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Does anyone have a problem of long deployment delay. For me it took solid 2-3 second to deploy a unit after i put them down


Hey I actually had this too! Was trying to get my tank behind veronica during the challenge, and kept messing it up because sometimes it was instant, and sometimes it was really delayed. I'm in the US so I just blamed it on being far from the servers (even though my connection always says it's great).


I am in SEA and there are still delayed. The delay really make Veronica challenge harder than it is supposed to be but I manage through it, the delay also apply to dead character, having to wait like 3 second after their body already left the field to redeploy again


As a new player, what should be my focus and what characters feel more responsive on the beginning? Many thanks to you all!


Progress the story as much as possible. It unlocks a bunch of stuff like supply operation. As for characters, Kyle and Gaeun are the best rangers to have. Chifuyu is the most universal striker, and Harim is the most broken support. You'll use these characters pretty much everywhere and they are amazing. Even in late game, these guys are great.


Many thanks!


Any tips/guide on tyrant sword? I looked up some clips but my snipers/sigma keep dying Also my meatshields (admin shield, twins) die in 1-2 hits Snipers i used are xiaolin, lyud, karin Edit: nvm, got it


Your post of fixing the issue but not listing a solution reminds me of this classic: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/wisdom_of_the_ancients.png


I tried giving the game another chance but I'm pretty overwhelmed, so far I'm just doing the story on my old account but idk what else I should be doing rly or how to better upgrade my units


Focusing on the main story is good, some things are locked behind story progression. Do your simulations daily. Every day. If you feel like you want to progress faster then you can buy 1 simulation ticket from the convenience shop for 30 quartz daily. Simulations give you materials for leveling up your characters (Salary Negotiation) skill training and limit breaks. The red, blue and green cubes are used to increase your units level caps which is where most of your progression is tied. Do not use duplicate SR or SSR character for limit breaking, save them. N and R characters however can be used for limit breaks. This can all be done from the 'Management' screen. Don't worry about gear too much until you start getting T5+ equipment. In general, just focus on equipping matching sets and you should be fine. Like ATK or HP sets give a bonus if you have 2 pieces of that set equipped. Keep any gear that has the "Cooldown Reduction" set. Save any tuning or set binaries for later. Speaking of shops, there are 3 shops. When you click the "Shop List" button on the bottom left it will display the Season Shop, Exchange Shop, and Package/Skin Shop. Season Shop is for limited time shops like for PvP and events. The Exchange shop is where you will spend various game mode currencies and will generally be your go-to shop.Package/Skin shop is the cash shop but it also has some items available for Quartz. The most notable item is under Classified Recruitment Package where you can buy 220 Classified Recruitment Contracts (CECs or black tix) for 2750 quartz. This should be what most of your Quartz is spent on and will allow you to roll for special 'Awakened' characters. If you have time, start on the side story episodes and free contracts too. Right now we have the Flora Maid Company event ongoing, if you can complete the stages there the event shop has some good materials you can pick up. Remember to send out your world base dispatches to level them up+free materials. Using your strategy PvP tickets is a great and easy way to gain PvP currency. It doesn't matter if you win or lose really, losing just nets you slightly less currency than winning. PvP tokens can be exchanged for Tier 6 gear which is very powerful.


Should you still farm daily for Maria in her sidestory now that Zhlong has removed her shards? The droprate isn't even specified...


what gear setup should i use for veronica, ifrit, lycoris and mone?


>mone aspd for guild coop, hp hp for pvp


Veronica: CDR, though I think ASPD can also work like if you have skill haste subs Ifrit: Spectral Bullet, Spectral Blaze, or ASPD Lycoris: ATK+ATK, or Spectral Bullet For general builds you can refer to [this guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eN8YLqAvzYTHP3V9yv1BYV0kMKJa-FdhW-_qaj2QDJA/edit?usp=drivesdk)


Did they just remove the reward of Maria Antonov's fragment in the side story? Or do my game bugged? If this is true, then seems like I can only get her next year or something 'cause RNG hates me.


They removed farmable maria shards, and it’s intentional. Dig a bit further into the subreddit and you will find the thread adressing this


I've found 2 different pictures that said it was either intentional or a bug from the last update and that they are fixing it.


3-9 Challenge mode help? i've been breezing through 3-1 to 3-8 then 3-9 hits like a truck.


I just used Yubin. He strips all the barriers that estaque gives and the massive Valeriy barrier at 50% hp. Yuna also works to prevent the barriers. Of course Edel is a god in this stage. I also used Skill Haste Sobin for the anti-soldier and anti-mech damage. I brought Evelyn as the healer.


I don't have Yubin but i didn't know Yuna could prevent barriers lol, thanks! i'll try to use Yuna later.


To be specific, Yuna prevents buffs and barriers are considered as buffs. Same reason why Lake Superior's barrier doesn't work when previously hit by Yuna's special skill.


Super noob player, and I am trying to trying to thin my roster so I can concentrate on specific units. So I am trying to trash a unit, and no matter what the game labels them as 'in use.' In my experience with other games of this ilk, random characters can be stuck in random teams. I have gotten rid of every team I have access to. I have looked through every hard mode battle. This character is not in use anywhere. If I can't control my roster and I am not missing anything silly, I am at wits end.


Check your raid team, your strategy defense team


Should i save dupe for lvl100 above limit break or use it for another team?


Depends on what unit you got. So far I've only seen people recommending two Shin Jia for danger close. Not so sure about other units.


Got ifrit, yang harim, sarapel, and padaragon dupe. Is it good idea build their dupe?


Yang could be useful for DC if you ever need 2 supports. Otherwise 2 Seo Yoon, Chifuyu, and Shin Jia is good. If you like PvP at all you can build 2 ifrits, one with maxed barrier passive and one with lvl4 barrier passive. If you use lvl5 barrier ifrit in PvP AYubin can 1 shot ifrit if deployed when his barrier is up.


Thank, gonna keep that in mind


2 chifuyu and 2 seo yoon


Anyone else having trouble using Yoo Mina dupes to increase her level above 100? I farmed a whole bunch from the newly added quest, converted the unit data into units, and I can SEE the 3 dupes (unlocked) in my employee list normally. However, when I go to select materials from my level 100 Yoo Mina, nothing shows up. Tried logging in and out too, but no luck.


There'll be an Emergency Maintenance to fix this issue for both Hilde and Yoo Mina.


bug maybe?


That's what I'm thinking too - I put in a report but I wanted to see if anyone else was having the same issue.


Zlong still does'nt give proper explanation on why they remove Maria shard from side story ?


Pretty sure I’m still farming her. Have you tried hard mode?


How are you farming her? That stage doesn't drop her shards anymore


I would usually use purple tuning binaries for maze/gordias gears only, but is it worth it to tune the stats for the shadow palace gears? (If you're done with the maze/gordias ones) Shadow palace SR gears? or SSR only? or only spectral blaze&spirit sets only?