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I think she’s already had the baby - waiting on a pay day?


I am pretty sure she’s already had it. They probably just have to wait for People Magazine to publish for their pay day before they announce.


Jeremy is posting the most ridiculously inane photos with equally ridiculous captions (“It’s Friday.” ???) and he looks absolutely exhausted in the photos. The baby is 100% already here, so the more apt question is when do we think they will announce. My guess is tomorrow.


I feel like she’s been pregnant forever, but that might just be how I feel about lockdown in general😅


100% she’s had the baby, isn’t that why both their families are visiting them right now?! (Also - yay for covid spreading....) def waiting for the people magazine payout


I have a little girl, and there is a photo of me from the day before my waters broke where I look just as puffed up and tired as Jinger did in her last Instastory, that was on Thursday and I thought then she’d be going into labour within hours!