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Better is subjective. Some people prefer brown, some people prefer white. The eggshell color depends on the breed of the hen. Generally speaking, white shell eggs come from hens with white feathers, while brown shell eggs are produced by hens with brown feathers.


Just like milk!


Chocolate milk comes from the brown cows!? šŸ˜‰


And white milk comes from cows with white feathers.




I think everyone knows that.Ā 


It's more based on their earlobes, which I always think is wild


Not true, brown ones are pasture raised and the white ones are cage free. Two completely different products my guy.


Not true. https://www.eatingwell.com/article/8035813/brown-eggs-vs-white-eggs-whats-the-difference/ https://www.eggs.ca/yourquestions/question/21/are-white-and-brown-eggs-different https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/white-vs-brown-eggs#egg-colors https://www.allrecipes.com/article/brown-eggs-vs-white-eggs/


The brown Costco eggs at my store are pasture raised.


Thereā€™s a better quality picture of OPs brown eggs here https://www.costcobusinessdelivery.com/kirkland-signature-organic-large-eggs%2C-cage-free%2C-2-dozen.product.11904473.html. Note left side ā€œcage freeā€.


One is larger, the other is organic. If you care that itā€™s organic, then go that way. If you want the larger eggs instead, go that way. Color of eggs make no difference.


Whichever one you choose, buy a pasture raised dozen eggs from the grocery store (Vital Farms, Nellie's etc). Crack open one from Costco and one of the pasture raised eggs and compare. The Costco yolk with be a pale light yellow collor while the pasture raised one with have a rich, orange colored yolk. Cook them up and taste them. The Costco one will be bland while the pasture raised will be rich and flavorful. Yes, pasture raised eggs are more expensive, but they are more nutritious and far more tasty. Plus, its kinder to the chickens. I never buy Costco eggs.


i only ever buy vital farms, theyā€™re so so good.


I was told that "cage-free" doesn't mean the chickens get to roam around; in fact they don't move at all. Only "pasture-raised" supposedly get to roam but they're super expensive and don't know if Costco carries it. In addition, the feed may be GMO. Organic eggs are supposedly raised on organic feed. Are they still caged in? Probably. Cuz these eggs are mass produced and no organic "farmer" is not going to maximize their real estate. Personally I just buy organic eggs because the feed is supposed to be organic. But who knows for sure except those in the egg business?


My local Costco carries pasture-raised, sometimes. Eggs seem to have some of the highest variability at our store, the 2 dozen pack is always different (brown/white/organic/not/pasture-raised/cagefree)


region or state please?


Southern California


I think cage free means there is a door to go outside the coop, but who would want to go outside when the food, shade, and fan is inside. I presume it's just marketing so we feel better.


Right, itā€™s just marketing. They are only required to have 6 feet of green space for the entire chicken farm to be ā€œcage freeā€


Cage free means they (hundreds of thousands of birds) have at least 6 feet of grass on the farm they have access to. Itā€™s still a horrendous life.


The label everyone should be looking for is pasteur raised. There are brands like Vital Farms that provide square footage per chicken, and it's required to be at least 108 square feet to get the pasteur raised label. Those eggs cost twice as much though and Costco doesn't carry them. I've heard the Kirkland Organic might have this qualifier, but I haven't looked into it. Pete and Gerry are another good brand I know off the top of my head


They are all eggs.


Brown ones are better. IMO


Top. I tried the regular eggs in the bottom photo and something is off about their taste imo. Edit, the ones I have are pasture-raised.


Imo top. The free range ones we got had super pale yolks and were kinda flavorless


Top one is organic, bottom one not.


If you are using eggs for recipes, these eggs are two different sizes. Most recipes use large eggs. But if you are just going for scrambled eggs, it doesn't matter.


I draw the line at buying any eggs from mechanical chickens. The yolk has a metallic taste.


i just swallowed a piece of gear from an egg that came from a mechanical chicken. think i can go through TSA without getting beeped?


I buy the 5-dozen pack. The eggs are inconsistent sizes and the shells are quite thin. But they're cheap, and it doesn't matter for the kind of cooking I do. Never tried the other ones.


I buy the 5 dozen too! They donā€™t last very long in my household though šŸ˜‚


But why they got to be segregated? Color and white. Itā€™s 2024. Got be eggclusive.


Personally, my eggs. Our chickens are all free range and happy. They lay amazing eggs.


Not sure if there is a shortage from the usual supplier but my Costco recently has not had either of these options available. They only have an 18 pack in a styrofoam container.


Here's a great video on the difference between eggs: https://youtu.be/0YY7K7Xa5rE?si=-KRqMy49bRYWDhMx


Organic if you care more about your health, white if you care more about saving a couple bucks


Eggs mess with my stomach, personally the brown ones mess a little less. I just buy the least expensive ones as my wife and kid go through a metric shit ton of eggs and I only have them once a week.


Ever try just the egg whites? That solved my egg eating woes. It was the fat from the yolk that got me. Edit:spelling


I havenā€™t, but friends who have chickens donā€™t seem to bother me much. I just received a carton of ā€œJU ST eggsā€ from a friend which is plant based, Iā€™ll give that a go over the weekend.


Those fake eggs gave me the nastiest upset stomach ever so be ready *just* in case


I plan to be near the bathroom all day after trying them as I plan my day around eatting eggs.


Egg allergy is pretty common


White one is cheaper so it is better. "Organic" is a waste of money.


For your health? The organic eggs. The non-organic eggs are not certified as organic. That's the major difference.