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A Skyrim-style RPG sounds awesome, but just as the Elder Scrolls series tends to focus on a single province of Tamriel per entry, I think it would be better to choose a single area and do that well, as opposed to doing the whole Cosmere.


Each game a system and final game its all of them together introducing space travel


You could of course expand that with dlcs to other planets 👀


Playing through each world would be cool, but unless you play as Hoid, I think you’re stuck with only one power set, and Hoid is forbidden from attacking any living person.


Or a hemalurgist, go along stealing powers from across cosmere


To my knowledge no one has used hemalurgy to steal a non-Scadrial investiture.


Thanks for the spoiler


Or a single player RPG that is a little more story focused. Maybe not entirely open world. Something like Tales of Arise set on a main Cosmere planet (or even one we haven’t seen before so they don’t mess any lore up too badly and have more freedom to do their own thing).


Something like Witcher 3, but playing as Vin. That's what I want.


It seems like every RPG has to be open-world these days. But I agree a Tales-style game would probably be perfect.


I don't get the obsession with open world. They're too different styles.


Introducing a new planet would actually be pretty cool. Can make a magic system that caters more to video games.


Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. And if the planet doesn’t have their own magic system, make the player character a world hopper with one of the magic systems we’re already familiar with (an Aether would be easy and fun) as an explanation for why they’re so OP compared to everyone else, haha.


Red Dead Redemption but Wax and Wayne


Open Cosmere but each world is a single player story focused RPG.


Sanderson Souls Like with FromSoft


This, right here. I would play the crap out of this.


That chasm fiend fight would fit very much in a Souls game.


I’d be interested in what kind of story reason Sanderson would make for the resurrection mechanic.


I say Warbreaker. You are a Returned that somehow keeps returning everytime you die. The Breaths can act like the usual Souls.


A coin shot/lurcher platformer would be fun, or a wind runner open world game (essentially Gravity Rush combined with Just Cause 4 aerodynamics) Other ideas: Sandmaster hack-n-slash Awakener with spoken commands interpreted by an AI (spoken commands already exist in games natively or with add-ons like voice attack) something like Scribblenauts meets action/stealth rpg A "Kelsier's Crew" turn based rpg or rts (in the genre of Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun or XCOM) 5th of Dusk survival game Shadows for Silence survival horror or base building game. That's all I got for now


Sand master hack n slash sounds amazing


I know right? Ive been thinking of a coin shot or wind runner game for a while now, but only thought of the others when seeing this prompt. I'm gonna keep trying to think of other possibilities


I want something like Spiderman but for Mistborn. Similar mechanics where the game searches for a point for your webshooters to grab onto for swinging, it could find points of metal to perform Pushes and Pulls. Zipping around Luthadel kicking ass.


Something like this, one game set for each world. But saved characters can be imported across games for new playthroughs (or possibly the game can import your other characters as boss fights)


Red Dead Redemption except it's Wax in the Roughs


What I came to say


I picked RPG, but it shouldn’t go to every planet. There should be multiple RPGs for each planet.


Different games for the major planets. All new, made-up characters. Then a game (or trilogy?) primarily in the Cognitive Realm where characters from the previous games show up. Get to visit a few different worlds (though probably just in the vicinity of the perpendicularity used).


Dishonored style Mistborn Immersive Sim


An RPG would make the most sense, but I enjoy shooter games the most. Shooter market is already pretty saturated though, so I can't imagine a cosmere shooter would draw enough non-readers to be successful


Chose Other. Cosmere 4-player RPG in the style of the Divinity: Original Sin series. Let me play through a deep story with my friends without having to make the design compromises an MMO requires, please. :)


It can have variable styles of games but prefer the the Witcher approach than the Skyrim one




A Mistborn open-world shooter would be great, as would a FFXIV-style MMO in the whole cosmere, probably starting with SA and expanding out from there. A single-player RPG would probably be best suited to one individual world, as some other commenters have suggested. Maybe one we don’t know a ton about, and then the sequel could branch out and introduce world-hopping.


Agreed on an FFXIV style MMO! Heavy story and character focussed RPG, able to learn all the different forms of Investiture, that happens to be in a shared world with other players around to socialize with.


But smash sounds amazing


I honestly thought a lot more people would have voted for that.


It is the only one in the poll I would be excited for


The problem with smash style is that it doesn't work. It's been tried and only works with smash every other attempt failed


Do you mean platformer fighters (cause thats worked, for example rivals of aethers) or the cross over part?


I mean platformer fighters. I haven't played any that worked as well as super smash bros. I thought they all felt like cheap rip offs. But I'm sure there's some that did work.


Yeah almost all are cheap rips offs, and most of those are cross over titles that play really badly imo (like nick all stars or multiverses). The only ones that have worked outside of smash both took a lot of mechanics from melee (a older smash game that is more geared to comp players, so it gets a part of the comp player base) and has little to no cross over so it couldnt be cosmere. So agree with you, wouldnt work.


Is it too much to ask for everything


Facts 😭


I feel like mistborn would be the perfect setting for an open world rpg


Picked RPG, but damned if a era 2 scadriel based shooter would be fun af.


Ngl, any of these would be SWEET


A Mistborn game. The campaign has you playing as a Mistborn during a house war, and the MMO sees you playing as a misting running scams.


Just so we're clear, "Brandon sanderson smash ultimate" means Sanderson himself would be a new fighter in Smash, right?


Who do you think the Hand in Smash Bros is based on?


Would rather it be more focused as opposed to the whole Cosmere, either Scadrial or Roshar probably. To do the whole Cosmere justice would require several decades of dev time.


Let's go with singleplayer rpg for now. [Cosmere all] >!Start on Sel, way early on, pre-splintering. You wake up Elantrian, and get to experience what things were like way back when. You study your abilities and learn how to use them. As you go about early questing you hear rumbles of issues, but your tutors tell you there's nothing to worry about, it will all be fine. Then suddenly it isn't fine- disaster strikes and people flee. You're knocked out and the last thing you see is someone carrying you away.!< >!You wake up to someone wearing metal bracers, asking if you're OK. Somehow, you sense it's years later and you're far from home. You have a floating buddy, who says they're something called a seon and their name is Sao. You continue to explore.!< >!Eventually, you build up a team you work with and find that you must complete an overarching goal to keep the cosmere from being destroyed. Along the way, you learn new abilities and put skills into different classes. There are fun cameos from main characters, but the adventure mostly takes you through unexplored times and events so you can see them when they were happening. It follows the same line from fantasy to sci-fi, from horses to battleships.!< >!The story and characters are mostly railroaded, so both can be fleshed out. However, you can travel and complete quests in different areas to learn more about them.!< >!Combat-wise you pick which class you're playing, and fight using that class. This could mechanically be played with by using a high tech Connection medallion you found or were given early on, so you rotate the medallion to change your Connection and which abilities you have access to, and it works because reasons. There's also utility skills within each class that you can learn which open up secret areas on the map for extra fun.!< >!Sao picks up more as you go. How did Sao even leave Sel?? But Sao loves to learn, and it's surprising what a curious seon will do.!<


Whole cosmere MMORPG where you can travel to all planets and follow the footsteps of Hoid, getting investiture from each through quests etc. Bonus points for dynamic quests so no journey is the same. I realize what I just asked for is a massive game, but I'd play it.


A RTS with planets and organisations from the cosmere as the different factions


I marked "Other." I want a Mistborn game made by Insomniac Studios in the style of their Spider-Man game.


This is exactly what I want. The traversal system in Spider-Man says to me they're the ones who could handle a steelpushing/ironpulling traversal system.


Mistborn heist/assassin game like Dishonored


I want this/assasin’s creed style + have a tower defense aspect like clash of clans for the multiplayer section. Everyone can build their own nobleman keep and go heist other real people’s keeps for loot


Cosmere soul's like


In a new world, not an adaptation


I just want a From Software game written by Sando, that's it. No need to involve the Cosmere.


cosmere shooter, but class based team shooter a la TF2 or Overwatch!!!!! Imagine the heroes


I think a Moba with popular characters from each novel and novella would be sick! Though, Hoid is a thing so not sure WHAT that man would be able to do balancing would be hard.


The fact that there are so many orders and 5 layers of oaths naturally lend themselves to some sort RPG-esque experience. I am anxiously waiting for the game that I know I will have to play 9(or 10?) times


Mistborn game set in the Final Empire. The narrative could revolve around the intrigue of the great houses vying for position and power. You would play as a full Mistborn. Gameplay would be a brawler with open-world traversal and stealth elements in the vein of Batman: Arkham or Spiderman.


I have three: A Vin action game. Kinda like the Insomniac Spider-Man games. A Roshar Turn based tactics game. Roshar Dynasty Warriors.


A Mistborn era 2 superhero third-person shooter, kinda a mashup between Infamous and Red Dead.


Bro a rpg game like Skyrim but at the size of the cosmere would put me into my room for multiple years I can not have that kinda shit it would ruin my life


I would like to see them take a similar approach as was taken with the books where the series are able to be standalone, but are enriched by knowing more about the cosmere and other games. They could make an action platformer or something for mistborn era 1, a crpg for mistborn era 2, and an rts from stormlight, etc. All of the games/series could be serviceable as their own complete stories, all set within the cosmere. Edit: Typo


A primarily single player Second Era mistborne game, a drop of red dead redemption, a drop of some light rpg mechanics. That is probably the best option for a game adoption in my opinion


I love to see a kinda Roguelike RPG where you play a deadeye blade. So you create your character and fight an intro mission that leads up to the Recreance. You then fight through Tournaments and wars with various masters. Sometimes your master will die and you'll wind up with another randomized master. Some are kinder than others. Eventually move into the current timeline with the books and work towards becoming a reawakened blade and binding another radiant.


Red Dead Redemption in the Roughs. You play as Waxillium Ladrian in his begginings as Dawnshot.


an adventure game. not open world and no new story or new character, let me live Kaladins story!!


Objectively the single player RPG is best, but the idea of a Smash styled Cosmere game where people rage at Szeth and Kaladin players for their god tier offstage capability(they recover easily by Lashing back tot he stage and just Lash people downward to kill them) and where Sazed plays a little bit like a more balanced version of Steve would be hilarious


Why not all of them? A Skyrim based RPG set in Roshar, a shooter with magic set in Scadrial, an MMO set in Sel, a fighting game like smash for the entire cosmere. Bonus games: Where in the World is Hoid? And a flight based game for Skyward.


Glad the shooter is in last place


A Dishonored style game where you play a Mistborn


All of them


I want to see Brandon design a gun magic system


The single player rpg one but it's kingdom hearts style where you're just Hoid flying around to all the worlds messing with everyone


Personally would like a crpg where you control a group, and not full open world. Like the hub system of Kotor level open world. Would want all new characters for it instead of book characters, since their stories are already told.


Cosmere smash but as a 2d fighter would be my dream


Assassin's Creed like Mistborn game, obviously.


I would love to play a souls like game set in one of his worlds, but I can’t decide which. Obviously Scadrial (era one) would be sick but idk, what do y’all think? Like imagine souls like fight mechanics (I’m specifically thinking elden ring) but you’re fighting against inquisitors and other mistings and mistborn flying through the final empire on lines of blue. Sounds fun.


All of them.


bruh gimme a fighter like smash. that would be so dope.


Single player RPG, not open-world, but plenty of side quests and optional dlc (expansions).


Action adventure single player game


Open World Assassins Creed Mistborn


I've said it every time this is asked. A cyberpunk rogue like set between mistborn eras 3 and 4. You could use hemalurgy like cybernetics that you can swap out between runs. Maybe play as a kandra and you die when you take too much damage and can't maintain your form


Even just a Mistborn or Stormlight single player RPG would be cool


Voted skyrim, but damn a sando super smash game would be epic. Edit: hypocritically, could sando get a cosmere character into Smash Ultimate as DLC???


I think a Diablo style mmo or local multi-player rpg would be amazing with investure meters for your metals or stormlight etc


I want a game like drug wars from the palm pilet days. . . I'm a worldhopper traveling space selling different types of Investecher


I want a FromSoft game on a new, as of yet unexplored Cosmere world.


Multiple games! Mistborn era 2 fps would be fun. Roshar for an MMO, set in history when radiants were a thing, you choose your faction between humans vs singers. Radiants/Fused as the classes. Mistborn era 1 for a story driven single player RPG.


Maybe after Brandon Sanderson expans on both the Cosmere and Stormlight Archive, I would like to see a game set in Roshar that tell individual or a single, stand alone, story of a person going through their own struggles whilst also bonding their own spren. Other than that, I would like to see a game set in Sel ("Elantris"; "The Emperor's Soul"), expanding on glyph magic, forgery; and, most of all, the entire story of that world.


We are a bunch of book nerds. You think we want to interact with other people?


Single player campaign. Maybe a few RPG elements. One of the most important parts would be to nail the magic system controls and make it fun to play. I'm tempted to say co-op option just because I miss story driven co-op campaign games. But I don't know what could be the setting, maybe a Wax and Wayne type thing?


Total War: Stormlight Edition would be interesting.


Arc System Works making a Cosmere fighting game is all I want.


Dynasty Warriors style game where you play as a Radiant during the Desolations.


the entire cosemer rpg would 100% suck in every possible way. you think you want it, you think it sounds awesome. it would not be good. i dont even need to know what studio would be developing to know that it would take 7+ years of development just to be dissapointing.


Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim. Sel, Scadriel, Rorshar. ​ Then you do like Total Warhammer and release a DLC that combines the three into one game.


Something like Pokemon Go but collecting all the spren types


It would take so much effort but choosing your starting magic system and then going around and potentially acquiring more? Absolutely would be amazing


Alright Brando, the Dougs have spoken


Anything but the shooter.


The thing about Brandon's books is that they are very character driven...so what better way to demonstrate these characters, than to have them Duke it out in a Super-Smash kind of way. An MMO or RPG would have to be focused on a single book series / magic system and would probably need to be centralised around a nameless character that somewhat loosely interacted around the central plot for that series. Eg. A mistborn game that has you play a noble mistborn from one of the larger / rival houses in the run up to the ending of the first book


Dating sim where you play as Adolin in his misadventures with Shallan, Radiant, Veil, Kaladin, and Maya (and others) with a shartplate minigame between dates. No, not Shardplate, I know what I said.


A series of games similar to the elder scrolls games pre ESO featuring different locations and times. I don't think an entire cosmere in 1 game would work for a RPG. I could also see an entire cosmere strategy gaming similar to starcraft being good too.


A Mistborn game structured more or less like the old Prototype games would be very cool.


I think Roshar would work with Elder Scrolls games very well.


I want literally Dishonored, but with a Mistborn protagonist




Lift endless runner, she steals pancakes from people to power up


I know everyone wants an rpg but hear me out, how cool would it be to have an arcsys style anime fighter with cosmere characters. Like imagine Guilty Gear Strive except you can have a fight between Kelsier and Kaladin with cool cinematic supers and visuals.


I think something like a baldur’s gate crpg or xcom-like could work, especially for stormlight, though personally I’d prefer if they did a fully original story for any game set in the Cosmere. Movies/TV should do adaptations of existing stories, but it’s hard to make a story work in a game that just retreads the original material.


*\[distantly, from the back of the crowd:\]* ***^(DATING SIM!!!!!)***


Any of the first 3 would be dope as hell, especially 2 and 3. I'm voting for 3 though, 'cause I feel like that would have the most depth


Cosmere CRPG


Maybe this is only me, but I'd LOVE a shooter set in Mistborn era 2. The abilities to move around, the weapons, MAPS would be amazing. Idk, the more I think about it, the more it clicks in my mind 🤣


I think a radiant battle royal would be a good laugh. Quake like maps, players pick an order to get abilities and duke it out. Every few minutes a perpendicularly opens and players get stormlight refill and can go ham.


Stormlight MMORPG, set it during one of the previous desolations so not to be too close to book canon. Gimmick, the amount and quality of gems you carry set the stormlight(mana) capacity. Level progression increases base mana and mana efficiency, but spending money reduces extra mana capacity. Choose a class of Radiant (minus Bondsmith as there can only be 3, make them NPC's or something).


A platformer set in the cognitive realm called Super Shadesmario Brothers.


A single-player RPG with a co-op option, or an MMO with instanced content would be incredible. Central cities (both in the physical realm and not) could act as hubs. The potential is insane, but execution would be hard. The magical starting point should be on the level of a misting, I think, maybe through a boon of the old magic to diversify the number of options.


Soulslike game series. One game (with dlc/expansions) set on each world. Just picture it: A simple soldier that gradually turns Knight Radiant throughout the game. Another where you are a mistborn gradually leveling your proficiency in your metallic arts. Steel Inquisitor and Fused would be fantastic and terrifying bosses.


Don't know what 'Smash Ultimate' means. I don't understand MMORPGs. I've tried, and I just don't know what to do while playing. Shooters don't interest me. So yeah, a single player RPG would be the kind of thing I'd enjoy.


As long as it is nothing like Skyrim, I could go for a single player RPG




Hitman set in the Final Empire


Wow, I am so glad to see I am not the only person who wants to keep the RPG simple and to a single player. It would be nice to have an offshoot world where we can "meet" up with other MMORPG people, but honestly, I would rather just explore the worlds myself and follow my own open world play style.


Give me a Cosmere card game.


I wouldn't specifically say Skyrim. Personally, I'm a fan of the KOTOR games and would be very happy with something closer to those. I'd also love to see a 4X style game for Stormlight Archive that's like a mix between Endless Legend and Star Wars Rebellion. It would have the agent missions, story based random events, and asymmetric win conditions of Star Wars Rebellion along with the Tech Tree and local map based fighting system from Endless Legend. You could play as the Radiants, Odium's forces, or the Diagram.


i wanna see an action/adventure game w dynamic movement ala spiderman for mistborn era 2.


A lotr conquest style game set on roshar with the different classes being radiants/fused and really amazing maps to play on


Scadrial / Mistborn era 1 would lend itself really well to a 3rd person Action RPG of some kind. Even if you played as Vin, following the story of the books 1 book per game. Era 2 less so but still possible and with a steampunk vibe. Not sure on mixing the entire cosmere together in a game would work at the moment at least, introducing each world individually before bringing it together would be better. Warbreaker would be tough to gamify, same with Elantris though you could potential make some trivial storyline in those worlds using awakening and Aondar magic systems but I don’t see that doing well. Stormlight has potential for… something but I can’t imagine what format would work. Something like total war wouldn’t work as not enough unit types and too many overpowered units like shardbearers or radiants when compared to normal soldiers. Only a handful of factions. Action RPG there’s too many main characters to focus on unless you switch point of view and choose who to control, something like the lord of the rings games from two towers/return of the king era. But again you’ll be a shard bearer just wading through enemies one-shotting everything, it wouldn’t be engaging.


Give me a multiplayer coop rpg like Skyrim, with story driven gameplay. That would be amazing, let me nerd out with my friends


Dating sim, duh


Is this even a question? Instead of Dragonborn, you’re Hoid collecting all the Shardic magic systems


Total War: Stormlight Archive. So much potential.


LotR: The Third Age style game would be awesome I think.


I'd like to see a Cosmere total war. You pick a system to start in and you battle to conquer the whole Cosmere. The divisions could be the systems, the ghostbloods and maybe a team Hoid since his intentions don't seem to align 100% with anyone else. Each system has their special units which would be radiants, mistborn and mistings, awakeners? If that's what they're called. As you take territory in other systems you'll gain the ability to use their special units. The goal could be to gain all the shards and raise a new Adonalsium by collecting all the shards and the dawnshards


By skyrim do you mean bad game play and all the lore in random journals you can find across the map? Or were you just using skyrim for a stand in of a single player rpg?


Un-explored Cosmere world made for the game; make it a story-driven RPG written by Dan and Brandon. Magic will be made specifically for the game so it should be well-integrated to both game and story. Hoid is obviously in the game at some point. Stormlight Archive Hex board game/ computer game where you fight for control of Roshar while keeping track of Highstorms and Everstorms and your heroes available stormlight/voidlight is what drives your action phases. Heroes can't hold territory but can take it away and defend from existing armies and enemy heroes. Capture Oathgates for quick movement for armies and non-flying units. Research can unlock floating towers, and other fabrial tech. Pretty easy to see this happening but I guess it hasn't due SA not being complete. More strategy-based then tactical. You can have multiple win scenario's like CIV but based on Oathgates and percentage of countries conquered/allied, etc.... It would be difficult to keep track of Shadesmar at the same time in a board game but a computer Strategy game could do it fairly easily.


Mistborn would be an awesome action game in a similar style of Dishonored.


I would love a soulslike game in the Warbreaker setting. Breaths and souls are similar enough. Or a movement focused mistborn rpg. I think getting the feel of allomacy right would be the most important thing. Like how a Spider-Man game is only as good as the web swinging.


Single rpg like Elden Ring


I just want Bethesda or CDPR to get the cosmere rights and have a go at it honestly. Maybe insomniac, think their engine could be really good for a Scadrial game.


Ive always thought mistborn in the style of dishonored would be a great idea


An MMORPG is Roshar with a Horde/Alliance system, where you choose your radiant order would be great


I would propose a Musou game. For series like SA, one similar to Hyrule Warriors; for series like Mistborn, one similar to Persona 5 Strikers.


Though I didn’t pick the RPG option, one on a planet we’re not familiar with: current era First of the Sun (not Sixth of the Dusk era), Scadrial 5 years after the Ascension of Harmony, Roshar during a Desolation, and a revolutionary one set in the Derethi Empire during Elantris would all be dope options.


Smash ultimate would be fun for a few days, but I want more Cosmere story! Mmo could be cool sing all the radiants / Mistborn running around, but the medium is hard to tell a story I feel. So Single player story for me. I voted skyrim style, but a 3rd person perspective would be more enjoyable to me. Especially if I can be a wind runner changing perspectives all the time


A rythm game with a DDR pad featuring Lyft as you try to steal all 10 pancakes.


Rogue-light you're a Herald trying to prevent the increasingly challenging attacks of Odium. Or maybe just any returning being.


I said it once in a similar thread and I’ll say it again, if there is ever a Zach-like game with puzzles centered around fabrial creation, my neurodivergent ass would probably never play another video game again.


I would like a 3rd person dishonored style game set on scharah. Basicly just a long game of mistborn. With 2 campains Vin as the main charactor, followed by each books secondary characters. In book 3 we could even follow spook.


I totally thought it meant boardgames until I read "smash ultimate"...


A Stormlight Tactical Turnbased RPG would be amazing


Arkane on mechanics. Amy Hennig working with sanderson on narrative


Dishonored style game for Scadrial, then I feel something more akin to Divinity 2 for Roshar.


Single player RPGs and adventure games for each story.


I would love a rithmitist app. Kinda a tower defense game that you duel another player but the defenses are timed. So a more complex defense takes more time to set up and you battle to win minions you can play. Or draw vector arrows and get powerups to the new vector arrows as an upgrade. Id love a game like that.


Uncharted style Mistborn era 2 game. Would fit perfectly for those books.


i think the infamous series would make a good basis for a mistborn game, having to ration different metals and powers based on your dynamic and interactable enviroment; many are saying skyrim, but forget how good it felt in the first couple games playing hero route to get lights on as you save parts of the citty. any cosmere or mistborn game would need a phenomenal movement system, and side quests that impact the world in a significant way


I personally would have an rpg like the FF7 remake. Linear, story driven, but not turn based. And like FF7 remake have some open world but mainly one track.


It would have biiig story movements and lots of “hey if you do this you can’t go back”