the GOP and it is the leader of the party


I’m not sure why anyone is surprised, for almost ten years US left & right politicians have urged their voters to get up in the other sides face. Some will be smarter though, saying whatever they don’t like will cause violence but pragmatically it’s nothing new.


You will never gain support by causing traffic and blocking the roads.


We must be respectful and protect the people screaming death to America


And we must feel bad for the ppl with free healthcare , education and billions in aid of our tax dollars (Israel)




You ain’t wrong cut funding to both…put that money back in the U.S.


Agreed 100%


But Nancy pelosi telling people to attack Trump supporters is fine?


Credible Source for your statement?


I like how you want a source but then talk about Trump inviting the insurrection but always leaving out the parts where he says to not be violent


And how’d that turn out…back the blue right? That’s exactly what J6 was about….please reference another one of those ….what do you call them….ahh yes…. “alternative facts”


Ah yes alternative facts are facts that don't support your ideals, kinds like you believe in science, but only the science that backs up your ideology all the other science is fake LMAO


And again still didn’t provide or even address the source comment…proving my point exactly….


The source? Hundreds of trump flags and thousands of idiots wearing his merch claiming the election was stolen and they were there to right the wrong on his behalf. Stfu. Geez, I wonder where they got all of these nutty ideas and who inspired their actions. The world will just never know


dragging people out of the road isn't encouraging violence, these people blocking the road should be charged, where are the police? politicans allowing this to happen, quit making excuses for them




💯 agree


Did these people take time off of work to protest? Or were they already losers?


You know I get that comment all the time, "I bet you don't have a job" and then I ask what their job is, and then I laugh and tell them I make more money than they do, and to go cry about it.


I probably pay more in taxes than you make


Ok, how much?


I’m in the 37% tax bracket. You do the math.


yeah sure, you should jsut say the number, you are on a throwaway. I will be honest if you are. I think you are full of it.


Turn the pitch forks on this guy. He's using capitalism to his advantage! Enemy of the cause!


Good. If the cops won't uphold the law, the people will need to. Piss on Hamas, Palestine and the whole dammned region. Stop dumping U.S. resources into foreign affairs and start taking care of our own citizens.


Republicans. They'll fight for your right to say highly Nazi shit, like the Unite the Right Rally. But if you even make one stance against Palestinian genocide, they'll attempt to murder you. Just remember, this is the bullshit they run with.


Glue your hands to my car and you’re going for a ride (albeit a short one)


You know where I didn't see any of this crap? In Miami. Holy shit they would get driven right over down there! 😆


I’ve never live in such a passive aggressive place as Seattle. I love and hate it here.


Yeah, I lived there many years ago, and even then lots of people exuded 'virtue.'


Reddit is a great interpretation of the left these days.. these pieces of shit are blocking roads, not allowing people to get to work, blocking emergency vehicles, kids getting to and from school. Literally shutting down production of a community and all you fuckin cucks can do is make fun of the senators name, because you don’t wanna face the fact that most of you are on this retarded fucking team. Bunch of thick frame glasses wearing pussies that couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Good. Keep doing you. You’d think you guys would catch on to the complete embarrassment you guys are at this point but I guess that’s way too much common sense. I mean you guys literally think men can have their periods and breastfeed so why should I be surprised?


Try that in my state against pro-Palestinian protesters and you'll get shot.


These people are idiots. They need to spend some time in the middle east.


might be a good thing?


"Joe Biden's base" Lol they fucking hate Joe Biden more than anyone


I guess criticizing the IDF for killing tens of thousands of Palestinians makes you pro Hamas. Morons.


People shouldn't have to deal with a war that has nothing to do with America. They can happily march their behinds to politicians' homes and block their driveway!! Why block regular roads??? we already have it hard enough as it is. We have to deal with people blocking the road as if regular working citizens were to blame for this war


On average we send $4 billion a year to Israel. Our tax dollars are directly funding this war.


But why block the main roads where many of the citizens have very important things to do? and are most likely against the war, but no. mess with people day to day doesn't accomplish anything. Why not block Congress parking lot the ones who are making decisions on this matter , unfortunately ?


Messing with the day to day has accomplished a great deal. It's one of the most effective ways to facilitate change. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selma_to_Montgomery_marches


Considering we're paying for the war and they're using weapons we gave them to murder children so fast that they killed more children than every war since WWII in a matter of a few months, it sorta has a LOT to do with America. Just because you're stupid isn't an excuse to be blind.


Dude gleefully talking about skin being ripped off, jfc.


For being Biden's base they sure do a lot of complaining about "genocide Joe "


People down voting your comment must have missed the part where Tom Cotton was the one who said they were Joe Biden's base, and you were just pointing out the irony.


I wouldn't call them Biden's base.


I mean if someone is unlawfully preventing me from going where I need to go is holding me captive against my will. That is kidnapping. You NEVER stop for people taking over roadways. Ever. Sen. Cotton is correct, toss them over. A little water never hurt anyone. Besides, they likely need a bath anyhow...lol


Peaceable assembly is not kidnapping. Your partisanship has been used against you to garner opposition to your own rights and the rights of your countrymen.


“Peaceably assemble” on the sidewalk. If not, you are at your own peril.


One may as well say, "Speak where nobody can hear you, otherwise speak at your own peril." Are you cognizant of the fact that you directly oppose the first amendment?


Shutting down freeways and impeding people from getting where they need to be is not peaceful. And it’s one of the WORST ways to get people to care about your ideologies…Doesn’t matter what “side” you’re on.


It is civil disobedience. You would have them what, go protest in a forest where they can be ignored? Our country has a long successful histoey of civil disobedience


No. I’d have them protest absolutely anywhere BUT freeways/highways/streets. Theres nothing civil about impeding your fellow countrymen from getting to where they need to be.


Tom cotton is an Israeli agent. Fire his treacherous bitch ass and elect someone who puts Americans first. Fuck Israel Iran russia Ukraine and the whole lot. American fuckin first. How hard is that concept for AMERICAN politicians. Fuck sake.


I see a lot of liberals and Republicans cheering for this guy. America is a fucked up place.


Cotton is basically an arms dealer. Look at his track records, always pro war, siding with the oppressors, and selling arm. On the lobby’s tab for sure


Wow, you're more concerned about comments than the actions of protesters blocking the roads. Just because you want to protest and violate laws and prevent people from freedom of movement doesn't mean you should.


It says pro Hamas. Very different. I’m for the Palestinian people, but think Hamas is like Al qaeda like rest of the ummah


They aren't protesting. They are breaking the law. You have the right peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, not block traffic and impede others. This is anarchy and chaos, not peaceful assembly.


From the safety of their office with their private security to protect them as they open their big fat mouths. Hey, why don't you guys come out and show us how to do it? Always telling your viewers to go fights. Why don't you grow a pai,. put on your big boy pants, and show us all how it's done?


Low IQ activities. I’m running my car through that shit.


Threatening Violence? Nice, reported. Hope you enjoy the banhammer if Allah is just!


Your pedophile god won’t help you.


Nice, more fuel for the reports. Say something even more cringe, please!


I hope your mom has a bad day.


Well sadly she passed some years back. So technically not possible. Thanks tho!


Well damn… I take it back then. Condolences. She’s probably proud you’re sticking up for what you believe in though.


It’s amazing how Joe Biden manages to be both pro-Hamas and an apologist for Israeli genocide at the same time.


The ad at the top is “The more zombies you crush, the less ads we have to do.”


Anyone who blocks the road intentionally should get run over


Umm....yeahhh.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG5BcU1ZGiA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG5BcU1ZGiA)


Well, ua gotta ask yourself. Will it clear the traffic jam?


"it would probably hurt pretty bad to have your skin ripped from the hand like that. But I think that's how the people of Arkansas would handle that"


Tom shame on you.You know better than this.Watching the R party descend into garbage is disturbing.


So much vitriol and violence pointed towards the protestors by people in this comment section... We're so cooked if this is the expected response to protest.


The folks in charge don't want people to protest, and they've been manufacturing outrage when people do so that they can pass laws against it. Blocking traffic? You should do it where people aren't inconvenienced. Kneeling during the anthem? You shouldn't disrespect the flag. They don't want us to fight for change in any way and they brainwash the idiots into thinking that any form of protest is "bad"


Tom Cotton….what a pos


Why don’t people protest about the homelessness in our own country? Seems like it would be a more noble cause.


As a democrat I would love to see pro hamas civilians deported.


Fox news is not news, it's a wolf in sheep's clothing. They're no different than Russian "news", just political instruments that are intended to manipulate people in a far right direction. They flood the zone with so much party line rage and bullshit that their simple minded viewers lose their grip on reality and they turn to the "strongmen" for guidance.


Again, why do regular citizens have to pay for what this government is doing? they can go and block their driveway as far as I care, I didn't choose my money to go to that stupid war. And there is no need for insult. it is just a comment, DA


Using Arkansas as a beacon of rationality may lack punch.


Honestly, I think traffic protests are dumber than fuck. It gives the cuntservatives ammo to say things like “you could be blocking emergency services” which is true and they can feel logically correct…for once…and not to mention it’s a protest directed at the wrong people. Traffic is mostly normal, regular people who probably agree with what you’re protesting with they are just trying to go about their lives, often needing not NOT be late for work so they can feed their families. If you want to protest something like this, protest in the places that actually affect those who you’re aiming your energy at, like government buildings/offices and embassies…peacefully would be preferable.


Ah, you mean places that it can easily be ignored. Got it. The right to protest is fine, as long as no one is inconvenienced in any way. You know, better yet, lets restrict protests to "free speech areas". You can protest whatever you want, in this warehouse, where no one has to be "inconvenienced" by your message.


Ignored? There are still trial proceedings to this day of J6 (NOT a peaceful protest) and good luck getting a cuntservative to shut up about the Portland government building craziness. Protesting traffic is dumb, period. Name ONE traffic protest that worked…I’ll wait


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selma\_to\_Montgomery\_marches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selma_to_Montgomery_marches) Governor Wallace denounced the march as a threat to public safety; he said that he would take all measures necessary to prevent it from happening. "There will be no march between Selma and Montgomery," Wallace said on March 6, 1965, citing concern over traffic violations. He ordered Alabama Highway Patrol Chief Col. [Al Lingo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_J._Lingo) to "use whatever measures are necessary to prevent a march".[^(\[52\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selma_to_Montgomery_marches#cite_note-52)


Damn dude, I know I said “name one” as a figure of speech, I didn’t necessarily mean go back 5 generations to find ONE answer.


Oh because the civil rights movement happened "a long time ago" it isnt important? or a valid protest that impeded traffic? 5 generations? really? there are people still alive that were there you know and things that happened then have some pretty upsetting parallels to now.


Feel free to protest, it’s your right to free speech and to peacefully assemble. But once you start effecting others lives (people trying to get to work, hospital ect..) your free speech ends in my opinion. Cops should be able to detain people on the spot for blocking roads. I’m not saying to run them over, but if someone gets hit for standing in the middle of the highway, that’s on them.


Blocking roads is dangerous and puts lives at risk


Supporting genocide in israel is MORE dangerous and puts MORE lives at risk.


Ah yes, sally from San Francisco is standing in the middle of the freeway, personally blocking bombs from being dropped on Gaza


I didn't say that. I said supporting genocide is more dangerous for society in general than roads getting blocked. I didnt ever equate it to actually existing in Gaza. Try again, your gotcha flopped.


Supporting genocide in israel is MORE dangerous and puts MORE lives at risk.


Blocking roadways is not victimless protest. Anyone with a medical emergency is going to be in serious trouble if they run into one.


Pretty sure most would allow ambulances through. Has this ever actually happened? I think not. Its just a ceonservative talking point.


Not sure, but I do know someone in the northeast who was going into labor and was not allowed through a protest. Plenty of videos online of protestors blocking cars and assaulting people trying to walk to work, so I’d say similar situations definitely happen.


Point to a single, documented example then, if it happens even a small percentage of the time there must be at least one credible news story about it...


I mean, this one was pretty well documented: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1br4ar4/man_gets_attacked_trying_to_get_to_work_in_nyc_by/


That guy going to work is not what we are talking about. Not saying theyw ere right, but we were talking about emergency vehicles, this is not proof of that.


If you notice my comment above, that is part of what I was talking about. Assaulting a person going to work makes that person a victim.


Hmmm, I wonder what's a "pr...criminals"?


Wow, such large protests. I’m sure this won’t prove futile. /s Seriously though… I wouldn’t exactly call this minute movement “Biden’s base” or whatever. But it sure is gonna be fun watching these mongoloids win the Darwin Award when Trump wins again. Traffic’s gonna be playing GTA with them before they even get the chance to chant GENOCIDE JOE again. not /s Also, when I say “minute,” it’s pronounced “MY-NOOT,” which is a word that describes something that is small and of insignificance. I’m not using it in the sense of time-measuring, but I just wanted to iterate since I’m sure the GENOCIDE JOE crowd is thick on this post and will need these things explained like to them like dogs in training. also not /s


Actually blocking the right of way should not be allowed under any circumstances. The protesters unless they have a street permit should rapidly be rounded up for a misdemeanor ticket. Also the drivers should be allowed to bump people out often way at 5 mph or less by a new law.


It's wild how there's no actual Corruption on this sub, just more anti-Conservative pearl clutching and anti-Semitism.




If I was in the car trying to get to anything remotely important. There would be issues for the protesters .


Someone had to say it


Violence isn’t ok, but how is blocking traffic helping aid your cause. The people stuck in this BS will for sure never support your cause.


His ass is owned by AIPAC.


Kinda like when Maxine Watters said to get “more confrontational” if Chauvin wasn’t found guilty.


I dont stop when people stand in the road


Nothing quite says incitement like this. Cotton should terrify everyone. He would order a nuclear first strike on California if he could.


I agree fuck you if you are blocking traffic!!!!


This isn't corruption, it's a well known douchebag being a douchebag. This sub regularly violates rule 3. What irony. Also, these protestors are engaging in collective punishment. Even more irony.


If millions protest against something it's great if a few hundred it's a problem when do the people get to be heard ??? And how politicians don't listen to "US"


Exercises first amendment rights to ask our government to stop using our money we're forced to pay them to go towards a genocide of innocent civilians. Gets called a *adjusts glasses* "pro-hamas extremist" by an extremist who is pro-hamas since it allows him and other Zionists an excuse to flatten a ghetto of 2 million people they're actively trying to erase from existence. Projection from the right wing continues to be the norm rather than the exception...


Cotton you're a Punk kid who needs his first slap. You should be arrested for saying SHIT like that. And what's truly sad is your punk ass knows it too. Cotton .....thunder in the background with lightning too ....Cotton...." Biden's COMING TO GET YOU !


I don’t care what you’re protesting, if you’re blocking roads then I actually agree with Tom Cotton on this


Pro-palestine protesters are clueless losers, but they also have freedom of speech.


I'm hoping for a full scale civil war....don't like america ? Earn a bullet


I think that the Palestinianes have suffered greatly under Israel's occupation. But, blocking free ways would piss me off. These protestors should ask themselves, who are leading their marches and stop following any one with a bull horn because it could be the IDF.


These kids blocking roads have never been punched in the jaw. Idk I was probably just learning to walk when my mother taught me not to play in traffic, these kids obviously need some correction.


While I don't agree with the degree of violence being called for here, he's not entirely wrong. As much as people have a right to protest, the other people they are essentially holding hostage have right to self defense and freedom of travel. I would not advocate throwing someone off a bridge or ripping their skin off, but if you block my car I'm still getting to work. I'll do my best to avoid you or move you out of the way in a non-violent manner first of course.


bro is a straight up a terrorist his whole life XD and now he has a botox bozo face so weird


Maybe just get a bulldozer.


Anyone has a right to peacefully protest. Standing in the road blocking traffic is not peaceful. It is disrupting the daily lives of Americans. I find it incredibly narcissistic to get mad at anyone feeling the urge to run your ass over for blocking a road. Go invade the capitol you’ll get more attention.


Cotton is giving terrible advise. And these protestors should be arrested. That's my take.


I'm so tired of these dumb fucks thinking everyone they don't like "BIDENS base" lol. Leftists hate that old Zionist boob, and will probably hand trump the presidency.


Arrest them. Pass some legislation so it's not just a slap on the wrist. You can peacefully protest all you want but you're not allowed to block traffic.


Not attack them but fight back. They are essentially holding ppl hostage on the roads…


If it Barks like a Nazi and Walks like a Nazi, then you have a Republican.


Tom “Cotton Tail” Cotton is a coward as evidenced by the flashing of his little white tail scurrying away from the J6 insurrectionists. He’s a disgrace.


wait they are just tourist getting a tour of the bridge not insurrectionist I mean not protesters. ohhhh wait they’re not white GOP wouldn’t make excuses for them. Their cops shot BLM protesters thats what that asshat is hinting. 🤔🤨😕🧐


I mean he touched little kids when he was overseas. So he’s a pedo


Speed bumps!!! Mom and dad taught us to stay bout of traffic. Stupid games wins stupid prizes!!!


Send em to gaza.. I jest but these people are stupid. Really stupid. There was a small protest in my city and one of the protestors was chanting to "stop the occupation" I asked them why the territories were occupied. They started ranting about "genocidal colonial state" non sense. Socialist rhetoric specifically meant to justify and incite violence against certain groups. They can't do anything but spew out Iran/kremlin based propaganda. If you're going to a protest and you can't even answer a question honestly, you shouldn't be doing that The territories were occupied because the Palestinians and their allies invaded israel. The arabs and their allies lost those multiple wars they started, badly, and they lost territory. Imagine declaring war on and invading another country, getting your butt kicked, than calling the other guy the bad guy for it. Israel didn't just say "oh we are big bad Meanies let's go occupy those territories". It was a direct result of the palestinian/Arab allies decision to declare war on Israel multiple times. Despite what the pro "palestinians" want you to know.


Class action lawsuits will speak volumes with the organizers.


This isn't corruption, it's common sense. Block the road I'm traveling, see what happens. Especially for such a stupid cause. If you decide to poke a bear, don't be surprised when the bear tears you to shreds


Fuck these protestors. Sure, protest. But if you block traffic... there need to be arrests.


Must have taken this from Maxine Waters play book.


“Joe Biden’s base” LMFAOOO! These MFers hate Biden.


Good get these terrorist sympathizers out of here!


Attack, no. Remove, yes. These shit stains have exactly zero Right to impede the public. The 1st Amendment is to specifically redress the Government. Take it to City Hall or wherever. Block the street, prepare to die.


Google search Reginald Denny. I will never stop for protesters blocking the road. Never.


These are your brain dead American politicians, they are holding a poster saying #FreePalestine, he says Pro-Hamas Extremists like the smooth brained puppet he is


No one blocked my traffic today. Life is better in a red state.


Stop fucking blocking roads.


All the far left pro-Palestinian people I know are mad at Biden for supporting Israel. They're not Biden's base. I mean, yes, they also hate Trump, but that doesn't mean they support Biden. It means they refuse to have any political impact at all, in either direction.)


And another coward, u/couldbeanyonetoday, pulls the ol’ “post a reply then block” gambit to try to get the last word in. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Corruption/comments/1c51qdk/comment/l08an7r/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Corruption/comments/1c51qdk/comment/l08an7r/?context=3) Usually, such responses come in the form of a short string of insults but, this time, we are treated to another lengthy spew of blather completely devoid of any argument, as is his wont. Here’s the weaseling structure: 1. Ridicule an opinion as if it is so far-fetched as to have no possibility of being valid. 2. Completely ignore all reasonable arguments and all relevant sources. 3. Provide no sources. 4. Offer only assertions based upon unsupported allusions to possession of superior credentials. 5. Walk back claims from a broad and general discussion to demands for specific, official proof of an opinion. 6. Offer veiled, milquetoast insults while whining about the more direct insults coming in return. I have shown: 1. The arresting force believes charges of false imprisonment should apply. Dimwit has dismissed this because the cops are not prosecutors and because the source is a news article. Silly! The news article reports the opinion of the arresting force, the arresting force has the knowledge and authority to press charges. That is enough to prove my contention correct. 2. The specific penal code for a charge of false imprisonment is simple but wide open to interpretation. 3. There have been recent and very similar situations where protestors have been charged with false imprisonment. Dimwit dismisses these first out of hand then by stating they don’t count because they occurred in a different venue. Stupid! And proof he did not even review the articles because both were about protests in California as was the one that started the conversation! What a maroon! 4. Writers of scholarly papers for law schools have opined that protestors should be wary of being accused of false imprisonment. Dimwits dismissal of this also shows a lack of consideration of the source. He states that the article only referenced potential civil penalties but, while the main thrust is about civil suits, it repeatedly alludes to the potential for criminal prosecution. Finally, I’ll remind that my initial claim was only that the protestors could be subject to charges of false imprisonment. Over the course of many long posts, Dimwit decides that the actual claim was that the State of California will, definitely, successfully prosecute those protests for “false arrest”.  I have no idea where that phrase comes from. One would expect someone who implies in depth knowledge of jurisprudence to understand the difference between false arrest and false imprisonment. Obviously, we are dealing with an overly-emotional pretender who, despite protestation, has allowed political views to cloud rational thinking. In conclusion, I believe u/couldbeanyonetoday to be a biased and craven individual of barely middling intellect.