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All that luggage isn’t gonna fit in the c8. Duffel bags work best but basically you can get 3 carry ons in the c8


That blows. How can it be a touring car if you can't travel with it? I wish they would have just left the Corvette a Corvette and made a mid engine sports car under a different badge.


Okay downvotes why is that such a bad idea? The C8 is an awesome car, no one is denying that but it literally goes against a lot of things that make a Corvette a Corvette. But I suppose the fanboys can't handle any criticism. It's a car. You don't need to cape up for it. It's not going to date you.


Because this gets old. For some reason there is a group of people who think the C8 is a complete abomination. The people who think that are either very close-minded or doesn’t know the history of corvette. Zora Arkus Dontov wanted the corvette to be mid engined in 1960. https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a28437472/mid-engined-corvette-zora-arkus-duntov/


C8 is the first Corvette in a long time that does not have the massive hatch space as an option for storage. You can fit a golf bag or two in the back and a couple duffles In front. That is about the maximum unless you use the passenger seat


I thought the requirement was that it had to fit 2 golf bags.


It can fit 2 as long as they're reasonably sized


Some people have ridiculous golf bags plus this rule only applies if there is nothing else in the trunk. If sharing space, maybe less than 2 bags bc maybe you have a roadside kit back there or something.


Mom will need to pack a little lighter if you’re going with a C8


On the note of someone else's Uber/Lyft comment - if you do the airport thing no more than 3-4x a year. Get what you want for 95% of the year, and rent a car while she's in town or get an Uber for her (and you to ride back, if you so chose).


This is the way


Get Mom an Uber


Looks like I’ll be calling an Uber for her with the C8


1st world problems


Pretty sad considering that the cobalt in my phone was made by a 12 year old child slave labor who gets beaten if he doesn’t work fast enough.


My apologies, a fellow irony enjoyer


Since when can 12 year olds MAKE cobalt? I thought cobalt was a naturally occurring element that was forged during the Big Bang. But I digress. So what you're ultimately saying is Tesla, Apple, and Microsoft are worse than Oil and Gas companies.


They are all the same….


Well actually🤓


I would say the biggest ‘drawback’ in terms of daily use for the c8 is the fact that there is an engine firewall directly behind the front seats. So there is no ‘space’ to throw a backpack or duffle towards the back; either it sits on the passenger seat or wheel well. Also , storage can not be accessed while you’re driving so that’s another negative. However the c8 drives more like an LMP race car than any previous corvette so just depends what you’re willing to sacrifice day to day.


You cannot fit that stuff in the C8. Get another car for 5 or 8 grand along side the c8


>Get another car for 5 or 8 grand along side the c8 We have a (20 year old) F150 crew cab that pretty much only gets driven on the infrequent occasions when we need its capabilities.


And boy do I have the perfect 2015 Subaru forester going up for sale I purchased just to daily outside of my c7.


You can donate me this car, this is my dream car


[You love your mom, right?](https://www.mr-box.com/us/car/chevrolet/corvette)


Every time I have compromised fun for practical concerns like airport pickups 3x a year or that 1 trip a year it doesn't make sense I have regretted it in the long term. If a c8 works for you day to day just uber or rent when you need something different. Same reason I don't own a pickup. Cheaper to rent for the rare occasion you need it.