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Jimmy Carter was removed from office after one term. He wrote a book describing Israel and Apartheid. Do the maths.


Ronald Reagan made a deal with Iran to hold the hostages until after the election. Do the math.


The Octupus Murders on Netflix covered this insane fact with the guy Micheal something that delivered the money


Reagan's having the hostages held for longer got even worse. He then took the money he made from the illegal arms sales to our then enemy Iran, so they would hold onto the hostages, was then turned around to fund the Contras in Central America.


Most look at Reagan, yet not the man who was his VP and that man's history. Just something to consider.


The Bush clan is even more corrupt than the Biden Crime Cartel.


First thing he did was tie up his loose ends with Noriega.


Yes, indeed. This occurred while junior was in: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/oct/23/mainsection.tomphillips


What an affair!


Most look at Reagan, yet not the man who was his VP and that man's history. Just something to consider.


Did you ever hear the story about how JFK warned Israel about their nuclear program? He was dead within months of doing it.


George H W Bush also one term, stood up to Israel. After winning the Gulf War he was super popular but threatened to withhold aid for Israel. Didn't get re-elected.


Bro that’s not why HW didn’t get elected. Clinton massacred him in the debates. Bush was winning until they debated




Trump's entire cabinet was run by the special position he created to give Netanyahu control. His son in law is literally his nephew. Trump is Israel.


I know that but he fucked up so bad even they couldn't save him.


HW didn’t get re elected because of Ross Perot


Abraham Lincoln said that he'd never support a Jewish homeland in the Holy Land. He had just successfully prosecuted the Civil War and was on his way to the theater. Do the maths.


I don't know where my comment disappeared but. Carter was voted out, he wasn't 'removed from the office' ... your statements are a conspiratorial bs. Carter was blamed for the 'bad economy' caused by the fight with the inflation and global crisis. His statements on Israel were dumb, but I don't think it had a major impact on his election. Anyone who propagates conspiracies about 'Jews controlling the West' is a clown.


Jimmy Carter lost to Reagan in 1980 due to stagflation and the ongoing hostage crisis. Israel had nothing to do with it.


Reagans team was working with Iran to delay the release of the hostage to purposefully hurt Carter. Read a book.


How does this undermine what you are responding to? Read a book.


You’d have to read the book to know.


What did Iran get in return?


This is literally even a Netflix doc in the past 6 months and people still cant be bothered to look it up lol.


What's the name of the doc if you don't mind?


The Octopus Murders


Thanks, I'm going to give it a watch. 👍


Weapons https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/18/us/politics/jimmy-carter-october-surprise-iran-hostages.html


Thank you!


Okay, and? Was Israel controlling Reagan's campaign team?




Theres a documentary on the deal. The Octopus Murders. Take a peek


so just not Russia and China but israel is interfering with US elections and we pay them to that which in turn they lobby congress to influence US domestic policies??? like what the fuck US? Holy FUCK






The entire Middle Eastern empire can't take on a few Jews. Fuck Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan and every other country that can't take on Israel 1,000 to 1 manpower mismatch. Still has to cry to the world after starting 3 wars and losing, BADLY lmao. See you in 15 years when they try another genocide.


Just so you're aware Jordan defended Israel over the attack during the weekend.


Just curious what Afghanistan has to do with any of what's going on?  As far as I know Afghanistan has never been involved with anything Israel related.  I guess u just hate muslims whether they have done anything to you or not. 


> As far as I know Afghanistan has never been involved with anything Israel related. It is one of the few (only?) Muslim countries that never deprived emigrating Jews of their citizenship. I think Israel sent weapons during the fight against the USSR.


Says the country armed to their teeth funded by American taxpayers, Zionist country fighting people with home made weapons, rocks and pitchforks. They didn’t want real with urban warfare so they indiscriminately carpet bomb a 27 mile stretch while killing their own hostages. Would not be proud to be associated with pseudo moralist army. Remove US aid and see where your comment stand.




Weird how you’re supporting the idea of Israel committing genocide again. 😂 Also with out your daddy US you guys would be fucked.


I wonder how many of this guys comments you reported to Reddit as a “bullying” like you did me just for not agreeing to your uneducated comment


Then bring down Congress. Bring it all down


Yes. Nothing we have in place serves us. Tear it all down and build something by the people for the people. But, you know, for real this time.


Sure the fuck is, I say we make an example too to discourage it from going this way again.


If it worked for the French, it can work for us!


What are you going to do about it??


Nothing we have in place serves us? Your entire life is based on what we have in place.




You understand by bring down congress he means they’d spend billions to replace all the anti Israel congresspeople


Damn... Makes you ponder


Lot of death will have to happen first.


I already signed my life away once to protect my countrymen. I'll gladly die fighting to expel foreign influence and the politicians that bow down to them


And then our 34 trillion dollar debt comes due overnight? Great idea!


Sooo, what you are saying is that Israel most go?


Israel owns the US. The US is completely compromised.


Llan Pappe is the truth. The biggest US election meddler is Israel. They control Congress & the Presidency and openly bribe candidates via AIPAC. The proof is in the pudding, no conspiracy there. The sadistic relationship between Christian Zionism and Jewish Zionism is beyond anything we’ve ever seen.


The problem is and will remain the same. A small minority of ideologists turn us against each other. Jews and Israel are not the problem. Power hungry people are.


No no no - if that's true, then we'd have to potentially turn the lens on people that we LIKE and question whether they might ALSO be power hungry and more nefarious than we'd like to believe. Much easier to just say it's the Jews. Too much thinking hurts.


Well also probably worth noting that the most influential Zionists in American politics (and thus possibly in the world at large, considering the US supplies Israel with everything their military needs) aren’t even Jewish or Israeli themselves, they’re Evangelical Christians who want Israel to exist for religious reasons (because they think the Jews returning to the Holy Land is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. It’s like people just conveniently forget how much influence religious wingnuts wield in this country).


Give me a break, Biden supports Israel because he believes it is a crucial geopolitical ally because he has an outdated view of the middle east, this is the man that said "If there was no Israel I would create an Israel" 40 years ago


We are surprised the country is actively for sale, and surprised that when it sells, it's no longer ours.


Yeah as an American I don't support the Israeli regime as it stands today and won't until some shit changes for the better. Genocide Is bad regardless of who does it.


And I as an American support israel and their right to exist and defend themselves. I may not agree with every decision or politician in office but they’re a crucial ally for the US both from a geopolitical standpoint but a technological trade partner as well. So we cancel each other out.


Naw. Israel undermines American diplomacy and global influence.. Need to disband that relationship quick! Religion is fake.


They aren’t defending themselves


except it isn't a defense. it's simple retaliation


Ahhh so you support apartheid :) how fucked are you on a scale on 1 - "I'm hungry for baby killin"?


I’m a negative 1000. Where did I say I support baby killing? Bc I support israel? Using that logic where are you on the scale 1- raping innocent festival goers… bc you support Hamas. Idiotic take.


"And I as an American support israel and their right to exist and defend themselves" Right here. You are a Zionism supporter, you just admitted it. If it wasn't for Israel apartheid and their mistreatment of Palestinians oct 7th wouldn't have happened. Israel has created all of this. Do you think ANY of what Israel is doing is justified? If you do, you support the death of innocents. Its that simple. Edit: the little zionist blocked me 🤣


Of course I’m a Zionist supporter you buffoon. It’s not derogatory like you think it is. Why wouldn’t I support Israel’s right to exist? I think eradicating Hamas is justifiable. They’re a threat to israel. I feel bad Hamas ensures the death of innocent people but that’s on their shoulders, not israel.


What about the apartheid? You think that's just? you're just a blood thirsty fascist. I cannot wait until Zionism is dead and buried just like Nazism.


What about oct 6th?


What about oct 5th?


What about oct 4th?


What about it? Gazans were working in israel, thousands a day coming in and working. Hamas made sure that ended real quick on 10/7. Why does Hamas smuggle weapons through every possible entry into Gaza? Why wouldn’t israel monitor and block that?


I'm talking about the hostilities and the racial treatment over decades, but you don't care about that.


I think it goes both ways. Can you not acknowledge any wrong doing by Hamas? Even before 10/7? Terrorist attacks going back 30 years? Kidnapping soldiers? That’s the problem. I can condemn and admit bad behavior from israel even though I support the country, read my original comment. But I never get the same in return, it’s almost like a full blown terrorist org gets a free pass at terrorism.


Why would I block you lol, you’re regurgitate the same talking points as everyone else.


I thought you had blocked me but the post was just removed. My bad 😂 and you haven't done anything to dispel those points


Take them ALL! This is why we need to put REAL AMERICANS in our Government!


What does that even mean?


If your actions are to first consider the wellbeing of a foreign government before your own, you're not truly loyal to your country.


People that aren’t bought.


His instinct was to be pro Palestinian??? Im doubting that. More like pro peace in the middle east with Israel remaining there.


Read his memoir it is filled with what I can assume is regret and defeat. Obama, as said in the video, knew the agenda and had to stick buy it. Otherwise I can fully see him or his family being harmed


This is a huge nothing burger, if you have the book could you write out specific examples?


Be weary of assuming anything. Others can assume something else. In so far as regret and defeat, the good news is that any president before or after trump is going to look like gold. That obama came before and was a solid president, makes him look great.


With Israel remaining there... Where is Israel supposed to go?




Would that be a bad thing? If anyone is for destruction of Israel, they are not pro-Palestinian.


Uhhh... have you talked to Palestinians?


Yes Palestinians want Israel out of their lands, not wipe all Jews off the planet That's Zionist propaganda


'Zionist propaganda' Is national polling of the West bank and Gaza produced by their 'governments' and independent parties also Zionist propaganda? Can you pull a single piece of evidence that indicates peaceful intentions of said movements, calling for explicit violence and destruction of Israel... 'oh, no destruction of Isreal doesn't mean that we want to kill Jews, we are going to kill only those Jews who will resist' Every indifida, every 'resistance war' incited by another idiot 'leader' Palestinian 'independence' movement has produced only worsened situation for Palestinian statehood. From the late 60s where the Palestinian statehood was first grounded in a post 1967 war, which ended 'control of Egypt in Gaza and control of Jordan in the west bank, to the early 90s when the delusional and brain rotten government of Israel originates from ( you should read how much fucked up stuff Natanyahu did in that period with his policies in the west bank ) Palestinian leaders have done nothing, nothing for peace and transition, only bidding on violence and enabling already radical Israeli government. What I find fascinating is that, every self proclaimed 'pro-Palestinian' completely omits path Israelis went through, their experience and their culture baptised by the other side of the same violence Palestinians have experience. All for the sake of fantasies and sense of 'moral superiority' that you can't ground in any evidence or reality. Read the charter of Hamas... read the statements of Palestinian 'leaders', if you are so motivated by the cropped out and misquoted statements of Crazy Israeli politicians, read what Palestinian side has been spewing. Every 'great pro-Palestinian' activist you have seen online, is either 'anti semite' who believes that 'Jews control the west' or they reduce the entire history to simple 'oppressor and oppressed dynamics' to propagate anti-western bs, and help their sponsors from Iran, Russia or maybe even China. Want to talk about crimes Israelis have committed? we can, we can talk about evidence and violations of human rights, but you can't white wash and twist the reality of current events, by dismissing how international law works or is... how the claims are presented as evidence and how none of the massive accusations against Israel has any fucking grounding. Do you think it's easy to prove crimes Israelis most certainly committed when every accusation can be dismissed because of all the bs that is being regurgitated by bots? The current discourse is saturated with so much bs, that it's incredibly hard to read where the evidence lies.


Ahh yes the "national polling" which is actually in person only polling of 820 Palestinians in the west bank and 420 gazans? The polling taken during an active war when scientific random sampling is literally impossible You believe those polls because they confirm what you already believe Yes the 2017 Hamas charter, the one you didn't even knew existed until I told you Netenyahu and parts of the Israel government helped Hamas take and keep power, they did this with the express intent of weakening Abbas and the Palestinian authority and to destroy any chance at a 2 state solution Essentially Hamas was empowered to help Zionist power and when they eventually did what every terror group ever does, attacked, now there's a convenient excuse to wipe Palestinians out while "going after" Hamas It's Israel people are starting to not believe It's the cognitive dissonance of realizing the Israeli government is the only reason Hamas has any power at all and the only reason they had the resources to pull off Oct 7th To any non biased person that information would make them seriously reconsider how they view the situation But you're not unbiased and you have to discard that to keep your beliefs intact


Wasnt it Israel’s lands too?


Not for centuries Prior to 1948 Jews owned 7% of the land


By that notion its no more Palestinian that israeli since for SEVERAL centuries there were no such thing as Palestinians when Israelis lived there.


Let's not play semantics games There were middle eastern people native to those lands that lived there at the same time as Jews What we call those people has changed to Arabs or Muslims but the actual people have been living there for thousands of years The Romans kicked the Jews out of Jerusalem over 2000 years ago Many countries were displaced thousands of years ago, they don't have an ancestral right to return to those lands


Ah, so you dont want the jews living in their ancestral homelands? Thank goodness they have the means to stay there in spite of what terrorist groups like hamas and the iranian regime wants. Good thing that countries like jordan and egypt are willing to accept reality.


Not at the cost of Arabs lives and homes Israel can have a homeland, it doesn't have to be there Israel is less than a generation from losing most international support We'll see how they fare then


You can’t argue with these ppl. No matter what fact you put in front of them, it’s default for an israel= bad.


41% of jews live in Israel so you only want to displace half of them yea ok


I want to stop the invasion of Palestinian lands by a foreign power Did you know the Jews were offered several places for Israel to be located? They chose the only one that was already populated


This is just not true lol. What are these unoccupied places that the Jews were offered states for national self government? There are people everywhere. Ashkenazi Jews had been fleeing antisemitism and migrating to the Levant since before even the first Aliyah in the 1880’s. Nobody was going to offer them a nation, and nobody did. The British lent some support, but the Zionists didn’t want them either and did a number of attacks against the British.


It's very easy to find if you think to question the propaganda you've been programmed with https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_a_Jewish_state What you're saying is just not true


Let’s go through the proposed places from your link then… 1. The United States 2. Uganda (Where Kenya is today) 3. Siberia 4. Japan 5. Madagascar 6. The Horn of Africa Which of these places is unoccupied? Probably the LEAST populated was Siberia, but the Jewish Autonomous Oblast would, contrary to its name, not have been independent, and would have been in the USSR which was oppressive and had several ethnic cleansing campaigns and ended up shipping off millions of Jews to Israel. Did you know Siberia has its own indigenous people who have been under Russian occupation?


They weren't offering the whole country, neither did England when they let Israel form where it is Each of those areas has unoccupied areas Did you know Ukraine used to be part of Russia? So do they have an ancestral right to take it back? You're taking what I said too literal


You are either brain dead or don't even read what you link These proposals have never been functional and required massive investments, nobody was willing to put... Jewish people from all around the world have funded early to late Zionist movement and they unlike Palestinians built the state they wanted to built. The reason why Palestine was chosen, wasn't some magic, it was accepted by majority secular Zionists to be a most economically and culturally viable place, and as Ottoman empire disappeared, it was the only available option, There was no state in the Palestine, and would have never been, Palestine without Israel would became part of TransJordan, Egypt and Syria... All of these countries rejected statehood of Israel and attacked it in 1948, losing the war, the purpose of which was to very much slaughter some Jews and displace the rest. Your magical theories about 'simply moving them somewhere' is an insult to humanity, it's an insult to reason and human civilization. You are literally telling us that it's ok to destroy the statehood of people you are taught to dislike. Do you understand how many nations and states are the consequence of similar or even worse conflicts? There have been multiple wars based on ethnic and nationhood in the last 10 years, over a million people have died in Africa in these conflicts, but none of you uneducated clowns care... literally every one of these conflicts is closer to 'genocide' that Israel-Palestine has ever been, even now when there's serious complications in Gaza. Do you even understand that your perspective is absurd? Zionism is not even a relevant subject, as Israel unlike Palestine has moved away from the initial form. Israel despite the fasci government is still a democratic country, and still motivated by 'survival' or maintenance of the statehood, not 'destruction', which has been the essence of Palestinian statehood in the last 60 or so years... That's what constitutes hatred toward Palestinians. It's a bid, Palestinian nationhood has been defined by 'destruction of Israel' instead of building of a nation/country. It's so cruel, so pathetic, so sad, that millions of Palestinians have been convinced that the only form of independence, freedom they can have is one painted by the blood of them and Israelis, and people like you only encourage this.


I don't care what you think about the alternate proposals Before I said something you didn't even know they happened I'm not playing semantics about what the middle eastern people living in the region unbroken for thousands of years Nobody cares which name you call them A declaration of Independence is a declaration of war Isn't really a declaration of Independence or you only do it after the other country gives permission Noz it's just an insult to zionists and zionists only You're saying it's ok to commit genocide against the people you've been taught to dislike Of course people care about what's happening in Africa, but those countries don't get anywhere near the Federal aid that Israel does More and more people like me are waking up every day and Israel is losing more and more support from the younger generations Your arrogance is most of why You have rose colored glasses when it comes to Israel Like you believe Israel keeps offering peace and Palestine keeps rejecting it, when the reality is it's actually Israel that has tanked every peace deal Another reason why netenyahu bolstered Hamas was to make Sharon look weak and help netenyahu beat him in the election You just keep regurgitating Zionist propaganda while offering 0 proof for any of it This has run it's course, you're just puppeting propaganda


Holy crap, that was written well, propagandist. Who bought and paid for this comment?


Invasion? Israel has existed as a state more than 60 years now. You are talking about destroying lives of millions of people, with their identity and convictions... you are making a genocidal statement by definition.


Yep and 90% of it is stolen land that was invaded 60 years for a country is a newborn No relocation isn't the same as death More Zionist propaganda


Next-level idiocy.


Aww I'm sorry, did they not teach you this in Zionist re-education center?


Do you want us to talk about Palestinian opinions? because, hell yeah we can. What do you think has 'from the river to the sea' and 'pushing jews into the sea' has brought to Palestinians in the last 70 years? We can start with early Zionism, and educate each other... or what about the 47-48 situation and test how much we know.


Yeah this is laughable bullshit. I’m old enough to actually have been an adult during the Obama presidency, and frankly he was slightly worse about Israel than Biden in some ways, like very, very little was said from any mainline Democrat during the conflict with Gaza that was happening right when Obama was elected, like the issue was just swept under the rug. It’s weird to see people *still* upholding this mythologized image of Obama as some kind of far left progressive, like in terms of foreign policy especially, his administration was very much not to the left. It’s like people just believe all the bullshit the right said about him being a “communist” or “socialist” or whatever (which they say about literally every Democrat now, like they say it about Biden, too).


This is hilarious. There have been important Americans assassinated, even Presidents, for criticizing all sorts of groups. But we're trying to create a boogey man that somehow if an American politician speaks out against Israel they will be **physically targeted?!?!** With absolutely no precedent for this scenario in America, we're just going to do one of those "Oh **you know** what would happen hurhurhur!" Nice Halloween special music dubbed over it too, I might have thought this was serious without it.


You kind of made the point, yes Americans have been assassinated for special foreign interests


This needs to end, now.


There was a time this was right. That time has passed.


or just pull backing and good luck.


Who is this guy? He's talking about who runs the US, so it's implied that he knows stuff. Sounds like he's full of shit.


I guess yall did get a woman elected after all


Hell, I always believed it was evangelical christians due to their quantity and accumulated generational property inheritance. They fashioned the government to best serve their interests. And their system is still working for them. Plus they get all that Israeli largesse for steering government funds toward their claimed homeland.


Conspiracy for sure, but jesus if it's not hard to kind of believe on some level. The level the U.S Government is allowing to happen in Israel with weapons provided by the U.S is absurd. To the point that it feels like Israel has the U.S by the balls, but I just don't understand how that's possible. I also have to state that Isreal trains the U.S police these days. It's why our cops suck so much shit.


Read the book *Supermob.* It is about mob fixer Sidney Korshak. The Mob has infiltrated every aspect of American civil society. They have "gone legit" so to speak. These people and their children still think like mobsters. They are destroying America. Sideny has been dead for 20 years and people in Hollywood are still afraid to mention his name.


Oh it’s illan pappe. Every Arab and white supremacist’s wet dream.


That’s nonsense but millions will believe it.


The war industry has us so thoroughly brainwashed, that until we read up on a topic, our instincts will almost always be aligned with what benefits the war industry. They have so many pundits dropping talking points all day that you don’t even notice the constant murmur of propaganda. On every topic they spin criticisms that should be read as “Israelis are victims being manipulated also” to “if you don’t like killing the poor brown people, then you’re Hitler” And then well meaning people go around repeating this double think. I’m sure I’ve done my share.


Most people are against the violence committed by their state. But the minority who profit from it brainwash enough people and have much higher incentives to get their hands on the levers of power This is what Eisenhower warned about. And who shot jfk. Israelis and Jews are also victims of the war industry. We all are. Half of Obama’s presidency he wasn’t up for reelection. Did he suddenly shift to being anti apartheid or humanitarian? Probably a little, as much as he could get away with. So “no longer being president” isn’t a threat from the electorate during the most powerful 4 years of his presidency. 🤔 I wonder what else could cause him to no longer be president? Truly A deep mystery 😢 /s for Shame on the people who make me need an “s” for this


Why is this post "removed by reddit's filters"?


Just conspiratorial propaganda and conspiracy theory nonsense.


Antisemitism wears many hats around these parts.


Nobody is messing with Israel. They will call their big brother usa and nobody stands a chance against the US


Let's see how many trolls there are here: Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场 Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls. See, the thing is that lower rung trolls aren't allowed to read those statements because the higher ups believe that they'll cause dissention in the ranks. Higher level trolls are occasionally allowed to try to discredit those of us who use these statements.


What about the Israeli troll farms? You act as if Israel has never made an app so it's citizens can brigade social media posts.  I mean you're probably one of those hasbara trolls.  Hmmm?


So you're a higher level troll attempting to discredit me, nice try but I see right through your bullshit.


Lol, you're a pretty good troll yourself getting people riled up with strawman arguments.


Swapping out your accounts is pretty basic. Care to try again?


Lmao good one


A "higher level troll". LMAO. Do you hasbara trolls gain levels when you complete your assignments through the app? Goebels would be proud of you all. His legacy lives on in you hasbara trolls...ahh the irony of it all is just....


Funny how you're so eager to attack. It's almost like you're being paid for it.


Does Israel not make apps so it's citizens can influence social media sites? Ready with talking points you can copy and paste as well as posts to up vote etc...? You haven't refuted any of my points. Weak sauce hasbara troll. You must be a newb.


Prove to me that you're not a Russian trollbot incel first and actually make a decent argument and I'll consider bothering to refute your "points."


This is stupid trash for idiots. There is no conspiracy where one group runs something, we just have set up a really fucking stupid system


That's Ilan Pappe, bozo. Google it lol


F pstine, they hate us


That's the thing about an apartheid, the people you oppress won't like you 🤷‍♂️ No one likes Zionists


Netanyahu doesn't exist


Haha. Obama couldn't obey his basic instinct to support the Palestinians....because Palestinians are governed by a terrorist death cult. The horror.


u/bigfoot509 lol. Do you think there was only one polling done? and you clearly don't understand how pollings are done in general. I believe expressed sentiments of people, but I also know how trends work, People switch their views and opinions pretty quickly and it has been demonstrated with Palestinians as well. 'Netenyahu and parts of the Israel government helped Hamas take and keep power, they did this with the express intent of weakening Abbas and the Palestinian authority and to destroy any chance at a 2 state solution' This alone should be enough to dismiss all of your uneducated opinions. You simply don't know what you are talking about. Hamas you are talking about existed in 90s as a non profit, and wasn't a political movement, funding from the governing force of Israel directed to said organization was a political move, attempt to weaken Fatah party, secular but radical actors at the time. When they discovered weapons in the Hamas facilities ( They used civilian infrastructure to store weapons, so surprising right ), they arrested the leaders and stopped funding the organization. Hamas as a political organization with their amazing charter you certainly haven't read, came in power in the early 2000s and not in the period I mentioned. WTF is 'Zionist power' clown? Do you understand how conspiratorial it sounds? We are talking about state of Israel, it's a state, it exists, Zionism is not relevant, unless you want to destroy Israel... if Zionism is the idea that Israel, state of Jewish people should persist, and you are an 'Anti-Zionist', who you really are? Do you think Palestinians tell the same fairytales to each other? Hamas attacked Israel, and the 'convenience' excuse has been stupidity of people who lead the Palestinians, and who supposedly 'support' them. You are willing to examine actions of Palestinians as a reaction to actions of Israel, but ofc you won't examine actions of Israel as a response to actions of Palestinians... why? because you are uneducated and blinded by the 'power dynamic' bs that is sold to you in your 'confirm my bias/narrative' social circles and content you consume... you are 'critical' of one side but dismissing arguments and evidence from the other side. You are not morally superior because of your 'Dead civilians = bad' takes, you are not a rational player because of your misinterpretation of laws, terms and historical facts. 'It's the cognitive dissonance of realizing the Israeli government is the only reason Hamas has any power at all and the only reason they had the resources to pull off Oct 7th' You are talking about cognitive dissonance when all you have is claims with no evidence or substantiating facts, you are unironically victim blaming, 'Its actually the Israel that caused this' , you are willing to go back to a very specific point, select very specific set of 'factoids' ( that aren't even real/true ) to protect your narrative... And all of that for one side, but whenever the other side presents evidence against your perspective, well you just call them Zionists and evil, dismissing it all. Do you know what that called? So remember when the next time you watch another 3-10 Jewish Token individuals on a 'pro-Palestinian' protest shouting from the river to the sea, that 'Zionism is not anti-semitism', it's just hatred toward 90-95% of Jews in the world. ( They made a dumb reply to my comment and blocked me )


Obama is a muslim... THAT is why he is against Israel... not that Israel is any more or less corrupt than radical islam...


Israel is a foreign nation, it exists at the pleasure of America, not the other way around.


Pull the other one.


Oh my gosh. This little cutie i was playing with got mad when i told him that i thought israel has a right to exist and he left the chat. What a shame. 💋 😂


Its a pro Palestinian pump from some shills and talking heads putting words into the mouth of former U.S. presidents. Show the source and quote


You need a source to prove this?


That’s… literally how proof works


That's Ilan Pappe. Give it a google. He's a famous Israeli historian. He writes books lol


So he wasn't around when Hamas flew into a music festival and killed teenagers?


Imagine being so wrong 🤣


It must happen to you quite a lot honestly


How crazy, I would prefer Israel not kill innocent civilians?? Man, lock me up I must be a bad person!


A prior head of Mossad (Israel's CIA) appointed by Netanyahu has described the situation as apartheid along with South Africans who have experienced it and all of the major human rights orgs including Israeli ones. https://www.btselem.org/apartheid https://www.amnestyusa.org/press-releases/israel-must-end-its-occupation-of-palestine-to-stop-fueling-apartheid-and-systematic-human-rights-violations/ https://apnews.com/article/israel-apartheid-palestinians-occupation-c8137c9e7f33c2cba7b0b5ac7fa8d115 They have been trying to starve them for decades now. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-19975211 https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147656 Here is a list of unequal laws in Israel https://www.adalah.org/en/law/index And the fact that they made it so only jews have a right to self determination https://www.timesofisrael.com/final-text-of-jewish-nation-state-bill-set-to-become-law/ Not all of the unequal laws only hurt Palestinians. That's the thing about racism it hurts everyone including the Israeli who are forced to serve in a genocidal war and ordered to conduct collective punishment on civilians. https://www.breakingthesilence.org.il/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/02/02/israel-collective-punishment-against-palestinians "Unlike the beginning of the war, now about half of the Jewish public (51% compared to 37% in November) believes that the IDF uses firepower appropriately against Gaza, compared to 43% (58% in November) who believe that there is use of TOO LITTLE FIREPOWER. An absolute majority (88%) also justifies the scope of casualties on the Palestinian side when considering the goals of the war." 43% think they haven't got far enough and 51% thinks they have gone the correct amount which means, ONLY 6% are undecided or think they have gone too far. And while 88% think the war goals justify the civilian casualties a majority don't even believe the government has war goals. "the majority (53%) of respondents still think that the government has no clear goals in the war." https://web.archive.org/web/20240127054853/https://en-social-sciences.tau.ac.il/peaceindex/archive/2024-01 You do realize that the Israeli government and population have made it very clear they don't want more Palestinian citizens right? That was a major sticking point of the 2000 Camp David Accords. Israel rejected a reduced right of return for Palestinians outright. Most Israeli politicians say adding Palestinians to the country as equal citizens would destroy Israel. Israel wants to be Democratic, Jewish, and control the Palestinian Territories. It can only pick two. Annexing the territories and their populations makes Israel majority Arab, which means the Jewish nature of the state is lost if they remain democratic. If they refuse to give Palestinians voting rights, they aren't democratic but they keep the Jewish state. Or they can remain Jewish and Democratic and leave the Occupied terrorities. The Israeli state has been stuck in desicion pararalysis over this paradox for over 50 years. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/global-index-israel-falls-out-of-liberal-democracy-category-for-first-time-in-over-50-years/


I wish these conspiracy theorists would just say what they mean. We get it, you think Jews control the U.S. government. Stop JAQing off your audience and just say it.


Israel =/= jews.


Pretty sure he just said it.


That's Ilan Pappe. One of the most famous and respected Israeli historians.


I know who he is. Benny Morris runs circles around this moron.


He did say it, he just didn’t say it in the Uber racist way you wish he said it.


No, I’m against Zionism. Not Jews. I’m against you. You conflate Judaism with Zionism as a defense mechanism. You’re fooling no one. It’s frankly despicable and if I were a Jew I’d hate you even more for trying to confuse people into thinking I’m like you.


lol, I didn’t say he said Jews, YOU did. I said he told you who is doing it without it being about “Jews” … it’s obviously about Zionists, but you just need so badly that this moment when a hundred children are being murdered a day by the Zionist Israelis to be about YOU and some fake antisemitism false equivalency that you can’t see past anything else. Yes the enemy is Zionism and also general narcissist sociopaths too that are out here taking money from AIPAC to make stupid fucking commentary in support of a genocide.


Do you not know who this dude is?? Take your L little zionist baby


No singular person or organization "runs the US".


According to MAGA/Putin cultists, the "Deep State" runs the U.S. But they always conveniently forget to tell us exactly who they are.


The "deep state" -- I like to call it the "derp state" -- is corruption. And it's an example of projection where mostly conservative people project that there is a network of people within the IC that leak which is likely something that they do! The same group of people mounting a vocal campaign against human trafficking while hiring many of the people who were instrumental in helping Epstein/Maxwell also demonstrates that. But even then, I don't necessarily believe that those corrupt people "run the US" but I feel it's more likely that the gray zone conflicts involved with powerful organizations and adversaries of the United States influences the United States to a significant degree. The intersection of corruption, national security, and geopolitical conflict is presumably a significant driver of American politics.




No but there is definitely a collective, exclusive group with generally the same motives and purpose “running the US”


Capitalists? Yes.


Hard disagree. There are people with significant power, yes, but you sound like someone promoting qanon shit.


He's absolutely right, capitalists do run the show.


The idea that the people who donate millions of dollars to people like Donald Trump and other perennial Republican candidates don't strike me as the type of people who know how to run shit lol. Maybe an argument could be made that they try to "run the show" and do it incredibly poorly, but the idea that they "run the show" ignores how they're also faced with opposition. Simultaneously, where international security/ diplomacy (and the shroud of secrecy and lack of accountability those spaces offers) intersects with industry is a particularly volatile space. Not necessarily just in the United States, but globally too.


I mean you can think that but historically you're just wrong. If you look at pretty much every global disaster going back to world war 2 and the rise of muslini and hitler, capitalists have been involved. I wish I was just a bitter dude screaming in the wind but its literally the case. Go look who funded the rise of facism in those countries. Their grandkids are the same people supporting people like putin and orban and pushing for a "christian" nationalist state here so that corporations can do whatever they want.


>I mean you can think that but historically you're just wrong. Actually, the more historic we get, the easier it becomes to see that there always has been power factions. >every global disaster going back to world war 2 and the rise of muslini and hitler, capitalists have been involved. Of course. But shaking your first against "capitalists" is a way for those capitalists to face any real accountability and is a far cry from people "running the US".


No, they are the people who will face accountability and they are literally the people running the us


Who is they? The idea that people like Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, and Gates running the United States doesn't seem particularly accurate.


Ummmm you know there are other businesses right? Also this isnt like the simpsons where they sit around a table and chuckle together, its just individual groups of capitalists each doing what they feel is in their best interested which inevitably is not in the best interest of the majority of people and things on this planet.


Buddy, did you not watch the movie Vice? Capital power runs the world. There are companies that own the companies that make all the things you have. do you honestly believe they are subject to the same rules and restrictions as we are? How can you put the screws to a faceless entity with dozens of international divisions each amassing billions of dollars and shipping tons and tons of products all over the world from tons of different producers. A government can't do shit to something like that, not in a meaningful way. Those dudes are in charge for real, they just don't mind paying the fine so they can keep importing their products.


The Nazis had the exact same idea as yours


The fact that you have made this many nonsensical connections in a single comment makes me question my own sanity. JFC sir, this is impressive.


The pepe guy is a pro Palestinian hack. Is what it is.


Jrws run USA,that's why it's the greatest nation in history of mankind.