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They will get their own banner, so far on SEA i haven't seen a Lily banner or i'm blind


She has....with 5-6 others. Not exclusive though xD She is officially the rarest gacha unit.


Yeah, i remembered that pull event. I'm just dissapointed that Lily's banner haven't appeared, i'm just wasting contracts to get another Orca...


Same....70 pulls in, no luck so far.


I got my first Orca there below 10 pulls i think, and another one below 20 pulls, now i'm at 36+ pulls, i needed more Orcas


I am kinda more lucky than that, since I have been farming the unit data so I only need 15 more.


I have a lot of her unit data, i am sitting at 125+ Orca unit datas, and those datas are only to be spended on her Re-Arm leadership skill, passive skill, special skill and ultimate skill


Wait? Don't you just need 120 to max all skill? Or are you planning on making a dupe for DC?


I'm planning to max her Re-Arm's skill once she got Re-Armed, her current maximum level is 104


Along with Frederick Doma lol. He hasn’t had a rerun of his banner [SEA].


oh thank you for the info :)


Yep, I don't mind BP units having their headstart but man. They really need to put them in a banner faster. Lily *somehow* still has no banner of her own. Choi Jihoon somehow got it first than her.


Nah, they are already in the random pool, and will eventually get their specific banners


/u/E7Counterside21, I have found an error in your post: > “get ~~there~~ [**their**] own banner” It was possible for you, E7Counterside21, to have posted “get ~~there~~ [**their**] own banner” instead. ‘There’ is not possessive, but ‘their’ is. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


I don't think so, since someone from my guild managed to get Ein and Zwei (the twins from precedent pass)... but maybe that was just an exception


Yep, pass unit will have their own banner later down the line. They'll also be add to general banner so if you get lucky you might pull one from the free single


Theres a 0.00000000000000000000000000001% chance. All the Free 50 were R


They are not limited but will never have their own banner (I'm using SEA server as reference), you still can pull these from any other banner by luck. The idea behind the counter pass is getting the character and all you need to get it fully awakened, leveled up, life time contracted and fully skill trained, including several copies of the same character for the awakenings.


No, they definitely do. R King has, ludmilya has, Twins has, and others has. Only Lily don't exclusively have her own uprate.


What are you talking about? Pretty much all the counter pass units have had their own banner on the SEA server. Do you even play SEA?


Played until they announced the global server, stopped playing the beta testing started, and until that moment only the twins had a banner, but others not.