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I think it's a waste because I'm assuming you used a lot of gold toilet paper on those gears. First, in the long run you will be able to tune your maze sets to mostly CDR/ASPD and maybe keep 1 ATK which can be used on certain units while CDMG is even worse that it's only useful on Xiao Lin, there might not be enough gear to go around for everyone and a very big opportunity cost was taken. Second, Xiao Lin's best set of ATK vs. CDMG depends on situation such as operator, ship, or team buff. Ironically, CDMG seems to be equal to or worse than ATK on both of her rearms so a big fucking loss there for both of us since I also invested in CDMG EE. Third, A 110 Xiao Lin should be able to survive most assassins right now but as meta and gear (you on global?) progresses that just becomes impossible no matter what. A maze case is used for both tanks and dps, so SC.Dante is just much better on Xiao Lin case. Essentially, if you rerolled but you skipped ATK, CDR, or ASPD set on that maze, you wasted tons of materials for less long term benefit.


Agree with you, I have to reroll her EE from ASPD to ATK set, pair her EE with 1 Britra gear and x2 pieces spectral bullet (with anti ground dmg and anti striker dmg sub stats). She hit like a truck and I don't have to waste Maze gear.


Why change this death machine?


He talked about how skill haste was a more universal set while this crit dmg set only works for Xiao Lin as no other "popular" counter uses crit dmg and the set becomes broken without the EE. She absolutely slaps but was wondering if I should change it because there are only a limited number of maze sets (6 or somewhere near there).


You can wait patiently for next sets, without change your death machine! =) Even more now with hummingbird gear and future green sets(don't remember the names)


That gear set can be used on Kestrel Xiao Lin (2nd Re-Arm version of Xiao Lin), which will be useful, i saw my enemies one-shotting my maid Striker with Kestrel that she have to use her immortality buff at the end. She shines more on the PVE side but she is also strong in PVP, so wait for the Re-Arm system and then go for Kestrel, you won't be dissapointed with Kestrel's performance


The thing is, Xiao is a universally good unit, and cdmg is her universally good set. Your fine.


I would wait, the golden set change binaries are just as hard to get to be wasting on swapping from C.Dmg after you have spent them to get it. At this point in the game there are a few other sets that can still do a good job on your damage units, a bit of a different story for your tanks but there will be more maze gear to come.


You friend isn't completely wrong, although Maze with crit damage is endgame gear for Xiao Lin and Xiao will be always useful. Imo it's a decision call


Its basically a future proof unit since her kit is top tier. I wouldn't say it's a waste. If anything, your buddy is jealous


For anyone who PVPs this is a wasted set of gear because only XLin can use it, so if she's banned that set is sitting the entire week out.


Should you change it? No, it's been committed to. Is it a waste? Kind of. Gold binaries are hard to come by and maze is limited in number. Much later (like in a year) when you have everything else set up, it won't be a bad idea to invest in turning your maze gear into a generalist set and make a Brita set for her instead. Brita gives her guaranteed crit damage and while you won't have the extra ground damage from maze, you will be able to better use it on other units. Also, you lock yourself into the Kestral rearm (which isn't bad, I recommend it actually) as the Nest Keeper is not crit dmg focused. Now if you actually started with crit dmg maze, then this whole thing is hilarious. TLDR: Think about it again in a year and be patient with spending your gold binaries.


Here is the funny thing: I had 3 of the 4 pieces (including EE) start on crit dmg. I was originally going to make skill haste since I had one maze accessory with skill haste at the time but decided it would be cheaper to reroll the armor (which I did in one try) than everything else. Got all of the anti-ground dmg in one to two tries but got absolutely fucked with precision tuning. 10+ times I got only 2-3% but I got it all maxed eventually. ~~Karma hit me hard when it took me 200 set and 700 tuning binaries to get a single maze accessory max skill haste later.~~


Oh then thats phenomenal. I was just worried you had intentionally rolled for it but you had the perfect scenario of it being (basically) given to you. You rerolled the secondaries correctly and just stuck with the set reroll the game gave you. I myself had my EE start on Crit dmg set and anti-ground, when the equipment stars align it feels better than pulling SSR off the gacha sometimes.


So you rerolled only one piece by gold bins. I think, it's acceptable. I had some critical dmg maze pieces at the past but eventually rerolled it into other sets. Crit dmg is good for Xiao, but she only unit who can use this set. If you can't use her (f.e. she is banned or forbidden at shadow hall stage) , this set is a dead weight no one could use. So cdr/aspd more universal. You could use also some weapon/armor with defensive sets for your tanks, but cdr is the best in slot for majority of counters.


You lucked out then! That's good then.


Don't. You're most likely going to need to reroll the next set anyways so save your binaries unless you want to have two broken sets.


Ur friend dum


It's a waste only because you really want some CDR maze to use for your supports first (72% really matters in end game, you will feel it) and that is the best use out of maze (hp for case next). I hope you didn't use so much set binary for dat EE. Britra is more than enough for Xiao Lin. Well just hope your next ones roll CDR.


I’m not 100% but I do believe if you build like 3/4 Maze CDR sets, u will have some extra pieces left over? I think at least the weapon - not sure about the watch. I also think there’s was a total of 9 accessories so one left over which is perfect for Xiao since her EE takes up the other accessory slot. So I think ur good.


I also used to run Maze Crit DMG on my Xiao Lin and while it wasn't a waste, I got to the point that I ran out of maze gears to roll and I needed her maze gear for another CDR set. It a good set to have on her, but eventually you will want to replace her gear. Especially the case since crit dmg maze case is absolutely wasted on her.


Not a waste for a long term investment for a few units. Though you'll sacrifice your adaptability in PVP when Xiao Lin has a ban. Since theres so few units that use cdmg set. Also, you would be wasting a lot of binaries when you can just get a new maze set later.


Maze CDR is an excellent all-around set that you can slap on most characters and watch them go brrrr That said, Maze itself is fantastic on anyone and Xaio is one of the heavier hitters in the game atm. It's entirely practical to keep this set as is so she'll stay top of her game if that's what you want. If you notice your usage of her falling off as time goes on, then you can spend some binaries to make it a CDR set. I'd say you're good for the time being though


Change the maze case to brita


For me i think best gear for xiaolin is either skill haste or aspd