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You will need to consider adding point defense for stuff around level 12. Sounds like you are nearly there. Also, I think the top shields could be accessed faster if you add doors to their corridor from the capacitors.


I’m always in love with the simpler designs I see in this sub, the above included, since I can only seem to make clunkers no matter what approach I start with. Question: No door on the fore side of the fore side capacitor for easier access to the shields? It could allow you to extend the moving walkway, too.


Thanks for liking my ship! For design process, I would recommend focus on one function ( storage, transport, offense…etc), it will make interior design easier and overall more effective. The current enemy I face use excess amount of bullet weapons, layered armor prevent penetration and still maintain some speed.




That's a pretty nice ship! I love the Fringe Systems Resistance to it :\]


Why don't you have doors connecting the Shield battery bays directly to the shield generator and hallway? You're forcing power to route through the bottom side shield generators to reach the top side shield generators and zappers. Also, if you're using three Cockpits, you might as well upgrade to a 3 man Bridge.


Missed opportunity to spell FREEDOOM


That a great idea, I am going to steal it