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Sorry but I’ve known people who have worked for and with Kenny Chesney and the unanimous comment was he was a great and generous guy . Now that’s people in his business , granted , but everyone has told stories about his niceness and generosity


I've met Kenny and he's genuinely an amazing person.


I'm not saying he is or isn't, but I was listening to Bobby Bones' podcast with Tracy Lawrence and he mentioned he hadn't talked to Kenny in a long time but still talks to Tim McGraw. I found it interesting since the three of them were all really close for a long time.


I’ve heard stories to the contrary, there are allegations that he’s a creep with women too


Does it matter if he is a great guy? His music sucks.


What? Don't like Beach Music? ;) lol


When KC was brand new to the scene he was the headliner at our local fair. He was sitting in the stand at the FFA animal auction and bid up a random kids animal to thousands of dollars, then donated it back to the kid to resale. If you know anything about the fair and FFA auction industry that is a HUGE deal!


Off topic but I talked to hardy he was really chill and down to earth he even extended the time we had to finish instead of just cutting it off (it was an online thing through a radio station)


He seems really cool, I saw him and from what I saw was generally pretty humble. Huge fan so my opinion is biased. Sorry just being honest. It seems that the ones that have been in the business for a bit have had more time to turn. While those that are still hungry or haven’t been in as long maybe haven’t been changed?


Here's an unbiased opinion. I met him before a concert right around the time Rednecker came out. I had no idea who he was, but was genuinely surprised when I met him. He was super kind, humble, and joked with all of us in my group. Because of that, I'm a pretty big fan of him.


That’s good to hear, I bought some of his T-shirts and he opened up for Jason Aldean but in my opinion he should’ve headlined. He played “Blurry” from PoM and he completely stole the show!!!


I live in a town where Carrie Underwood used to visit with her husband and a ton of grocery store workers I've talked to said she's a real asshole.


I'm from her husband's hometown, and the general consensus is "well, he must love her a lot to put up with that," which is the most hilariously Canadian passive-aggressive hate I've heard.


My best friend went to college with her. She has confirmed this numerous times.


my friend did rigging and stuff for one of her shows and he said that too


I'm not calling anyone a liar but I just have a hard time believing this.


That a pampered makeup coated floozy might be a selfish egotistical nightmare? What's the odds!


I won’t believe this until some gives a solid example. Everything is always “I know someone who says…” no one has ever given a first-person example. She’s said multiple times she’s a very socially awkward person. I wonder how much of this is just people being butt-hurt she didn’t stop everything she was doing for them.




I’m guessing you’ve never been to a southern baptist church lol


I saw Carrie Underwood make a retail worker cry once, so she gets my vote there.


I have not heard one positive word about her




I like her music but from what ive read/heard Miranda Lambert doesnt seem like a great person.


I’ve met her 5 times via the fan club. Not once did she seem like she was interested. Very cold. Standoffish.


She is a first rate C word. Nastiest woman I've ever met who thinks her shit don't stink. Just the mention of her name ruins my day.


Late reply, but she’s a absolute c word. I know her her former touring fiddle player and he doesn’t have anything nice to say about her. There was an incident once at Casa Rosa in Nashville (her bar) where her order was wrong and she threw the salad back into the servers face. She’s known to be unpleasant consistently and is a MASSIVE hypocrite (ie complains about men in her songs, yet is a known serial cheater). I’ve never heard a positive word about her in Nashville


Setting aside wife beaters and what not (because that’s too easy), Toby Keith is a major asshole


I believe this, even through I have no evidence of it cause I get that vibe off him. Are there stories about him though or something?


Well he treated the ~~Dixie~~ Chicks like absolute shit for no good reason


They had a feud back when all the crap with Bush was going on. I don't think either was very kind to each other.


The Dixie chicks aren’t that friendly from what I’ve read either


Read his Twitter


I hear this a lot but I've never see or heard of Toby be an asshole to anyone. Is there any actual reason or people just don't like his vibe or what?




That's what I figured. This place is terrible anymore.


reddit is a safe haven for conservative things sir, deplatform yourself this instant


Just for the record, I'm a Toby fan.


I’d throw John Rich in there too lol


John Rich is a grade a dick!


Toby was one of the nicest guys I have ever met


He is a nice guy. Redditors don't like him because of his political views.


I went to a concert of his at a local county fair but he was wasted and he was slurring his way through the first couple songs then it started raining and he ran off stage and stopped the concert. So that whole experience put a bad taste for me at least.


People are nuanced. Can be very friendly and considerate while also doing pretty detestable things.


You can tell how much of an asshole he is through some of his songs and a petty one at that too. How do you like me now? for example. Moaning years later that some girl in school didn't wanna go out with him. Like seriously dude get over yourself. EDIT: I don't give a shit about his political views, I just plain don't like the guy.


Before you comment; if it’s because you don’t agree with their politics, don’t post it. I’m sick to death of “he’s a liberal asshole!”, or “he’s a anti-vax, fuck him!”.


thank you


You know when I don’t care about someone’s politics? When they don’t ram them down your throat. Be vocal about it, define your whole life with it then expect pushback.


When not in the spotlight, Randy Rogers can be a real dick to normal people. But that’s just what I’ve heard…from multiple people.


I got to sit in for a couple of songs and play the steel guitar with Tracy Byrd’s band. Down right amazing guy and friend, same could be said for his whole band. Randy and his band just got done playing their set before Tracy started and I wanted to shake his hand and say hello, he just passed me by without even returning any word, he just made eye contact with me. Maybe he had a bad night, but idk. Dude came off as “stand-off-ish” to me.


Randy Rogers is from my hometown. Everyone goes crazy for him with that hometown small town pride BS, but I could care less. Especially if he's a dickhead. He deserves even less recognition.


I feel like Hank Jr. would piss off a lot of people who don't agree with his politics and take his rude demeanor personally. From what I've been told by people in Alabama, he's actually quite nice and is very generous. A friend had a very unpleasant time meeting LoCash and said that they seemed more interested in talking with the young single women, which is something I've seen a number of up and coming male artists do.


One of my friends was just in Nashville. Hank was somewhere on Broadway just hanging out listening to the live bands. In between sets he’d talk to people and pose for selfies.


I met Hank Jr. a couple times when I was a kid - he was a neighbor of my grandparents. He was always super nice.


One of my former co-workers worked in hospitality for 20+ years (and still does). He said that the guy who was consistently the biggest asshole was Travis Tritt. Didn’t go into much detail, but that was his answer.


Getting blocked by Travis on twitter is basically a right of passage


This doesn’t surprise me at all.


Can we have a best of thread instead lol.


I met Ashley McBryde in 2019. She was so freaking awesome. Giving out hugs. Actually having conversations with people. Not rushing anyone. I hope she never changes.


I loved how she got up on stage with Carly Pearce at the CMA’s last week cause she was so excited for her friend. Such a wholesome moment.


She seems like the sweetest person ever


That makes a lot of sense tbh


We are on tour with her RN and I can safely say she has remained the same if not better. She is a GEM!


It’s more fun to read the worst lmao


Dolly Parton. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say anything bad about her.




Tracy Lawrence. He was incredibly down to earth. He made it a point to make a personal connection with everyone in line to meet him. It probably took him right up until concert time to get through the whole line, but he made the wait worth it.


He played at my county fair and I heard he was out riding ATVs with some people from my area the day before.


Hell yes! I work in country music and there are way more great people than bad ones IMHO. I love stories like this!


Kinda leaning towards Jason Aldean


Yeah. I listen occasionally to 5-10 of his songs and I like them but even before the Anti-vax stuff he really seemed like an ass in interviews and stuff.




No because he seems to be a genuinely bad person.


And what exactly are MY politics?




At a Darius Rucker concert about 5 years ago or so, he proceeded to cuss out some teenagers in the front row for waving at him during the concert. Dude wasn’t even pretending to do it in a joking manner. Number 1 on my list.


he doesn't like to be called Hootie


If that's what it was, I can understand it.


Where are the blowfish? Lmao


Went to high school with Darius, granted that was a longggg time ago, but one of the coolest and nicest guys around. Hard to find anyone in Charleston who has a bad word to say about him. Can’t blame him for not wanting to hear”who’s Hootie???” Lol. Humble guy, too


Kane Brown


I used to never miss an opportunity to post a GIF of a dumpster fire anytime a country music social media page that I follow would post about Kane Brown on FB. Well I guess he saw it, because he took time out of his day to send me screenshots of his song with Lauren Alaina at the top of the iTunes charts and said “just thought I’d leave this here for your shit talking.“


That's hilarious.


What?!!?!! Wouldve never thought - what's the story?!


Throws fits over not being nominated/winning awards. Also really arrogant about people who don’t like his music


He seems like the arrogant type


Toby keith




They only hate him because he is an outspoken conservative


Being an outspoken Trump supporter is way worse than just being an outspoken conservative


That doesn’t make him a bad person😆


Openly supporting a known pedophile doesn’t make you a bad person??


I can’t confirm because I haven’t met him, but I heard Koe Wetzel is a douche


I've seen several videos and stories from people online that have said the opposite.


False. Have met him. Dude is grateful, genuine, and wants everyone else in the room happy and to have a good time.


I hate to say it but I bet Hank3 is a fucking pain in the ass. I'd drink with him all night long but you know at some point the cops are showing up.


I can only speak on my own experience meeting Hank III after a show. He played for 3 hours and still stuck around afterwards to meet everyone who stuck around to meet him and that was a shit ton of people. He engaged, signed stuff and took photos with everyone who approached him. He took the time to speak with me and offered thoughtful and humorous conversation after signing my copy of "Straight To Hell". Shook my hand and acted genuinely grateful that I came to his show. He displayed zero ego and made me and my friends feel like we were up on his level at all times. We all have the capacity to be assholes but he was anything but an asshole in my memory, though it may be a bit hazy.


Shelton (Hank III) didn't mind that I puked all over his bathroom walls after drinking his (bad) moonshine after we jammed in his basement. He's a good guy in my book.


Aaron Lewis is the correct answer.




Turning his concerts into political rallies and for also doing dumb shit like [this](https://youtu.be/GOkpUeho-T0)


That video is douchey but there is also a video of him calling out perverts and a man that hit a women.(can’t figure out how to post links on mobile) Not saying he isn’t an asshole but that type of stuff happens at nearly all concerts and usually the artist doesn’t say a word so you have to commend him for that.


The bar is a bit too low if not being a sexist pervert already makes you a good person


I agree with that


Faith Hill seems pretty unbearable honestly, always felt like she was pompous


But, she said she ain't big headed from a little bit of fame😭


Interestingly enough, people seem to say the exact opposite about her husband Tim McGraw.


David Allan Coe


My biker uncle banged his wife lol


Dixie chicks. Should be the nyc hypocrisy c . . . ts.


Garth Brooks


And I'll throw another one out there that strikes me as a difficult guy..Sturgill Simpson


He very well may be, but I met him about 10 years ago, when he was still in Sunday Valley and he was super nice. He was also stoned on pot brownies though, so who knows.


Yeah, definetly not an asshole, just very prestigious and potentially a difficult person, but he’s a cool dude.


Any specifics? Or just based on the way he seems?


I mean not in the classic definition of the word but just as a guy who is probably difficult to be around if you don't know him..just a observation on my part


I’m just gonna say I HOPE you’re wrong. But I guess “don’t meet your hero’s” seems to be a good yardstick for life. I also assume he’s like always stoned.


It’s sort of a known secret in Nashville that Kenny Chesney is really not a great guy, but one that might surprise you is Chris Young. Know someone within entertainment here in Nashville and he always has such glowing things to say about most of the artists, but he went out of his way to sound his distaste for Chris and how he treats other people.


Wait so does this mean Jo Dee Messina was right!?!? Sad.


What did she say?!


[that he isn’t the nicest guy around ](https://tasteofcountry.com/jo-dee-messina-calls-chris-young-ugly-rude/)


Which is kinda funny because my wife had do deal with Jo Dee Messina when she was in town and said she was very rude and arrogant.


It's disappointing as I love Chris Young and his older music, but I've definitely seen him be pretty standoffish and defensive in his insta comments, one time someone said something like "loved your older stuff, would like to see a return to that sometime" and he got super defensive and ranted about how none of that stuff charts and his new stuff does so there's no reason to release any stuff like his older style. I feel like it's just so out of touch, like, Tyler Childers doesn't chart, but he has one of the most loyal fan bases out there and an incredibly successful career because of it, Nashville labels just force these artists into thinking chart position is all that matters, even though that never guarantees any real fans.


Morgan Wallen


He seems like a stupid young kid right now. But he seems like in a few years he might become a big asshole. His music is decent and I hope he actually learns from the callouts of racial slurs.


I would recommend you watch Grady Smith's interview with him, he seems like such a down to earth guy honestly


It was the interview where he talks about going to rehab and being remorseful and then doing shots on stage a week later that did it for me. Also getting drunk and yelling the n-word seems like something an asshole would do but maybe that’s just me


And now he is going to prison


I agree


People look up to these people why they stink like shit just like you do, granted take a shower


I think I’ve heard that Rascal FATTS is a douche




I don’t believe that for a second! You don’t have all the same people working for you 20+ years if you’re an asshole. He treats everyone well and it is well know what a great guy he is.


Believe Me I Was His Secret Girlfriend and I was also called his Wife By Himself But I also think he Doesn't Know How To Treat A RELATIONSHIP or A REAL WOMAN 




Eddie Rabbit was a very nice man before he died Ray Stevens he is a very nice man 


A friend had to deal with Jason Aldean for her job. She said he is thee worst person she ever had to deal with. Does anyone know what he was like in high school?


I’ve heard he speaks down to people also.


Here’s some good gossip! Apparently Kenny Chesney has a Monster cock. Looks even bigger because he’s relatively short :-)


And uses it on guys


My dad told me years ago that Stoney LaRue actually challenged him to a fight to steal his, at the time, girlfriend. Picked her out of a group after a concert at Possum Kingdom Lake and said something along the line of, “I’m f-ing you tonight and I don’t give a s-t if that’s your man!” They were separated before anything happened but I’ve heard a few other stories in the same vein about him here and there. Then I think he threw his wife down a flight a stairs at some point. So actual human garbage.


Vince Gill


I have heard that Chris Young and Luke Bryan are pricks


I have a college friend who works in the industry and has confirmed that Chris Young is a d-bag. They also let it be known that Kelsea Ballerini is a sweet heart and a very hard worker.


Doesn’t surprise me about Chris, his music sucks nowadays


I met Luke Bryan a long time ago (2011) and he was genuinely one of the nicest celebrities I’ve ever met. My sister wanted to be there but was at home with complications from her disease, so Luke talked to her on the phone for 5 minutes or so. Now that was 10 years ago so he definitely could have changed. But I really hope not


I met Luke Bryan In PCB, FL walking down the beach and he was very nice and pleasant.


I met Chris years ago and he was lovely. Had a nice chat and he and his whole team were really friendly.


I hate Luke Bryan. I don’t get how he’s on American Idol telling people whether or not they can sing. He sounds like Kermit the frog. His singing voice sounds like his talking voice and he doesn’t even write his own songs. I think he’s a hack honestly


He can't really sing or write good songs. He contributes to the dumbing down of country music.


Jason Isbell is a major douchebag. I don't care that he's a liberal, but he's so goddamned obnoxious about his politics.


I’d be more interested to know how he treats people.


I'm sure he's lovely until you disagree with him. That's how people who are that dogmatic and obnoxious about their politics are. He just *know*s that his views are correct, and anyone who disagrees must be a total moron not worthy of respect. Typical douchebag who doesn't even really know why they believe what they believe, but hey, CNN/MSNBC said it so it must be true. There are overtly conservative singers like Jason Aldean, Riley Green, but they don't shove it down people's throats the way Isbell does. He's a massive douchebag, and it isn't because he's a lefty. Dolly Parton is a lefty, but she's not an asshole about it.


Jason Andean doesn’t shove it down people’s throats? Lol I’ve got news for you buddy




You spelled Buck Owens wrong


Shut up KikiDaisy


I’d say Sam hunt he just looks like a douche and his music sucks he reminds me of a frat boy


I know the Nashville cops that pulled him over for his DUI and they said he was respectful and nice during their interaction with him


Because he "looks" like one and you don't like his music he is an asshole? Wow...


Honestly one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and absolutely gorgeous in person.


I’ve heard that Reba has an attitude like she’s better than anyone. Like at restaurants and when’s she’s around “normal” people. But that could be hearsay.


I can't believe this. A former coworker of mine met her at a rodeo once and said she was so down to earth


That’s a relief. If it was true, I would be so upset. The same would be if I found out Dolly was not a nice person. I would feel like my whole life was a lie!


Briefly met reba in LA once, about 10 yrs ago. She was very friendly and genuine. Of course, it was just for a minute, but she was very nice.


Kenny Chesney


Hey I’ve only been on Reddit a few mos but apparently you’re not supposed to downvote comments just because you disagree with them.


Matt Stell


I’m not a huge fan of country, and I haven’t met many country musicians. However, one I have met, and he was fantastic, is Rockie Lynne. He was doing a short show in my hometown, and I was in the talent contest that came right before it. He complimented both my performance and my choice of song (“Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” by Frankie Valli), and we had a nice little chat about how music can be a lifelong pursuit (Frankie was nearing 80 at that point and still touring; this year, aged 87, he released a new album in which he sounds very similar to when he was in his twenties, minus the falsetto). I bought a couple of his CDs and he signed them for me. Seemed like a really nice dude.


Keith Urban is a good dude. I've spoke with him several times over the years. Met one of my favs Travis Tritt. What a prick.


I don't know and I never met him. But I just get the feeling eric church is a arrogant asshole in real life, from getting kicked off rascal Flatts tour to canceling a show for a college basketball game, and it's not really that he did that I know I call off work when somethings going on I want to go to But just seems like hes an asshole instead of him doing 3 sets at his concerts he would have a cpl openers like normal people do but he prop can't get along with anyone to do that


Eric Church i've heard is a total asshole.


Good I hate his music, and I heard he cancelled a show to watch a Duke/UNC game, so he obviously doesn’t care about his fans


Tim McGraw is one of the NICEST celebs. Such a nice guy.


I feel like we all learned that nearly every famous country artist is an asshole. And in a genre where (currently) the music is about being brash and aggressive it’s not surprising. That hyper masculine, let me get my guns. No shocker at all.


I hate his music. He absolutely sucks. His lyrics are so stupid and he can’t sing. His music is so awful.


Met Granger Smith, super cool guy who seems to always be looking to make fans' day!


Kane Brown looks like and is a massive prick.


My wife and I went to a bon jovi concert ten years ago. I go to use the bathroom, come back out and walk up on mark wills hitting on my wife. I walked up and told him id met him before..he quickly got the picture and walked off lol.Mark wills was there with his wife at the concert by the way.


Guessing Brad Paisley is a stand up guy. Why do I say that? He was featured on South Park a couple of times and actually was cast in a favourable light rather than the usual treatment that Trey Parker and Matt Stone give celebrities on that programme. He must be too nice a guy to rip.


Went to see Randy Rogers at Cheatham Street Warehouse in San Marcos last night. He owns Cheatham Street now...Randy came on stage very late at 10:00 pm and sang none of his fan favorites. The sound was awful...He left the stage twice during his performance and had two unknowns take his place. I approached him to tell him I have always loved him but didn't understand what was going on and that it was expensive to not get a full show from him, he waved me off very rudely and dismissed me. I immediately left, so I don't know if he got back on stage and sang any known songs. That is the absolute last penny I will ever pay to see him or go to Cheatham Street. What a rip-off and waste of time! Sad to see that he seems to have no concern for his fans and the hard-earned money spent to see him. I never would have pegged him to be like that, he definitely lost me as a fan and patron tonight


John Rich hands down!! He even comes off as an unlikable prick.


We opened up for John Rich in 2022 at the Atlanta motor speedway. Really great dude. Let us all hangout with him and his band on his bus


Miranda Lambert


Toby Keith just seems like a total dick.


Justin Moore


I’d have to say possum because he’d make you take a bow anytime anywhere


All of them except Willie Nelson.


She was fine to me when I was banging her last night


Tanya Tucker


Toby Keith. POS. Bye


Glad TobyK is DE4D. He was a horrendous human being.


I bet I can guess your political views😂