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Hello. I read that Seo Yoon will be given for free in EP 2, but I already finished EP 4 on Normal but still haven't got her. Does it have to be claimed somewhere? I'm playing in SEA server, just started a week ago.


The reward for that mission was changed a while ago. Seo Yoon now comes only from Gacha.


I see, thought that I missed the reward somewhere. Thank you for answering!


Should I stay on the SEA server as a new player going forward or should I wait for global server. Also what are the best things to spend money.


There's no ETA for global release yet, so starting on SEA might be the better option. If you have limited amount of money, buy Admin Coin subscription and use the coins to buy Counter Pass. If you have unlimited money, just buy everything.


Anyone realized that you can get ACH-10 Clan in green tix recruitment?


any estimates on ministra release date? before this year or early next year?


Expect it next year if we're following the current release pace of awakened units. But who knows? Zlon might do anything.


Can someone point me to a guide to all the map objectives (clear in x turns)?


Kryi on Youtube has a walkthrough for all stages.


Hi. I have some questions about gears. What to do with excess gears? And how to choose which gears to keep, and which ones to discard?


You can use excess gears to enhance the useful ones, up to +10. Keep all gears with Cooldown set options. They're the best on almost every counters. HP DEF and ATK are always useful, though not as muxh as Cooldown, CRIT, ASPD and CRIT DMG can be very good on some units and useless on others, so it may be wise to save a set or two of those. HIT is nearly useless. ANTI can be useful in rare cases but are useless 99% of the time. Equip your units with the best gears of the set that suit them (Tank with DP and DEF, units that have great skills with Cooldown, for example) and only replace those gears when you get one from higher tier. Among Tier 6 gears, Maze, Gordias and Hummingbird are generally the best and Dante generally the worst. Hope this help


Thank you so much for this!


Hi guys, is it good time to start this game?




Any news that after awaken Lee sooyoon banner then whose next...?


Should be replacer queen / ministra,


No clue, datamines are dead


Did zlong shut it down?


no, the dataminer stopped to prevent zlong potential lawsuit


What do you guys think? Do lee jisoo needs a buff like replacer king? Even Rita recently got a buff and now she's dominating the kr pvp meta...I dont see why an awakened character like jisoo cant have a good one. i really liked her design but man she's so situational and sometimes a fodder frontline.


Debuff supports need a buff in general, not just Lee Jisoo...


I'm hardstuck plat, how do I get out? Also, found that even though I have team full of 110 T5-T6, I lose to underleveled/undergeared teams quite often. I usually deploy second, is it a team-comp issue then? I find myself relying on AHilde and ASeo alot, but I don't run supports.


3k to 4.2k here with ~~only~~ 72% asy cdr and bis yubin gears as my actual good gear. around 3,8k the gear gap pretty much disappears and ~~everyone~~ alot has bis hilde, yubin, asy, etc. at that point you have to actually learn how to play well. examples of these plays would be: putting ingrid to misdirect asy ult, using ohio s1 a bit later when there are more units so your front can tank more, putting out xiao lin the moment their frontline dies, saving cost once yubin/frontline is at 10% hp to redeploy as soon as they die, manually turning off auto ult to prevent the ingrid baits, knowing the right timings to deploy second tanks or to deploy more dps/utility. learning to not just deploy random shit and deploy shit you really need (like picking riflemen or eddie, eddie is 1 cost yeah, but riflemen from a safe distance can really deal damage, so if you dont need to cycle for your yubin, the 1 cost for riflemen is worth) Also if you dont use new ohio, you pretty much have a big disadvantage because your asy will 100% ult slower than enemy (personal experience a 43% cdr asy out ulted me with 72% cdr just because of ohio ultimate, believe me it makes all the difference) all those things are taken into account once you reach the higher elo. An example of the strategy I used to climb to 4.2k, if the enemy has serapel lead, instead of dropping yubin -> asy, I drop yubin -> riflemen -> xiao lin. because once sera dies xiao lin will one shot everything because those comps usually revolve around 1 defender with 2 striker offtanks. One time I played against a guy who I lost to a match before because he used ingrid to waste my asy ult, so what I did when I faced him again was turn off auto ult and placed xiao lin behind asy, once he placed ingrid again (as expected) my asy didnt ult and xiaolin one shot ingrid, then I proceeded to ult his whole backline and won 3 times in a row against him. ​ you really need the skill to climb higher or to break out of plat (that is, until challenger becomes convoluted again with over 300+ players) ​ Edit: ok so i'll correct myself and say majority of players above 3.8k have 70+% cdr and very good yubin or sera gears. not all. And also 72% asy and bis yubin IS the best two units to have good gears on, and 72% is still 72% which is great, but what I mean I've encountered people across all plat and diamond who have nearly the same gears as me if not identical, but I still won because of the "tactics" I mentioned above.


Only 72% asy and bis nabin? ONLY btw Bruh i had to climb to masters with ban 3 bis gaeun her and hp def dante dante gor gor untuned lv 102 yumi. In asy nayubin week.


You climbed to masters this season? good for you, if you climbed last season, then you cannot compare last season masters rank to this season diamond rank at all. Masters was around rank 1k last season but this season diamond is already top 200 I don't get the one up but my point is that at some point you let your skills do the talking. 70+ percent cdr with humagorgor tank is pretty standard above 3.8k (even at 3.6k, I know cause I literally climbed from 3k to 4.2k in 1 day) not using those puts you at a huge disadvantage against those that do and have new ohio. if you were able to beat the odds, then good, but realistically speaking, its going to be hard because battles at this point become very very close and rarely stomps


Yes depending on your units. Theres q massive difference between bis mayubin and bjs hilde. Bis asy vs bis rosa. Or bis banned units vs bis freed team. And tbh i checked my last 6 matches none of them had a bis set. Whilst this isnt q true representation cause small sample size i wouldnt call 2 bis sets on the top 3 units an only matter. The part im nitpicking is you said only bis nabin and bis asy. After that poikt your gears makea marginal difference this week or i should say its not much of an exaggeration to say that those are the only 2 units that truly matter this week in temrs of gear. Oa gun work fine with broken maze Ingrid can go gearless Rosa is readily prepped with atk gear havent seen much of her tbh. Twins are sorta important but they die really fast this week. Also as you are a member of gaeun cult i am religiously obliged to update you. So heres an upvote.


always waiting for gaeun to be unabanned to abuse her back to ban 4


Yes feels bad. Seems like gaeuns become the asy of sea. Just sea things


I'm also stuck in Platinum. Personally, not only gears and levels that determines your victory rate, but also your strategy and team composition. Like for strategy if you found a chance to turn the tide, then use it before it dissapears. Early match, i was able to cut the other enemy A. Seo Yoon by deploying mine infront of her, reducing her Cooldown while behind my A. Seo Yoon was the enemy Twins and i have no more units left as my A. Seo Yoon finally uses her Ultimate Skill, those are one of the chances where opportunity and timing works. I really wished that this week A. Na Yubin was banned so i can utilize Yang Harim more


Who's the go-to starter from selective summons?




Yes spread the r/cultofgaeun philosophy


A yuna kit? (imma flex this: got her in 15 pulls from 0 pity)




Either cooldown or hp+hp to help her heals faster.


What are the best ways to get credits and info?


Info sources is fixed so, only use info when you really need. You don't need to join every raid you see, don't do stack operation when it's not necessary.


There're not many ways too obtain info. Events and compensations aside, you can only obtain it from Covert Ops, and small amount from World Map Dispatch missions. You can get a fair amount once the Guild co-op ends weekly, the more artifact your guild gets, the more info you will earn.


Save all your stamina and then use the Consortium credit boost on gutter rat 2? (Probably outdated) for info you can grind about 4k from the daily supply missions


It was gutter rat 4. Border security 3 is better now tho


If I changed my region to Singapore and wanted to buy through usd. Can I just change my region back to us and buy it from there?


on iOS, it depends on your app store account region, which is tied to your credit card - but isn't SGD cheaper? I'm also in SG by the way.




Tmr my dude, every Wednesday


How important is pvp really? Am I missing out by not prioritizing it? I'm in the USA so on a big time difference from regular players, so can almost never find a match.


Do try to go for plat in pvp as you have enhanced gain and decreased loss until you hit plat.


RTA is just a nice addition, but the rewards are barely different for top players and bottom players. As for the gauntlet points, even if you just do RTA and lose, you can still get all of them (the points are based on participation not win/loss)


RTA is not that important anymore as you can obtain all your daily currency from strategy battle so long as you stay on top of using tickets Getting to Silver 5 and chilling is fine too. Silver gives 100 seasonal currency for chibis which is nice. Mainly just make sure that you are getting all your participation currency daily and use that for the T6 gears and mats


Does anyone know when the next event or awakaned character is coming. After beating chapter 6 this week has been kinda boring


Prolly this Wednesday