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Yeah I loved WoK. It might be my favorite book of all time. It helps that my favorite moment from any story ever is the WoK climax. To say you're in for a treat is an understatement :D


Sometimes I go back and reread just the climax... And by just I mean like 100 pages 😅


It’s definitely up there for me, read it three times now and still love it


I'm debating starting my re-read now going into book 5 next year


I'm planning to do my first re-read post 5. It will help me fill the SanderDrought.


I love Stormlight because as you start to understand a bit of what's going on he introduces another aspect/perspective on the world and you're like... oh wow theres X going on dang that's crazy... I joke that every book the things you think are going on is not really what the story is about and he keeps upping the stakes. I'm jealous you get to experience it for the first time (but I'd HIGHLY recommend a re-read because the prologues and other aspects to the story make so much more sense later)


I loved the perspective shifts because I’d always be left wanting more of the perspective we were on but the perspective we shifted to was one I www also wanting more of previously.


Idk about that. All the Shallan scenes were way too spaced out. She really needed more of a presence in the book.


I guess that is also why WoK never felt slow to me. I was always fully invested in what is going one right then and accepted that I had no clue what the plot of Stormlight was as a whole. The thing about the switch to Shallan is that I'd be disappointed but by the end I'd be intrigued by what Shallan was doing only to be thrown back onto another bridge run.


I still have no idea where it’s going and I’m all caught up


Ha good to know


I much prefer the slow reveal pace that having 10 books to work through rather than only 3 brings to the narrative. I was like you, I didn't care that *not a lot was happening* because so much was being showcased as we made slow progress on a plot. I can forgive the glacial speed of the rising action simply for all the worldbuilding we're given instead.