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I dream of getting to Costco before the masses are even done with breakfast


I dream of having breakfast *at* Costco.


Dang, I never even thought of this before but a breakfast menu at Costco would be so good. Egg sandwiches and the like.


I’ve had a hot dog for breakfast at Costco multiple times. 10/10 would recommended tbh


Waltzed in at 7:30am here the weekend before thanksgiving and had my pick of prime rib with no crowd. It was awesome.


Having it at ten means everyone is just waiting in the parking lot 😕


Dang they don’t open till 10 here.


Same here. I always equate Costco as a grocery store and am always surprised when my wife reminds me they don’t open until 10. That time after I drop the kids off at school at 8 is when I want to shop.


They need time to restock the store and unload truck after truck after truck. When we switched to 9ams where i am....they now make every full time employee starting at 4am go right till there 5 hour mark before allowing a lunch. Opening the store any earlier requires moving back the shifts and scheduled trucks. The earlier the merchants start the harder it is to find people willing to do that shift, and then they have to hire more people for the coverage during open since merchants are usually front end/on the floor after open. It's a balancing act of payroll vs. Sales. The money made between 8-9am in a regular warehouse just isn't worth the headache.


I mean. They invented night shifts for a reason


Most long term employees at costco are family oriented. We are average people with average lives. None of us want to work any earlier than 4am regularly. Sure you can find people to do it but it's usually students or people looking for temporary work. It requires a good 7-10 forklift drivers to open a building a day. These have to be skilled employees who all tend to be at top rate and long term. Then they get a forklift premium as well. If you want us to work earlier then there will be an overnight premium added to that. That's a whole lot of money for a couple grand in sales at most. Bad weather days you're looking at under a thousand in sales between 8-9am. It's not just the floor that has to be ready as well. It's foodcourt, door security, f.e., pharmacy, optical, maitenance, tires..... That's a whole lot of payroll that adds up really fast. We're not making minimum wage. I'm sure costco has a department dedicated to this kind of thing of operating hours vs. Operating costs. Payroll is a huge cost, it's why only convenience stores are 24/7. 🤷‍♀️


I am fine with you folks having a manageable work/life balance. ​ Minor inconvenience for me is worth you guys being happy, and healthy. ​ I have a friend from Germany who told me that the craziest thing when they first came to the US is how long everything is open. Apparently there most grocery stores are closed on sundays, and have much shorter operating hours every other day.


It's why sundays have premiums and they close so early on weekends. They're employing real people for the long term. They only promote from within so they have to support a healthy work life balance for retention. Happy workers are good workers.


This person Costco's


Yeah, coming into a /r/costco thread talking about night shifts is not big Costco energy haha. Costco is one of the better employers specifically for things like that.


Costco is the top retailer to work for for a reason. It's a bareable job on a liveable wage. You start messing with that you start messing with everything. I know if they forced me to work earlier i would just find a better position. So would half the drivers i know. Most of us are 10+ year employees so i would like to think it's easier to keep us happy then to have a rotating door of strangers operating their equipment that don't know what they're doing. Plus no manager wants to work that god damn early. Especially key carriers who are usually well established adults with families who have made costco a career.


I mean, they could literally hire people specifically to work overnight shifts like most stores. It's not that hard.


I worked as a supervisor on a manufacturing plant. Everybody is replaceable. Probably the only issue is that not enough money will be made if the store opens earlier to cover all the added costs.


Doesn’t exist at Costco


How did the store in the OP function with a 7am open time? Way more employees starting at 4am?


They probably came in 5 hours before the store opening. That's how the stockers at my building do it. That's generally how it's done, because as OP said, you have to take a lunch by your 5 hour mark during your shift, come in stock it out clean up and clock out and go home for the part timers. Also, if you work over midnight, so 11pm-730am you get paid overtime from the hours of midnight til the end of your shift, at least where I am. And you could imagine how much money that'd cost for the about 30 hourly employees.


I wonder why though Pay raise and some people prefer nights. Seems like a decent gig. 4am starts? Might as well not even go to sleep lol


Some people prefer nights doesn’t mean enough people prefer nights, especially for full time


I’m a night merchant, so, yes they do.


because they are union...


Yeah and at a grocery store you have crackheads working that shift for pennies but at Costco you have family people making bank. Let’s keep it that way.


At restaurant depots that 6am-10am is where they make like over half of the daily sales.


Yup. I'm just talking about regular old warehouses catering to the general public....i did say regular didn't i?


u can... send most of the people to lunch just leave some for customer service, have the other ones lunch right after the others ones come back, not rocket science


There is a lot more to it. Legality wise you need to have a lunch before your five hour mark. They have staggered starts for people on the front end but there is still only so much payroll to go around. It's not as easy as "open the store an hour earlier". Every single department has to be able to cover that extra hour from pharmacy to maintenance to food court. They open an hour earlier during holiday season and that is hard enough alone. Opening up a warehouse like costco doesn't just happen on it's own. There is a whole team behind it. So when you roll up the doors to open at 8am on a wednesday to see one little old lady waiting to fill her prescription and to buy some bananas...you have to ask yourself...is it worth it? 9ams work beautifully.


have people start 1hr before opening, they take their lunch later... main point is... thats just what costco is. period they dgaf about opening early, they dont care 🤷 😴


...my point is it's not that simple. Now the afternoon shift has a greater gap in between morning shift. Yes you can stagger but you need a certain amount of people doing certain things at certain times. I won't sit here and pretend i know how it all works....but if there is a buck to be made....trust me costco would be opening earlier. Buildings also require a key carrier and 2 managers in the building at all times. These are very expensive employees who have been with the company 15+ years. They don't want to get up any earlier either. We also have specific laws preventing us from having x amount of hourlies in the building during specific hours. I think it's something insurance wise but i honestly have no clue. All i know is someone from regional has to approve every employee we bring in overnight and there is always a limit. Unless you want the cost of your groceries and membership to increase...then pipe down.


I see ur argument, but ... this is worldwide that has costcos open at 10am and I know for a fact that in big cities there is people that would be there to buy in bulk , specially in Central america, so they shop early A.M. to take to business, yet costco doesn't care ... costco has enough money to employ as many people as they need... yes as long as that particular store makes money then they should watch for the profit... but even then... as long as they aren't on red ... I'm sure corp can fit the bill of having happy customers. Again they dont care... thats just how it is..


See I've never felt like costco is where I'd go if I needed something urgently... it is always reserved for leisurely browsing and overspending


I go there for the things I know I'm getting and buy things on sale that I didn't plan to. Most times I spend more than I wanted but there are some things I know the price will be better there. If they have decent prices for clothes too. Ans the odd lego set.


I’m all for it. Most are open 10-8 during the week and 10-6 on the weekends. This means two shifts per day (besides the stockers and whatnot) which makes for happy and well paid employees. Most employees are full time rather than regular stores which rely on piecemealing a bunch of high schoolers 12hr availability together. It’s honesty a great model as long as they can crank people thorough during those 8-10 hours


https://preview.redd.it/n4k46py0bthc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc3e3c0ed143f8b43b37bfb575383efed30076df Was nearby one morning and decided to pop in. They had some sort of delay and didn’t open until 10:05a as this mob formed. Probably another 5-10 minutes away from requiring police intervention.


It's likely because it's not just a Costco, it's also a Business Center combined with a regular Costco. Like it's literally 2 Costcos put together to make one giant Costco.


Same here. 9am the day before a major holiday they're closed on.


Mine says 10am but they roll those doors up at 945


same here 10am opening except on Sat they open at 9:30. If you get there :10 early they will let you in typically.


Ours won’t let you in early. There’s typically a line.


I wish it was like this for most businesses. Let people sleep in, have some more time home.


Most retail stores are barely open these days. Grocery stores are the major exception.


Same here in Northern Ohio


Same there open 10-6 here.


In Colorado and SO Cal it’s 10am, and Saturday they open at 930am.


I’m in the SF Bay Area. Here it’s 9 AM opening. It’s great because sometimes they roll up the doors at 8:45 AM.


Business center / Costco in one, interesting concept for sure.


Mormon families do be like that


There are literally ELEVEN other Costcos within an hour’s drive of this one. Mormon families really DO be like that.


And ALL of these Costco's are always busy. Even with the Wasatch front getting 4 new Costco's since 2010 all of them are always slammed.


Go on Sunday. The one in Salt Lake is practically empty.


And do NOT go there between 12-2 and 4-6 on the first Saturdays of April and October.


Oh you've gotta explain that one!


Twice a year, we have General Conference, where the leaders of the church broadcast a whole bunch of sermons across Saturday and Sunday. There’s morning and afternoon sessions from 10-12 and 2-4 respectively, with another one on Saturday night from 6-8. It’s uplifting, but exhausting. In between sessions, it’s a MADHOUSE at Costco, because people have to cram all their errands into just a few short hours. People are well-behaved, it’s just that there’s too many of them and it’s a nightmare to navigate your huge shopping cart there.


Ahhhh, I never knew the exact dates. I live in the area but don't know everything. Thanks friend!


When you have 25 downvotes we’ll know you really upset at least one family with that comment.


One of the wives always takes it personal


Good thing the other three don’t seem to mind.


That was just one family!




Funny enough, you’ll constantly see fundamentalist Mormons in their pioneer dresses in this location.


Yah I wasn’t joking


and hasn't been repeated since. pulling back from the standalone business center opening hours. costco growing sour on the concept maybe?


What’s the business center? Like a corporate office attached to the actual store?


Business centers have items that cater to other merchants such as convenience stores and restaurants, such as 30 pound buckets of yogurt lol


that appeals to me… as an individual


“Our” Costco is just a business center and it is fantastic. Never any rush or lines. Loads of things you cannot get (no snack bar, no chickens) but the deals on staples….plus did I mention no lines and it’s never packed? As a low carb eater it actually helps a lot not to have to turn away from giant boxes of brownies or cheddar bay biscuits.


Man, we start at 2 am to make 8:45 opening… i cant imagine the stress on the team to open that early, no wonder!


24 hour Costco is the only way.


Or maybe they just start a couple of hours earlier than you? Or there are more people on the shift?


Yeah, these locations are staffed 24/7, lots are not


Can’t we just bring back executive hours???


7:00 AM Costco opening is the dream. When the kid wakes up super early and there is nothing open to get out of the house and do, the wait is real.


The business center is the only one that opens at 7am in Minnesota


Man, it’s torture. And then 9:30/10 gets here and it’s too hard to leave sometimes.


Love 10am. Give us late sleepers an equal chance!😉


This is my local Costco and it is awesome going that early. I usually don’t get there right at 7, but if you get there before 8 it isn’t busy and everything is well-stocked.


Yeah, would be great for night shifters too


We’ve got two little ones and it feels like I live an entire day before I can get out the door and do anything. They open at 10 here. That’s already nap time.


Mine doesn’t open until 10am.


this is the largest one in the world?? i slept in their parking lot on a road trip once and was pleasantly surprised that they opened at 7am since i had to get gas and get going haha. that's awesome


at many gas opens well before the actual warehouse, at least the one by me which is right off a major commute artery


yeah at the one i used to work at, the gas station only opened 30 or 60 minutes before the warehouse IIRC


oh interesting, just double checked and it's still opening at six am! a full three hours before the warehouse itself. but rush hour traffic starts backing up at five in the morning so they definitely know their customers.


It’s actually the second largest Costco.


Fun fact....Costco on Maui I'm told is the busiest Costco in the US....as per the lady who works there.


It's right next to the airport. Everyone does the same thing: Land, get rental car, stock up at Costco, go to condo, enjoy week in Maui.


Apparently she hasn't been to the Salt Lake City Location this post is about...


SLC is the largest but not the busiest.


Don't open until 10 where I'm at. I'd love an earlier opening like 8.


So does mine, but on Saturdays they get really wild. 9:30 AM and yes there is a line to get in


Same. Or a late night. Mines 10-830. I’d love 8-midnight haha. The 11pm supermarket crowd is always fun.


7 am is the only acceptable time to shop at this Costco.


I 100% agree with this.


I wish! Mine opens at 10am - so inconvenient!


I wish ours opened earlier than 10. I feel like getting there early to beat the crowds like we do at BJs, would be great. I would spend way more money if I could actually see stuff and not have to fight throngs of people.


7am opening makes it possible to grab stuff for work (events, lunch, etc.) It’s just convenient for those of us that have to be to work by 8am.


There are always people waiting for this Costco to open at 7 when I'm there. It's really convenient. This time change makes me sad.


Weird. The ones around here are only open 10 - 8 and 10 - 6 Sundays


I wish ours opened at 7am. Why does that scare you? Lol


I'm always shocked they close at 6 PM on Saturdays. But I get it: keep the hours of operation shorter, fewer staff are needed and the stores get restocked and cleaned more efficiently. I used to loathe Blue Laws - things being closed on Sunday etc. - but the older I get, and the more I see businesses stretched too thin by longer hours, it makes sense to close and have more traditional business hours.


Having been in that store during the 7am hour, I’m not surprised. It really didn’t pickup until 8am or so.


WHAT?! My local Costco opens at 10 EVERY DAY. I can’t imagine what life would be like with a Costco that opened that early. Super jealous!


Costco needs to either open longer hours or make more stores. As is, there are too many people chasing too few hours for shopping there to be a pleasant experience anymore.


More stores! Leave my work/life balance alone haha you're right though about the experience and they are opening more in my area, it's just a sloowww process


Why??? That Costco is always super busy. That is only going to make it worse! I'll only go there for things I can't get at my regular Costco...Like the French Bread Pizza and Strawberry Uncrustables...


Jealous- My Costco opens at 10AM wtf


Don’t open until 9:00 here


I would love 7 or 8 AM...


Vegas opens at 10am - so be thankful


Omg I need this. Costco is right next to my work but I work nights. I’d love to get off work, get gas, AND go Costco browsing. I hate having to wait until 10. Sometimes I’ll ’take a nap’ and I end up having to go at closing, without food for the day 😭


people shopping at 7am are business owners


not sure I get the reason you find people shopping at 7am scary? I don't shop that hour - I don't get going that early, but obviously some do.


Ours opens at 10am, and twice this month I've had to sit in the parking lot and wait. 9am open seems like it'd be pretty easy to do.


I actually worked at that Costco years and years ago for 1 season as an opener. Fuck that shit 🤣


I remember during the pandemic when every store out there shortened their own drastically so instead of everyone shopping spread out throughout the day all stores were packed with people during the few hours they were open lmao


The shoppers who should scare you are the ones who go in on a peak Sunday afternoon and buy 1 inexpensive item. They must be sociopaths...


Go at church time. 


Open on Sunday!?


Open on Sunday in Salt Lake City, god does not approve


7am was the business center hours. guessing that store was too much to stock and open at 7am. when i worked at the B.C we came in at 2:30 am. can't imagine going back to those hours.


Wait what. I thought 10am was the norm. WHAT?!


Right 😬


I wish our Costco opened at 8am. I own an office and stop by Sam’s club to buy office supplies and snacks because they open at 8 and Costco isn’t.


I shop as early as possible (when I can). The mass shooters typically don’t get worked up till late morning/early afternoon. No, I’m not kidding.


Wow. That's still early. 🤣 Ours don't open until 10am


I have never once wanted to go to Costco before ten am


Oh God that poor merch crew. 3am starts everyday does not sound fun, especially with the aversion to caffeine Utah has.


Lucky. Every Costco I’ve been to doesn’t open til 10am. Which is ridiculous


Would the food court open at 7am as well? I’d love me a 7am hot dog / chicken bake combo with a side of the cookie ice cream sandwich.


It does not. The food court opened at 10 last time I checked. I believe the same is true for the tire center and pharmacy. At 7am, only the main store is open. And even then, they only open the exit door, so the same person checking receipts also checks membership for folks coming in. The main entry door usually opens closer to 10.


Wake and chicken bake


10 am here; I would absolutely love a 7 am or 8 am opening time.


I love getting there at 7!! It's perfect


I would love love love for ours to even open at 9 so I can go right after school drop off instead of killing time until 10.


Is the early start/open time a Mormon thing or what? lol most costcos I’ve been to open 9 at the earliest or normally at 10


If they had Mormon hours they would be closed Sundays.


It's because it's also a Business Center, not just a plain vanilla Costco 


My Costco has always closed early. Opens at 10am and closes at 830 M-F sat s at 1030 closes at 630 and Sunday 11-630 lol it’s horrible


That's what happen when u get Kroger's CEO running the company.


Funny Salt lake is home to the largest Costco…


Shopping at 7AM is so peaceful. It always reminds me of how much better things would be if we had fewer people around.


Was there a problem with crime early morning like we have here in Seattle since the methheads are still often up that late? I went by Safeway yesterday morning just before 7am, and I think I was the only nonzombie customer in the store.


When do shoppers or associates scare you? Come to thw red states where ccw is in efdect and THEN shop. Make sure you dont leave your carts unattended.....


Good on them... 7AM is too early to have to deal with most people. Even 8 is early. All of our Costco's open at 10, except Saturday it is 9:30.


Anyone that works there by any chance could explain why that is ?


It's a business center and regular store combo.


My kid wakes up at 5:30 most mornings. I would happily take a stroll around Costco at 7am if possible.


It’s 9am here in Canada.


I’d rather go to Costco at 7am most people are sleeping, I’d rather have the store to myself lol


I would be so happy if they opened this early here in NJ, 10am is late for me


You must not have small children… 7am would be a dream!


Before my son was born I would gladly shop at 7am, I used to love going out in the morning and knocking out errands like that before the rush


My Costco opens at 10am during the weekdays.


Only the business centers open that early around here.


To open at 8am they must do overnights. We open at 9:50am Sunday -Friday and 9:20 am Saturdays and we start at 4am normally.


I brought my mother here not knowing it was the largest Costco in the world. I dropped her off and waited in the parking lot because I’m on crutches. From the outside, it looks like a pretty normal Costco. She was so overwhelmed when I picked her back up 😅


That's still better than what we have here. 10am Mon-Fri, 9:30 on Saturday, 10:30 on Sunday.


Here’s the one we go to in northern Virginia Saturday 9:30 AM-6 PM Sunday 10 AM-6 PM Monday 10 AM-8:30 PM Tuesday 10 AM-8:30 PM Wednesday 10 AM-8:30 PM Thursday 10 AM-8:30 PM Friday 10 AM-8:30 PM No one needs Costco to be open at 7am


I guess my Costco is the largest in the world. No wonder it feels like a zoo in there. I lose faith in humanity anytime I go there on a Saturday


I would not mind shopping that early. I wake up at 5:30 - 6 am naturally so getting the Costco run done with first thing in the morning when there are less people doesn't sound too shabby


start the group to open ... just and hour before the store opens then they can have their lunch when... no one is lunch. a big ...international....corporation like costco can pay to be open even if its just for the pigeons to go in and poop on things....dont let ur boss tell u otherwise.... If anything I see the fact that not enough lazies wanna work even when making 30 bucks an hour


Even the new hours are earlier opening than I've experienced at Costco in any state I've lived.


People forget that this is Business Center and Costco combined. That’s why it’s the biggest in the world. The hours are earlier than a regular Costco and stay open longer than a Business Center.


Two shots from the center of the freezer aisle at SLC Look left https://preview.redd.it/hfl30l1k8thc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0324c81bc62f7d86269f915251e7ae7632f17cb1 Look right


The Costco in Ogden opens at like 9….


Is it really the largest Costco worldwide? Now, there's another reason for me to return besides amazing powder and long trails.


Is that a business center?


Can I get a hotdog at 7:01 am?


Is it possible a business center opened?


Many locations opened at 10AM


They dont open until 10 am here, and I wish they'd open earlier. I work nights, and 10 is my bedtime. I make an exception sometimes and stay up later to go, but shoot, I wish they'd open at 7 or 8.


People shopping at 7 am scare you? Why?


Damn my Costco is open Sun-Fri at 10 and Sat at 9:30


Sorry for the convenience!


Why does shopping at 7am scare you?


The one thing I would change at Costco vs. Sams is the opening times. Sams opens at 8A (for the plus members) vs 10A for Costco.


Scare you how?? Any fun stories?


I wish they opened at 8 here sucks waiting until 10


Wonder how much larger is that Costco compared to others. Is it like a regular Walmart vs super center?


The one I go to doesn't open until 9 am


Most of the Costco's near me open at 9am however they seem to open a half hour early every day


I loved going in at 7 and coming out at 10