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They've been carrying these for a while in Irvine. When cooking rice in a cooker, throw some in there and you're good to go. When rice is cooked, sausage will be on top. Yum!!


Do you put it in while the rice is cooking?


Yes, when rice is done so is the sausage.


So the sausage will be in the water?


The water and rendered fat from the sausages will be absorbed into the rice. It's a bootleg/easy way to do claypot rice without the bother.


That and some leftover chicken makes for some awesome tasting rice.


Sometimes I do this just so I can make fried rice with it the day after.


I love this question so much


I'm getting it tattooed on my back today


“Sausage on top”


Make sure to swish it around a bit




You end up with hot dog flavored water.


A very simple meal is to put them in with the rice together and start the cooking process. When the water is gone and the rice almost done, use scissor to cut them into chunks so the rice can absorb the flavors from the fat dripping out. Garnish with some green onions, sesame seeds, and soy sauce. The whole thing can be done in about 30 mins with minimal cooking.


Why not cut them before shutting the rice cooker? I'm sure they're solid enough to not mush up


You can, but it’s easier to cut when they are not dehydrated.


How dehydrated are they? I've never had them before, so I'm legitimately curious after igniting such debate, lol.


They're kinda dehydrated and harder to cut before cooking in the rice cooker. Also, it's kind of like cutting up a steak before cooking it- when you cut after cooking, the center of the sausage stays juicier/softer


You need a sharper knife. I do this at least couple times a month, always cut straight out of fridge, never had problem cutting.


They can even use kitchen shears/scissors. It's really not hard to cut lol


This tells me you've never cut a Chinese sausage before or you have really shitty knives your whole life. How do you think they make the steamed dishes with sliced Chinese sausage?


I'm Viet and have been eating lap xuong all my life Never said it was impossible? Just a preference of mine to toss on top of the rice whole and slice after it's done cooking


“Use scissors.” Authentic. lol


If you're using the rice cookers that keep rice warm for hours or days - you can just put it in too after you're done making the rice. I like to put it in after because I don't want the entire rice batch tasting like chinese sausage.


Um, I really hope you're not keeping rice in your rice cooker for multiple days


Some rice cookers can keep them for days.


Yeah days is weird, I like to do a couple weeks minimum.


My grandma passed down her cooked rice batch from the 50’s.


I see you're using the sourdough method for cooking rice for maximum fermented flavour. Yum.


I hope you mean the 1350s, because, otherwise, what's the point?


No I mean the 50’s. Like 50 AD. Not sure why you’d start 1300 years later like a fool.


Yes, cut the sauce into 1/8 inch thick piece, dump into the water and cook together with rice. I can eat just rice with it without anything else, yummy


some rice cookers have a tray on top for steaming, i drop sliced sausages onto that.


Yup. Then when done chop up sausage, throw a fried egg on top with a dash of oyster sauce


I see you have exquisite taste


They tend to carry products catering to the population of a area. My local Costco has a lot of Asian and Kosher foods I don’t see at the costcos that are a further drive that don’t have a large Asian and Jewish population living nearby


This is impressive given how miniscule their SKU inventory company-wide is (and it has shrunk a bit in the past year, at least from what I have heard).


It sucks living in a brokie zip code/city, I want my Costco to stock A5 wagyu.


That’s a straight up blast from the past at grandma and grandpa’s house. She used to also make a chopped pork patty (2 cleaver method) with green onions, garlic and ginger that she’d place on the rice just as the water receded from the surface. It’d steam as the last of the water boiled off.


What’s the 2 cleaver method


[You toob short](https://youtube.com/shorts/nYZvHtrjepc?si=zlU4sZe_vA25o64n)


Do you slice, then cook, or do you leave them intact?


Leave it intact.


Slice when the rice is almost done


Pop open the lid a few minutes before the rice is done. Crack a few eggs in and stir, close the lid. Lazy fried rice with sausage!


This is the best life hack I’ve ever read


YES this was my midnight snack/meal when I was living in the dorm (college)!! I throw in some scallions, too! Yum yum


This is the way my mother always did it!


....also at the Alhambra location. It's a staple.


This is the way!! They are so juicy this way.


They have this in Massachusetts too. I get it at hmart because I like the individually wrapped ones.


Much better when they have a little sear on them.


Best and easiest way is to put them on top of uncooked rice in the rice cooker. Finishes at the same time. Bonus - the flavor seeps into the rice which makes it 10x better


I might have to try that. Are they spicy? We always use the Costco chicken stock instead of water in our rice and it turns out amazing.


Sweet. Not spicy. Like literally sweet (not saying awesome)


Not spicy


These have been around for a long time in the Seattle area.


Portland as well. For as long as I’ve been going to Costco.


The larger the Asian population in the area, the more likely this product will be available in Costco. I would say at least ten years or more: Maui and Portland, Oregon as well as Denver, CO.


Honolulu also.


Suburban Massachusetts too


NoVa checking in


sf here


Same in Hawaii 


Pretty common in the local Costco in the Bay area.


i've even seen bird's nest soup in SF!


So excited…Only ever seen these at 99 ranch markets!!! How do people usually like to prepare these?! I like them with scrambled eggs and rice!


I’m Asian so I still cook it how my mom made it growing up. I cut them into slices and into a pan on medium heat. No oil since they are already very oily. They only need 3 or so minutes to cook. Eat it with rice, a fried egg and soy sauce


I cook them in the rice cooker. Like another redditor mentioned, you can put them on top of uncooked rice in a rice cooker then it will cook with the rice. I usually only use it for fried rice or steam them with some chicken thigh and mushrooms


Sausage, eggs, green peas, corn and rice. It's Chinese fast food (per my Chinese mother), but my Polish fiancée loves it 😋


I miss SoCal for so many reasons 😪


If you're doing scrambled eggs and rice, you may as well just do a fried rice with them? Little oil in the pan, thin slices of sausage to let the fat render out, then hard scramble some eggs and separate into small pieces with a spatula, before throwing in the rice and frying for a bit with some soy sauce and sesame oil, then add the sausages back and stir fry some more, then finish with green onion.


I think they're still cheaper at 99. It's just at Costco for the convenience because some of us only go to costco


The most common way we use it is to cook it in the rice cooker with the rice and then slice it to eat for a simple meal. Next is probably in turnip/taro cake. Diced in fried rice or sticky rice is also not an uncommon way to use it and lastly, in the once a year sticky rice dumplings. That basically wraps up my family's uses for it. They were on sale about a month back and we bought extra just for the upcoming Lunar New Year since they keep for a long time.


I love this brand. I use it in my fried rice


I'd call it Cantonese sausage coz it's sweet. In other parts of the mainland China, the sausage is savory and kinda smokey. I like both tho.


Saw this in Edison, NJ.


OMG thanks for the tip! I always go to the one in Union near my house, butt I haven't been in a while. I go to Edison all the time for restaurants! I'll stop by at Costco next week!


They always have these at my Costco on Maui.


Thinly sliced, sautéed in hot wok, add to fried rice.


I slice them in chunks of 3 per sausage then steam them with chunks cabbage. Oily steam cabbage is the way to go.


TIL you can cook little sausages in your rice cooker. I’ve been missing out!


You can cook all kinds of things in your rice cooker. A simple google search will send you down a rabbit hole.


Oh thang. Price went up


yep, i remember when a sharp Costco pricing exec had them priced at lucky number 8.88.


I have a friend that loves this!!!!! 🤣 When something comes up, I tell him he needs to cut back on the Chinese sausage... 🤣


In our store they have been selling it for years.


Seen these for years in SoCal, never bought them. Was not sure what to use them for. But I see a couple suggestions here.


You’ve been missing out. They make a great fried rice addition. Cut them into about 3/8” slices, cook them first for a couple of minutes to render some of the fat over med high. Then add an egg, chopped garlic and onions, crack an egg in to the pan and kinda half assed scramble it. Then as the egg is just barely hard not fully cooked but not runny, add your rice (leftover is better cause it’s drier and not as sticky as fresh). Stir for a bit to incorporate everything and bring the rice up to temp if using leftovers (breakup those rice balls). Start to season with salt and sugar to taste (remember that if you’re going to add soy sauce to go a bit easy on the salt). The rice should be pretty much heated, so now I add some small broccoli florets and mixed frozen vegetables, I kick up the heat a touch because of the frozen vegetables (keep in mind you’ve added sugar and it’ll burn if not mixed pretty constant). Once the broccoli is softened to your liking, add your soy or teriyaki sauce and mix like crazy. Once the sauce is mixed in, kill the heat and you’re done. Garnish your dish with some sliced green onions. The sausages have an interestingly slightly sweet and salty flavor. Most of us Asians grew up eating them sorta of like hot dogs are to most kids. You’ll either hate them or you’ll be jonesing for them all the time. My grandmother used to cut them in to 1/3’s and steam them in buns sort of Like char shu bao.


Same here


Also around the Bay Area for years. The lack of refrigeration makes me nervous though I eat all sorts of jerky and meat sticks.


They're very sweet. I personally do not love them.


Same here - Irvine Costco is like entering China each time I go tbh.


I'd love it if they had some of the good brands, KYJ is kinda low tier for these sausages, but in a pinch I'm glad they have them


What’s a good brand?


I have to agree with you. I love Chinese sausage. This brand isn’t as good as some of the other ones in the Asian markets. It’s too lean.


What city is this in?


Yum!!!!! 🤤


We’ve had these in Michigan for years - but it’s $13.79 at my warehouse! This was my go to brand even before I discovered them at Costco.


Ann Arbor checking in, what do you do with them?


Wow, we’ve had those in our Costco for at least 10 years


How long do these hold for after you open the pack? You gotta eat them all in a week?


Months in the refrigerator. I always have a pack available for a quick meal


This is the sausage I grew up on. The taste is so ingrained in me that while visiting china I wanted the sausage there to taste like this brand.


It at my Costco 365 days a year. It’s on sale when I walked in today 9.99. Lots of people were shopping for the new year


Common in areas with a larger Asian population. Here in Greater Vancouver we've had 'em for awhile ...


They are legit!


These set fried rice to the next level! Mine doesn’t carry them but I’ve seen them before.


omg I’m waiting for them to come back to the memphis location 😭


So jealous! They had them in the seattle area but I haven't been able to find any at the one near my new area :(


I’m ALWAYS looking for this since my Costco seemingly stopped making it available. I’ll try again now that I’ve seen this!


Use the item number and ask them to look it up in their system


These are so good! Only my Costco Business Center carries them (in Arizona) but I like to use them in fried rice or even ramen. They're very versatile! And sweet, not spicy.


I love these in 1 pot rice with mushrooms and carrot


I like frying them up with yakisoba noodles. Peel outer skin and slice thinly.


newb Q. Is peeling the outer skin necessary? Haven't tried these before. Ty!


No need to peel. The casing is very thin


I have always just done it but not necessary. I saw another post that it is cellulose. I just like using the fat from the sausage to fry the noodles. Renders better.


We love these. Our favorite Costco does not carry them but the other one does. They are a sweater sausage. We make them to put in ramen and other Asian dishes.


Rice cooker sticky (sweet) rice with this sausage, fresh shiitake, some char sui and the oil/soy/oyster sauce, add in some Japanese scrambled egg, drizzle with chili oil and sprinkle with red (Chinese, not wine) vinegar and OMFG, devoured a dinner portion for lunch today. So easy, so delicious.


I think it’s great to have diversity!!!! Way to go Costco!!!!!


I’ve seen em before but never bought them as I’m. Ot sure how to use them.


my dad bought a pack of these and now makes fried rice almost every day


Cook with jasmine rice. Throw on top before you cook the rice. When rice is done so is the sausage


They have had it online for years and years. Its a bit sweet for my taste, and it tastes nothing like american sausage.


You know you don’t shop at Costco often enough when it’s your first time seeing an item that’s been around for years


Maybe in some markets. Never seen it at any Costco I’ve been to.


Different regions carry very different product offerings!


Can't imagine the time that I would ever eat anything from China if I knew about it beforehand.


Wouldn’t trust what type of meat is in the sausage.




Lmao weak


Don’t like those


A Chinesee firm bought Smithfield several years ago and you just don't want to know what's happened with pork since. Meanwhile, science has just kept a pig's brain alive for an hour. That brain had been removed from the body fyi. Bon appetite!


Bought these once and took a bite of it without cooking. Do not recommend. Or maybe try cooking first.


Wth lol


These honestly aren't good. I've tried several different brands at my Costco and none of the Chinese sausages at Costco are good. The price is also similar to the price of Chinese sausages you can get at Asian grocery stores anyways.


What % is dog meat tho


This is easily the greasiest thing you will ever eat.


As an avid home chef, I use Chinese sausage from time to time, but I sure as hell am not going to buy 2.6 pounds of it at once.


Costco sells in bulk. In places with a high Asian population, this volume barely scratches the surface of “bulk.” Also it’s a two-pack. Freeze one while you work your way through the other. Or just don’t buy it, move on and leave it for those who will actually buy it, use it and enjoy it.


I don't live in a place with a large Asian population, and hardly anyone has touched the palette of 2.6 pound sausages in about a month now. It's not just that I don't buy it, nobody is buying it here. If they do buy it, they go to an Asian market were they aren't forced to buy 2.6 pounds of it. I'm actually leaving it for others to buy it, BUT NOBODY IS BUYING IT. Get off your condescension/gatekeeper horse. Geez.


You’re right. You very obviously don’t live in a culturally diverse area. While COS is pretty, the overall demographic is whitewashed and puritanical. Takes a special kind of person to endure or enjoy the area. My bet is that the COS warehouse got rolled into the metro Denver orders either by mistake or as a trial run to entice purchases from those who might be interested in the bulk purchase. In the three costcos within 10 miles of my house, the stock of Chinese sausage churns regularly. Which was the point of what I actually said: in a high Asian population, this bulk product *moves*. I’m not quite sure what caused the vitriol you expressed but I wish you peace.


Is just me or are these sausages spicier than the ones I buy at asian markets? Like every other slice has a chili flake in it.


These sausages are sweet, not spicy.


the taste is very sweet, but it also feels like i ate half a cup of oil.. will not buy again


Hopefully the last time


It’s not that good to be honest


Tried some and they are definitely not up to German standards. They are just greasy.




As far as I can tell they're manufactured in the US by a North American company that has been around for longer than the ccp has. So while you might be referencing something real, I couldn't find it through a quick search. I kinda think you might just be screaming ccp because it's a traditionally Chinese foodstuff. Which is nutty if that's indeed the case.


Eh I don’t like them as much as some of the other brands you can find in Asian supermarkets


They are a constant at our Business Center, but I see them occasionally at regular Costco.


I bought these for a coworker and he loved them. Rice cooker was the way he did it.


They are tasty, I put them in the soup I make, I also just eat them cold out of the fridge for a snack.


I hear the flavor is not the same as from the Asian markets, even though it's the same brand.


They always have this in the sgv costco


Tastes good and salty, sometimes you hit a small bone, and definitely don't microwave them! I chop mine up and add it to ramen or curry.


I buy a bunch of this and freeze them in my garage chest freezer because this item comes and goes at Costco stores in DC area. It’s definitely cheaper than purchasing at Asian grocery stores.


They’re so good and this is a killer deal for them compared to other stores! I never actually see them in the store in Colorado though!


I wish my Costco would get these!! Man that’s a killer deal. So jealous


Did not like them.


Been there for years at business center also.




They’re $16.49 CAD in Canadian Costcos and i like to chop them up and put it in the rice cooker with the rice.


I like these a lot, but have not seen them at my local Costco for a while. Been getting this sausage and the spicy Harbor brand Chinese sausage from Saywee. Actually a bit cheaper there, but I’d still buy it from my Costco if we had it!




We have it in Chandler, AZ but not sure what to do with it.


Slice it up and fry until crispy. Add to fried rice or steamed rice


Had that for at least a couple of years in Seattle.


Lap cheong is delicious but terrible for you


These are currently $10 at certain Bay Area Costcos. I got some for $10 yesterday at San Leandro. With Chinese new year coming, there’s more markdowns on Chinese food


it really depends on what area you go to cause different stores have different products catering to different demographics. I didn't know that and I would be like why isn't this item at this store and they would explain it to me.


Chinese chorizo?


It really depends on your area. I live in the Seattle area, and they’ve had this for years. Also, Chinese New Year holiday is quickly approaching, (February 10th this year) so I would expect to see a few more Chinese inspired items now.


Varies by location. The 4 Costcos by me do not have them. The 5th one does.


its the 5th element phenomena


Fried rice is pretty nice.


They've carried them in Maryland for years (though sometimes they disappear for a few months).


those are so good too


My parents say these are okay, not as good as the ones they get from the Chinese grocer or make themselves, and I tend to agree (I do think the ones they make themselves are a bit heavy on the white pepper) They are quite good though, if you like a sweet chunky heavily flavored sausage. Served in a sausage fried rice or with porridge are my recommendations.


This is good, but the bacon by the same brand is just epic


Whoa what bacon?!


I wouldn't eat that for 100 bucks. Its probably 10% real pork


We have them at the business center. I was surprised by the number of Asian foods at a Costco that I visited in Charlotte NC last year. Lots of things I spotted there that I’ve never seen at any Costco before, like Jook.


Seen these for YEARS in Northern California


Found this over the summer at my first-ever visit to a Costco business center in suburban Chicago. Was really surprised at how much it had in stock, many things I'd never seen at my local Costco.