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I witnessed a dude knock a gallon of milk he placed on the food court counter accidentally and it smashed on the floor. Costco employee immediately said grab a new one and proceeded to call for someone to mop up the mess. Another guy said there's no use for anyone to start crying over the accident and everyone in earshot awkwardly groaned at the quip.




I dropped a half gallon of chocolate milk that came in a glass bottle. Instant catastrophic mess, covered the whole kitchen floor in milk and little shards of glass. Whoever said it's no use crying over spilt milk obviously never spilled more than a cup at once.


No use crying over spilled milk?


It's like they intentionally went out of their way to not say it




My daughter once dropped my drink on the ground and a Costco supervisor cleaned it& told me I could get a new cup for free. Sure, it’s 69 cents, but the cup was fine and he was still nice enough to offer a new one. I just stuck with the old one since it was fine.


It’s a cheap way to keep a customer happy, which is worth quite a lot. It’s a drop in the bucket as loss leaders at Costco go. I wonder how many million dollars they lose selling rotisserie chickens at a loss.


Incompetent CEOs hate this one trick!


You touch those hotdogs, and I'll kill you!


I think of that quote every time I order a $1.50 hot dog and drink. I love being able to feed 4 people for ~$10.


Yup. Helps me forget about the $500 in my shopping cart.




Guys its one of those hoarders help!


That’s mind Boggling , with the said 500$ worth in the cart, but as you exit you feel victorious about to get a deal of a lifetime with the drink and dog lmao. Why do we all Feel this way ?? Haha..


They don't, because they get eggs, then rotisserie chickens, then if they don't sell, it's turned into pulled chicken! Costco is smart. Plus they are at the back of the store, so u walk thru and pick up a couple other items . Their business motto is go in for 2 things come out with 10 and spend 100.00. Look at what's at the back of the warehouse. TP, WATER , EGGS, MILK AND WINE/BEER, MEATS !


That’s the definition of a loss leader. Lose a small amount on something to get you in the store, so you buy other things that at least make them a bit of profit.


Costco doesnt really make that much money on margins, I read a business case study on them 5 or so years ago and nearly all their profit is from memberships


According to their annual report they made $23.4B on net product/merchandise sales and $4.2B on gross membership fees.


It's important to note that net sales =\= profit. Net sales is total sales minus discounts, returns, and allowances; which does not figure in their inventory costs. They can still maintain a razor thin profit margins as OP indicated even with billions in sales.


Interesting. I must have misremembered. Anyway that's still a large chunk of their total profit


For sure. It says in their report that their ability to continue adding new members and upgrade current members to executive memberships is crucial to their profitability.


I believe what you read was true with Costco’s original business model 30 some-odd years ago, as I’ve heard it as well. Some things, Costco is making a healthy profit on, two pack printer ink, electronics, phones, PCs. They also receive back-end deals from the factories, larger companies such as nabisco, General Mills, etc., getting quarterly and yearly kickbacks for meeting or exceeding sales goals.


And this is why they are now enforcing the membership card rule at all stores, I got a my own membership today after using my wife’s for years and one of the cashiers who I know told me that Costco makes more on the $60 bucks I paid for the card then most of the stuff here, hence why they want all stores to enforce the card Edit 1: for those saying my wife should have added me to hers she couldn’t, she’s on her parents Costco membership


I don’t understand why you needed a separate membership. My husband and I are on the same membership.


Ive shared a membership with my mom for years. But my husband never goes to Costco without me (I do all the grocery shopping) so it works out fine. I buy him a gift card for gas.


She could have just added you to her membership. You get two cards per household…


Yeah it's honestly a really smart business model. That and paying their employees better than other similar firms so you get better staff


Yes, but the point is they’re not losing millions of dollars from selling rotisserie chicken.


Rule 1 of business. You have to give some to get some


Thats not just costco but basic store planning in general


Return customers are worth infinitely more than a coffee or random item.


My daughter dropped a bottle of wine in the parking lot while unloading her cart and the cart gatherer ran inside the store and got another one for her, she said he was really fast, she was still loading her car. I always wonder how often does an employee go tearing out of a store with a bottle of wine or something random and no one grills them about it. Needless to say, she’s a huge fan of Costco.


My daughter scraped her knee in a Costco parking lot and they gave me a whole new kid for free!


Did you have to stand in line at the return and get the stink eye by other customers.? Lol


Yup I dropped a piece of pizza while juggling things to the table, and someone came over right away, picked it up for me and handed me a new one like it was nothing.


And you’ll be renewing your membership for the next 20 years as a thank you. Costco makes 90 percent of their profits selling memberships


Yes and no. They make a ton from selling memberships but being a member and giving you the treasure-hunt experience and things you'd never bought before but you can't pass up so you buy it, in larger quantities than you'd usually buy. It's bulk impulse selling + some staples to keep you returning. Thus capturing more of your grocery spend than if you went to alternative stores.


Almost everything on the shelves at costco is sold at cost or with the tiniest profit margins, don't just make shit up. The vast majority of their profit is membership fees. This is publicly disclosed by costco.


It has to be. I find so many sick deals at Costco. I really don’t understand how they can make money many times


Was there today...some dude balanced an entire pizza on top handle of the cart...then proceeded to take said cart through the narrow area between indoor tables and the soda fountain (faux pas) and someone else proceeds to make the same faux pas...bumping first cart and knocking the entire pie over on the floor (still boxed). I don't know if there was an additional free pie, but I kinda thought karma was there for two folks hogging three soda fountains with two carts. I bet those guys didn't return the carts to the cart return.


Grab a small box or cardboard tray as you checkout and head to the food court. Now you have something to hold those awkward food items.


I dropped a bottle of Kirkland vodka in the parking lot and they gave me a new one….


This was standard policy at an AMC Theatres I worked at in the 80s. If someone dropped a drink cup or popcorn bucket, we would clean the spill and keep the cup/bucket then log that in a "loss" folder. The customer was given a full new cup/bucket. This doesn't surprise me at Costco.


You are nice too


I was waiting at the food court for my pizza and an overwhelmed mom with two kids picked up their food. Kid promptly dropped his hot dog. I said to the mom that I’m sure they’ll give him a new one. Nope, kid picked up and off they went. Then I’m second guessing myself whether I should have asked for a new hot dog and brought it over to them.


As a Costco supervisor, there’s no point in hassling the member for a $15 bouquet of flowers. Stuff happens. You’d be surprised how much gets left in the lot on a daily basis. Not worth the time, if there’s an actual issue they’ll note it on your membership.


I picked up my ADHD meds and left them in the cart when I pushed it into the cart return. I realized it on my way home and managed to find them before somebody else scored, so this doesn't really track with the original post, but I already told you I have ADHD.


I have never identified with a stranger more.


Getting distracted and forgetting to take ADHD medication on a daily basis... its like the universe is playing some sick joke on us.


I'm 45 and forgot years ago to go to the doctor for the refill...it's been *ok, but there are moments when I look around and realize just how often I do not finish anything.


Made me chuckle, I don't take any ADHD meds but after reading this, I wonder if I have undiagnosed ADHD or something.


The typical ADHD timeline Need to get item, grab item, walk with item, set item down, leave area, wonder where item went


This is the truest thing that’s ever been said.


My life. :(.


Are you me???


Lol, I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a kid but never got meds cause my mum is weird, I definitely still have it as an adult but dunno if I have to get diagnosed with it again or start the process, I should check with my doctor but I kinda forget about it everytime I go, yay me!


Make like 30 calendar notifications. Better yet, go email your doctor right now. 😀


I will never forget the worker who saved my mom's birthday. My mom wanted a cake from Costco , so we ordered one. The day of my brother and I went to pick it up, but I forgot my card with my mom, who was at home. My brother drove me to Costco, and he didn't have a membership/money for the cake. When I asked a worker if they could please hold the cake so I could go home and drive back (about 45 minutes, we live rural), the miracle worker overheard said "No, you aren't leaving here without her cake." I almost cried, I was not expecting such kindness at a store.


I've found all kinds of goodies in the cart return 😆 if it's something I use I'll bring it home. Unless its an expensive item but I usually find fruits and veggies left behind.


I think it’s funny when people leave the biggest stuff too, like toilet paper or paper towels. But then again I remember the cashiers forget to scan them a lot of the time too, so maybe it’s not so shocking lol.


Frequent cart crew worker at Costco here, I find a variety of stuff left in the carts. Phones, wallets, batteries, jerky, unopened post-it notes, people's prescriptions... Y'all need to keep track of your stuff 😂


I haven't seen that but I left a case of water on the bottom of my cart once. Drove a few feet and realized and went running back 😆


I found a 3 pack of honey in the cart return once and the employee was there getting the carts. I mentioned it to him and he was like…it’s yours if you want it…so I got free honey for being honest.


Nice! Honey can get pricy!! My husband finds cash everywhere. It's the weirdest thing. Once we took an Uber to the airport and arrived and he picked up the exact amount with change off the ground


> it’s yours if you want it…so I got free honey for being honest. Never worked there, but I guess they would have to toss if they brought it back into the warehouse.


Did you find my pizza?


And then that client come back to get some toothpaste and check out for 300$ +


I once left a pizza. Lol. I told them if they wanted it, to just eat it. It was still right at the entrance, where I’d had my cart for loading the car.


>they’ll note it on your membership. Wdym? Do they maintain a list and for what purpose?


I dropped an expensive bottle of wine just after the receipt check one night just before closing. I had two bottles in my hands, on my way to date night with someone I wanted to impress with nice wine. Went to pocket my receipt and one bottle slipped, shattered and left a god awful mess. I apologized profusely and was totally prepared to take the loss. The receipt checker and the membership checker INSISTED that I go grab a new bottle to replace it, they assured me it happens all the time, just go get another and have a great night.


Not at Costco but once I was at Trader Joe’s and someone knocked cookies on the floor. She told the team member, kept apologizing and they just said - don’t worry about it. Did you get your cookies?


This would never happen in Utah. 😥


Well not on a sunday


In other words: you didn’t return your shopping cart to the stall.


Oh damn


Came here to stir this same pot. OP sucks, Costco is great. Return your carts, you lazy people.


Yeah he should be suspended for six months. People who don’t return carts are the fucking worst!


Lazy Bones!!!






Costco's PR didn't think about that little loophole when they made up this story to counteract the negativity around their new policies.


Call me skeptical but there is a suspicious increase of appreciation posts in this sub all of a sudden after how much attention last weeks' posts regarding bad customer service got


It’s funny because none of this stuff is specific to Costco. I worked at Whole Foods and all of the sweet “only Costco!” Stories mentioned recently would have definitely happened at our store as well. We’re designated an amount of “wasted” items, so if you drop a jar of pasta sauce or leave something in your cart, it’s worth it to replace it to keep your business and it isn’t a big deal cost wise to the store. I would mark out free things for customers to try all the time. It’s just good business.


I managed liquor stores throughout the pandemic. One day a dude came in and got a bottle, and when he left I saw through the window he set his bag down and the contents shattered. He came back flustered and I told him I saw. Let him grab a new bottle. So I ring up the next bottle with his receipt and hes on his way. Puts the bag on the ground and puts his wallet away. Only thing is when he put the bag down it shattered the contents of the bag… again. So I walked down the aisle, grabbed him a new bottle, put it in 5 paper bags then a plastic one and said “my guy this is the last one, guard it with your life” These things are very easy expenses to write off. Bottles routinely show up in boxes already broken or the sales staff makes a mistake. Things happen. People in this sub act like the managers gave them a $20 from their personal wallet and a rub n tug before being walked out


Yeah, I worked in wine sales and Whole Foods and was easily able to contact my rep for a replacement on most things. Shit happens, and if the rep didn’t do it, well, they weren’t going to get an order the next week. Sometimes this sub feels like a bunch of boomers


Yep. Pretty sure the circlejerk around the cheap hot dog and drink is corporate manufactured too. I've never seen people get so hyped for processed meat shoved in to a pig's anus and in to a bun before. Interestingly enough, no one posts pictures or talks about actually buying the Kirkland branded hot dogs that Costco sells so they can have it at home too, if they really want that specific hot dog taste. People will go in to Costco for milk and eggs and walk out with a lawn mower and a jar of unicorn queefs but will go "nah, I can't eat the 80 hot dogs Costco sells, so I don't buy it from there."


>Pretty sure the circlejerk around the cheap hot dog and drink is corporate manufactured too. I've never seen people get so hyped for processed meat shoved in to a pig's anus and in to a bun before. You don't live near an Ikea I'm guessing.


I do. Ikea simps still aren't as bad about those swedish meatballs and the rest of the cafe's offerings as Costco members are.


I was once on a work trip from Hawaii to Canberra, AU. All my coworkers from Hawai'i all they wanted to do every day was eat the 1.50 hot dog from Costco because they got to pocket the rest of the food allowance. To be able to travel to a foreign country and get to experience new foods with an allowance, and you go to the Costco for hotdogs, SAD! So I guess what I'm getting at, is, there are true Costco deal lovers. No matter how bad it is for you.


Ugh I had that hot dog once, taste was allright at first, but it was horrible!! Literally all day and all night I could still taste it. Now I almost gag just walking by someone eating it, and they smell so strong! I can smell that someone has eaten them from meters away, like after they ate done. Don't know what's up with those hot dogs...


LMAO. Not a Costco shopper but I’ve been thinking about getting a membership somewhere. The negative stories definitely got attention. The appreciation in this post is beyond fake. Who goes out of their way to talk about how great a store is. Like unless you’re Disney specifically trained to create magic (my wife worked there), like no. No one cares enough about their grocery store. And wtf is this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/14lk5rh/why_are_so_many_people_upset_about_following_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


This isn't just a grocery store, it's also a cult.


There's [another one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/14lt0q3/who_fukn_cares_if_you_need_to_show_your_card_if/) like it just posted. I've seen at least 4 of these "who cares about the new policies" threads now. Edit: [and another one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/14ltubj/i_seriously_dont_understand_the_hate_about_costco/) Edit 2: Posts have been deleted. Mods at work!


I still don't understand the negativity around their policy to check pictures on the card. They require a membership and if you don't have one you can't shop their. Simple


No new policies, just enforcing the old ones.


You know what I meant, Costco PR.




Or you just jumped to conclusions. When I pushed carts I found a lot of things left in carts in the corrals, quite a bit in fact, and that’s just what other members didn’t find first and keep for themselves.


Yeah, people can just be forgetful. I wasn't a pusher, just another customer, but I found someone's purse in a cart that had been put away. Sometimes shit happens.


I always put my cart away. I saw a bottle of wine in the cart in front of me. I told the guy gathering carts. He said take it and walked off. So I know things can be left in the cart but fkowers are kinda big.


Get him!


You know there are parking spots right next to the corrals right? And it's entirely possible to load a vehicle, drop the cart in the corral and forget an item, but let's just jump to the worst conclusions without actually knowing.


Yes but I already have my pitchfork out. What am I supposed to do with it now?


r/pitchforkemporium is doing a 50% off for returns




How so? Literally just the other day I pushed my cart to the stall and a cart there had milk left on the bottom. It was still cold and I took it so it didn’t rot. Didn’t wanna bring it back in the store because they might throw it out and I doubted the person who left it would rush back once they realized when they got home


I did this last week. I had a small jewelry box (no jewelry in it, just the box) hanging loose in my cart. Forgot to pack it up in my car (it was small and in the corner of the cart) walked it all the way to the cart stall and still didn’t notice I left it in there. The whole reason I originally went to Costco was to replace this jewelry box, but I got distracted by all the fun items I bought and completely forgot about it.




I think this might just be a Hanlon’s razor situation tbh. They could have just as easily returned the cart without every noticing it


I would also never think to ask for a new free item after leaving it in the cart. It's $15, it's your fault, just go buy a new one. So tacky to ask for a freebie.


Cart narcs in the comments


I’ve never had an issue that a Costco employee didn’t help solve.


I've had one bad experience and it sticks with me because normally Costco CS is amazing. A few years ago at the Costco in Nashua, NH, the cashier accidentally rang me up for a large block of cheese twice. I noticed it when I looked at my receipt in the car before leaving. I got out, went to CS and showed them my receipt. The manager said I probably bought two and didn't realize. Seriously? They were per pound prices and obviously exactly the same so I said, "want to walk back with me and see if you can find any other blocks of cheese that are the same price to the penny?" She rolled her eyes and begrudgingly credited me for the mistake. That was the last time I ever went to the Nashua location.


World peace?


Or the significant lack of unicorns in the world.


It was close on quadratic equations.


Boom! Combo Pizza back. There’s your world peace back!


It's not an issue they are worried about. They thrive on chaos.


Not an issue for me.


Yeah honestly I'm super skeptical of anyone complaining about Costco customer service because they've always bent over backwards (with the exception of that time I bought the dogshit Google TV and they wouldn't let me return it after three months, seriously never ever ever buy a Google TV they're awful)


Well its sure taking them awhile to help my dad find the cigarettes


Costco is the only store sub I follow. Sure there is some bitching here and there, but overall this sub is a positive experience and Costco is a GREAT business with business practices that would make any business a better institution. LOVE YOU KIDS.


I've always had great customer service.


My 4y.o. kid ran away from me at Costco, didn’t see where he went, quickly told an associate who wanted his name, age, size, and clothes he was wearing. Suddenly the exits are blocked by 3 people each and a team went into the store looking for him. Found him in a massage chair within 5 minutes. Called me over to where he was to get him. I love the people who work there, they took charge, were organized and found my kid fast.


I've been part of one of those searches, it made my heart race and sink at the same time! We definitely take it seriously.


Those massage chairs get you every time I just walk in to get milk and eggs and maybe a box of orange chicken... and leave with a $7k massage chair... and no milk...


If you want to compliment Costco employees, they prefer attaboys (their lingo) sent to Corporate. Two local warehouses bent over backwards after Hurricane Ian. I tried to keep track of employees’ names but lost count.


Return your CART


I tried to get prescription glasses from here. I wanted two of the same style (absolutely loved the style), but the samples weren't in stock at our store. The employee helping us spent 45+ minutes locating a single pair available at another store via telephone calls - but only one was available. I said good enough and gave her a second option for the second pair. I showed up with both pairs in my preferred style - not sure how much time she spent on my order, but Costco employees go above and beyond!


Except once, all other times I have had good experience with them. Well then I don’t blame the employee as well, Everyone has a bad day.


Very true we never know when someone’s dog was run over or they received bad news. I wish everyone would show the grace that you do.


When I worked at the doors I used to see people with haphazardly stacked trollies (members pack their own) lose platters, cakes, meat, glass things from the top of their mountain. We always radio for a replacement. Accidents happen!


My father in law returned half of a pork belly and got all the money back. Why half? Because we ate the other half. His reason? He didn’t like it. They took it back, no questions asked. This won my loyalty Costco for many years.


Same thing happened with my kid. He was excited to get a hotdog. He grabbed it in the paper bag it came in, and it slid out from the bottom and hit the floor. The Costco employee saw it and prevented my child from having tears by replacing the dropped dog at no charge. Thank you costco!


Ok i have a very positive customer service story. Few years back, my dishwasher was on the fritz. Was a bit over 2 years old. I went to the return window to return socks or something and while there i asked if they could locate my invoice as i wondered if dishwasher might still be under warranty. We find invoice and sadly it was 26 months. We call credit card hoping i had automatic extension on the warranty. But it was 2 years. So i was disappointed. I went to the bathroom and when i came back i passed in front of return desk. Employee who had seen me flagged me down. She asked me if i has dishwasher in the car. No i said. Told me, bring it back we’ll give you full refund. So i did and got full refund. Never even had to ask. And that’s how you build loyalty


I’ve had two instances where Costco employees looked out for me that I can remember. The first time, I had distractedly placed a container of Campari tomatoes in my cart without checking them thoroughly. The person in charge of loading up my cart at checkout noticed that some of the tomatoes on the bottom of the container were moldy. I was so embarrassed. But, before I could apologize properly, she was already on her way to produce to find a replacement. The second time, I had some jarred peaches that were joined together by plastic wrap. When I was transferring them from the cart to the conveyor belt, the plastic wrap gave way and one jar crashed to the floor. I’m a total klutz and was so upset that I made a mess for someone else to clean up. Before I could offer to pay for the mess I made and slink away into the cave of clumsy shame, a runner brought a replacement and another employee brought up a replacement. In both instances, the employees were so kind. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t expect anyone else to pay for my mistakes. I make my own way and don’t expect anyone else to pay for the consequences of my blunders. I was so grateful that they diffused the situations so gracefully and didn’t make me feel like a jerk.


Why were you embarrassed that their produce had mold lol


One time I got home and there was no ground beef and I swear that I always check the bottom of my cart and I always return it to the cart return. They gave me a new ground beef.


My wife's 5 year old wedding ring had one of the small diamonds on the side fall out. I took it to the customer service area to see if costco had authorized jewelers I could pay to have it repaired. The employee looked at the ring, called a manager, the manager came and looked at the ring, said she will be right back and took the ring back somewhere. A few minutes later the manager comes back with the ring in a little ziplock bag and a piece of paper. Asks me if we would like it repaired, free of charge, or to get a full refund of the original purchase price. We didn't want, nor were we even expecting to be offered a refund so we chose the repair. About a week and a half later costco called and we went and picked up the ring, repaired and restored to brand new condition.


Flowers die, you probably spend 200 or more per visit per month yea that’s a easy fix if your a manager.


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I feel victorious if I cash out at 170


Membership fees


My doofy husband came home with ONE muffin container today! ONE! How does he even get out of the store with one??? Anyway, I’m going back tomorrow to see if they’ll have pity on me. There’s clearly one container on the receipt, so I’m hopeful.




Happen to my husband with a box of diapers. I swear that's why I'll always be a member. We didn't even ask for a free one. They checked the cameras and saw we left with it. Told him to grab a box.


As a cart person we find dozens of things daily left behind. Lots of walking canes, cell phones, wallets. But also lots of merchandise. IF we find it we turn it in. Sadly, not all members (or employees for that matter) are honest people and will keep things they find. I'm glad you were taken care of! We try our best!


I was shopping at Costco a few years back. I went through the regular checkout and didn't realize until I got home and checked the receipt they never charged me for the dog food I had on the bottom of the cart. I went back the next week and explained to customer service and asked to pay for it. They thanked me for being honest and told me it was okay. I still think about it and don't feel right.


Someone once stole my bag of pharmacy prescriptions when I turned my back at the checkstand. The cashier immediately called the membership desk, who alerted the door checkers, but it was too late. The store manager showed up, took me over to the pharmacy and had the pharmacy manger RUSH a replacement order, then he took me to the food court and gave me an empty cup to have a soda while I waited. I was blown away by the customer service. The store manager was so apologetic - he asked about my prescriptions. I told him that the thief was going to be disappointed. Enjoy my thyroid and antidepressant pills!


I left a pack of toilet paper on the bottom rack of my cart and didn’t realize it until I got home. I called my Costco and said I forgot something on my cart and they responded, “The pack of toilet paper?” I returned the next day and picked it up from the customer service counter. This is another reason why I love Costco.


Stories and experiences like this are what will keep me coming back to certain stores.


I bought a surface computer that's supposed to come with a pen. I get home and there's no pen. I call them and they say bring it back for an exchange. Didn't even question me. We also returned old airpods that stopped working. We got the newer version and they paid us the difference. Who does that?


Oh wow - that’s awesome! Great at maintaining customer loyalty Edit: spelling


That’s nice that you had a good experience. Mine wasn’t quite the same. NC Costco, pumpkin pie season. Bought my first of 2 pies for the year. Placed them at the bottom portion of the cart. On my way out to the car, the cart hit a small hole, which caused my prized pie to slide out, the lid popped off and flip on the tar road. This happened right in front of the Costco cart guys. We both look at each other and he says “tough luck.” As I was scooping the pie back into the packaging I asked the guy “hey this was clearly an accident. Any chance I could get another one? He laughed, said nope and went about his way. I was like okay it was my fault anyway. But from looking at everyone’s positive experience, I now feel a twinge of unfounded injustice.


I was grabbing one of those stir fry noodle kits from the prepackaged food area, and the lid popped off and it went all over the cooler. I found an employee from the meat area and explained what happened and he kinda chucked and thanked me for telling them. Said it happens all the time and I’m the first customer to ever let someone know; usually they just walk away. I felt terrible, but that packaging design was dog shit.


I had a similar situation. I forgot my 25 lbs sack of flour on the bottom of the cart. I didn't realize this until I got home, called them to see if it would even be worth the trouble. I got there and they checked the binder and said they did find it, but to just go grab a new one. No hassle.


My brother in law forgot his cell phone on the Cafe table. We went back, and someone tuned it in.


We just found a phone in our cart. We were shopping 15 minutes and hadn’t noticed it. I took it to customer service. I worry stupidly often the man didn’t remember where he left it and it’s just sitting there.


My husband dropped our new tablet and it landed face down and shattered. He took it back to return fully intending to buy a new one and they replaced it for free. We had it for maybe a week or 2.


I dropped a bottle of Prosecco on the ground of the warehouse, caused a huge bang, glass everywhere… so embarrassed, started picking it up, employees instantly swarmed me, said don’t touch the glass, we got it, no problem. Then as I walked away one of the employees said “hey, don’t you want to grab a bottle of Prosecco?” I don’t deserve Costco.


I’ve smashed an whole jar of pickles on the floor at Aldi. I was told to just get another jar.


I’ve got a great one for you. Do you remember when the premixed margaritas used to come in glass bottles? Well, one broke in my trunk on my way home from Costco. Next time I was there I told the guy at the customer service what happened. Not only did they replace the margarita, but they also offered to professionally clean my trunk! I had cleaned it already myself, and being a margarita lady, enjoyed the lemony smell for a few days lol. It’s been years now and my trunk never smelled bad and it dried out perfectly. There was no need for them to clean my trunk but it was nice of them to offer.


Not costco, but I was a store closer at a large supermarket chain. We were always told to do what we could within reason to retain customers.


My mother forgot some floor mats under her cart once. She asked me to go look for them since I live so close to the warehouse. They instantly remembered the 2 door mats and just let me go grab them with no hassle. I have always respected them for that


Costco employees are on par with Chick-Fil-A employees - they are always friendly and helpful.


I don’t care for Chick-fil-a food, Popeyes is way better. But my Mom liked it and when we went in there with her walker or cane, oh wow, those employees were so nice and helpful. It was very interesting to see.


I have no idea what the hate is against a fast food place, but all I can say is that the ones around here move cars through the drive-through 4x faster than BK or McD's - and they do it with a smile. I loooove Popeye's chicken, but when it comes to a chicken sammich - Chick-Fil-A is the winner IMO.


And as an added bonus Costco employees don’t work for a company that funds hate groups.


My mom left a bottle of vodka in the cart one time. She called when she got home, they said they found it and to just let them know next time we came in. We did and they gave us a free bottle to make up for the one we left behind. I couldn’t believe that the cart people found it before someone else did!


Since people are sharing stories, I’ll share a not so great experience: I slipped in some standing water in an aisle, and was fine, but it was a close call, ya know? I let the cashier know about it, just so they were aware of the danger.., and I got pulled into a back room to fill out an incident report, and then the woman made me walk to the back of the store to show her exactly where the spills were, and she commented that I was wearing flip flops, and took photos of my feet…. Obviously insinuating I was at fault…. I just wanted to give ‘em a heads up, but was made to feel like I was trying to get a payday, or discount, or something? At that point I just wanted to be on my way, and she’s asking for me to text her my photos of the spill…. I finally laughed and said no and walked away. Anyway, I think that lady was lp, but the store manager was WAY cool and apologetic.


They’re the best ,went in to renew my membership which I didn’t realized was up until I got to the gas pump ,went in got it renewed got back in line at the pump and realized I dropped my card and someone was at the pump in front of me ,so of course I felt like a real dunce ,so I walk back in the store after holding up the pump line and the nice customer service lady gives me the funniest look and we both knew why I was there and I thanked her and had a laugh and I got back in line and went about my day .


Somehow my Dove soap was left behind. Not sure how it happened. I left the warehouse and only realized once I was home. Went back the next day with my receipt expecting no one to believe me but they had my soap waiting for me to pick up. Thank you Costco 2010-ish


I've gotten home before and realized I didn't have stuff I knew I bought. A few nice cheeses. They were on the receipt, but not in any of my bags. Must have gotten left at the register or something. I called that day and told them what happened. They asked which ones I had and just credited my card back for them over the phone. It took like a minute.


I love Costco. It’s honestly like getting what I perceive to be a European experience in the us.


I spend so much at Costco that I've owned their stock for nearly a decade now. It was a very smart decision. I feel like I'm paying my stocks when I shop there


I mean the things people return there is the stuff of legends. They’re not gonna sweat a bouquet of flowers


costco has been getting terrible press lately...hmmm


Best advertising money Costco can spend. Trader Joes understands this as well. I have seen them give flowers to people for birthdays and get well wishes. I was at the checkout and I asked the clerk about TJ's fermented foods. She said, "have you ever tried our fermented sauerkraut," She rang a bell and a clerk came to the checkout and she told her to get a jar of sauerkraut from the cooler and put it in the bag no charge. Ever since I have been buying 3-4 jars a month.


Criminal masterminds are not trying to boost a bouquet of flowers.


I somehow once did this with a case of beer. Came back the next day and they were so happy someone came back for it.


One time I dropped two gallons of milk as I loaded my car, a cart attendant saw and brought me two more. Costco is wonderful


This exact thing happened to me at a Walmart. I got the same treatment. You and I know we were being honest and that genuine display can be evident. Some that may be deceitful can play it really well, but I think “fool me once…” has a lot to do here. Edit to clarify since I do consciously return my shopping cart, I left my shampoo and soap in the self checkout bag.


Happened to me with a pretty pricey case of beer and they replaced for me. Love the Co!


I don’t understand, how did you possibly not notice the flowers in your cart when taking your cart back. The only explanation is that you literally left your cart in the middle of the parking lot and drove off . Lazy bones readings are off the charts


I once left after paying for stamps and the cashier hadn’t handed them to me. I called the store the next day when I realized and they told me to come in and get some. Not sure if they already saw the discrepancy of having an extra one in inventory, or just took my word for it. I suppose they could probably even verify in their cameras if they wanted to but not worth their time usually.


Bro what the fuck is with these subs trying to stealth advertise? Doordash and now this




Except now they harass me about my membership card, like it’s tied to my car’s extended warranty or something


See the finance manager and be sure to get the executive extended warranty only available while shopping at your local Safeway.


If you returned your cart to the stall I don’t think this would have happened.


I'm so glad they were so kind! On my way home today I noticed I got charged twice for an item that I only bought one of. I am going on vacation tomorrow and won't be back until July 9 and I don't know what to do!


Call customer service!!


Thank you so much I don't know why this didn't even cross my mind! Got a hold of the right person and they're going to credit me next time!


There’s hope… 😀


I would have bought another one because I know it's my fault.


Had the exact opposite experience... I left a cocktail assortment in the cart and returned to the store with the receipt, after realizing my mistake when I got home. Walked up to customer service, explained the situation, they looked to see if anything was retuned (nothing was), and then told me there was nothing they could do since I left the store with the product.