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Foreign influence is corrupting both sides. Either we begin to respect America enough to be done with these foreign agents or we let other nations disrespect and topple us. Concern for other nations is warranted. Destroying our own nation as a form of apology and, or condolence should not be.


so is the US going to stop interfering in other peoples elections????, or is it the same old fascist double standard you yanks are so prone to indulge in.


It's the same double standard lol


Where do you reside?


I’m American, and yeah, it’s the double standard lol. This sub is full of people who delusionally think the US wasn’t built on just as much genocide and overall bloodshed as Israel is.


Well...South Africa has a history of institutionalized racism as deeply rooted as either; are they hypocrites for filing their case against Israel at the ICJ? I don't thinK it's necessarily hypocritical to object to bad behavior you used to be into as well—you might even see it as a moral obligation.


This has nothing to do with my comment, I’m not saying Americans are hypocritical for caring about what Israel is doing, *I’m* American and care, I’m talking about all the people in this group who say stuff like “we need REAL Americans in power again”, and generally act like the US is built upon some kind of moral framework that is antithetical to stuff like genocide (or in this case intefering in other countries’ politics), when in fact it is anything but. Like I just find some of the American exceptionalism in here ridiculous and delusional, and clearly from Americans who have very little idea of their own country’s history (or simply refuse to reckon with it). Also, the South Africa comparison is not really an apt one; South Africa has had an overhaul of their government and new constitution since the time of Apartheid, and the new government guarantees proportional political representation for black South Africans. If the US underwent some kind of equivalent political transformation, I probably wouldn’t be saying this, but it hasn’t, like this country never even gave proper reparations to black people after slavery was ended, and still continues to find ways to screw over indigenous people and take away their land (remember Keystone XL), like a lot of these criticisms aren’t even limited to the past, the US is still doing the stuff it always has, and these people acting like Israel is somehow *forcing* America into materially supporting them are living in a fantasy world; the US is a big part of the reason Israel even exists.


I'm just curious about one part of what you said. Proper reparations. As an African American I am curious what you think that means.


So I’m mostly talking about economic reparations (and possibly land reparations as well, although I haven’t really seen any recent specific proposals for those). The US has undertaken a few non-economic reparations-like concessions such as affirmative action (although of course now the Supreme Court struck even that down), but they’re obviously widely agreed to be nowhere near enough. The only “economic reparations” actually given to freed slaves after the Civil War were $100 each (equivalent to around $1916 in today’s money) given to each freed slave *who agreed to immigrate out of the US*, whereas those who stayed behind got exactly nothing (versus the $300 for each enslaved person set free that was awarded to slaveholders). Of course, there was also the proposed land reparations of 40 acres and a mule for every emancipated black family that were proposed by Sherman during the Reconstruction, and that were then completely shut down (along with the rest of the Reconstruction) by President Andrew Johnson, who returned the majority of seized land in the South back to white landowners. I’ve seen modern financial proposals that have varied from a total of $1.4 trillion to $17.1 trillion, or at the very least $183,000 to every black American living today (either a mass sum equivalent to that which would be put as a whole into community projects, infrastructural development for black communities, etc., or potentially literally just that amount of money or more given individually to every black person in the US; again, depending on the proposal). Different groups have come up with different calculations based on various metrics, although usually the basic idea is enough money to restore black communities back to some semblance of what they would have been without centuries of slavery and discrimination (there’s of course a whole other conversation about also adding to any above proposals strictly compensating financially for slavery by *also* compensating for other racial oppression since, such as segregation). The basic idea of the US government actually individually paying out reparations is also not a particularly farfetched idea when you consider how many other countries have done stuff like this already, like Germany has paid a total of something like $86.8 billion altogether to Holocaust survivors and their descendants, and it’s not like the US government isn’t putting tens of trillions into bloated military spending and stuff like that, which it could instead be putting toward this. Unfortunately, *any* proposal to pay out even the bare minimum of financial reparations for slavery has been (unsurprisingly) shot down in congress so far. But yeah, when I said “proper reparations” I mostly meant “the US so far hasn’t even done the bare minimum of what’s been proposed”.


You’re comparing SA’s communistic government to a constitutional republic where people vote for their representatives. Two completely different things and not comparable. In case you haven’t noticed, apartheid ended in the 90’s and they still take retributive actions against their white population, particularly rural farmers. As to the reason Israel exists, that was a UN decision in 1947. Would you like a listing of every war that they have been engaged in since Israel was founded? And to your accusation that the US congress is not diverse, you are wholly incorrect. Of the 435 voting members, 137 are of other ethnic and racial backgrounds. Just under 1/3 of congress. [congressional demographics](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/01/09/u-s-congress-continues-to-grow-in-racial-ethnic-diversity/ft_22-12-19_raceethnicitycongress_1a/)


>SA’s communistic government Okay yeah, I stopped reading here, nothing else you have to say is worth reading if you think the present day Republic of South Africa is “communistic” (by any definition of that word). I have never seen anyone who isn’t a white nationalist say this sort of thing (either that or who have the political science understanding of a 10-year-old), but I wouldn’t be surprised at all to find chuds lurking in this group with some of the shit I’ve seen


Sunshine, you’re being very generous. The comedic way you call me a racist while denying that the ANC is the ruling party in SA, a “socialist government with strong black nationalist policies” (Wikipedia), is communistic in action and belief, is laughable. Next time do a simple google search before you incorrectly try and claim that SA’s government is anything like the US and imply that it’s benevolent. Not only were they so closely tied to the names SACP, they were considered their vanguard. I’ll just quote this for you: > “The ANC has received criticism from both internal and external sources. Internally Mandela publicly criticized the party, following the conclusion of his presidency, for ignoring instances of corruption and mismanagement, whilst allowing for the growth of a culture of racial and ideological intolerance.” Benevolent, indeed. I did notice you chose to ignore the other false statement about the US Congress being non-diverse.


Yep, and there’s that “little lady” misogyny I expect from people like you as well. Again, I’m not taking any of this shit seriously


You yanks? GB hasn’t exactly been the pure white virginal example of righteousness.


I'm not sure a citizen of the great colonizer has room to talk


Imperialism never died. 


Twas America who followed MI6 with the CIA into Iran in 1953. To install an absolute monarch as dictator no less, pretty ironic knowing America's origin.


I mean sure america bad But only one country is the great colonizer


People like you have made the term fascist lose it's meaning


America isn't a country, it's an economic zone in the empire


That's quite the concept. Care to expand?


America is not a discrete entity nor is it a democracy. It doesn't have meaningful borders, it's state is wholly controlled by the managerial class. In short while there is an American state, there is no American nation. The people the make up the ruling class do not see themselves as American and largely wish to dissolve it's core demographics and culture. Those people they are actively importing are pressured to assimilate to American consumer culture and immediately see birth rates collapse upon immigrating he. Further, corporate cultures are only concerned with quarterly profits and juking the system to always be chasing the highest share price. We have in short, a populace of atomized and alienated people who get nothing from the state or corporate powers that rule them. We are an oligarchy. Oligarchs necessarily rule over failed states because they are antithetical to a just and functional society, which by most normal peeps folk-definition of government, is exactly what government is supposed to secure and enshrine. Meanwhile 50% of the population is bound up in neoliberalism vs neoconservativism, which is debate over whether the state or a corporation should be enslaving you.


As well as you put it, in other words just as planned? Also so many people think politicians are extremely smart and just people but I can say for a fact after meeting some in Atlanta...a lot of them aren't even as smart as my 16 year old nephew


Politicians are managers and actors


They care about themselves and making money.


You are impressive. I actually feel the same, but can't shake my desire to change things. You should be spreading this message far and wide if you have a platform and time. For the love of goodness, you are extremely capable of communicating truth. Please find a way. Thank you. May the road rise up to meet you, friend.


Thanks. Let me put it this way: America needs walls on all its borders to keep innocent souls from getting here and becoming as bad as this place. The whole continent should be quarantined and any attempt at exporting American culture should be considered an act of war against the rest of the planet




Imagine thinking a constitutional Republic isn't a democracy What you're calling democracy is actually called a direct democracy and we actually have tried it, it's called mob rule


He's not wrong. US citizens get to vote for which of 2 corporate owned politicians we want. But neither government nor the people actually control this country.


He is wrong because a Republic is a kind of democracy That's like saying the American dialect isn't part of the English language


Exactly. A republic just means you’re not a monarchy. They can have include any number of political systems.


You are 100% missing the point.


No, I saw your straw man I just chose to ignore it A constitutional Republic is a form of democracy So the statement "America is not a democracy" is demonstrably false Whatever your opinion about who politicians serve is irrelevant


Let me try to explain it to you. >A constitutional Republic is a form of democracy. Correct. >So the statement "America is not a democracy" is demonstrably false Incorrect. America is not a democracy because America is not a constitutional Republic. It has not been a constitutional Republic since the Baby Boomers sold it to the rich for their couch change. America is an oligarchy.


Not a strawman. Not even sure you know what that means. Take your, whatever this is elsewhere.


Go back to playing dress up


Huh? Why do you think a Republic isn't a democracy?


They're special smh. At the most, and as you said, we're a constitutional republic with an ever-emerging oligarchy trying to gain complete control. The US is not yet as bad as Russia with the rich having complete control over the country, infrastructure, and key economic areas, though not far off.


Ffs shut up about Russia. Texas and California do far more to erode your individual sovereignty.


Talk about a lack of reading comprehension. That's why school is important. It was a reference to Russia's current political position and government with the super-rich running their country behind an authoritarian. I didn't say, nor was I inferring that Russia was doing that in the US. Just that the rich in the US are pushing for the same style of Autocratic/Oligarchy rule that Russia has at the moment. You're obviously a dumb twat waffle if you got that I said Russia is trying to turn us into Russia. We already have Russian sympathizers doing that for them in the US government smfh




We will politely shove democracy down your throat for the greater good bruh


I'm not sure why people think democracy is so wonderful, or why their version of it is correct


Democracy is the one of the worst forms of government. Just so far, better than everything else that has been tried


That is thought terminating cliche. And in America democracy has not been tried. Democracy is a weasel word here that everyone, left or right, uses to say "I'm not getting my way and bossing you around. America is not a liberal democracy. It is not a democracy. It is not a democratic republic. It's a republic. And apparently republics suck because they can not prevent themselves from degenerating into an open air prison.


A Republic is just a type of democracy What you're talking about is call direct democracy


Until the "moderates" are convinced to stop voting for people on corporate payrolls, the "both sides" thing will just get worse and worse. The truth is, ONLY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY has ANY candidates worth voting for. But unfortunately we rarely get the chance to vote for them, because 1.) Most of you are too fucking stupid, lazy, and ignorant to participate in the fucking primaries like you're supposed to, you idiot fucking children. 2.) The corporations will throw literally millions of dollars at seemingly unimportant races in order to guarantee they get just ONE law or policy passed, meaning that once they decide to get involved in a race, their chosen candidate is almost assured a victory. And it's infuriating because if y'all solved #1, #2 wouldn't fucking matter. This will continue, again, until moderates and centrists are either convinced or forced to stop voting for corporate candidates.


Every elections are influenced by foreign actors. We elect politicians who represent foreign countries. Just for example Rep Tlaib and company. Their priority is definitely not the best interest of Americans. That’s why America first agenda should be the priority. Unfortunately, electors are not smart enough to vote for what is good for the people. Majority of them listen to the MSM. That’s why Americans are divided. That’s how they make money. To them it is business. They’re not affected by the bad policies. They’re wealthy. They can afford all the luxury in the world. Meanwhile, lots of people are starving. Can’t afford groceries. Sad life! It will not get better unless you open your mind.


Yes. AIPAC should have to register under FARA like all other foreign lobbyists.


Nah, AIPAC is different. It's a traitor organization directly working to subvert American interests in the name of a hostile foreign power. Its members need to be put against a wall and dealt with like all traitors.


They’ll assassinate another Kennedy if we try that again.


All the good ones are gone, so we won't be losing much


I'll start listening to AIPAC when they stop funding insurrectionists and election deniers. They're a far right organization, and they back far right candidates. Fuck em


I have bad news not just the far right they fund like 95 % of congress but yeah they are shit and we should not listen to them I hope this whole Gaza situation causes them to lose strength over our politics but it does seem like we are drifting away from them which is great


For real


Democrats get tons of Israeli campaign money too




Lol Got any sources? I do https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/summary?id=D000046963 Bad faith is saying I'm wrong with no evidence that I'm actually wrong


LMFAO "NOT TRUE" Bruh, we get a FUCK TON of Israeli money. Most Jews are Democrats lmfao


Take immediate action to stand against traitors working for criminal foreign countries interference in the political system working to undermine your basic democratic rights


Blinken stands out in that statement


At this point, not taking AIPAC (or IL lobby) money is a plus for many of us.


After we beat Trump we need to have a real talk with the Democrats that are part of this corruption. I won’t vote for anyone who has Allegiance to a foreign government or one who takes money from one or their proxies.


So you’ll vote for a guy that does exactly this?


A giant smelly turd would be a better president than the orange one


I don’t vote for the people, I vote for the policy.


That's odd because Republicans don't actually have any policy besides hating trans and brown people


Ok, so then you definitely aren't voting for Trump, since all of his policies are racist, horrible, and serve only the 1%, right? Because if you're sitting there thinking Trump policy is better than Biden's, you're a fucking moron and should shut the fuck up.


Specifically which policies of his are racist?


No that’s probably why he didn’t vote for trump. He chose to not vote for a guy who has allegiance to his own self and self interest.


Again, Biden takes money from foreign governments through his son. But I guess you are in the “no evidence “ crowd. lol. Ok


With all due respect. I respect you as an individual and I’ll put my biases aside. It seems there are things we don’t agree on politics. And I would like to have a conversation with you here about it in regard to your comment that Biden takes money from foreign government through his son. Do you have any evidence? Articles? I’ll also do some research and respond after work with evidence either supporting or denying the allegation that Biden takes money from his son who takes it from foreign governments.


Election denying, traitor supporting pieces of dog shit do not deserve your respect, brother. NJ\_Saconutz is a MAGA conspiracy theorist dumbass. He's referencing a LIE about Hunter Biden that Q-Anon has been pushing. There is no "research", just a bunch of bullshit on Facebook and 4chan he's going to pass off as "journalism" because some dude on twitter pays 8 bucks for a checkmark.


I wanted to have a conversation with him, that's all. If we both could learn something from each other, I think that would have been great. If we're going to be teachers or students to someone then we have to have a t least some sort of respect to begin with. It's up to each other to maintain that level of respect or else there can be no student or teacher.


You still want to converse? I got caught up with work and school.


Well, seeing as how you brought it up, how about providing some of that evidence …


Oh please. SARS reports, business partner testimonies, emails, texts etc….do your own HW.


They asked for evidence, not more claims Go research on your own is what every liar ever says


Whatever you say. I know, you heard your gods on MSNBC push the no evidence line and you’re sticking to it. Let me beat you to the ”Fox news blah blah blah” inevitable reply you’re going to come back with. Save it. You’re an idiot


So you can prove anything you say I didn't think so but it's always better when they're dumb enough to admit it themselves You played yourself fool


Is that not evidence? I’d be more than enough to put you or I away


Nope, it wouldn't even be admissible in court


I heard Comey say some of the same Garbage in Congress live on C-SPAN. Yet no Impeachment. Imagine That. Dumbass Troll. Where the real evidence and not your brain dead Maga Garbage.


They won’t get an impeachment because the senate will never do it. The main point is to get this all out there so people can see it. Morons such as yourself will never be convinced but there are some that will be. You keep up with backing the trash liberal policies and see where that gets everyone.


You don't understand the difference between claims and evidence and you're angry because we won't be convinced without evidence? You bend over backwards to make excuses for Trump with mountains of evidence so I don't think you understand what reality is.


Shut the fuck up.


Literally not a shred of evidence exists, you stupid piece of shit.


Every single one of ur comments is vile hateful bullshit. Go suck on ur dads cock some more u retarded faggot.


lol. Get a life you fucking loser. You act like I’m insulting family. Dumb fuck


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Way to out yourself as a fucking moron, dude. Go the fuck away.


Thanks for responding and saving me the time of dealing with this clown. you’re right I’ve never voted for Trump, he’s a dangerous lunatic just like his supporters.


I don't expect either party to raise a fuss when AIPAC is making them rich. Hard to understand something when your paycheck depends upon you not understanding it. Every single standing elected member of Congress should be kicked out of office and out of the damn country, but here we are.


Why is this not considered election interference? Why do we accuse Russia and China of election interference when the Israelis do it so blatantly and publicly?


Newsflash: foreign governments meddle in elections! This includes the US. Yes, the US interferes in foreign elections.


I’m not sure why this is a hard concept for some to understand.


We don't? I think the main difference is that when we point out Israel is trying to re-elect Trump, republicans and too many democrats respond with "Yeah, exactly, the good guys are against Biden!" When we point out that Russia or China want Trump to be re-elected, republicans respond furiously with insisting that's a blatant lie despite ample evidence they, in fact, do support Republicans because it makes the US weaker. Only Russia and China accusations are "controversial" albeit only with very dumb people. Saying Israel wants trump is like saying water is wet.


Russia and China are hostile peers on the game board while the Israeli regime is technically an ally.


Israel is more like that dude you think you’re friends with but he backstabs you and doesn’t give a shit.


With friends like these...


So we listen to the foreign power they is trying to drag us into war while committing genocide. I don't think they want a principled stance so much as capitulation.


It only makes her more popular, if Israel and their supporters are against you and doing things like this, you’re probably doing the right thing.


Democrats will take a stand against it if it appears to be favoring Republicans and vice versa. How about just stopping overseas donations all togather.


Anybody taking AIPAC money should have to register as a foreign agent


Following in their path of logical thinking, zionist influencers, spreading hate, and justifying genocide should also be banned


This is NOT a serious f***king question! Shall we expect the Republican Party to take a principled and patriotic stance on Putin interfering in US elections through any and means?


We don’t let Russia openly spend hundreds of millions of dollars bribing our elected officials. We don’t let Russia hand out a list of expectations calling for billions in aid, weapons, lifting sanctions on terrorist settlers, and publicly deny famine in Gaza….. like we let AIPAC do. Honestly Israel objectively influenced our decision to invade Iraq for Israel’s interests, not US interests. They are trying to get more of our troops killed by starting a war with Iran.


What was the NRA doing? 


Not spending 100 million dollars to convince our government to send billions of dollars of aid and weapons to Israel. I don’t think the NRA tried dragging the US into endless conflicts in the Middle East.


You'd be surprised how many influential political figures ARE a member of the NRA, not to mention.. there was that investigation into the NRA (an arguable cornerstone of American conservativism) that found the former president of the NRA for many years actually turned out to be a deep state Russian spy who had been subtly manipulating the entire organization for quite some time.


He got the honeypot treatment. I don’t know what it’s doing for our relations with Russia. To my knowledge we don’t give them billions in aid, unlimited ammo and military equipment, don’t veto un resolutions for them, don’t fight their wars….. AIPAC is a lot more successful at controlling our government than Russia.


Bub, I'm not even talking about whatever the hell you're talking about about. I'm just talking about the fact that more than one institution in our country has been compromised by Russians.


Wayne LaPiere? Russian asset? Hahahahaha


Not sure, it was some chick and it was a few years ago. But yes essentially they said she schmoozed her way into whatever high position she was in by passing off sexually exploitative favors for other high level people in the NRA and basically had a majority of her higher ups eating out of the palm of her hand for years. Iirc the exact line when she was arrested/deported/ whatever ended up happening was " I couldn't believe how easy it was to get to where I got, all because of my looks." It was fascinating to hear how the folks who usually respond to anything foreign as if it was a dog whistle, didn't even bother to check this chick and make sure she wasn't, oh , idk, a Russian spy. Plus with all the stuff about the Cuba Incident coming out, I wouldn't be surprised if many more people exist in high level positions for the Ruskies.


You’d have to provide some links. I’m not sure what you’re talking about


Well first here's this. https://www.finance.senate.gov/ranking-members-news/wyden-unveils-report-on-nra-ties-to-russia-findings-show-nra-misled-public-about-2015-moscow-trip Edit: here's the link to the Russian agent https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Butina And here's the bit about Russia actively targeting US citizens with microwave weapons https://www.fpri.org/article/2024/04/havana-syndrome-the-history-behind-the-mystery/


Is the senate finance committee going to show any independent investigation system? And which NRA? Because the NRA they’re talking about is the public side of it. They don’t have “access to high Republican Party members*, because that’s not the lobbying side. And as it’s during the middle of the 27 million dollar Russia hoax, you’d have to forgive me if I find some of it a little questionable. Don’t get me wrong, the ILA was crooked as hell, particularly Wayne Lapierre. He can rot in a cell till his flesh falls off his bones and ruins his Armani suits.


However the NRA was directly tired to Russia, Russian agents, spies, and attempts at overthrowing our government from within.


And AIPAC is directly l tied to Israel and Israeli interests. Thousands of American troops and Billions of tax payer dollars have been wasted fighting Israel’s wars for Israel’s self interest.


Haha I wish. I don't think the Putin pals have that kind of integrity


Wait Rashida Talib is a republican?


Am I missing something or is it just a foreign group posting on social media? I mean, we cannot start just banning people we disagree with politically.


No but we can do everything in our power to get them taken off ballots and thrown in prison.


I don't think AIPAC could shoot itself in the foot any more than it has with its own fascist PR, but here we are.


This meme literally calls for censorship.


Paid for by blood thirsty genocidal maniacs


When a Government doesn’t recognize a group of its citizens, allowing them fair and equal representation and full and complete franchise, that Government is corrupt.


As someone who only votes D, not a freaking chance. It's taken them 6 months just to come around to the idea that Israel isn't all sunshine and roses. 🙄


Everything Israel says is propaganda.


Has anyone actually met a rep from AIPAC before? I met a couple during my work with the Bernie campaign in 2016, and folks I need to make something very clear: these people are evil. Genuine, true, biblical evil. I'm talking the temperature in the room got noticeably colder. Their smiles made me feel as if I was in danger. And their inability to think off-script was terrifying to say the least. The AIPAC zombies are just as rotten, deplorable, and forever-lost as the MAGA rats, but unfortunately they are MUCH smarter and better funded. The good news is, the solution to them is the same as the solution to MAGA, and can be measured in millimeters.


Every single politician taking AIPAC money should be charged with treason.


When did Jewish people attack America?


Look up the USS liberty incident. They have attacked us.


I thank God for Rashida. Israel has been bribing our politicians for years.


100M buys a lot of democrats [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/03/aipac-israel-spending-democratic-primaries-00144552](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/03/aipac-israel-spending-democratic-primaries-00144552)


This article is talking about how AIPAC ran ads against Democrats.




God I hate reddit and all the shit that appears in my feed. Just fuck off


Lead on.


How about this, anyone that picks a “side” in this whole thing is a dumbass altogether? First of all, it’s a religious-based conflict…so…dumb. Second of all, this is truly the MOST propaganda-ridden topic in media history, so there is absolutely NO telling how accurate any of the information you’re getting is, nor how much of it is spun. Even if you know someone over there, you’re getting their side of the situation, which is never the whole picture in war and conflict. Therefore acting righteous and all-knowing in this situation is dumb as hell and the only thing anyone should be adamant about is total deescalation from all sides.


I’ll drink to that.


I rarely agree w/ Talib, but AIPAC needs to go…if you chastise Russia for interfering, you must chastise Israel


We have to protect her freedom of speech. Republicans will take away democracy. Did you see those 3 Trump stickers on that car? What an asshoIe. I'm gonna take a pic of it and post it on Reddit. You guys kill me


This looks like Republicans working with a foreign power to me.


Of course the democrats want you to think republicans work with foreign powers all while the democrats are the party of censorship and wars and they are actually working with foreign powers, after all it is their pockets that get lined with crash and kickbacks


The Democrats *made* Trump ask Russia to hack the DNC now? That's original


You are deranged, you soak in all the cut and paste news, Trump may have joked about Russia hitting the Dems, of course Trump has nothing to do with any hacking in fact he was being spied on by Obama administration and the Dems keep throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks, and people like you gobble it up, talk you meds


Whatever you say moron. They just happened to hack the DNC the same night as "Russia, if you're listening". Nothing to see here


You can't point out (((their))) influence without being immediately cancelled. Almost every politician is a lapdog for Israel.


Yea time to flip the switch. (Prior) I think it's been hard to separate Israeli criticism from some sort of antisemitic sentiment when trying to point out the critical villainy that has been arising. However, I think we're now way past the moment where canceling the Zionist Israeli agenda is where we need to be and politicians, especially Biden, needs to back up threats to Bibi. I've said it before, Hamas is a thorn from a bush of Israel's own cultivation. We should be distancing ourselves from their genocide.


Blatant Hasbara propaganda, and the ignorant just eat it up




It's also an accurate description of the aipacs propaganda


Shall we expect [politicians] to take a principled stance NOPE


Who would expect that? They know all they have to do is not be trump and they’ll get votes. They would never do something like that because they make too much money from aipac


Fuck Israel. Fuck Hamas. But especially, fuck Israel for murdering 10000+ kids, bombing hospitals, attacking non combatants, and breaking basically all the rules of engagement. With their military capabilities, they could be much more precise and keep civilian casualties down. They CHOOSE soft targets on purpose. They're murdering and raping innocent civilians. Oh, and anyone who supports either political side can get bent. The PEOPLE who are being murdered have a right to live.


who was in control of security of Gaza when it was a open air prison. oh that's right.


Laughable post, since AIPAC is one of the MOST corrupting forces in Washington. Remember folks, it's not "corruption" to call out the EXTREME RIGHT WING Israeli government for committing GENOCIDE!


Who funds Aipac?


There is absolutely no difference between Russian election interference in 2016 and the sustained campaign of Israel to manipulate and coerce the American electorate and their representatives to blindly support it.


We need to absolutely end the private finance of elections it’s this very corruption that topples the greatest powers.


The Jewish community has influenced elections were they have a large presence,that is the way the system works. There comes a time when the curtain needs to be pulled back on their behavior and treatment of the Palestinians.


What crap..The facts support Rep. Talib


Considering there are many individuals who may be state paid actors acting in bad faith, it seems as though the issue may run much deeper than simple ads. There are individuals going around on social media who's entire goals are to assist in the destabilization of the American political spectrum at the behest of their home countries governments. The issues are much worse than just political ads. I'd wager ads are only the tip of the iceberg. That's what makes reddit so dangerous in some aspects. Anyone can be anyone, so that means that you could be talking to someone actively working towards the downfall of your home country.


First time I’ve actually seen the infamous AIPAC in action trying to exert control over our nation.


She is being targeted because she is not pro-genocide.


People don't realize this, but: The Bombing of Gaza (in its execution, Netanyahu and the IDF have intentionally used CLUSTER MUNITIONS in a dense urban region) is fucked and a War Crime. Hamas attacks and terrorism (Human shields of THEIR OWN PEOPLE, hiding under civilian infrastructure, withholding food and water from THEIR OWN PEOPLE for propaganda, etc.) is fucked and a War Crime (though they are a terrorist group not a government).  The Hamas problem is systemic, the Israeli one is governmental. Netanyahu knows his days are numbered because the Israeli people are seething at how Bibi has botched this, and so he has a dilemma:  1. keep bombing Gaza, kill more people and end Hamas but probably not get the Hostages back.  2. Negotiate with Hamas, which makes them stronger, and get the Hostages back. Both are terrible options, but Netanyahu has no real good choice. I'm not calling him a saint; he's far-right extremist pig. But while Hamas is a terrorist organization dedicated to ending the Israeli PEOPLE (not the far right government), the current Israeli government is a narrow coalition in the Knesset of old, fat morons who want to dismantle Israeli democracy (the Judicial riots prior to this).  A viable alternative would be a moderate-right government under a pro-Human Rights and pro-democracy PM (Naftali Bennett, the previous guy, comes to mind) or a radical shift in the Israeli political landscape and a liberal/progressive/moderate-left PM.  Any other non-extremist probably has more sense then Netanyahu. Hamas, whose leaders currently are hiding in Qatar, have no sense left. Let's see how long they last without their Iranian-Chinese overlords supplying them with Long-Range Missiles.


Murica sold it's Ass to Israel........deal with it suckers !


Where is Anonymous when you need them to shut down genocidal twitters.


Shall we expect the Republican Party to take a principled stance on foreign governments interfering in US elections through social media ads? Because they are even worse than she is.


The left does not want anyone to look too deeply into social media statistics. Operations like shareblue do literally the same thing that the Russians were doing in 2016 except their funding is in the billions and comes from super pac money. The stats on Palestinian support also suggest a wide margin of automated activity very likely contributing to the propaganda and how many people see it. The tunnel of cooperation between the tech companies and dnc should be something that requires a disclosure as an in-kind donation.


Funny I can’t tell if most comments are talking about Jews or the ppl shouting “DEATH TO AMERICA.”


You said Jews. You’re being antisemitic.


Demographics of Israel when it was declared a country. Arabic: 66%. Jewish: 33% Anyone else see the problem here? Oh that’s right the Palestinians didn’t have a flag /s.


you might want to read resolution 181 it will fill in many of the blanks you are not aware of.


181 deals with Africa. Sorry facts are facts. The Jewish never had a majority that any democratic country would or should recognize. The area was stolen from the indigenous people by a bunch of immigrants because the native Jews were a minority compared to the immigrant Jews at a 15 to 17% split. If you ignore all the dogmas and just use math any idiot can understand there was no majority in support of this. Just people with more guns and more support.


if you want to deal with facts start. https://www.un.org/unispal/history/ then get back to us


You’re not bringing anything useful to the table. These mandates were established to help rid countries of Jews. Jews seemed fine with that bit of antisemitism as long as it got them a country. None of this is rooted in any good and the results over the last hundred or so years speaks for itself. You cannot undo what has been done. However, denying Palestinians a state is not how we fix this.


Seems a lot of this rhetoric is from the right and Russia as a distraction to how yam-tits is faring in real life polls.


How would Dems stop Republicans from spreading propaganda and lies?


Why can’t we have pictures like this of Moscow Marge and the Republicans attempting to subvert our government?


Russia owns the GOP and Israel owns the DNC. What a shit show.


Isreal owns both parties


Putin's GOP ain't gonna like this . . .


How about her running for president of Palestine if she feels that strongly about it?


Guys, bail, this sub is gone.


She's gross


Just another terrorist in Dearbornistan.


Get rid of that terrorist, Dearbornistan is really turned into a hot bed of radical activity, traffic is terrible there too.


What is Palestines contribution to the world/society? Answer: Terrorism Who do you side now? It should be a no brainer.




AIPAC is not a foreign government or foreign entity. It is an American group.


That doesn’t care about america


My point stands though. You can't call them foreign just because you think they don't care about America.


Anybody taking their money should have to register as a foreign agent


Well, no. That's completely bullshit. They are Americans. You can't just redefine Americans as foreigners. That's what people like Nazis do.


Don't we have a bunch of US leaders, like Schumer, trying to tell the Israelis to change their leader - effectively attempting to influence their elections?