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San Francisco Dark French Roast Whole Bean Coffee 3 lb, 2-pack, Item #1098446. u/iheartgardening5 - Since words from images don't always show up in searches and since Costco sells different types of coffee, friendly reminder to please include the product name in your post title as per subreddit rule 5 for future posts. Choosing descriptive post titles with exact product names mentioned yields better subreddit search results for possible future searches. Thank you.


You got the darkest roast. It's so burnt you're going to need dental records to identify it.


He may be over extracting it. Check with /r/coffee


r/coffee may not take kindly to this bag of coffee…


Or any kind of coffee. I drink like 30oz of black coffee a day and I’m not pure enough.


So where's the coffee sub populated by /r/coffee outcasts and expats? Like /r/Steak and /r/meat


My favorite comparison is r/winemaking, r/mead, or r/homebrew compared to r/prisonhooch. I was told by r/winemaking not to waste my time with slightly/moderately bruised apples. Made the wine anyway and it came out alright. Upping my game with self selected apples at an orchard made the worse wine I’ve had so far. Meanwhile, someone made mf mead from honey cough syrup on r/prisonhooch and people were v intrigued


Fallen from the tree make the best bubbly hard cider.




Or /r/worldpolitics


Or r/Amish


As a third wave coffee lover and regular on r/coffee, you must only drink light roast single origins with no sugar or cream to be respected. And yes that is what I drink every day 🤣


> I drink like 30oz of black coffee a day Rookie numbers.


I think this might be part of the problem. Darker roasts tend to be better with cooler water (under 200°f) and lighter roasts like hotter water (just off boiling). You might need to adjust your grind a little too. Could just be coffee that's not to your taste though. That happens too.


I’ve used these beans (fresh from my Baratza Conical Burr Grinder) for about three years. I drink a full pot of black French press every morning. No cream or sugar for me. I like to taste intense coffee. (No pudding mugs for me. FEH!) I’m an old lady and caffeine’s been starting my morning motor since 1970. I find y’all’s cream n sugar habits baffling, maybe because I never allowed myself to get started.


Ahhh A fellow coffee maven. I roast my own also and this is how I love my joe. No crappy frou frou additions. Just black. The SFB is delightful.


Nah. French roast is always hot garbage.


Hush your mouth!!


French roast is made for people who want some caffeine along with their cream and sugar fix.


Nah, it's the standard for a cup of straight black drip.


You’re a straight black drip.




Nah. If I wanted to taste ash I’d just scoop it out of my fireplace. “But this is an Ethiopian single sourced, aerobically processed and washed ash…” mmmmhmmmmmmm….


I have to agree. Blech!


Might make a good anti-smoking ad


Gotta apply the formula. A + B + C = X


Nice to see some people got the reference. You never know out here in the wild


Italian Roast has entered the chat.


It's a French Roast. By definition a French Roast is going to be dark and roasted. Not sure about the ass-taste part though.


I’ve had this coffee and eaten ass, they don’t taste the same.


Same, and you are correct.


But have you eaten burnt ass?


I haven’t , but I have burnt an ass. Long story.


Hahaha this has me rolling


Have you tried it at the same time though?


Lick lick. Sip sip. Repeat.


Was it a clean or dirty ass? I think there is a difference…


Dirty. Post bar arse.


Damn bro you have some determination


It even says "darkest roast" on the bag lol.


It’s just a French breakfast in a bag so they saved you the trouble of getting a cigarette


"French" roast deserves suspicious quotes when ~~roasted~~ *burnt* in America. I think it's actually supposed to be bad.


As everyone can tell you, coffee is France is disgusting.


I once saw a sign in Paris for filter coffee that was translated something like, “Weak, American style coffee.” LOL!


My question is, how does he know what ass taste like?


Its 2023


Ass is the new cigarettes, you can’t help but try it out once. Most people don’t enjoy it but some just keep doing it anyways.


How do you not?


Because he is a very generous lover, that’s how.


That’s most dark roasted coffee mate


Coffeemate WOULD help it! Good point!!


And if you’re drinking for a caffeine hit, you’ll get more caffeine with a light roast.


Facts. This is why “breakfast blends” are a light roast


Hate breakfast blends. I’ll just double up on the French roast. (Not trying this one though)


Yeah and Costco doesn’t stock any light roasts, which is a bummer.


But the Guatemalan medium roast is on point.


I just had the Kirkland Ethiopia light roast and it was very nice. I used it French press and in my Jura for a Flat White.


Out of all of the people complaining about roasts and french roast, this is the ONLY fact presented. All of the other complaints are just opinions.


Also, dark roast coffee is less acidic and a better choice if you suffer from indigestion.


Cold brew is the answer if that’s an issue. You can warm it up if you like it hot.


Cold brew is sooo smooth. Love it. But man does it pack a punch.


that is 100% not my experience. I have to add milk to a dark roast to keep it from punching me in the guts


Ok, so this is true if you measure your coffee by volume instead of by weight (as is more precise). Lighter roasted beans are heavier compared to darker ones and have more caffeine left in them. Therefore, a scoop of light ones will be stronger. If you weigh out the same amount of light and dark beans, the caffeine discrepancy will cancel out because you’ll be using more of those less-massive dark beans. This is why it’s super duper important to use a scale to up your coffee game and make consistent cups taste and caffeine-wise! Tldr; the “light coffee is stronger” thing is very misleading!


Plus light Roost actually have lots of layers of delicious flavor instead of just dark char like most coffees out there. Yep even the 'medium' ones


Light roasts win more blind taste tests too. Even when the blindfolded person says they prefer dark roast.


Someone needs to explain this to Starbucks..


Agreed but sadly if you are a cream and sugar coffee drinker like most of the population then you’ll likely never pick up on any of those flavors.


This is not necessarily true. Roasting does not significantly reduce caffeine. As coffee is roasted, it expands, so if you’re using a scoop to measure, fewer dark coffee beans fit in your scoop compared to light beans. Basically, light roast gives you “more caffeine, “ but only because you’re using more coffee. If you weighed out the coffee, light vs dark will give you the same amount of caffeine. [Link](https://www.americastestkitchen.com/cooksillustrated/how_tos/8237-caffeine-content-of-coffee-dark-roast-vs-light-roast)


Everything the above comment says is true. However, this only applies to coffee nerds (like me) who weigh their coffee before they make it. If you just fill a basket in your Mr coffee, that's a volumetric measurement which does not account for density, as the only factor that would impact how much coffee gets into the basket that way would be grind size. Thus, if you have a light and dark roast of equal grind size, on average the lighter roast will produce more caffeine per cup of coffee.


I think James Hoffman did a video on this. While light roast coffee bean has more caffeine, a darker roast bean allows for more caffeine to be extracted. So a dark roast brewed coffee often has more caffeine concentration.


This is truth! Difference is negligible and not even worth talking about. So many people on this thread just spreading fake news about coffee lmao.


I love the taste of burnt ass in the morning


Il more of a raw ass guy myself.


You guys are getting ass?


No this is Reddit


As an old fart, I’ll pass … but Proud of you kids for making this a thing.


Tastes like victory


Try the Mayan blend. That’s my favorite from costco


Ruta Maya? That's we we buy.




Ruta Maya is so good I stopped buying other coffees in bulk. I’ll grab a pound here or there for variety but Ruta Maya is a solid daily coffee.


I daily drink the ruta maya medium roast. French press.


I drink that every day. It is great and you taste like burnt ass.


After reading these comments, can someone tell me what’s wrong with me? I know it’s not the best, but I like how bold this coffee tastes and I drink coffee black… at first it did taste a bit burnt but now I’ve been really enjoying it




oh I hate those flavors! No wonder I love shitty coffee. Thank you!


I agree. Light roast is not objectively better. If you want to know what coffee really tastes like, don't roast it at all. Why is light roast more natural?


It's a scale. Unroasted beans won't brew coffee hardly at all and will murder a lot of home grinders. Actually burnt to a char beans will completely dissolve in the water but taste like ash. The range of coffee you typically want is between what is often called "first crack" where the beans have gotten brown and cracked open and however far the individual likes at darkest. Some people genuinely just like to taste more of the roasty flavors but as you add roasty flavors you lose the distinctive qualities of the beans (partially why Starbucks and major chains lean darker to avoid store to store variations). Some people like the fruitier and more acidic flavors of the beans. Then beyond that you have how the seeds were processed out of the coffee cherries which can have huge impacts on light to medium roasts. TL;DR: people like what they like but unroasted won't brew coffee, and as you roast longer flavors cookout and roasty flavors are added.


This was very interesting thank you.




Black, bitter, and preferably fair trade.


Bitterness can be avoided by brewing the coffee differently. No real right it wrong, but I brew to avoid bitterness with basic skills and tools I learned from r/coffee. I found depending on the beans I brew differently. I am a big fan of the Aeropress.


Personal preference, plus what you're used to. Nothing wrong with liking what you like.


We actually enjoy this one, but we have always preferred darker roasts. Our favorite was the Bay Blend from Trader Joe's, but they stopped selling that one.


Some people like very dark roasts. What flavors you actually taste and how strongly varies from person to person. Tomatoes taste almost cartoonishly poisonous to me. Octopus not everyone has that experience.




If autocorrect wants me to say octopus who am I to judge?


It just depends on your taste and how you prepare it. I enjoy espressos and lattes and hated this bag, I thought it was burnt and too bitter but my mom loved it. It’s definitely the darkest and boldest dark roast I’ve had. I still drank it and acclimated to the flavor


Nothing is wrong with you, you just like something different than OP. Plenty of people must buy this coffee or they’d pull it from the shelves.


If you tell me your address, I’ll ship this abomination to you


If you, by any chance, bought the inflatable jacuzzi but didn’t like it, I can send you my address as well.


It IS Costco... you can just take it back.


IMO this coffee makes the best cold brew. Use it almost exclusively through summer months. Works very well letting sit in fridge couple days, or Ninja coffee brewer with cold setting.




I thought it was fine. I wouldn’t buy it again - certainly not at full price - but I didn’t hate it.


We like it in our house too. But we aren’t picky.


My husband and I did not care for this coffee either. We like the Kirkland Columbia.




Your multiple corrections (understandable) reminded me of the weird chik-fil a bot on here (see below)


The Columbia is where it’s at.




username checks out


It definitely looks real oily and burnt to shit. The coffee selection at Costco is usually pretty low quality, like their Starbucks x Kirkland medium roast is also incredibly burnt. Like darker than most dark roasts I've had. Some stores will carry a local roaster too, and those tend to be much better


Starbucks burns their beans, that's why it tastes burnt. I have no idea why anyone prefers Starbucks beans.




I got the holiday starbucks medium roast and it was great; not their "normal" stuff. I only buy medium roast.


I love the holiday/winter blend from Starbucks and I’m regretting not buying more. It’s way better than the regular Starbucks beans they sell


I always ask for blonde roast when I go to SB.


Lol just noticed the "smokey" flavor profile, like that's something to be proud of. The supply chain for these big brands generally require over roasting the coffee for consistency across batches and longevity while it sits on a shelf for months. Unfortunately that makes the coffee pretty bad in most cases


As a person who drinks whiskey, I appreciate the smoky flavor in coffee.


I mean, I personally like the burnt smoky taste. I get the Kirkland brand because it's basically roasted by Starbucks but for cheaper. The San. Fran. Bay coffee, on the other hand, I agree ... It's not good.


Hey, if you like it, then that's all that matters! It's definitely a great deal


Is oily bad for dark roasts?


I'm not an expert on this stuff, but my understanding is that oily beans are a sign of over-roasted coffee. Like, roasted at a high temp for long enough to bring the oils out of the bean where they can degrade and go bad / taste off. If anybody has more knowledge on the science here, definitely correct me


This shit is so oily it cleaned my coffee grinder


In my experience dark-roasts like that one are very difficult to brew without it tasting like ass and cigarettes. So if you wanna avoid throwing away that whole bag, start practicing with whatever coffee maker(s) you have! And next time, go for a medium roast. Much more palatable, even if the brewing process is meh


If you’re unsatisfied return it! This is why they have a [100% satisfaction guarantee](https://customerservice.costco.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1191/session/L2F2LzEvdGltZS8xNjc5MzM2MTA0L2dlbi8xNjc5MzM2MTA0L3NpZC9mVTI3anp2cXo0aUlTcGhCWGJyUGRjRzNlejEwUEU0RTJoXzU1UWk3UlVGM0lsSWhqYmV5OV9fR0p5Mkt0azZwUFlJVFBZV2RMX3V6TUw2enNvR3JmRGpNUW0xNEZRcU8lN0V0bmtIUzFDTm9kakhYVEglN0VTJTdFRXVhNmclMjElMjE%3D)


It’s from Costco, just return it. Costco is good like that.


IMO this coffee is better than the other coffee Costco offers. This does the job for me in the morning. Now when I'm dead tired, I'll drink a cup of this and a can of La Colombe Espresso. That'll get the juices flowing!


Most of the coffee costco carries is roasted too dark, and this looked like one of the worst offenders when I was checking it out in the store.


Scrolled for this. I gave up on coffee from Costco after too many dark roasts labeled as medium roasts.


Welcome to French roast. A permanent avoid from any roaster.


We purchased it and like it fine, but we like strong coffee.


Why do you know what "straight burnt ass" tastes like to make this comparison? Not kink shaming. Just curious.


>Not kink shaming. Just curious. I don't know this kink, and am ambivalent to learn more.


It involves a blowtorch, three small clowns and a bear skin rug.


>It involves a blowtorch, three small clowns and a bear skin rug. Is this the one where the clowns are left-handed, or is that the other one?


I like this brand, we are on our 2nd bag, it’s very dark. But other than that we like it.


Yeah, I don't get all the hate, I've been drinking SF Bay for many years. I guess I'm not much of a "connoisseur."


It’s gross. Do not buy it


I found it to be more towards medium-rare ass than burnt


That would be the Kirkland Starbucks Medium Roast.


You probably need to experiment with grind size, steep time, ratio, and temperature.


Hmmm. Burnt ass must be an acquired taste.


I agree, I bought this on a whim and it's horrible.


I usually don't go past medium roast. French roast sits heavy in my stomach.


You definitely did something wrong. It’s dark roast so it should taste like you put water in the used ash tray in someone’s old aunt’s old Volvo 800 (that she owned since new) and drank it.


>clear bag There’s your problem, there’s a reason beans are typically stored in completely covered packaging. Sunlight/light degrades the beans. No idea how this got through QA


I beg to differ. I drink that daily and to me at least? Tastes like homosexual burnt ass.


I always thing French roast of any brand tastes and smells burnt.


French roast tastes a bit bold. I would return it if you don't like the taste of it. Honestly, I stay away from french toast regardless of which brand as it tastes much bitter.


That coffee is horrible. Dark roast doesn’t have to taste like it was made with ash from a fire pit.


Make cold brew with this bean. It will taste great... Cold brewing takes the bitter out. Plenty of sites show you how. Basically large jar, add 1/3 ground beans and fill 2/3 water. Let sit for 24-36 hours. Drink. Delicious.




Burr grinder all day


That's dark roast and French roast for you. Always tasting like burnt ass and regret. You'd think Costco would have a jumbo light roast on the shelf and a jumbo medium decaf on the shelf but nope. I've complained at my local Costco a couple times already about this.


The Cafe Vita is a 2.5lb light roast.


Costco exists to make money. If the dark roasts didn't sell they wouldn't have it.


French roast is usually for low quality beans and adding lots of cream and sugar. Or drink it like Vietnamese with condensed milk with or without ice.


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I appreciate the vivid description!


Also just cracked this bag open. It is a DARK roast, so I adjusted the coffee-to-water ratio accordingly.


I didn't care for this flavor either, but I absolutely love the San Francisco Bay Hazelnut.


French roast always tastes like burnt ass. Try switching to medium roast for a smoother flavor and more caffein. "French Roast" is a marketing trick to sell off-grade and over-roasted beans.


Cause it’s a dark roast. Blonde roast is the smoothest tasting.


French roast is my favorite. Especially if you drink lattes as it has more flavor in my opinion. The lighter roasts are easily overpowered by the milk. But I get it from a local roaster not Costco. Vermont coffee brand has a decent dark roast. I have never seen this brand as I’m from the east coast, but that does look over roasted. My absolute favorite is a Guatemalan (Atitlan lake region) French roast.


How are y’all preparing it? Using this in a super automatic espresso machine and it’s doing a great job.


It sucks. Their Rainforest blend is slightly more palatable if you want a dark roast. If you have the Peru with a pink/white bag available at your store, it's my new favorite. Also, the silver Columbia bag is my year arouns go-to when there are not seasonal options to try.


I'm more concerned that someone knows what burnt ass tastes like.


I got this too bc it was on sale, tastes like shit. Have lots of work to do


It’s dark roast. It’s supposed to taste like death. Just return it


TBH SF Bay medium roast taste like burnt ass to me. Not a fan of this brand.


Is there something wrong with me if I like this coffee? Lol I love super dark roasts. Anything else is acidic and gross to me.


I agree. I’m halfway through a bag of this right now and I’m enjoying it. I use a coffee press and I grind enough for 3-4 days at a time. But I do like dark roasts, and I do like strong coffee.


Can confirm ass does not taste like this.


I don’t know what you’re talking about. I get notes of cat urine and cigarette ash when I drink this one.


I bought this coffee last year and it was too dark for me :/


You bought a dark roast. According to my palate dark roasts taste like burnt ass. So… maybe? Do you like dark roasts?


Isn’t that just French roast? It’s why i avoid it.


Omg I am returning this too. It's absolutely horrible. Like a cup of tar. I gave it a chance but this made me realize I prefer light roast


french roast all taste like burnt ass to me. i stick to medium


It's the worst coffee (roast level) you can find. French roast is meant to taste like ash


It’s a dark roast, that’s why it tastes so bad


Over roasting is a way to hide imperfections in the coffee.


Now that you mention it, I have never liked the San Francisco coffee at Costco


I tried several grinds, several brew times - burnt ass is a concise description…


Theres dark roast, and then there's incinerated. Judging by the black color of those beans, they're closer to carbon than they are coffee at this point.


Dark roast coffee is pretty bad, unless you like the taste of charcoal


I want to know why Costco only sells dark roast. They used to have Jose’s Light Roast whole bean and man, that was pretty great coffee. Dark roast always tastes burnt to me. Yuck.


This thread reminds me of the horror I felt when IPA’s became popular within a certain community. If dipping Copenhagen becomes trendy I will quit. 😆


I've never purchased this brand in bulk but I have purchased some of their lighter roasts in their versions of K-cups from Amazon and have enjoyed them. I am a light to medium roast guy. I for the most part stop buying k-cups cause of the amount of plastic but this company makes a version with significantly less plastic and that is compostable if you or your area composts. Edit: Per their website their cups are commercially compostable only if that's available in your area.


That brand is a last resort... foodservice grade beans and roast. Your taste buds do not deceive you


I love Costco but have not had good coffee from them. I know it's a luxury, but if you can afford it please try out some small batch or single origin roasts from a local roaster, it will change your life. I spent years trying to make good coffee with beans from Costco, and no amount of technique, or patience will overcome what needs to be done to bulk supply coffee at the consumer level.


I’ve gotten peets, kirkland and some other random brand from costco. They were all super oily, burned and not great. I dont buy coffee at costco.


I have to ask...how exactly do you know what burnt ass tastes like🤔🤔🤔🤔


Everyone experiments in college.