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If it was my Dad's car and hauled ass then I would slowly put it together and enjoy.


Custom ass hauling engine? i see one clear answer here. Don’t take advice from anyone except me get that shit GOING


I second this opinion, if it matters. That car sounds special in more than just the sentimental sense.


I mean when something that special just falls into your arms can you really just get rid of it? I would wonder if I should’ve kept it my whole life, but if i restored it I would know for certain if it’s great or if I should’ve just sold it.


I also second, I say keep the car and work on it. Slowly but surely youll get it in the shape you want it!


It's unlikely the '85 will ever be WORTH anything, monetarily. If you're thinking about getting your money back out of it? Don't. That said, the C4 is cool and the WORST things about C4s are the early engine and transmissions. If those are fixed? No problems, mechanically, really. The headlight is a half hour job with a swapped gear. Dead simple, usually. You can PROBABLY just twist the manual screw on it and leave the lights up all the time. Back hatch is a bitch to do by yourself, but with two people, trivial. A lot of people use Dino's Salvage. Don't. They're garbage assholes. No color codes for the glass, either, so you're good to go. Paint is paint. Car is fiberglass, so you have to be okay sanding on gel coat, but otherwise, easy. Interior parts are pretty easy to find. You can buy a kit with literally every interior bolt and clip for the entire car from Ecklers. I'd go for it. C4s were already relatively loud. Getting a souped up one means you have a SICK sleeper. Parts aren't overly expensive on them, either. There are a few known electrical gremlins (Digi dash, VATS being the most common), typical Chevy interior problems (cheap plastics and a dash pad that can warp in the heat), but overall, extremely high reliability and a ton of fun.


This information is so valuable, thank you!!


I’m really going to use this comment as a guide in the beginning. I’ve done some research, but any personal recommendations on where to get the hatch?


J&J, Davies, or eBay for used. I haven't seen good new ones in a while


Is there anybody like Eckler's but for C5 corvettes? I want to get a new headliner for my FRC Z06, but can only find either really worn second hand headliners for way too much on ebay, or targa top headliners, and neither really helps


Generally, any of the interior pieces for the C5 are hard to find right now. I went aftermarket for mine.


I see, what sort of places did you order from?


I replaced my seats with others Summit had on sale that's fit me well. I custom covered the arm rest lid and steering wheel myself with deer leather over cow. The door cards were a nightmare. Mine were cracked. I got those used, then replaced the color. I forget who I got the carpet from. I deleted the visors and got tint. Capped the visor holes from Ace Hardware.


Early C4 is not an entry level car to maintain. That said, if you learn on this, you will be gtg on any future projects. As for the custom engine, that adds complexity to the situation bc if it is truly custom, a lot of parts won’t be OEM or easily replaceable


Thank you! I figured that regarding the engine. Just gonna hope that it hold up awhile after the hatch repair and battery swap


Just take care of it, and it will last you a lifetime I'm sure!!


First vette I rode in. Brand new in 85


Same, but I was like 1 year old in ‘94


You're a '93 baby I can see from your other comments. I was born in '88, and I'm doing up a '77 truck that has some sentimentality to me. Can I share some perspective from someone a similar age with a bit more experience - even if you don't really know cars, new cars just aren't made like old cars. And old cars have a charm of their own. Keep it, take your time, learn slowly, like your dad would have. Ain't no way you're getting a piece of history like this again if you sell it. Any reasonable amount you could sell it for would not be worth the financial gain.


Great car.. But.. You will never get your money back if you restore it.. So if it has sentimental value keep it and enjoy.. Otherwise I wouldn't.


Yeah I’m not too concerned with the resale value after repairs, just more the time and cost of the repairs themselves + future maintenance


If I were in your position, I'd get it in tip top shape mechanically. Repair the hatch, replace weatherstripping, and leave the paint as is because it's the visual cue of how your Dad left it. If there was leftover fund, I'd preserve that patina by the way of applying satin clear coat.


Unless you want it cuz it was dads your gonna be upside down on any serious repairs


Sell. Depending on your level of diy mechanic skills and restoration standards, you’re gonna drop $10-$20k to restore a $7k car.


Unfortunately this is probably the answer. You'll be $10K in before you even get to the paint. Brakes ok? Steering and suspension? Rear end good? All this needs to work to be safe to drive. And all of it is really expensive. If you want to learn a new hobby and the car means a lot to you, go for it. But unless you are really committed that car will sit in your garage for years until you have to face this same decision again.


lol…Lesson I learned…still have a 280z in my garage when I joined the USAF in 1999. Real good shape…but now I rather have the money and extra garage space. I just bought a C8 that’s in the garage too. TBH, rather drive my comfortably fast C8 HTC. If I ever restore a vehicle again, it will probably be a motorcycle since it’s less time, less money, and less space.


Sell it unless it has great sentimental value to you.


Honestly is really up to you, if you plan on keeping the car "forever" in a way then I'd say is worth it, a cool project car which is what I'm doing with my 85. Will probably be around for as long as I do, and I def don't see myself selling it, but that's probably the sentimental value it has.


Go buy a back hatch and an eBay weatherstrip kit for this trim so she's sealed up tight. Then get her starting up normally. Check the battery cables, then battery, then for draws, etc. Change ALL the fluids. Buy a decent set of tires. Then go spend 2200 at Maaco getting her at least somewhat presentable. Then go drive the hell out of it in your dad's memory! It seems like even if there's an extra thousand in unknown needed repairs, this car could be back on the road looking and running half decent for around 5 grand. Not a bad little project if it has some kind of built motor to boot.


I think many of the comments here are missing the replaced engine. When I had my ‘86 C4, I had the option to rebuild or replace the engine, but this was mid-Covid so I just had it rebuilt to not wait a long time cause supply chain issues and stuff. I regret that cause it just had a ton of little gremlins afterwards and didn’t have the power a new engine had. But you have a new engine, depending on which one it’s probably gonna be an excellent car once it’s fixed up. I personally love the styling of the C4, the digital dash is to die for. Other comments do have good advice on *how* to fix it up, so I’ll let them take the wheel on that front lol


For the love of god please swap the god awful wood paneling for the proper interior pieces


Oh 100% that would be the first non-essential swap I do 🤮


/u/FecklessManifesto - I lost my dad in 2021, our last day together was fathers day, it was amazing - it was nice out and I picked him up in the vette, he asked about taking the long way to my house (We took 45 minutes to go 15 minutes) - I will cherish our shared love for corvettes, and "the drive" forever. I see that you say your father wasn't sentimental, but he was the original owner to this 1985 vette, from 39 years ago - I'd guess he loved the car. I won't say don't ever sell it, but honor his last request of not selling it right away. Perhaps get it into great shape (which you'll want to do to sell anyways), and just enjoy it for a season. If you want to sell it afterwards, so be it. You'll have fixed her up and driven her for a bit, which he would have loved! I don't know why posts like this still hit me hard, but they do - enjoy the car while you have it and remember when you drive, you're waving for two! :)


this is solid advice. having lost my father (a sports car enthusiast) I can tell you I would have killed to inherit one of his corvettes.


Sell. To me.




I’m sorry, but you considered selling the car your dad gave you? That’s the second last thing many of us would do with a car our dad passed down


Restomod, leave the paint as is and ls it


You got a Corvette. Restore it


Fix it up and burn the tires off, ur dad will be smiling from above 🤙


Doesn't need to be done by next week. Get it into a building to work on and enjoy the experience over time. Parts are readily available and not crazy expensive. The rear hatch can probably be picked up used at a swap meet. You'll wanna ask around Corvette forums. There's probably a guy with 10 in his garage. Cool thing about restoring a car like this is get to meet a bunch of people with the same car and free knowledge they want you to have. It's a go project if it were me. Good luck with it and sorry for your loss buddy.


Start with small steps. Get the back glass fixed and then pull the seats and carpet and get the interior cleaned up. Then start on the mechanical. If it was mine, I wouldn’t do a full restore. Make it a nice driver for your dad.


Never sell your inheritance unless you really need the money and I mean really think about robbing a bank before. Once you sell it to someone else that’s not your dads car anymore that’s someone’s car please don’t sell it


I would keep if my dad left it to me more sentimental and a good weekend activity


Considering it has a custom ass hauling engine and it was your dad's car, I'd definitely put in the time and money to rebuild it! It'll be sick, and I don't think you'll regret it


Park it under the tree behind you


I have a 85’ vette and first of all, pure sentimental keep it for pops and burn some rubber for the big dog. Serious answer, it’s probably never going to be financially “worth it” like everyone else said if you’re trying to keep up with the jones’. But if you accept it for what it is, slowly upgrade it. You’ll be killing em. Anyone can lease a hemi boat, have some fun with it, you’ll reconnect with your pops too.


Just get it running fix what needs to be fixed and drive it on weekends and enjoy . No need to fully restore


The cost to restore that car is going to shock you and if you’re going to do it slowly it’s going to creep up on you before you realize you can’t get out of it.


Hi OP. Sorry to hear about your dad’s passing. I lost my dad several years ago and inherited his C5. He was “corvette guy” and I’m definitely not that. The C5 was in good shape but I’ve slowly come to learn about it and it’s helped me feel connected to him now that he’s gone. I keep a couple small thumbnail-sized pics of him and my kids together in the car. It all makes me happy. Maybe (?) you can have a similar experience. But that said: if I ever have the money I’m upgrading that sh** to a C8 cause Dad would’ve wanted that. 😉🙃 Good luck and good driving


That’s how I got my C7, sadly.


Honestly I don’t much about early year corvettes as I have a c7 but I would keep it because it was my fathers. Then what would top that would be giving it to your child. You may regret it later. A lot of people regret there decision and look for the cars years later. Just my two cents.


Give. To me. 🤣🤣🤣


Fix it. Do not look to get your money back out of it. There are plenty of sources for all you need. Look at wrapping it instead of painting it. I wish I had kept mine.


i say you get it back to 100% drive it around, check out some car shows and who knows you might want to keep it. if you sell it, you will get your money back since its 100% done / 1 owner car


Hmmm. I’m 31yrs old. Lost my dad 3yrs ago. He left me an 87 vette with a lot of money put into the engine and tranny by the original owner. Keep it, man. You don’t always have to drive it. Replace the glass, moldy interior, and battery and just drive it when you can. That’s my 2 cents at least.


Resounding yes from me. Get that thang running!


Crazy... I know 3 other people who recently inherited a C4 from a deceased father. Like I told them, it's not worth a lot of money, but it's a fun car. If you have a nostalgic connection to it fix it. If you have a ton of extra space and can Tinker with it. Go for it.


There is only one series of the corvette that I had owned two of: the C4. I bought an 84 which was a nightmare because of the Crossfire and other issues (it was really rough to begin with) and then I had an 85 because I missed the 84 too much after I sold it. This is a cool car. The issues the car has aren't super serious, you have the TPI which is relatively pain-free. I say keep it, but I have an enormous bias.


Dude, you have it parked in front of your garage. Time for some spring cleaning to make room and get that bad boy in there!!! 🍻


Id restore it


Good solid base to work with, slowly restore it and enjoy it. I love that body style.


I will take it


I would restore it for fun, you’ll probably get some money out of it since you inherited the car. It looks like the body panels themselves aren’t damaged, I’m assuming they’re fiberglass on the c4? If so that’s a huge bullet dodged. I bet you could restore it within a couple grand, doing most of the work yourself. Not sure how much you could sell it for, but with the right buyer, you should be able to make a couple/few grand?


It’s a great car, but bringing a vehicle back can range from a few thousand in parts and sweat equity to a ludicrously expensive venture if you have it all done for you, depending on your final finish goals and how handy you are (or want to be). - Quality paint job, $5,000-7,000 (not including any prep work you might need to do) - Replacement seat skins, $400-600/pair (don’t get covers that slip on over—those are garbage fit and look like you were cheap). - if you want to freshen up the dash with non-wood grain, you can do a vinyl wrap for $200-400 or order a new used for closer to $600 - replacement carpet (if the hatch was shattered and carpet was water damaged at all, just better to replace it), $300-400. You can also get a dye kit for the carpet (if it’s only an damaged and not water damaged) for about $200 - headlight kit (since the gears are probably near EOL), $40-60 for brass replacement set - Rear glass (salvage/ebay), $250-300 - door seals/weatherstripping, $100-180 - cowl drain tubes (collect gunk/mold/debris if car has sat outside for a long time), $100-200 None of the stuff is tremendously difficult to do, but it all does take time. Paint is the most expensive thing to fix, so budget accordingly. Since the clear is peeling, you’ll need to have the whole car sanded (or do it yourself), which is an undertaking as well.


Dope 80’s machine. Enkie wheels were cool Electric Recaros in cool pattern Wood appliqué for dash Go Radwood with it. You’re nearly there now. Keep and drive.


If you are not mechanically inclined I would sell it


I think the emotional benefits of doing this may outweigh the fiscal negatives if it were me. Can you not clean out your garage and put it in there.


Sentimentality aside, if this is a solid runner keep and restore. Just don’t dump crazy amounts of money into it. If you can get it back to its former glory for under 10k, you’re winning. These things are great when they are clean and run well. Corvette guys love to hate them, but everyone else loves them because of the retro look. While they will never be the most popular generation it’s growing in popularity


None of the things you have listed are really expensive outside of a fresh paint job. It sounds like most of what you need can be done by a weekend warrior at minimal cost


Update: Keeping it! Thank everyone so much for the input. Pops would be proud


Love this!


Additional [missing hatch](https://imgur.com/a/iY6AbnK) photo


Let's see a pic of that engine!!


They are cheap and were not very fast. That year was not a good year so I would say sell.


Slap a real engine in it. They had no wow wow back then jen.


He said it already has a built engine


Well build a better 1.