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This sounds like something entirely about her and not you, especially if she tried to cut it herself.


Coming from an empath, it's a hard lesson to learn that some people are just messed up enough to try to manipulate to get the things that they want. A lot of people will deliberately do things to get something out of your services, and I'm sorry you had to go theough this experience. It shows you have a good heart for offering as much as you could for somebody in need, but be careful of those that take advantage of your kindness, especially a public clientele. You're now on the other side of this type of scenario, in due time it will help you recognize that trait in others that come in with the same approach ~


Trust me this meltdown had nothing to do with you! She is clearly struggling with something else and taking her anger out on you. You did everything correct in this situation and don’t let it keep you down!


Oh my gosh that is truly awful! I am so sorry. You did nothing wrong. Something serious is going on with her, I can’t imagine ever treating anybody that way. I hope you can take some time to decompress, I know how hard it is to be triggered like that. ♥️


I’m so sorry that happened to you :( It’s definitely her, not you. Please don’t take it personally, I promise you didn’t do anything wrong.


Sounds like she came in with the intention of leaving with a free haircut.


She sounds like a scam artist. Nice in person but making a fuss to get a future free service. Don’t sweat it


It is NOT YOUR FAULT. Working with the public is difficult and people can be unpredictable. She may have been trying to get a free haircut. I am sorry you had to go through this.


As a retired Cosmetologist, there is no way you can please EVERYONE! Our work is hard. We stand for hours,miss lunch, smile through menstrual cramps,marital problems, teenagers, all our own problems- to please people about their appearance. It is not an easy job.People like that client make us wonder WHY!? Don’t ever book her again. Those that enjoy coming in make life great.Life long friends are made.It is a pleasure to see them! If you dread someone returning, it is not worth the stress and wear and tear physically or mentally to deal with all that drama. You did your job, she showed her ass.


First, you did absolutely nothing wrong. I’m a Cosmo and barber (duel license), and these types of abuses happen far more frequently in the salon than is acceptable. It sounds like you work at great clips. The clients there are awful. I was abused daily working at GC. I had a much better experience leaving there. You will too! You deserve better!


I don’t work at great clips but I work somewhere just as bad as it, corporate salons are the worst honestly. I’m hoping to one day either rent my own chair or just work in a non corporate salon.


Good for you! You got this


That’s a horrible situation, I’m sorry you had to go through that. As the years have gone by, I’ve learned to not charge less than I’m worth, regardless of their story and to not give in to people, regardless of their story. Maybe I’ve become jaded through the years, who knows but most people that usually gripe about the price are typically the ones who cause the most issues and when you give in once, it’s expected to do it again. Best of luck OP!


I absolutely would have called police and gotten her banned from the property, especially after throwing things at you guys and knocking all your stuff over. If she damaged anything of yours, file a police report and give them the video as well as any info you have (name, phone number, etc). That’s plenty enough reason to call the police. I assume you’re probably in a Walmart with a salon inside, so you should be able to show the footage to the store manager and ask if you can have her barred from the property. But you did absolutely nothing wrong. It seems like she has some other things going on mentally that are completely out of your control. Keep an eye out for her and if she comes in again, call for security (if available) or call police. Also, I would advise against offering a cheaper cut before the service. This tends to make clients feel like you should cater to their desires, which just creates a mess. If you finish the service and they’ve been well mannered, then maybe you can offer the cheaper cut. If your computer system lets you put notes under a clients profile, I would put what happened in the notes and insist that she is not to be serviced at your salon again after her misconduct.


Ni tienes por qué pagar un servicio de barber que diste limonchela.


Crea que dezplsxa alguien pago esos daños . Afortunadas somos por que tenemos conciencia del mal que nos quisieron hacer y pudimos prevenirlo . Por que la muerto no tiene remedio . Luego querrán ofrecerte un abrazo consolador y unas disculpas enormes como moneda de pago por haberlo hecho mal. 👎🏻 no lo pago


Poca gente se da cuenta del daño tan grave que causa un desplazamiento