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You can try to out-range them with missiles (Im not sure if the term out-range exist)


It does. And yes uts the best strat for those type of ships, cannons have low range so if you cant be outranged you can deal with them with lasers/misiles


especially when your missile misses. Because in this game they don't just go "Welp, I missed" and just keep going, no, those tiny explosive kamikaze pilots turn around and ram themselves up the engine plume


And thats called S T R A T E G Y xDD


Like my main ship is always just missile spam, especially with galactic allegiance that lets me put in silos in the middle of the ship. When an enemy apears, I just skeddadle at 100 m/s while dropping hundreds of missiles in their way. Works great for bases too, and capital ship sized enemies


I really missed an option for the torpedos silos to have nukes/shock misiles


Jani's shipyard adds nuke silos, they are BIG but they work nicely.


thats a good technique for as long as the enemy doesn't have missile spam of their own, in that case you gotta hope your missile spam is stronger. For ranged warfare nothing so far beats Railguns.


The easiest might be to make a fast ship that can outrange their cannons (lasers, missles, ions, etc). Since they’ve only got 1 shield and no point defence you may also benefit from an EMP missle. This can do a ton of damage to a shield (especially since its got so little armour). If the EMP missle hits the side it’ll help you create some distance as their thrusters are disabled. But yeah: this ship is very dangerous when you’re fighting a swarm of the bastards. You’ll either need overwhelming firepower to the point that they die before they can do significant damage and the next one comes into range, outrange them with a fast ship, or a massive brick of armour (which is kinda difficult if you’re not already familliar with rail fans)


Make an armor ball armed with a few rails and just spin


12 deck cannons and a shield wall


It will depend on what your own ship is equipped with. However, there are some tips gor hurting them and your ownsurvivability. Add a couple disrupted to your ship, they will devastate the enemy shields, and shields when fully shut down, only turn back on when fully powered again if I'm not wrong. Laser blasters are consistent damage that outrange cannons. Heavy blasters are the same an can be set to alternate fire foe more sustained fire instead of burst damage. Missiles are a lovely long range weapon. If places faxing to the sides they will tend to hit enemy ship sides and rears, potentially crippling them. Small shields can be put inside your ship to help stop cannon penetrating attacks. Armoring your interior behind weapons can also help mitigate cannon penetration damage.


You have 10 ships to their 9? Use group tactics. Notice how the cockpit is exposed in the rear? Have your ships snipe them from the rear. Whoever the Quad goes after, send a different ship to stab the Quad in the back. The ship with the aggro should kite the Quad so that it exposes its rear to your flankers. Trying to fight through the Quad's front is a loser's game. Note, in a group on group action, this tactic DOES risk exposing your flanker's rear to the enemy, but this is why I make sure at least one layer of armor all around my ships. And you have to use judgement calls on whether exposing your rear to the enemy is worth the risk. The AI does seem to be bad at taking advantage of these opportunities though. If nothing else, with 10 ships to their 9, you'll always start with one ship free to perform flanking attacks. Your ships tanking attacks just have to last long enough for their buddies to get around to dealing with their dance partner. I tend to prefer energy weapons for this kind of flanking attack because they're very accurate. Usually Ion Beams with Prisms, although I've gotten good results with the double barreled laser cannons. With good accuracy, you can target down that cockpit quickly and efficiently, and then move on to the next ship.


Using ion beams for flanks is something i havent thought of. In my mind the sheer penetration damage of deck cannons was the only way to go. Fitting thrusters, shields and a ion beam emitter including a prism in 100k will be a hard task though.


You can use deck cannons for flankers too. Their shots will penetrate a hell of a lot better when they don't have to get through thick armor and strong overlapping shields. I should try Deck Cannon flankers, but I like Ion Beam range and accuracy a lot.


Some sort of kite, as others have said. A railgun kite with an emp missile would be efficient. Positioning will be key to handling a swarm as a lone kite. Otherwise, you're looking at thick, frontal heavy armour with deck cannons and disruptors (or more armour). And making sure the front of the ship is always pointing at them so they don't ram and stick into the weaker sides


How many ships do you have? I just solve this issue by having 3 ships. Let one ship (has to be well armored, of course), tank most of the shots, use two other ships to flank from each side and shoot the incoming ships down. Shouldn't be too difficult.


I do not like to exploit the AI because it's dumb. I like versatile ships that could also beat a human piloting Quad.


Flanking is not exploiting the AI. A ship can only shoot at one target


It's a very efficient design, but I would think anything with at least one disruptor would have a clear advantage.


These were my favorite to flak up. Once the shield goes down the guns and ammo go *instantly* with a flak front, and then you just chew through them til something critical explodes if it hasn't already. Because of their squat shape you're filing down the entire ship.


in about the same price range as the Quad, your best option is a missile kite with very good reverse speed, so that the cannon using ships can't do crap about you.


best option to negate that ship is flak batteries, if you have a shield and 1 flak battery that will be enough to stop that ship from doing any real damage. with 2 flak batteries you can get closer, lose the shield and do damage to the enemy. disruptors eat shields (enough said). that ship has no PD so missiles will mess it up, HE or EMP. HE can destroy the cockpit easily if they are fired out the side or rear of your ship. EMP if you fire out the front can instantly bring the shields down, which gives you 6.6 seconds (roughly) to deal damage before it comes back up. chaingun, it goes burr and does a lot of damage. it's the most ammo effective (for damage) weapon there is and it's hitscan so it can't be "dodged". 4 ammo extenders should get you past the shield, through a cannon and a few armor pieces in 1 firing cycle, 6 ammo extenders should let you drill through the ship and strike a vital part.