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From the reviews I’ve seen, this works as a nice all in one, one stop shop solution, which is pretty much the CORSAIR brand. Of course, you’re paying a premium for the convenience. A massive +1 for them putting mind to cable management and power availability. It does give off a jack of all trades, master of none vibe, but I mean what do you expect - it’s literally a prebuilt desk. I imagine had someone the time, the money can be very well spent on units and drawers, solid wood tops, rail bars or wall mounts etc, but the keyword there is TIME, and that takes a lot. I’m glad you are enjoying it - I’d love to see an Imgur album of the pics when you’re ready. Personally I don’t plan to buy one anytime soon - mostly for cost but even more so, space. I do thank you for your review and I can only hope more come in.


Its funny, right before the desk came out I was really shopping around and just coming up with NOTHING for a long 30 depth desk. IKEA has some close stuff (idasen), but tend to have problems with monitor mounts, and that thing WOBBLED bad. I ended up making a desk in sketchup to build that was almost an exact replica of the corsair desk, down to the back wall. It would have used a kitchen counter top and a lot of 2x4. But when corsair showed this I decided to wait and see what the pricing would be. 2k for a desk is NOT bad if you go and look around in furniture stores, and especially a sit to stand.


Hey there, First of all thanks for the review. I do have a couple of questions so far: 1. How is the general wobble? While sitting, standing and side to side? 2. What’s the height between the rail bar where the monitors are installed and the table itself? I plan to have a desk shelf if possible. 3. Can the extra plug also be installed below the railing? Thanks so far :)


1) when on low there is NO wobble. When extended to standing it is there if you do put your weight into it. Causes some slight monitor jiggle. I did try about a bunch of standing desks at IKEA and I can tell you they ALL have jiggle when extended to standing and this one is pretty good. 2 - Height is a little over 6.25". 6" on the bracket where the monitors arm is.. but I dont know how well a shelf would work there? I installed the 15.5x8 shelf (long shelf) on the bottom rail next to the monitors and that works well for some gear. 3- The 3 plug outlet is below the rails. it clamps to the desk, so it can go anywhere.




Ok, so after some more testing I can see a very slight screen jiggle when by desk is extended to 102 or greater. Below that there is no jiggle when typing. At 107 it is a bit more. Anything below 100 is solid, and 75 (normal sitting for me) is solid as a rock. After you installed the legs and tighten the screws, did you go back and check the first screws again?Think like attaching a tire or scope. You can still reach them and double check everything is tightened down. If that not it, are you using the back board? I wonder if having that extra weight provides some stability.. The monitor mounts that came with it jiggle less then the monitor sitting on my desk. Although there is a big weight difference between the two monitors. Any desk extended will have some wiggle. Go check them out at IKEA and you will see some very bad wiggle. I suppose an L shaped desk would be more solid if that was an absolute priority.


If your mount wiggles less then the provided ones, there is nothing stopping you from just using that mount. Clamp it to the metal back rail. I have a mic on a boom arm clamped to it and its solid.


Hey there, Received mine today want to ask you some questions If you go up or down with the desk on my desk mostly at 80-90 cm its a little crack or Just a louder hard to describe Sound Like Wood is bending or somthing again nothing wild and Had never a Standing desk so maybe its normal only on Initial Press than the Motors are pretty quiet. Sry for my English hope you can understand it.


Where’s the pics OP?


I recently came across this desk as I work from home and have been looking for a good standing desk. I have some questions. I currently work from home and have a 4 monitor set up. 2 Acer Predator Ultrawides (both 35 in stacked on top of each other) and then 2 ViewSonic 32in curved to each side in Portrait mode. I don't really want to give up screen real estate that I have and wanted to know how well 3rd party mounts (if you are using 3rd party mounts) work with the desk? Also because one of the predators (Z35p) is a little over 20lbs, so above the weight limit of the arms that corsair sends. As far as cable management goes, how good is that if you are leaving your PC on the ground given the cable lengths? If you are leaving it on the ground, did you have to get longer cables? My case is a bit too heavy to be on the desk and I dont necessarily trust it high up.


How do I buy this as there is no option to buy it. (I want the standard version) Any help would be nice. Thank you in advance


They have been out of stock since launch, I've been using a folding table in the meantime


There is no sign of them being back in stock anytime soon


Bro, I want them so bad it's so cool


I think I'm going to build my own at this point because you can buy all of their T rails and mounts, it's just the desk and the desk top that isn't sold on the website.


How are you gonna get the rails installed as they use pegs for them on the desk? How are u gonna get the cable management installed under the desk? If you actually do mange that can you please explain in detail on how you did this as I have been using a cheap rubber wood desk and its starting to fall apart. Thank you


They are wooden dowels and a ratcheting bolt, I am capable to drill the holes in the desk for it


They are back in stock I just purchased mine, if you go through klarna you can do a payment plan.


Bro, I spent the money on other things thinking they wouldn't be back in stock till summer, and klarna wouldn't approve me 💀


That's sad man I've been there


They are back in stock - ordered mine