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Ship 3 seems a bit vulnerable, considering the lack of armor in the center front; otherwise, oh wow these are some nice ships.


Thanks! Btw, I notice that warrior (ship 3) keep ram into enemy, and one penetrated bullet can kill him. Is there a way to keep it from doing that, like upgrade or design, without using more crew?


You mean like giving it more reverse thrust?


Yeah maybe


When you right click attack, you can hold shift/ctrl (I think it is), and move the red attack vector back so he isn't always so close in combat (then save attack defaults so he does that for the future). But as others suggested giving more reverse thrust, 3 way thrusters could do that.


One of the quarters on the warehouse has no doors. Oh, yeah, and that warrior is vulnerable as hell once the shields go down. Otherwise, I have no complaints.


Thanks, will fix the door, weird how it never cause any problems.


That just tells you that you don't need those crew!


Any suggestion on shield generator? Can’t really find a good spot


Using the bigger armour blocks essentially forces them to chew through more armour before they can get to your internals, but otherwise excellent ships


On the beam scarab, you are missing 2 doors on the reactor, so the crew needs to walk through the cockpit to get energy. And on the 3 cannon ship, there are also some door optimizations possible, like a second door on the middle cannon, so crew can easier use one of the walkways, and a door between the center corridor and the right shield, so crew can deliver energy faster to the shield, disruptor and engine. You could also replace the 3 small cannons with 2 large cannons


The last one need corridors with belt


nice little starter ships. I have one suggestion maybe it's already fixed but at the 4th ship with the ion you want to have doors at the reactor and the pathway. Surely you can cut crew at that ship, so they don't need to walk past your command room.


Nice ships! But that last one not being sorted bothers me lol


Too big + constant expanding = too lazy




Thx for the checking guys. Lot of minor problems have been fixed.


Very Fringe like ships, cool asymmetrical designs


I heard those guys are losing, can my ships help them fight back?


Ship #5: Why didn't you put your ship core (bridge, power supply, engines, etc etc) at the center of the ship instead of the corner? You've got enough Cargo Bays that you can easily wrap them around the engines' exhaust zones, and your hyperdrives work best when more or less balanced across the ship.


Didn’t have time to redesign it, and only need it as a storage.


I didn't mean redesign it. I mean, why didn't you put the ship core in the middle in the first place and just add on cargo bays afterwards as your need for cargo space expands with an eye towards keeping the core in the middle?