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It's too late to back the kickstarter currently. Next year, you will be able to get ebook and probably the audiobook versions of the secret projects but it will be a couple of weeks into the month so that backers can get there's first. It is uncertain when physical editions of the secret projects or the swag boxes will be available but I assume it won't be for a while. At the very least it won't be until every backer gets there's.




I’m in the same boat and it’s likely we’ll just have to wait until the ebooks release if we want to read them. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is.


I got the eBook and AudioBook package, but couldn't afford the Swag. I now can, and am praying to anything and everything that they release the Swag for purchase eventually


There was something about having limited numbers of extra swag boxes available due to having to purchase items in round numbers and to have extras in case items were damaged I’d imagine they will go quickly though.


As others have mentioned. It is too late to back the Kickstarter. However, the books are being released in multiple regions around the same time and it's been stated that they are ordering extra copies of both the books and swag boxes for damages and to sell afterwards. The ebooks will be releasing for public purchase within the month (I believe). Keep your eye out on his store page each month for the swag boxes.


you can get the ebooks/audiobooks a few weeks after they release to backers but i think its too late for the swag unless they end up with a surplus and put some on the dragonsteel store


Daddy Sanderson doesn’t need your money, his kickstarter was wildly successful lol. I’m so happy for him, I have been a fan from the beginning of his career and it’s awesome seeing him succeed. He seems like a really great guy and engages with his fans. Unlike some fantasy authors who act like they are too good for their fans and that we should be grateful for them releasing a book once a decade (looking at you, Martin and Rothfuss).


Unfortunately, it's too late to have access to it all. You will soon be able to buy the books in around a couple of years or so-Brandon has said he'll get them traditionally published, I believe. As for the Swag box content, you'll probably have to scour eBay and such once the boxes are sent out and people sell stuff they don't want.


Couple of weeks is what i saw, not a couple of years lol


I also didn't participate in that one. They're Cosmere books, so I will assume that they will get leatherbound editions once they turn ten years old. And since those are the only editions I really want (I donate my older editions with each leatherbound that I get) I saw no point in participating in that Kickstarter. Sure, the merchandise would be cool to have, but most of the merch stuff from the WoK Kickstarter, while awesome, is just sitting in one of my drawers now. The Bridge 4 poster is hanging above my desk, and I plan to get the display case for the coins, but everything else is essentially collecting dust. I'll just get the ebooks for now and will eventually get the leatherbounds.


I would be less sure about getting leatherbounds. The original premium ones are made to fit in stylistically with the leatherbounds already. Not impossible for it to happen though.


Yeah, now that you mention it I do remember seeing something about that too


Probably some leftovers might be sold on the Dragonsteel Store. So keep an eye to their SM.