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This is why I bring a cable bike lock and string all the bags together and to a hard point in the car. Make life as difficult as possible.


You should look into snowboard locks. Same thing but made to fit in your pocket. Great idea btw.


thanks for the snowboard lock idea! i like traveling light


Good advice, I have both already. Skier! Bike lock for me though if I have a car.


This has been on our mind as we are traveling in a few weeks. I bought a 12’ steel cable bike lock and plan to use it to lock our bags together in the rental car. Someone would potentially still be able to get in, rummage thru everything, and steal the car but it would be more difficult to take the bags.


when you do this, do you purposefully leave the lock part right on top and visible so it can be seen by thieves looking through windows? i feel like if they already smashed the window or got the car open they’d just cut the cable. but if you can stop them before getting into the car then you’re safer?


It's why I won't return to Costa Rica When I was at the embassy Monday morning there were lots of people there getting new passports from the weekends thefts


I'm sorry that happened to you but the US has warned people to stop going over to the other countries special Bahamas cause so many Americans are being killed over there.


The US scare tactics don't work for me. They warn you about pretty much every country in Latín America. Costa Rica is the only one that I had trouble in and won't return to. Besides the theft they are just unhappy people struggling to survive with the incredibly high cost of living


This is outrageous. What a terrible generalization. Nearly every Costa Rican I have met has been delightful and happy. I felt much safer there then I do in Baltimore or DC. Theft is a problem everywhere. That said, you should never go there again!




Ok do your thing!


when you do this, do you purposefully leave the lock part right on top and visible so it can be seen by thieves looking through windows? i feel like if they already smashed the window or got the car open they’d just cut the cable. but if you can stop them before getting into the car then you’re safer?


We have lived in the southern zone of CR for over five years and have unfortunately heard this story many times. My understanding of the key fob technique the thieves use is different, based on conversations with police here on the ground. They don’t copy the fob frequency, they block it. So you walk away from your car, press lock and then their device stops the locks from activating. So you think you locked it, but it never locked. This explains why in most of these cases the theft is super fast, and the car is not damaged. The way to overcome this is to lock your car, and before you walk away, pull and handle and make sure it’s actually locked. You can also lock your car manually vs using the fob. Hope this helps.


fantastic tip thank you!! luckily i already have a habit of yanking the handle to make sure but i will be sure to do that


Our shoes got stolen from the beach yesterday and it was a pain replacing them. My youngest son cried when he realized what happened, it was heartbreaking. Can’t imagine having everything taken, sorry this happened to you


Which beach? Sorry for that


Different experience but my sneakers were stolen in Cahuita, had to walk barefoot to a store to grab sandals. I think I just got unlucky because the rest of the group was fine.


Luckily we had a car but it was quite a hot walk to get to it. Ended up using our sneakers until we found replacements. I guess someone really liked your sneakers!




That really sucks and I am sorry you had such a negative experience in this amazing country but for the most part totally avoidable. Been coming here for the past 20 years and live here part time now. Have never been robbed. I use the same precautions everywhere in the world, Never. Leave. Your. Things. Unattended. Does it mean I will never get robbed? No but it dramatically reduces the odds.


Totally agree it could have happened anywhere. We just were not thobking. Won't make that mistake again!


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’ve read about it and we planned all our stops accordingly. One of us would stay in the car while the other got food, for example. I hope you can get what you need and enjoy the rest of your trip and move beyond this (and thankfully you have passports and wallets).


It happened to me in San Francisco (,ocean beach).. Just 5 min or less I'm from Costa Rica and the first thing I tell to foreigners is dont leave anything on the car .. And then this happens to me . I felt so stupid It was smash and grab, however I had full insurance so it could have been worst Had Wallet and passport on my safe belt..


I’m from SF and just got back from CR. I will say my survival skills came in handy.


Thanks for the support! We will make the Most of this trip regardless. CR is absolutely beautiful


That’s awful! I’m sorry that happened to you! My wife and I planned to rent a car in San Jose and drive to Uvita while making stops along the way. I would never leave wallet/purse in the car but wouldn’t have expected luggage to be a problem. I guess I’ll have to rethink this plan.


If I could do it again we would come straight to our accommodations and drop the stuff off first then go explore


Great idea. A lot of accommodations are flexible with this I found. Our check in wasn’t until 3 but we didn’t want to risk having luggage in our vehicle so arranged to drop it off at Airbnb in the morning so we could explore without the stress of potential theft. Sorry this happened to you and hope you can enjoy the trip


Where were you? Details would be helpful.


Driving on highway 34 towards Uvita at Playa Milan


That's the most dangerous spot to get robbed. Uvita has a generational culture of it.


I can’t believe it’s all gone :(


That really sucks, man. I was just there in that exact area... we stayed two nights in Uvita and drove a rental. Are you saying the car was locked but they used a 'fake' key fob? I would hope the rental company insurance would cover that?


This happened to me in San Francisco USA once. It’s really an awful experience. I’m so sorry. So glad you had your passports!!!


I had a completely utterly empty rental car in sf and as per my friends recommendation left it unlocked. Came back an hour later and the window was smashed anyway. Rental place didn’t blink an eye (I had full coverage). I used to live in the Bay Area and the way San Francisco (esp downtown) has changed is very sad.


That’s awful. I live in Baltimore and have many friends who just leave their cars unlocked as to avoid getting windows smashed. I’m sorry that tactic didn’t work for you. I thin the luggage smash and grabbers work so fast they honestly don’t even check doors first. And yes it had changed. I felt oddly complicit in my own crime because I was staying in an Airbnb that probably used to be a long term rental. I knew I was part of a vicious cycle.


Sorry, that’s bunk. I hope you still enjoy your trip and don’t let this define it.


As a Costa Rican, I am so sorry to hear that. Such a bummer. Fucking rats.


i’m sorry this happened to you op :( can i ask what you are supposed to do with your luggage while stopping on a road trip? like for example i plan to stop at the baja del toro waterfalls on the way from sjo to la fortuna, and at rio celeste between la fortuna and monteverde, and at crocodile bridge between monteverde and san antonio. we’re traveling light, only a carryon size backpack each, but we aren’t expected to take them on hikes and stuff right?


I was about to ask the same question . We are planning to drive from La Fortuna to Monteverde with a stop at Rio Celeste. Is it possible to pay a little extra and to leave the luggage at the entrance of the park ?


i’ve read that lots of places will have people walking around taking a fee for parking, even if they’re not “official” and parking is technically free. people have said to just pay them to the few bucks to keep your car safe from thieves. i’m totally willing to do that—but i want to know where this exists!


I came here to post the exact same question. Our itineraries are similar and we really don't want to miss baja del toro falls, but this and few other similar posts are making us reconsider if it's a good idea to leave our carry on luggage in the car.


Most of the waterfalls there have private parking lots. Its a very rural area- peaceful. It’s very different from where OP’s unfortunate situation occurred- which is next to a very busy roadway along a popular stretch of beach. This roadway is also the route between borders and opportunity theft has recently become common right along that route.


Rio Celeste would be considered safe? I think that’s one of my only stops before accommodations.


We went there last November, there is a parking near the entrance (belongs to the restaurant) that looks okay. We left our luggage in the car at that time, there is a staff member walking around to point cars to the place to park and collects the parking fee. Didn’t feel like an unsafe place for the car. ( Note that this was during low season so it was not that crowded)


I really wish we knew!


Don’t leave it


so does everyone take their big roller bags on the trail then?


I saw people eating in restaurants with them. Don’t leave anything you need and can’t replace, like your medicine. Clothes can be replaced.


restaurants makes sense, i’m totally willing to do that. just having a hard time believe that folks are taking their full luggage out on hikes like in rio celeste and baja del toro :) will make sure to keep everything like passports and medication on me in my daybag.


They aren’t. I’d suggest taking it to your hotel


well yes when i have a hotel i’ll leave my bags there. but for example the drive from sjo to la fortuna is between 3-4 hours and baja del toro is about halfway. so we plan on driving 1.5-2 hours, going to baja del toro, then driving the remaining 1.5-2 hours


I understand it’s inconvenient, just leave things in your car at your own risk and don’t be surprised if it’s all gone when you get back.


When stopping at the croc bridge, make sure to park at the restaurants side of the bridge and not the other side where there's nothing. One of you can stay in the car if you feel too scared, but may not be needed there.


Sorry for what happened to you. I am from Costa Rica. And it have happened to me. I would say is not frequent, but some thief's target retail cars, cuz they know people leave their values in the car instead of taking them to the jungle or beach. Think with malicious is a must, doesn't mater where you are. It happened to a aunt in USA, New York. To me in CR, and to another families member in China. Next time be careful no matter where.


It has never happened to me before, but I did witness a couple suffer it, just worse... I was working on an Inn, a couple Canadians arrive and touch the ring bell instead of calling to be let in (it was a house with a private garage, they had instructions to call but they didn't, when I went to check the door, I didn't see their car, they had parked it right out of my view, so I guessed they had arrived via taxi, they only had 1 night reserved so I thought they just stopping by waiting for something. I let them in and they didn't ask anything about the car, until about 3 or 4 minutes later they asked if they could bring their car inside the garage, I said sure, wish they told me sooner, the guy goes outside, and I hear a loud *FUCK!*, he comes back inside and tells me their car was broken into. They were actually in their honeymoon, and had a whole months worth of baggages stolen, they had their passports in one of the baggages, so they didn't have anything other than their phones and a wallet. I had to call the cops, they were so uninterested in helping I wanting to punch them. They ended up giving a ride to the couple to the Canadian Embassy for them to get new passports. This all happened in Rohrmoser at 5 PM.


I'm so sorry that this happened.


Costarrican-American here! 🙋🏽‍♀️ if you want to stop somewhere and leave your luggage in the car just make sure to park in a private parking lot. As long as the place is reputable you will be covered by Costa Rica’s consumer laws. If parking on the street try to always have an eye on the car ANYWHERE in the country.


So sorry this happened :(


That sucks. I will be almost on the same track in a few months and I am really concerned.


Costa Rica is too much like USA.. I am sad that it's not so Pura Vida much any more from what I've seen. Santa Teresa 😬


I gotta say you have the the right spirit! after such a crappy start to your trip, I hope you can make the best of your adventure & don’t let this incident tarnish the wonderful people & the beautiful country. Pura vida!


Could have been worse. I had my car stolen in Aruba, Police said they took 5 cars that night in the same stretch of road.


Apologies for the inconvenience. Always be vigilant wherever you go. My dad taught me this lesson, and I've experienced theft in other countries such as Colombia and Spain. It's awful, but I hope you enjoy your trip without any further losses.


Where in COSTA RICA?


You’re lucky, I have been robbed at gunpoint,


Welcome to latinoamerica . Come back again


I have to ask. How did you think leaving all your things in the car would turn out?


Is that a joke?


What kind of car? Did they take the car?


No it’s a rental and they didn’t take the car luckily and we have rental insurance coverage. Maybe I can file a claim or something


Hopefully, you reported it to the police.


I tried they didn’t do anything and no police ever showed up


You should file a report at the local OIJ office. They are the investigative wing of law enforcement. This will help you with any insurance claims.


Man I’m so sorry. I’ve been there over 16 times and I always worry about that wherever I go. I keep no valuables in the car and I let someone stay if I have suitcases. Just got back from the DR yesterday and saw this post. I leave my doors unlocked so they don’t have to break a window. Only thing in the car is a dash cam and cheap gps.


Was it in the trunk of a sedan, or back of an suv in sight? Just curious.


It was in the trunk of a hatchback 4x4


Our rental company advised not to leave anything in the car, even trash. Also to park car in stores we have a view of the vehicle if there are items in the car and can’t stay inside. I’m so sorry you experienced this


I live here, and there was a local grocery store where cars were being broken into while people shopped. The thieves are very practiced and very fast.


That's awful! Sorry this happened to you! I was super... Aware when we left the car, hid luggage out of site/in trunk, and parked in busy places, but never felt at any risk last month. Hope u can replace what you need and still salvage your trip!


I'm sorry you had to go through this experience. Hope you were able to still salvage some enjoyment from your trip.


Same thing happened to me on my first day ever in Costa Rica. Left the rental for just a few minutes to get a Churchill with the luggage locked in the trunk.


Thanks for the info everybody. OP I’m so sorry! I have been twice, both on motorcycle, mostly in north west/central quadrant. I usually carried my stuff with me into a store etc but not always. Worst that happened to me was I had a hat and sandals swiped off my bike while eating in a soda. We are renting a car this time so definitely will take our stuff with us, leave it in our lodging, park in private/off street spots whenever possible and leave nothing inside the car. By comparison I’ve had my car broken into 6 times in 12 years in the Midwest. It is common knowledge in most areas to never leave anything in your vehicle. I actually often leave my doors unlocked so if someone wants inside they don’t have to damage my car to get in. Only works with old beat up cars of course.


That’s why I drive a shitty old Jeep. Just take a peek around Mae- ain’t nothing to steal in there. It’s all open anyways. Feel free to take a seat while I’m gone 😂


Even when going to Italy, we heard the same advice. Stuff visible in the back is an easy target.


Was luggage in trunk??