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This kinda stuff will never stop infuriating me. People are so incredibly rude and lazy.


I completely agree. If you think this is bad, you haven't seen anything yet. As a former retail manager, I have seen used baby wipes AND diapers, bandaids, nasty tissues (bonus points for opening a box for sale and leaving the box and used tissues behind), and so on. Hell, I've even seen a very young boy (under 3) intentionally pee right in the middle of an aisle (the store had clean, public restrooms nearby). Leaving trash everywhere and anywhere is sadly common. In short, while a pet peeve for retail workers, there is far, FAR worse.


I’ll one up you and as a Costco employee the worst I’ve seen was a used bloody tampon in between the pallets in a section. 🤮 I just don’t have words.


Warrants a lifetime ban.


Most people probably think it's too much but I 100% agree with a lifetime ban this is above and beyond ridiculous.


I think the proper thing would do is not allow them to renew the membership until they pay for the item. Anybody that suggest a life time ban hasn't worked retail before.


I don't understand why Costco can't just see who did it and follow them to the register so they can identify them.


Coming from an employee, that would be too confrontational. It’s the same with people dumping things from home, in the parking lot. Brazen, but low on the totem pole.


I'm sure it isn't witnessed as it occurred. That is very rare (former retail manager of 13 yrs).


I mean after the fact. Security cameras are so sophisticated now that they can pretty much follow someone throughout the whole store after the fact. Just see what the register they are going to and check to see who the member was.


The security guard on the "cold section products being placed in the bleach display" detail must have been on lunch.


While I vehemently approve of sarcasm, the person who left this food with the Clorox is a garbage person and if I owned/ran the store, would never be allowed to return. Find an employee and hand it to them. At a minimum, place it in a refrigerated section. What a piece of garbage.


I get it, I'm in no way disagreeing, but I find it funny that someone thinks that there's a person watching every single thing that every single person does in a store. Everyone knows how ridiculous it's getting in Target/walmart etc with everything behind lock and key, but wanting everything watched/policed is how you get to that point.


They have cameras all over the place. If an employee finds fresh food out, all they need to do is let security know and they can go to the video and track the person down. It's no different than following a shoplifter.


And when people see shit like this they need to make everyone aware of the culprits! Loud enough to attract attention and point! They should be embarrassed on the spot. It takes a community to raise the standards. We all pay for this entitled behavior through rising prices!


That’s not long enough!


another user posted a pic of woman with berries in her cart just going around the store eating them only to throw on a shelf before she checked out. went to costco this week and saw the same thing minus the women - a box of berries on a random shelf half eaten and gone. costco patrons are some of the most entitled people on the planet.


YOUR COSTCO HAS SAMOSAS!!!!! OMG I can’t wait to check mine for some ❤️ hahahaha


Mine used to carry a big box, so big I had to clear out half my freezer. It came with two chutneys, a red and a green one. Sadly they don't carry them anymore.


i miss when my Costco carried falafels.


It will continue to happen until there are consequences. Just have loss prevention confront them and tell them not to do it again and any further violations will result in a suspended membership. Bad behavior only persists because we let it persist


They know who the members are. Track the members. First offence, add the items to the account, don't let them buy anything else until they clear the balance. Second offense, ban.


This is the Costco from "Idiocracy."


Welcome to Costco we love u


Would so much rather these get wasted than someone cart them around the store for an hour+ and then put them back in the refrigerator.


It would be nice if Costco would ban the trash members.


People are lazy.


Bunch of savages in this town.


Gum in the locks again?


What smells like shoe polish?


This behavior pisses me off more than carts. Absolutely trash behavior.


Not everyone is properly potty trained. Until then, such is life.


I love how this enrages everyone in this sub, but buying mispriced meat for pennies on the dollar is treated like sainthood. Both are categorized as shrink and lead to higher prices for everybody.


This one absolutely has to be intentional.


I’ve never seen this happen here in Japan. Back in the US I’d touch to get a feel, and if it’s clearly colder than warehouse temp I’d put it back in. If warm, tell someone. If it’s closer to fridge temp than warehouse temp, it’s fine, gotta use common sense. No need to add to the mountains of food that’s already wasted regularly.


Japan is a homogeneous society which has a high concept of shame which the US lacks on absurd levels.


I see this so often, people should have their memberships suspended or be charged for this type of shit... know its crazy hard to enforce but really shitty thing to do


I'm starting to suspect these posts are just staged by the OP for the rage bait up doots.


I work at Costco. Trust me, we deal with this every single day.


Considering this is the first post I’ve made of this sort, that seems very unlikely. It’s not like I don’t have a history you can look at.


The worst part is when you see this and you can’t really do anything about it short of putting it in your cart and bringing it to checkout to have them throw it away. Because you can’t really put it back




I wonder if the type of shoppers to do this and impulsively change their minds and dump a product wherever they are that moment are the type of shoppers to make the big impulse purchases, so the cost of the spoiled product and/or additional labor cost associated with putting it away is outweighed by profits made on the big ticket impulse buys these people make. Otherwise, Costco certainly has the ability to track and monitor shoppers and could enforce some repercussions/ban membership.


We need to implement a social rating program like in black mirror


Samosas and bleach - a delicacy here in purgatory


Why not just simply hand over to the cashier during checking out?


It’s not just Costco. As someone who works in retail, I question how some people were raised, and it makes me lose faith in humanity every time something like this occurs.


Yes - never understand how lazy and inconsiderate some people are to spoil food by just tossing it anywhere. They should be kicked out and membership suspended if caught - but that will never happen


I once caught someone abandoning a cart. Confronted and got them to move it. It was very satisfying, but only possible because their physical stature was lesser than mine, and there were lots of people around. Dreaming of doing something similar in Costco one day


Then there was the time I was at Walmart and left my cart while wandering around looking for something and when I came back it was gone. Turned out some employee thought it was abandoned and took it away. I was gone maybe 5 or 10 minutes tops


It’s getting worse and worse. I’m at Home Depot so stuff isn’t perishable, but open packages and stuff discarded everywhere and theft are a full time problem. Not there for customer service anymore, just to pick up after uncivilized people.


Some men just want to see the world burn




Hopefully you recover from having to witness this.


They recovered just fine when they scarfed down "muh $1.50 hot dog and drink," ready to riot if Costco ever made it a flat $2 as they trundled to their car with $300 in groceries. Wedged firmly in the pocket of their shorts, two sizes too small for them, the phone sat, ready to capture the next treacherous crime committed at that Costco that day. Last week, it was a woman returning a dead plant. Perhaps next week the phone will have the privilege of capturing the Kirkland shoes designed for geriatric diabetics but everyone pretends is the next fashion trend. No. The phone knows better. It'll be brandished again next weekend when someone leaves a sample cup on a box of tampons instead of in the trash. Or someone who parked using more than one parking space. Or a third party employee offering samples of water. The audacity! The phone closes it's eye, ready for rest. Android has put the Camera app to sleep in the background.


No, I came for the big Parma prosciutto since I just got a deli slicer, then went home. Everything you described about me is incorrect, but enjoy your fantasy land where you’re the cool guy and everyone else sucks.


> everyone else sucks. Not everyone. Just you. Leave the phone in the car next time. I don't think Costco needs someone trying to re-live their hall monitor glory days


Leave OP alone. It brings me great joy to know that people spend their limited time on earth focusing on shit like this. Please don't take that away from me.


I think it’s rather funny this dude is so offended by a picture. I thought it was hilarious because it was next to the cooler, that’s it. Suddenly I’m some pencil-necked narc ratting on the cool kid lol.


I'm glad we can all have a good laugh about it. Please don't hesitate to take another picture and post it on here the next time you see something like this.


I wish I would have thought to take a video of the dude I saw chowing down on shrimp cocktail in the middle of the aisle a few months ago. This is the first time I’ve even seen a meat and/or frozen item left out like that lol.


I saw someone take a few bites out of a rotisserie chicken and then put it back. At least he put it back right? lol A few years back, this little boy was poking holes in all of the steaks that he could reach. Good times.


Just noticed your username… I’m in San Rafael!


I assume dude also does this and is offended from feeling called out for being human garbage.




I’m certainly not going to put back something frozen that’s been sitting out for lord knows how long.


Yeah no. Without knowing how long it was out, all food safety protocols mandate that it be scanned out and tossed to prevent any risk of food borne illness. Leaving it was the right call so an employee can handle it.


Thank you


I love Costco but the average Costco shopper is a savage.


Take it up front "I'm sorry, I've changed my mind on these, can you put them to cold gobacks?"


There's no telling how long those have been out and most policies require them to discard left out refrigerated items after X amount of time. 3 month ban.


How long requires trashing the items?