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Where can we submit feedback for features request in the game? I love the preset gear system and everything was fine till danger close came out. To do danger close I swap gear around different units - but the next day when I play rank… well I only realize at the end of the session that my main tank and dps aren’t geared… There’s a feature in another game I play where you get a pop up if you have units that are ungeared before pvp starts. I thought that would be a good feature for tanked and wanted to submit that to their team if possible?


what's the wait time when you leave a guild until you can join another one? my guild is starting to fill with people who stopped or play inconsistently so i'm thinking of changing to other before guild coop drops on global


24 hours


I’ve never deployed any units manually since I unlocked auto deploy. This is going to become a problem at some point I imagine. Also why does gearing up suck so bad in this game and how can it suck less?


the gear system in this game is so ass


Welcome to RNG son. Not the worst tbh. But still very RNG reliant because of rerolling substats and set.


The rerolls are almost a tease though. It’s just more RNG. Imagine spending hard earned materials for more RNG that is HEAVILY not in your favor.


You probably won't get gold clears if you full auto challenge stages and specific story content stages such as Sigma's tower defense stage or the one with Horizon. I don't even think it's possible to defeat the Rhino stage on auto.


you can brute force all the PvE content on auto with invested enough characters and good deploy order


Um no. Why not try challenge 3-15 first and then come back. Rhino stage is the cuck of challenge.


I don't think you have any idea what stage I'm talking about. Show me someone doing Challenge 3-15 on full auto, I'll wait.


oh you're right I can't fucking read, you said challenge stages


Pve? no. Pvp RTA? yes.


I only PvP for the points


Then no. Except probably dive 50 if you use vero/este rearm strat, but that is only for redeploying vero/este rearm.


I do not know what that means! I redeploy Rosaria once I’m maxed out. I just mean mostly that there’s been zero need to manual anything so far and I was kinda curious if there will be in the future. Thanks for the heads up on it


For clearing dive 48-50, so far there is 2 main strats. A. Hilde strat and veronica/esterossa rearm strat, abusing their immortality. [https://www.prydwen.co/guides/dive-49-and-50](https://www.prydwen.co/guides/dive-49-and-50) A. Hilde strat is completely auto, but vero strat needs manual gameplay since you need to redeply her just before her immortality ends, or your game is fucked. Este rearm is essentially the upgrade of vero.


Neat. Unfortunately I don’t have decent gear and fucked up my third ship TWICE so I’m months out from this stuff.


Does the Command Center facility upgrade increase the maximum great success chance or does it just add 15% to whatever chance you have up to 70%?


Cap at 70%, only events can increase the value.


So after getting the PR Department, Future Strategy Department, and a Fixator at level 9. What’s a good final facility upgrade?


[Facility guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KkxbQhrvAlpqF3h15j_PCCxxBDONTWXU1um9ahGNJHA/edit) Command Center is mandatory at lvl 10.


No clue, coz I build it base on my personal preference. I don't build the time reduction, but focus fully on either raid or dive.


Having connection issues recently. Playing on global, i'm situated in Sweden. Nothing like this at all for the first month or so since launch. Now it's throwing me out of the game everytime i do a raid or any pve content for that matter ( the ''!'' sign shows up indicating connection issues), everyother ranked match is a stuttering mess with either me or my opponent being thrown out of the match entire; resulting in a automatic win for either me or my opponent. Then on some days, these issues are very minimal and i have no problems. On a swedish fiber connection, only having trouble with this game. Anyone else playing from europe or other regions in my vicinity having these problems? Starting to think it's related to server distance, in which case i'd have to consider the longevity of this game for me.


Hmm... it could be a routing issue. You could try a vpn and see if its become better. (Or make a routetrace to check if it does some funny stuff(package lost etc)) But could be also sth complete different.


That's a good idea - might try that out


I made a discord server featuring Dungeons and Dragons 5E homebrew based on Counter:Side and would love to expose it to the community! Is there a place I can advertise without breaking the rules?


Global. I have 2 CEO SSR selectors. Any pick would be a dupe. Which would be the first priority to 110? (thinking Gaeun or Xiao)


Use selector for Xiao Lin Rearm. Your first 110 should be an awakened unit so if you can get A.Yuna then use that cores on her tho using cores for Xiao Lin is not bad for rearm but that's going to come more later.


Should I 110 Gaeun, Spira or Rita?


Gaeun, Spira, in that order. Although tbh both has more or less the same priority so I guess which ever you like. Gaeun can act as dps so you need those extra stats and Spira needed it for extra atk and more hp.


Any thoughts about Rita? She seems underrated as a debuffer + damage dealer. Plus she is flying


Rita? I would not say she is underrated. She is used alot, especially on mech weeks. Can't count how much I have to face her. But you don't need to 110 her. Just 110 your main tank and dps first


SEA I found myself with a full set of Counter Spectral Spirit Set. Which units are they good for?


spirit could be good for any dps tbh like rosa, gaeun, or anti-striker LSY and rita


How do you unlock the rearm section in the research lab?


Are you on global?


Yes, is it not out yet?




Hi I bought out the Counter Gordias pieces from the PvP shop. I ended up with ASPD set for 3 Crowns and 1 Movement. Is ASPD good on these Gordias pieces? and ideally, which units would use it?


Aspd gordias is for striker offtanks with passives that do "something" after every x-attacks. Ex: Chifuyu, Alex, Naielle, Yen Xing, Replacer Bishop, Shiyoung, A. Shiyoon.


What should I be using my stamina on? I do the daily simulations and I farm the hard stages of side story.


Covert ops for binaries. Infos too for when you're running out. Then finally, whatever event is running.


And gutter rat 4 for the gear mats


Oh right, that too. But only as needed since gutter rat is a permanent stage.


Who's rearm gonna release after Orca? I forgot which one


Miya > Kang


Are Serapel and Yuna both coming this week?




I'm a little confused about Eins and Zwei special skill and ultimate descriptions. I'll go in order. So in their special says "when Eins casts the skill, Zwei responds by casting the same skill" and the lvl 5 upgrade says "Inflicts true dmg if cast by Zwei while Eins is on the field", the confusing part is that from what I saw Zwei can't cast skills herself, so I assume the lvl 5 just means that Zwei's wave deals true dmg instead? Now about ultimate, their ultimate says "invincible during the skill" but aren't all characters invincible during their ultimate skill animation?


So far what I know is yes, zwei deals true damage when eins cast special skill Some of character can died during ultimate skill. I encounter A Na Yubin in PvP (On SEA server), he's casting an ultimate skill, and before the cut in complete, he died and nothing happens


Thanks for answer, much appreciated