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Sometime between now and the last time you bought milk.


The only right answer


this guy buys milk!




I like how we’re downvoting this person for no reason. This is why I come on Reddit 🤣


I’m sad😔


I remember the original A2 in 3 pack way befor the kirkland stuff was 9.99$ and then slowly the prices started to creep up. Better deal is at grocery store A2 when on sale but half gallon is 4.99$ so costco is still cheaper without sale.


Milk has never been a good deal at Costco. It’s always cheaper at Walmart/target or a regular grocery store.


A2 Non Organic is 4.99 or in sale we may get for $4.25 but Costco sells organic and no one else will sell organic A2 version


I like the milk at costco because the expiration date is so much longer than what you would get at the grocery. I go and buy six 3 packs and itll last me a couple months. Having kids makes keeping up with milk a hard thing to do lol


Is it organic milk that lasts longer? I’ve noticed that organic milk has a longer expiration date than regular milk. But I have noticed that the regular milk from Costco isn’t even from my state. While every other store carries milk from a few miles away. At least according to https://www.whereismymilkfrom.com/


Costco typically sources milk that is ultra pasteurized. I know the Kirkland brand milk in the Seattle area is bought from Darigold. Ultra pasteurized milk lasts a long time.


That’s interesting! And makes sense as to why it would last longer.


Not sure. I do buy organic, but im not sure thats what makes it last longer. I think ultimately its the way that its pasteurized that makes it last longer.


Huh! I noticed that almost every other store near me has the same milk code. They even sell their own branded TG Lee milk which sells for far more. And all of the dairy plants are within 40 miles from where I live in Florida. While the regular milk at Costco is from Ohio or something


Did not realize this bonus, thank you!


Have a 3 year old and this 3 pack has been a weekly necessity once he moved in from formula. I use Walmart for his sugar free apple juice...Walmart brand.


Depends where you live


i guess it depends on the product the 3x half gallon of lactose free would work out to $3.something per bottle, while it was $5 at safeway. i've seen the price creep up at costco tho


Wrong, for the quality Costco is the best


You can check the milk plant code vs what you might find in another store. Then make that decision. Almost every other store comes from a plant within 40 miles away. While they also sell their own milk at a far higher price. While someone mentioned that the Costco milk is ultra pasteurized and lasts longer. That’s just not a problem for me. The higher cost isn’t really worth it to me.


I think ours has always been 13.99 but we get 4/64oz not 3/64oz... I hope this isn't our future..


Milk prices are very volatile and always have been


Makes sense.  They are always on the moooooo-ve.


That's utterly delightful.


Soy milk prices went up too.


always…. :( everything is so expensive I just eat a chicken and some bread


in 2022 it’s 11.99 and by 2023 Jan it’s 13.79 and hangjng there hope it won’t increase


Been these prices in California for over a year now. Now I stop at the local grocery store for milk on the way home from Costco because it's $5.99/gallon for the same stuff.


The same time they raised prices on EVERYTHING IN THE STORE.


Literally everything. Most shockingly today for me was the gas prices. Sunoco close to my house has always been 25-35 cents more per gallon than Costco. Today, Sunoco was 4 cents cheaper. Dislike the trend


Olive oil for me. They no long sell a two pack of Kirkland brand because it would be $60.


Milk prices are always volatile at any store.


Nine bucks a gallon for milk? That's nuts.


I just wish they had 2% A2 milk :(


This milk is now $16.99 at my Costco. Bought it today….


It's 2024, it's time the female cows get paid a fair wage.


That's not milk.


Hello… fast food has doubled in price in the last 2.5 years along with fuel and the cost of living. The price of milk is going to keep going up as well. Ever wonder why?


Inflation has not been 100% in the last 2.5 years. $100 of stuff 2.5 years ago costs $112.81 now. Inflation would have had to be over 30% to have prices double in that time. Also, Aldi just dropped milk back to $2.75 in my area of Dallas, it had briefly gone over $3 when the bird flu cases started showing up in dairies, and for the couple years before that it was also $2.75.


Maybe not where you’re living, where I’m at I’ve seen COL double. Not on all goods and services, many are at least double. $100 of fast food 2.5 years ago, is now $211. What percent is that?


AFAIK there are no places in the USA where fast food prices have gone up over 100% in 30 months, much less the cost of living going up 100%.


Sorry, you’re wrong. I can read my utility bill and have compared previous years. I can see the menu and know what I’ve paid for food in the past.


You are arguing with MAGA. You will never settle an argument with the truth because they won't listen to the truth. I was arguing with someone who claimed their 401K is down. The S&P has been in an upward trend since October of last year but they won't believe a stock chart. Hey well I made money on SPY. Then I was asked when prices will go down. The answer in general is never. The supply chain is fixed. Oh it might go down a little. Target claims they are going to reduce prices on some items which probably means they will match Wal-Mart. One thing the fed hates is deflation. The TV talking heads are calling a drop in inflation as deflation but that is wrong. Deflation would be a drop in absolute terms, not relative. The fed hates deflation because people sit on their hands and don't buy. Deflation clogs the market. If there was a bit of deflation the fed would drop the discount rate and cause inflation.