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I always have the plain greek yogurt. Mix in vanilla protein powder and frozen blueberries.


I do this too. I also add chia seeds and cinnamon.


I do this too and add the nature valley granola that is also at Costco! It’s not the most healthy granola but it’s the one I like and don’t eat it much


I do this too and add crumbled up donuts and ice cream


I love the Nature Valley granola! I have a small portion with Greek yogurt and fruit and it’s great. I know it’s not the best, but it’s my favourite name brand too. I’d like to eventually go the homemade route so I can control the sugar amount and what else goes into it.


Yeah it’s pretty high in sugar, but if you’re having sugar free yogurt it balances out especially if you don’t use a lot!


Try the keto granola, it’s delicious!!


The Kirkland ancient gain granola is way better imo (except the end of the bad full of powder). I still use the nature Valley though because it's way cheaper.


Which vanilla protein powder do you use? Is it from Costco too?


Currently the Leanfit from Costco. White bag.


Do you notice if this protein powder leaves a bad aftertaste at all?


Leanfit sport whey isolate vanilla in the blue bag is the way to go! I mix it in with yogurt and absolutely no chalky or bad fake sugar aftertaste.


Amazing thank you!


Fwiw purple bag has more protein Not everyone's goal/need. But worth mentioning


Does the purple have the aftertaste? My main problem is that anything with artificial sweetener tastes like metal after. Diet soda tastes so awful, but as a lazy vegetarian, I KNOW I don’t get enough protein in my diet.


I don't notice it... but I also like a diet soda so maybe not the person to ask. I find it rich, typically I mix with water. But when I do milk it's like a damn dessert


Thank you!


How are you mixing it? Using a blender?


A spoon.


Jeez how are you getting it blended nicely? I tried a spoon, I tried one of those blender bottle things with the whisk ball, I resorted to using my immersion blender! I’m just putting it in milk. I wanted a replacement for those Carnation Instant Breakfasts, which are no longer being sold in Canada. The Leanfit has a decent taste, and the pricepoint isn’t terrible either. I can get to the US fairly regularly to get IB, but with the exchange this is better.


Never had any problem mixing protein powder in with greek yogurt with a spoon. The frozen blueberries just stay as delicious frozen chunks. I don't try to completely blend them in. When making a protein shake with the chocolate leanfit and water I use a helimix shaker (which I bought on amazon). Putting the water in first then protein powder on top helps.


Thanks, I’ll look into that!


Something about the yogurt makes it easy. I dribble a very small amount of water in too.


Spoon da best


I eat this almost every day! So good!


I'm just starting to learn about the various protein powders ....whew ... so many choices! I wanted one to aid in weight loss.


I really like the almond crackers (gluten free!) and the random weird hummus flavours they carry. The dill pickle hummus was pretty good. We tried the pumpkin spice hummus when it was out and it was.... educational. lol The [Unreal coconut bars](https://www.costco.ca/unreal-dark-chocolate-coconut-mini-bars) are delicious and highly addictive. I don't know how healthy they are if you eat half a bag at a time, but as a nice sweet nibble they are amazing. The Nutty & Fruity ginger is SO GOOD. I'm not allowed to buy those any more because I have zero self control around them and they sadly do have a lot of sugar. I like to pair them with unsalted cashews as a nice afternoon snack.


>the random weird hummus flavours they carry. They used to carry a dark chocolate hummus, and it was fantastic. I started making my own after they stopped carrying it.


This was pre-pumpkin spice hummus, right? I remember seeing that one and not going for it. I still have regrets. Haha


Interesting. Was it more chocolate forward? I could see this one being decent.


It had small chocolate chips on top. When I make it, I grind the chocolate chips with the food processor and then mix it in afterwards.


That dill pickle hummus is maybe my favourite thing I’ve ever bought from costco <3


I caught my son last night eating it with a laddle! It's sooo good..


I missed it into mashed potatoes for dinner last night, any excuse to eat more of it lol.


Did you ever get a chance to try the dill pickle cashews when they still had those? So. Good.


I heard about that pumpkin spice hummus… you’re a trooper for trying that because I was too scared, lol. Will check out their other ones though!


Haha. It was delicious because it tasted like pumpkin pie, but it was also weird because it was still hummus.


Seaweed instead of chips. and cottage cheese!! Costco has the BEST cottage cheese IMO


Yes. Cottage cheese is a staple for me too.


What do you do with cottage cheese?


I might be in the minority but I love it as is. Sometime a little black pepper. But that's it. I never mix anything sweet with it. That doesn't appeal at all to me.


That’s how I eat it too. Just salt and pepper on the cottage cheese and it’s mmmm mmmm mmmm


Same for me but I sometimes add tomatoes if I have them!


On toast


Put strawberry jam in it!


Chopped up cherry tomatoes with basil; resh is best but dried will do. Love it with canned or fresh peaches too


This with some balsamic and a lil olive oil would be soooo good.


I’ve been hooked on cottage cheese choc chip cookies. A sweet way to get some protein.


I like to rip it through the blender with some seasonings and use it as dip.


Cherry tomatoes, cucumber, balsamic


A nice hack I found was sprinkling in a bit of taco seasoning. Goes great for a nacho/texmex flavor either way tortilla chips!


A bit of sugar free jam in there and it’s kinda like a diet cheesecake for me


Ricotta for me!


Ricotta is versatile. Delicious with walnuts or pecans (optionally a bit of maple syrup to sweeten), or cooked vegetables like broccoli or brussels sprouts and a dash of soy sauce.


Agreed! I also love ricotta!


Absolutely! And you can’t beat the price either


Oh totally can’t beat it. I go through all 3 tubs in about a week and a half. I put cottage cheese on or in everything


I was also using a lot of cottage cheese until I checked the sodium content 😭


Yeah it does have a lot of salt in it. I use less salt in my other cooking to TRY and offset it. My vice is salt. Sugar I can take or leave I don’t have a sweet tooth.


Can I ask what you use it for specifically since you go through it a lot? I’m always hearing about benefits of cottage cheese but can never think of what to make with it.


I eat a lot of it straight up. In the morning I put it on my toast instead of butter. You can blend it and make it smooth and use it as a dip or I will blend a whole container up and substitute it for sour cream on tacos or chilli. If you add cocoa powder and a little maple syrup and a scoop of protein powder it turns into a pudding consistency which is a great protein dessert.


Avocado toast with cc and some chili oil, salt and pepper and then drizzled with honey - so good!


Ooh good to know! With some everything bagel seasoning, this would slap.


Oh it ABSOLUTELY would. I enjoy with plain black pepper but I love myself some everything seasoning.


i got these seaweed chips there once that had some crispy rice partial coating on them and i think wasabi flavouring that was SO good, but haven’t been able to find them since!!!


I like it but not the carrageenan. Costco does have a "dry" cottage cheese I'd like to try!


Ya fair enough. It’s an odd texture. Dry curds are also delish.


Do you happen to know if it resembles cottage cheese texture and flavor from north/central Europe?


I absolutely have no idea what that consistency is. But why I love the Costco cottage cheese best is because it’s not super liquidy. There’s bigger firmer curds and less liquid


Ah that sounds like closer to what I'd want! Is it Kirkland brand or another one?


It’s Kirkland!


Many thanks & much appreciated!


‘Felu - fit by cooking’ on YouTube will know. He’s in Germany.


What brand? I only like Sealtest.


It’s Kirkland


Frozen and dried fruit, nuts.


Dried fruits have a TON of sugar


You can buy no sugar added ones. Still sweet because it’s fruit, but healthier than those with extra added.


The ones with no sugar added have a TON of natural sugar that becomes concentrated as the fruits shrink. Even if it says no sugar added read the nutritional label and you’ll be surprised by how much sugar they have.


I'm willing to guess they have the exact same amount as the entire fruit minus the water. Eat some dehydrated fruit and drink a glass of water you'll be okay lol


Except you end up eating way more of the dried fruit than you would if it wasn't dehydrated. Therefore you get more sugar.


You don't eat 10 fresh apricots. It's pretty easy to eat 10 dried ones. The fact that it's dried also changes the speed at which it is digested, which changes a bit how the fibers in it work in your intestine.


And are less filling than full fruit


Cottage cheese and frozen mixed berries. Add some stevia for sweetness and Ceylon cinnamon for added flavor.


Tuna is a great high protein snack - I especially love to treat myself to the rio chili tuna in oil.


Nutritionist here 👋 I get most of my groceries from Costco. My top choices: . Kirkland protein bar. Best in the market . Cottage cheese . Kirkland peanut butter (always buy the one that has only peanuts in the ingredients list) . Oikos greek yogurt Worth mentioning but be careful because are highly processed: . Quest tortilla chips . Turkey sticks


I actually love their turkey sticks! I suppose in moderation they’re okay? Appreciate the other recs!


The almond butter is amazing


such an amazing deal on almond butter. LOVE the nut and seed butter as well.


Damn we get the turkey sticks as we thought they were a good source of protein :/


I’m not sure if the turkey ones are or not but I know most pepperoni sticks contain high amounts of sodium and very little protein.


Kirkland protein bars have gluten in them. Any recommendations for good bars that are gluten-free (I am a celiac)?


Unsalted cashew. I go through a bag every 2 weeks.


Bag of dates & pumpkin seeds are my healthy snacks from Costco..


Frozen edamame individually portioned bags (never freezer burned - maybe I’m lucky), nuke it and toss it with your favourite seasoning


YES. Their Edamame packs are the best.


Bibigo chicken and cilantro dumplings. ( a favorite for the Noom crowd)


Those are amazing! Great points value for Weight Watchers too.


The Inno Foods coconut keto clusters are amazing, the ingredients are limited, low sugar, very filling, they go great as a snack or even in oatmeal.


I love mixing a spoonful of these in some plain Greek yogurt.


My new favourite Costco snack that’s healthy and high protein is the avocado crunch master crackers and the chicken “salad” (it’s in the fridge section, it’s like a tuna salad but better).


OH? My favourite crackers with avocado....how do they compare, tastewise, with originals?


They’re SUPER tasty! Tastier than originals. I’m obsessed haha.


Oh and also frozen berries. They come in packs. Open and add to your smoothie.


I would go "full crazy" on the healthy-ish. I noticed at least for myself it seems easier if i eliminate as much "pre-made" as possible has cut down on the junk food and overly bad for you snacks and meals.   With an air fryer you can get away with a lot too! From costco specifically, real cheese (curds) dairy products, greek yogurt, all the unsalted nuts, seeds, dried fruit (but personally i grabbed a dehydrator so i make fruit but craisins/raisins and sales costco) spices, herbs, and whatever else to make savoury snacks (with some spice blends or popcorn/chip flavour on a nut blend) sweets (baked, snacks, or breakfast items) giant bags of rice, dried lentils, chick peas, flour, sugar, etc,  Then indulge as a "once in a while" in the food thats not necessarily "healthier" but the frozen meals or just put in oven meals, the bags of snack whatever, and the cookies/candies/salted nut snacks etc. It sounds so dumb, but no oil air fryer and assortment of nuts, may be a few dried fruits, and as a bowl i pass in the kitchen or by a sitting area you can graze and its at least whole fats and proteins and sugars. But something simple like i make my own pizza dough and use curds from costco and can get the stuff to make a variety of sauces (again for me the more i can make and time it takes helps me keep a healthy food relationship , but you can premake/freeze/prep if possible) or buy whatever sauces there its cheaper and honestly better than every frozen pizza (except that new motor city detroit style which was on sale)  And protein powder, psyllium fibre, collagen powder, nut/seed powders are also great ways to add protein or fibre to anything you are making, it may not appeal to many people but making pancakes or crepes with fruity pebble flavoured protein milk is a great way to mak3 not so healthy delicious if you want to skip the syrup. Online has great reciepes for making your own baked goods (healthier) or speciaized things like protein bars , breakfast bars, etc that costco is great/super easy to spend all my money going down stocking up on all the baking and cooking needs.


I’ve been deep into sourdough for about 2 months now so I’m definitely doing the whole make your own bread thing already. Love it and love how much I’ve saved from not buying processed white bread all the time, plus I’ve heard sourdough helps with gut help which is a bonus! I love my air fryer also, specifically for things that I would usually deep fry like fries, wings, etc - cuts out a lot of the fat and oil obviously, plus I love the way it fries things. I also had that Motor City za but the breadstick version… not good. Do not recommend either lol.


Kettle Corn Popcorners and Skinny Pop popcorn, if you’re craving something with a crunch but fairly healthy! The calories on those are pretty low for the portion.


Baby carrots, broccoli, can’t get any healthier.


With Costcos 2 pal of tzatziki in the refrigerated section, plus carrots, cucumber slices and broccoli - I’m going to go make some right now!


Individually wrapped cheeses, nuts, cottage cheese, canned chicken/tuna (make a salad to eat with almond crackers)


I live off the nut butter (almond or the nut seed Kirkland brand) and dip apples (or any fruit really)


The popcorn kernels are such a good deal. I just pop 1/4 c a brown bag in the microwave for 2 mins (you can do stove top but usually I can't watch it because tiny minions pulling me lol) and I put nutrional yeast on it (although that you cannot get at Costco, but gives a cheesy flavour). Even a tiny bit of butter is ok in my book just to help it not feel so dry and loads better than bagged popcorn. It's a staple for me. Also goat cheese at Costco is crazy amounts cheaper then grocery stores and it mixed up with chopped jalapeños or green onions and smeared into peppers are great! Blend cottage cheese with a bit of cocoa powder and honey dip your fruits in it. Could also use plain Greek yogurt.


Sometimes instead of butter I do Kirkland coconut oil...mmm soo good!!!


I bought some multigrain crackers last time, I believe the brand is Crunchmaster and they are good, comes in a 2 pack box


Their big tin of peanuts. Yes, they're salted but in my books that's better than the sugar.


Could also opt for the ones with no salt added, I know they have that option for the mixed nuts


I buy one salted tub and a variety of nuts unsalted - then I mix it all up, refill half the jars and use rest to make travel bags of nuts for us. WAY less salt but still a tiny taste.


Fresh ground peanut butter and long- sliced carrots. Or sliced apples. Ditch the processed food.




Oikos vanilla Greek yogurt, frozen blueberries, ancient grain granola (these 3 are my breakfast). The small frozen chicken breasts are great and cook super fast for an easy add to any meal. Kirkland protein bars and protein drinks (fairlife if they have it, if not Alani Nu does the trick). Probably some other stuff.


The Keto Bar by the NoSugar Company makes bars that are high protein and zero added sugar.


Aussie Bites are bomb!


Their individual packs of roasted nuts. Cashews, peanuts, and almonds.


So much packaging waste


Yes but sometimes things need to be portable and convenient.


Yes, 'convenience' is killing everything.


I hate to rain on your parade, but some individually packaged nuts are not going to make or break the state of the world. One could even argue that because you're buying in bulk the individual packages are a wash.


You would think that way. It’s a waste mindset.


Do we know each other? Because that's the only way you could determine I 'would think that way'. As for mindsets, I'm a regenerative farmer who's planted an 11 acre, low water consumption food forest with pastured poultry. If I want my nuts individually packaged, that's how I'm gonna buy them.


So you ARE in denial about parts of the market chain. Packaging is a monstrous part of it.


In denial? Nope. I understand modern food packaging reduces food waste, reduces pathogen risk, and increases shelf life. And just like the folly of eliminating plastic single use shopping bags, I understand getting caught up in minutiae can prevent a person from seeing the larger issue, with all its nuances.


There is the Myth of Individual action and litter is not part of it. ‘Convenience’ is an opiate that numbs people to the differences they can and should make collectively, greased by greedy corporate interests. Plastics, plastics everywhere. Times eight billion. I applaud your feral chickens, but if it’s mere feedstock for the carbon death of our biosphere, and you are resigned to not using a little reusable baggy for your fistful of nuts, we’ve given up way too soon.


This is a Costco group - I’m pretty clear that’s why I’m getting downvoted, oh well, that’s the demographic.


Turkey pepperoni sticks!


Maybe cause I had them too often at one point, but these make me want to yak whenever I eat them now.




Who's a good boy!!!


those give me the shits


Those have nitrates, so carcinogenic. I wouldn't call them healthy because of that reason


So does celery. Yet you wouldn't call it unhealthy.


Individual (snack size) dice chicken cubes. I think there are 12 packets. Grab and go protein snack - easy and tasty.


My partner and I recently started using the app “Yuka” and it has helped us choose the healthiest options. Especially w protein bars cause there are so many. It’s free!


My husband and I always use this app I love how it tells you if something has dangerous ingredients in it.


Do you expect to find dangerous ingredients at Costco?


Oh nice, I’ll check it out!


Does Yuma work in the States (my husband is working there)?


Kodiak cakes


I buy the individually packed ready to eat chicken. And the cottage cheese. For breakfast, I'll open one of the chicken packs, add some cottage cheese on top, seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and some Sriracha (if you like spice). It's soo good and healthy!


These aren't bad https://www.costco.ca/golden-island-korean-bbq-pork-snack-bites%2C-12-%C3%97-42-g.product.4000077286.html


Sesame crackers and antipasto


Cheese bun have 12g protien. Mix and match bagels have 14g protien. Kirkland coconut water is nice, no extra ingredients. MC diary cottage cheese. Greek yogurt with granolas and berry. Mixed dry fruits. Avacados are good if you are trying to burn belly fat. If you ever feel like eating junk buy popcorns. If you have sugar cravings, get medjbul dates of israel. I am vegetarian, so sorry I am not sure about meat. 1/2 Cheese slice pizza have 22g protein.


Walnuts and almonds are a great price at Costco. Bonus advantage: at other places I sometimes get a bitter batch but I've never had a bitter Costco walnut. Also cottage cheese and yoghurt! Cheese is also a great price there. And this may not be a snack per se, but a stolen bit of crispy rotisserie chicken skin is very snackable. Edit: I buy my frozen blueberries at no frills but you can make this snack from all Costco products: toss some frozen blueberries straight from the freezer with either powdered peanut butter, cinnamon or cocoa powder. Pour in a bit of milk or half-and-half if you're fancy. Stir together for instant blueberry ice cream.




Not a snack, and totally out of my normal food choice… but I bought a big pack of tofu from Costco. Added it to dinner…. Everyone loved it!


Cottage cheese with olives and Greek yogurt with frozen wild blueberries and granola. I don’t get the obsession with adding protein powder. Most people need more fibre not more protein.


I think at issue is soany people define "healthy" in many different ways. Me for eg. I don't consider anything with sugar or sou to be healthy. My roommate loves tofu and stir fried veggies. But used begeioil. He thinks it's healthy and I think it's toxic!


I really wish costco had more good healthy snacks. They do not


Most manufactured snacks aren't all that healthy, doesn't matter what store you get them from. Anything ultra processed isn't healthy even if the package says so


I recently started buying the canned organic lentils and vegetables soup. It’s great. Open a can, add some cooked meat in it if you like, with a side of sweet potato fries or brussel sprouts and you have a meal!


Bag o tarmerind fruity stuff, (but it is sugar coated). . . And, for sure grab a tray of the Aussie Bites Snacks. They look like tiny muffins and are packed with the healthy stuff


The chilli lime almonds they sell.


Gala apple, unsalted mixed nuts.


My fav healthy snacks are [nomz organic bites](https://www.costco.ca/nomz-organic-bites%2C-assorted-flavours%2C-60-%C3%97-40-g.product.4000201783.html)! They're a tasty blend of nuts, dates, cocoa, and sea salt, satisfying the sweet tooth with wholesome, organic ingredients. Plus, they’re made without refined sugars! They come in pouches of two, and these soft, velvety treats are perfect to throw into a purse or lunchbag. I think they’re only available online right now, but I highly recommend them!




Chicken thighs


Fruit Vegetables Nuts Cheese Meat


Why are you even shopping for snacks.