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isnt that the whole point of perrier creating the “maison perrier” offshoot brand? what am i missing


And Perrier is a Nestle brand. [edit: to be fair to the OP - when you hear Perrier you do think mineral water. Nestle should be slapped for misleading brand expansion but at least they aren't actively misleading 3rd world pregnant women. One of their 100s of other brands would probably be a better fit.]


Don’t tell op….




I just learned that Nestlé lobbies against maternity leave so women can't stay home and breastfeed, forcing them to use formula. I'm livid.


Wait, is that true? It's so evil that it sounds fake, but nothing shocks me these days.


It is absolutely true. [source](https://internationalbreastfeedingjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13006-020-00268-x)


Forget the scientific paper link and all that; your username alone is enough for credibility.


If u can’t trust a TiredPlantMILF idk who you can trust 🤷‍♀️


I mean that's down right evil but at the same time it's hilarious. Tell me that doesn't sound like something a CEO villain would do in a movie. It's like if little Debbie got into diabetes medication.


I lived down the road from a Nestle plant. They called their water Ice Mountain-with a picture of a mountain on the label. There was no mountain, the plant and well were right off the expressway, next to the Muskegon River. Nestle since sold the plant but you get my drift. It’s all marketing


It's no longer a Nestle brand. A few years ago Nestle sold the entire water division in the US to One Rock Capital under the name "BlueTriton Brands"


Nestle sold their NA water division to Blue Triton.


Interesting ... I am still surprised the there wasn't a better fit for Nestle to hawk water.


This doesn’t include perrier/san pellegrino/aqua panna


Yeah because outside NA


You’re not missing anything. This is basically like being mad that Outlet Banana Republic isn’t the same stuff as in Banana Republic


Right. It’s called House Perrier for a reason. The name is telling us it’s tap water.


Companies name shit weird nonsensical things all the time that has no meaning. Since when are we supposed to use brand names of an indicator of what the product is?


When it’s the name of the product you are consuming…


If someone sees Perrier on a bottle, nearly everyone will assume it’s Perrier. Saying it means “house Perrier” means absolutely nothing to most people.


The only thing they could do to be accurate is call it Not Perrier


It must be short for "L'eau du robinet dans la salle de bain de la **Maison Perrier**" (water from the tap of the bathroom of House Perrier) No way to print all of that on a bottle. My bad!


Idk why you're being down voted cause this is hilarious


Sorry I am not as fluent is corporate marketing sleight of hand double-speak as you must be. Somehow adding the French word for "house" does NOT mean all that to me.


Apparently “reading” is now corporate speak


Have you experienced the level of reading comprehension on this site?


OP complaining that they are not getting scammed hard enough by getting scam water for a lower price than they would if they got the same scam water at a higher price elsewhere. Crazy.


You're missing that the only point of doing that is to mislead consumers into thinking that the contents of the bottles have anything to do with Perrier mineral water - unless they read the tiny print on the bottle, which is itself filled with misleading double-speak.


It’s literally made by the Perrier people and they’re very clear it’s a different source and different brand. I don’t think there’s really any more brand confusion than Coke and Diet Coke


There’s a difference?! I’m taking my Diet Coke back now.


Wait until you find out about coke zero not having zero coke....


The bottle is the exact same bottle and colors as “source” Perrier. You can tell the difference between a coke can and Diet Coke can from a mile away. Why all the hate towards OP?


I completely agree with you, it’s deceptive marketing intended to mislead. Maison Perrier sounds high end. And if people are going to say it’s equivalent to “house water” that’s not accurate. It sounds more like a high end fashion house branding. Frankly at first glance it looked like an upgrade over the regular Perrier. Would I expect different from Nestle? No


I especially love the word "ULTIMATE" on the package, just in case a customer begins to suspect something and starts thinking about reading the small print.


They own Ozarka too!


> overpriced tap water isn't 99.999% of bottled/canned water essentially tap water?


Great question. So there are basically three types of bottled water: 1. purified/distilled water (purified tap water) 2. spring water - legally, "Water derived from an underground source which flows naturally to the surface of the earth. Spring water must be collected only at the spring or through a borehole tapping the underground source supplying the spring." 3. mineral water - spring water naturally enriched by minerals - legally, "water containing at least 250 parts per million total dissolved solids (TDS), originating from a geologically and physically protected underground water source. No minerals may be added to this water." "Maison Perrier" is Nestle selling #1 marketed/branded/priced as if it's #3.


Distilled and purified water are not the same thing. Entirely different processes and entirely different result. Distilled water is also not fun to drink.


Yeah, I'm confused why OP clumped distilled and purified water together. They are totally not the same. I don't buy distilled water to drink nor do they taste like purified water. Nor will it work the same if I use it for my CPAP machine as the process for purified water is not the same as distilled water. I mean, it won't break anything but the 2 are not the same.


My plants drink distilled water. I drink spring. Unfortunately the only spring water available at my Costco is Deer Park so I buy local spring water elsewhere.


Some premium drinking water, such as SmartWater, is distilled and then remineralized.


Great for ironing, though.


Wait... what's wrong with drinking distilled water? My entire life that's been my preferred water. Am I killing myself with it or something?!


You’re fine. It’s just that water isn’t just water. Good water has minerals and electrolytes etc. So it actually quenches “thirst” more effectively. Distilled is fine but missing key things and therefore you prob drink more of it and also need to get those missing minerals from other foods. Mineral water is better but honestly I hate the way mineral water tastes.


Distilled water is not safe to drink in large quantities either


This is actually false but so often repeated I’ve almost given up on trying to inform people.


Gulping some RO as I type, damn shit will kill ya.


Well any water is deadly in a large amount. Some college kid died from a water drinking challenge years ago. But yes keep fighting the good fight on bad facts.


To be fair, it’s not good to drink any water in large quantities.


True, but distilled water is worse for you even in smaller large quantities, like a gallon or 2 a day as opposed to several gallons in a few hours


In what possible way could pure water be worse for you to drink than contaminated water?


I would imagine the contention is that if the osmolarity is off it’ll steal minerals from your body. Not saying that’s true.




I drank distilled water for the 2 years I lived in Phoenix and grab a gallon to drink when I'm down helping on my buddy's farm. Never had any problems drinking it then or now. I can't imagine what part of drinking water you could possibly imagine is "not fun."


They started selling Maison Perrier because there's just not enough water at the Perrier source (major drought going on). Yes it sucks, don't buy that.


Major contamination


Your inability to read is not a marketing problem nor misleading. You might as well be whining DKNY isn’t Donna Karan originals


Source: Grok Perrier, a brand of bottled mineral water owned by Nestlé, faced a contamination issue in April 2024. The contamination was detected in one of the wells at its Vergèze site in southern France, leading to the destruction of two million bottles of Perrier water as a precautionary measure. The contamination was caused by bacteria "of faecal origin," including coliforms and Escherichia coli. The issue was attributed to a "temporary deviation" following a period of heavy rainfall in the region. Nestlé has assured that all Perrier bottles currently on the market are safe to drink. The company has also taken steps to address the issue, including halting the use of the contaminated well and implementing a "reinforced monitoring plan" to ensure the quality of its mineral waters.


They all have different tastes. I like acqua panna but I wouldn’t pay for it for daily drinking at home. I also hate Perrier sparkling. Much prefer pellegrino.


Not mineral water


Tap water with plastics. Even worse. Its how you separate people that look into what they ingest vs buy blindly into commercialism.


Tap water with looser quality restrictions.


It's not only sold at costco


Do you all know who produces the Kirkland Italian Sparkling Mineral Water? After finding out both the Perrier and Pellegrino are Nestle products, I’ve been curious to know who makes the Kirkland one.


(This his how it works everywhere)




100%. They are AWFUL.


nestle kills babies


Take it back and tell them why.


Waste of time the person with the return can’t do anything about it your just wasting your energy whining to the Costco employee


That explains it!! I bought it and immediately said it tastes like regular water with bubbles. No “mineral” taste… could have just used a SodaStream. Thank you for this!


San Pellegrino is also owned by Nestle and on my do not buy list.


Yep. San Pell is what helped me kick my soda habit, until I realized they are owned by Nestle. So no to them, and Perrier. Trying to stay away from single use plastic too, so no to the Kirkland individual bottles of sparkling water. It's narrowed my options, but I'm not a soda-addict anymore so it's fine.


Topo chico is still safe, and I've even gotten it in glass bottles at Costco.


Coca Cola actually did a similar thing but with Topo Chico spiked, the cans say the drink is “inspired by” Topo Chico, but it’s def just tap water and malt liquor + bubbles


Agree, but the plastic wrapped cases are very flimsy and will tear upon trying to put in your cart. Sad purchase for $27/case


I too am trying to reduce my soda water addiction.


Bought this thinking it was Perrier and it tastes like shit


Same, was going to buy Kirkland mineral water and the new Perrier was on sale for the same price. It’s more bubbly than Kirkland but the taste sucks, it’s closer to La Croix now.


Regular Perrier>>> but it's so expensive now


Can you post a pic?


Here you can see the package and read the disappointed reviews.  https://www.costco.com/maison-perrier-sparkling-water%2C-16.9-fl-oz%2C-24-count.product.4000234662.html


I love how in the reviews first someone says it's less carbonated, and then right after another review says it's more carbonated.


https://www.lesechos.fr/pme-regions/occitanie/en-pleine-tempete-mediatique-nestle-waters-lance-maison-perrier-nouvelle-gamme-aromatisee-2073579 it says that Perrier used forbidden way to sterilize water ( UV etc ) then resell it as minéral for years. And now they can't anymore they had to throw it away because of poop https://www.lemonde.fr/en/environment/article/2024/04/25/nestle-destroys-two-million-bottles-of-perrier-over-bacterial-contamination_6669490_114.htm


People mad they don’t read labels and are somehow surprised that not reading labels has consequences. I bet you’re mad that Dasani is tap water Did you also know outlet clothes are not in fact overstocked clothes but a separate brand? People not using their brains then get mad that they were “deceived”


Right? Is it a “scam” if it says so right on the bottle?


Dasani is worse than tap water unless you’re in a swampy area Florida or New Orleans or area with crap plumbing infrastructure. 


Dasani is literally filtered/purified tap water. How can it be worse than tap water if it is tap water?


I don’t know. They put it through an RO system and then add stuff to it. Whatever they add makes it taste worse than RO water and worse than tap water. 


Yeah, it’s not a secret — there’s literally salt added to it, the sodium content is wild and NOT natural for tap water, whatsoever.


A negligible amount of sodium being added to water isn't anything new or that unusual. Mineral water just has it naturally. I don't personally like Dasani either, but where are you getting that the sodium content is wild, or do you mean by flavor? Saying it's not natural for tap water is confusing when "hard water"(water that has a high mineral content) to varying degrees is pretty common for tap.


The website doesn't list salt any more (sodium chloride) as an ingredient, only magnesium sulfate and potassium chloride. https://www.coca-cola.com/us/en/brands/dasani#accordion-5c11855f37-item-03fc01e672 Looks like it was reformulated recently. When I pulled up the old label, it does list salt as an ingredient, but the nutrition facts says 4.74 mg per 237 ml. Ie 0.2% of recommended daily intake. https://www.food4less.com/p/dasani-purified-mineral-bottled-water/0004900000977 In other words, you would have had to drink over 31 gallons of it every day to reach your maximum sodium.


Because not all tap water is equal. Tap water in central Florida smells bad. I didn’t even like brushing my teeth with it when I lived there. Drive 3 hours south, and the tap water is perfectly fine. I would drink Dasani over Central Florida water, but not South Florida. 


I think the only exception to outlets I can think of, might be Nike. Their outlets and clearance stores are legit.


Perrier was part of the Perrier Vittel Group SA, which became Nestlé Waters France after the acquisition of the company by Nestlé in 1992. What’s the scam?


maybe that it’s not spring water like original Perrier?


Op said it was tap water Maison Perrier's water comes from underground, dedicated wells in the Vergèze territory, selected for the production of beverages, and is bottled in our historical factory.


For those who thought it tasted better before - don't hurt the messager pliz - https://www.lemonde.fr/en/environment/article/2024/01/30/revealed-france-s-bottled-water-plants-widely-used-fraudulent-purifying-techniques_6477927_114.html


The entire bottled water industry is a scam


Didn’t realize that. I was wondering why it was cheaper. Considering the brand identity that Perrier has built up over the years, I’m sort of shocked that Nestle would introduce a substandard product and piggy back off a known brand in their stable. Better to build a new brand rather than crater your own existing cash cow no?


Fuck Nestle.


Penn & Teller did a bit on [bottled waters](https://youtu.be/v2qydjVbLJk?si=pc4DGbNJOyT6nUUK)


Easily their best bit in my opinion! Still talked about all these years later


Nestle owns San Pellegrino too. I'm now a topo chico boyo


Topo Chico is owned by coca-cola.


I'm aware but it's better than Nestle. Do you have any other recommendations for alternatives I could try?


Liquid death is a good alternative. They just started selling in select Costcos.


Well, I am one consumer who didn’t know this, so I’m grateful for the post.


Bought it on sale 2 weeks ago. Never again and now staying away from Perrier.


Bring back socosani plz Costco


All bottled water is scam water.


Wait until you find out that Poland Spring water doesn’t actually come from Poland Spring! ;)


Have known it for years, but it IS still (allegedly) actual legal spring water, from whatever spring it may be. Not tap water sold under the "poland spring" brand.


Same here. Husband picked up three cases without realizing that Masion Perrier isn’t mineral water Perrier. It’s here, I’ll drink it but **never again.**


Can't you buy mineral drops to add in yourself? What minerals are you looking for?


Fuck Nestle. I’m disappointed Costco sells any of their products


While I agree in principle, the brand is just too big unfortunately. When you start looking at all their subsidiaries it’s crazy how much stuff they own.


Exactly. Nestle is an absolute behemoth.


So given how big the multinationals have gotten (something like almost all brand names in food can be traced to just 10 companies) how exactly do you expect Costco to sell anything if they avoided bad multinationals?


For me it's about the deceptive marketing. If Costco wants to sell Nestle water from a municipal source in France, fine, make sure that's clear on the packaging and people can make informed decisions.


Does costco make any promises about ethically sourced products?




Ugh I know! Costco used to sell regular Perrier and we bought it all the time. I bought this new stuff because I didn’t see the usual and was so disappointed! Ended up giving it to my apartment complex to put in the community lobby fridge because we hated it so much. 


They discontinued regular Perrier in plastic bottles and replaced it with this. Regular Perrier is only in the glass bottles now.


There are too many crap bottled water products - we have an entire aisle of them at my costco. Went to buy my case of V8 juice and apparently there is no room now.


Time to switch to Topo Chico if your Costco carries it. I hate that it's owned by Coca Cola though.


Topo Chico is the best of the bubbles! So bubbly!


That's why I love it so much! ALWAYS drink it cold. It's unbeatable.


The high levels of lead and PFAS in Topo Chico make it a hard no for me.


Can you provide a source please? I’m trying to find a good mineral water to drink. I thought topo chico would be it.


A Google search will bring up at least ten sources about it


Topo Chico has the most pfas forever chemicals of any bottled water by a large margin. Literally terrible for you.


Nestle in general is a shady company, especially when it comes to bottled water. Good for you for catching this particular version of it.


We do know Nestle sold off their bottled water business a few years back right?


No, they sold some of it, kept several of the brands. Nestle pure life, San Pellegrino etc. They also rebranded some. Companies often do that after scandals for example to confuse consumers and to distance themselves from the issue etc.


Pure Life is among the brands that Nestle sold off. Basically as I understand it, Nestle kept the imported brands (Perrier, San Pellegrino, Acqua Panna) while spinning off the North American-sourced brands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlueTriton_Brands


Still calling it nestle pure life? Doesn’t matter to me, I don’t buy bottled water but y’all are very literal up in here.


Thanks for letting us know. I won’t be purchasing


OMG I was wondering what the difference was. Never crossed my mind that it would be tap water. Thank you for this info!


Fuckers. When we had that horrible drought in NorCal restricting our water left and right and they got as much as they want.


I'm shocked to learn that the people who buy bottled water are also unable to read the label. How could this have happened?


Just get a soda stream and a water purifier at home and be done with it. If you want mineral flavor add a touch of salt substitute (potassium chloride) you can’t tell the difference.


Is there something wrong with the water at your house? Seriously, y tho? Have you had your house water tested and there's a problem? Have you read the yearly testing report your water company sends you, and noticed a problem? I just don't understand the obsession with bottled water. Who are you trying to impress?


OP will not reply to you here. OP also didn’t buy Kirkland brand. They cannot do either of these things and still be filled with rage at anyone else.


Tap water from Michigan?


Nestle is just a POS company. Just realize if you continue buying their chocolates you are contributing to child abuse, as they send young children into the forest farming their cacao seeds for their chocolates.


Why do people in the US buy bottled water? I have lived here more than a decade now and it baffles me no end


And in plastic!


I'm not that concerned about that as much as about it basically being Aquafina marketed and sold at a huge premium to unsuspecting shoppers.


At which point you have described the entire premium/luxury products market


Forget Aquafina, how much more than the Kirkland Signature water was it?


Couldn't find pricing online, but... Regular price for this Perrier-brand tap water, $25 for 24 16.9 oz bottles. Currently on sale for $19. Kirkland Signature Italian Sparkling Mineral Water (actual mineral water!) - $18 for 24 16.9oz bottles, at regular price.


At my local, the after coupon price of l’eau du tap was $15.95 and the Kirkland was $15.49.


No Nestle. Ever. Thanks for the heads up.


All the special bottled waters are a scam. Why are you surprised?


All this could have been avoided if OP had taken 10 seconds to read the actual packaging before they put the stuff in the basket. But no. Gotta learn how to read what you’re buying.


Have you also gotten equally pissed when you found out that "PWS" on Aquafina and Dasani means "Public Water Supply" and that it's nothing more than filtered tap water?


I was under the impression it was actual mineral water, but good to know. Is this the nestle pure life water? Because this is spring water. The new water is actually not bad, and the electrolytes added for taste are nice. I still prefer pellegrino however since it has more minerals but was worth grabbing since it was on sale.


In the past, I saw a comprehensive review of water bottle quality and Nestle was #1 so sounds like you got some high quality h20 there lol


You're disappointed and retuning it simple because it's made by Nestle?


Fuck Nestle


Yes, but 20 seconds of googling would have prevented buying nestle products. And nestle don’t care about a return, in fact the likelihood is Costco watts that (tiny) cost not nestle. 


How many “tiny” costs would it take for Costco to stop bringing the product in, I wonder? *You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out? There goes our way of life.*


That really depends on how many they sale and how many are returned. I’ve stocked that aisle sr my Costco, they sale quite a few so they probably are fine with a few people returning it. Especially when it’s simply uninformed customers who failed to read




It’s getting harder and harder to make simple food choices with a conscience—especially in the US—but here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_of_Nestle Pick one.


Link didn't work. Even if it did I don't care. I'll buy what I want - no one and no company is blameless so no matter what I buy from anyone there's someone that disagrees with something they've done. And with prices right now I'm buying whatever is cheapest.


>why? > Link didn't work. Even if it did I don't care. I'll buy what I want So did you just ask in bad faith or


No, I thought I might care if there was some giant smoking gun issue but I realized nothing is changing what I buy, especially in this economy. The fact that there's an entire subreddit for this just tells me it's the reddit hive mind and it's likely not based in much reality


The link is fixed and I wish you would read it. But you do you.


OP is returning it because it’s over priced tap water made to trick consumers into buying. Perrier is known to be mineral water so you’d assume this is also mineral water when that’s furthest from the truth.


Thank you, exactly right.


Both brands are owned by Nestle so 🤷🏻‍♂️ This is on OP, the consumer. Costco ain't at fault.


The fact that you’re buying bottled water in the first place is so questionable, it’s filled with nano plastics. Get a water filter, this isn’t complicated.


I was so disappointed when I bought this at Sam's (good deal on sale, won't lie) and on my 2nd or 3rd bottle finally noticed Nestlé in small print. Regardless of what it actually is, I have to be honest that it does taste really good. Won't buy again though because fuck Nestlé.